单词 | 三藩 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 三藩 noun —San Francisco nExamples:三藩市 n—San Francisco n 三藩市—San Francisco (California) 三藩之乱—Three feudatories rebellion against Qing 1673-1681 during the reign of Kangxi 三藩叛乱—rebellion against the Qing of 1670s, pacified by Kangxi See also:藩—feudatory • vassal state • han, a province under a feudal overlord in premodern Japan • a pale • a fence (for defense) • a border
下 面的學校一覽表列出哪些 三藩市聯合校區學校在 2013-2014學年提供特別 日班。 sfusd.edu | The lists below identify the SFUSD school sites that will offer Special Day Classes in 2013-2014 school year. sfusd.edu |
三藩市身 份證提供一些折扣優待,同時可簡化 使用市政服務的方便。 sfimmigrantnetwork.org | The City ID also permits certain discounts and allows streamline access to City services. sfimmigrantnetwork.org |
正是亚裔美国人和华人以及其他移民的血、汗、泪, 为 三藩 市 、 洛杉矶、西雅图、芝加哥这样的城市的繁荣做出贡献。 embassyusa.cn | And it was the blood, sweat and tears Asian-Americans and Chinese, and other immigrants, that contributed to the prosperity of the cities like San Francisco, Los Angeles, Seattle, Chicago. eng.embassyusa.cn |
灣區一群西藏人,今天在舊金山(三藩 市 )中 領館外舉行抗議活動。 ktsf.com | Bay Area Tibetan people and supporters held a protest in [...] front of the Chinese Consulate today. ktsf.com |
以下是此類三藩市和州立計劃及其規定的詳細內容。 sfhsa.org | These San Francisco and state programs and their rules are discussed in more detail below. sfhsa.org |
新 開 辦 的 每 週 兩 班 往 伊 斯 坦 堡 的 A340-300 型 航 機 服 務 將 於 八 月 推 出 , 另 將 [...] 於 十 二 月 恢 復 每 日 一 班 往 三 藩 市 的 服 務 。 swirepacific.com | A new twice-weekly A340-300 service to Istanbul will be launched in August, and a daily [...] service to San Francisco will be resumed [...]in December. swirepacific.com |
例如,三藩市 地 區一家軟體公司的創始人,早在1997年就通 過向朋友和同事發電子郵件的方式,敦促人們 [...] 向自己所在地區的民選官員呼籲,制止對當時 總統克林頓的彈劾程序,向前推進(move on) 其他政治議程。 americancorner.org.tw | For example, the [...] founders of a San Francisco-area software [...]company began e-mailing friends and colleagues in 1997, asking [...]them to urge their elected officials to end the impeachment process against then President Bill Clinton and to “move on” to other policy issues. americancorner.org.tw |
最新的三藩市露宿者人口調查顯示,灣景區的露宿者人數增長得最快。 ktsf.com | According to the latest homeless [...] survey in San Francisco, the Bay [...]View district has the fastest growing homeless population in the city. ktsf.com |
於 2005 年三藩市商業時報提 名他是三藩市灣區最有影響力 的西班牙人之一﹐並獲十大灣 區地產協會頒發給他的總統 獎。 napca.org | He was named one of the most influential [...] Hispanics in the San Francisco Bay Area by the San Francisco Business Times [...]in 2005 and received [...]the President’s Award from Ten Bay Area Real Estate Associations. napca.org |
然后,他们留下来在金矿、木材营地中工作,还在西海岸的一些大城市中行商,从圣夫兰西斯科 ( 三藩 市 ) 到洛斯安吉利斯(洛杉矶)到西阿特尔(西雅图),当然,他们也在纽约这样的城市定居。 embassyusa.cn | They then stayed to work in the gold mines, the lumber camps, and actually served as the merchants in some of the great cities of the West Coast, from San Francisco to Los Angeles to Seattle, and of course they settled in cities like New York. eng.embassyusa.cn |
以芝加哥、洛杉機、紐約及三藩市為 出發地或目的地之乘客只可於航班啟航前24小時內辦理自助列印登機證或手機登機證。 dragonair.com | Passengers travelling to or from Chicago, Los Angeles, [...] New York or San Francisco can only issue [...]Self-Print Boarding Pass / Mobile Boarding [...]Pass within 24 hours prior to the flight departure. dragonair.com |
餐飲菜單按照加州政府、 美國農業部和三藩市聯合校區的健康政策的規定安排。 sfhsa.org | Menus are planned in compliance with regulations established by the [...] State of California and the U.S. Department of [...] Agriculture and the San Francisco Unified School [...]District Wellness Policy. sfhsa.org |
本地的供電 可靠性為 99.99%以上。相比其他主要城市,如三藩 市、倫敦、悉尼、首爾(漢城)和上海等地所達到的 99.95% 至 99.99%9 之間的供電可靠性,香港位列於世 界最高水平之內。 forum.gov.hk | We enjoy a high level of supply reliability that currently exceeds 99.99%, which is among the highest in the world, when compared to that ranges between 99.95% and 99.99%9 in some major cities such as San Francisco, London, Sydney, Seoul and Shanghai. forum.gov.hk |
拉博赫奇曾與不少頂尖樂團合作,包括以色列愛樂樂團、芝加哥交響樂團 、 三藩 市 交 響樂團及新澤西交響樂團等。 hkphil.org | He has collaborated with many world-class orchestras including the Israel Philharmonic, Chicago [...] Symphony, San Francisco Symphony and [...]New Jersey Symphony. hkphil.org |
根據 1951 年的三藩市條約,日本與美國簽訂了安保條約,容許美軍駐守日本。 hkahe.com | According to the San Francisco Treaty of [...] 1951, Japan concluded the Security Pact with the US in which American troops were allowed to station in Japan. hkahe.com |
Experian CheetahMail是Experian® (LSE:EXPN)集團旗下的業務,於1998年成立,總部設於紐約市,並於洛杉磯 、 三藩 市 、 倫敦、都柏林、杜塞爾多夫、阿姆斯特丹、巴黎、巴塞羅那、悉尼、奧克蘭、新加坡、香港、北京和墨爾本設有辦事處。 ipress.com.hk | Experian CheetahMail, a business unit of Experian (LSE:EXPN), was founded in 1998 and is headquartered in New York City, with offices in Los Angeles, San Francisco, London, Dublin, Dusseldorf, Amsterdam, Paris, Barcelona, Sydney, Auckland, Singapore, Hong Kong, Beijing and Melbourne. ipress.com.hk |
在過去幾年內,三藩市課 餘計劃的選 擇大有增加,而且它們之間有很多不同之處,包括在地點 (學校,社區中心,非牟利機構,遊樂場和康樂中 心;項目,(補習和幫助寫功課,戶外活動,藝術,等等);和在其他方面,例如﹕年齡,運作時間,取錄方 [...] 式,費用等。 pacsf.org | Over the [...] last several years, the afterschool program options in San Francisco have expanded, [...]and there are many differences [...]among them, including location (schools, community centers, nonprofit organizations, playgrounds, and recreation centers); focus, (tutoring and homework help, outdoor activities, arts, etc.); and other factors, including ages served, hours of operation, enrollment policies, cost to participants, and other characteristics. pacsf.org |
任何在過去三十天至少有十五天住在 三藩 市 的人士,均可申 請 三藩 市 身份 證。 sfimmigrantnetwork.org | Any person who has lived in San Francisco for at least 15 days within the last 30 days can apply for a City ID card. sfimmigrantnetwork.org |
有關創興銀行有限公司 創興銀行有限公司(「創興銀行」)(香港聯合交易所股份代號:1111)於1948年創立,現於 [...] 香港設有總行及46間分行,另於香港以外設有3間分行(分別位於汕頭、澳門 及 三藩 市 ) 及2 間代表處(分別位於廣州及上海)。 chbank.com | In addition to the Head Office in Hong Kong, CHB currently operates a network of 46 local branches as well [...] as three branches (one in each of Shantou, [...] Macau and San Francisco) and two representative [...]offices (one in each of Guangzhou [...]and Shanghai) outside Hong Kong. chbank.com |
三藩市家 庭托兒協會是本市的家庭托兒者組織。 familychildcaresf.com | Family Child Care Providers Association of San Francisco Membership Form familychildcaresf.com |
在加入宇東集團前,他在三藩市Dillingham & Murphy律師事務所擔任法律顧問,向大型、中型及新成立公司提供有關企業風險資本、交易、知識產權及商業發展事宜的意見,並重於中國、巴西及其他新興經濟體有關的事務。 bipasiaforum.com | Prior to joining Transpacific IP, Russell was of [...] Counsel for the San Francisco-based law firm [...]of Dillingham & Murphy LLP, where he advised [...]large, mid-sized and emerging companies in regard to corporate venture capital, transactional, intellectual property and business development matters, with an emphasis on matters relating to China, Brasil, and other emerging economies. bipasiaforum.com |
現為香港獨立自資劇團「好戲量」主席、「一毛製作」藝術總監、香港賽馬會創意藝術中心駐場藝術家,更是2012年「香港十大傑出青年」得主之一。電影話劇雙棲,曾赴印度參與《第五屆婦女劇場節》及做個人表演,並獲藝術發展局獎學金赴美國 《 三藩 市 默 劇團》深造;獨立錄像作品《笨蛋老師》、《馬檻》曾在香港、台北等地公開放映,更憑短片《1+1》獲多個獎項,包括「鮮浪潮2010——國際短片展」最佳電影及最高榮譽鮮浪潮大獎、第十七屆ifva比賽公開組金獎、印度第4屆CMS International Children's Film Festival最佳短片、入選第30屆溫哥華國際電影節等。 allaboutus.hk | Her short film “1+1” was awarded in several film festivals, including “Gold Award” in the Open Category of 17th ifva Awards, Finalist of the International Competition (Fiction up to 70 mins) in Mumbai International Film Festival 2012, Official Selection of 30th Vancouver International Film Festival, Fresh Wave Grand Award and the Best Film Award of the Local Competition Open Division in the Fresh Wave International Short Film Festival 2010. allaboutus.hk |
美國三藩市交響樂團於1911年成立,是美國其中一個最具藝術探索以及創新性的樂團。 yp.mo | Founded in 1911 by a group of San Francisco citizens, music-lovers and musicians, the San Francisco Symphony grew to become one of the most artistically adventurous and innovative arts institutions in the USA. yp.mo |
美日的特殊關係 表面上,美國是從日本撤退了,可是事實上它仍對日本的外交、對外貿易及軍事方 a. 《三藩市和約》的影響 美國在戰後努力為日本改善其國際形象及對外關係。 hkahe.com | After 1952, the US had retreated from Japan superficially. Nevertheless, in fact the US still had great influence on Japan’s diplomacy, military affairs and foreign trade. hkahe.com |
Stanford Hotels Corporation(前身為Stanford Hospitality)成立,總部設於三藩市, 專責拓展集團在北美的酒店業務,與希爾頓、Doubletree、喜來登、萬豪等多個國際知名的酒店品牌合作。 kwah.com | Stanford Hotels Corporation (Stanford Hotels Corporation previously as Stanford Hospitality) was established by K. Wah Group to develop its hotel business of in the US and collaborated with the world renowned brands including Hilton, Doubletree, Sheraton and Marriott. kwah.com |
三藩市是 美國西岸的經濟樞紐,美國第二大銀行Wells Fargo Bank(富國銀行)、最大的金融理財機構Charles Schwab(嘉信理財)、最大的信用卡公司VISA信用卡公司和最大的石油公司之一Chevron(雪佛龍石油)等很多重要的銀行和金融機構總部都集中 在 三藩 市 市中心金融中心,而AM1510剛好覆蓋市中心。 gestudio.us | The second largest U.S. bank Wells Fargo, the largest financial banking institutions Charles Schwab, the largest credit card company VISA, one of the largest oil companies Chevron, and many other major banks and financial institutions’ headquarters are concentrated in downtown San Francisco Financial Center. gestudio.us |
香港、吉達、約翰內斯堡、高雄、吉隆坡、倫敦、洛杉磯、馬尼拉、米蘭、墨爾本、莫斯科、名古屋、紐約、大阪、巴黎、檳城、珀斯、金邊、羅馬 、 三藩 市 、札幌、上海(虹橋)、上海(浦東)、新加坡、悉尼、台北、台中、東京、多倫多及溫哥華機場出發的國泰航空/港龍航空旅客及其同行旅客。 dragonair.com | Hong Kong, Jeddah, Johannesburg, Kaohsiung, Kuala Lumpur, London, Los Angeles, Manila, Melbourne, Milan, Moscow, Nagoya, New York, Osaka, Paris, Penang, Perth, Phnom Penh, Rome, San Francisco, Sapporo, Shanghai (Hongqiao), Shanghai (Pudong), Singapore, Sydney, Taipei, Taichung, Tokyo, Toronto and Vancouver, including those transiting in Hong Kong, can print a boarding pass online. dragonair.com |