单词 | 三菱 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 三菱 —MitsubishiSee also:菱—water caltrop • Trapa natans
日本东京三菱化学株式会社投建的高新聚合物工厂,主要生产 PTMG(聚四亚甲基醚二醇)弹性纤维,大量供应于中国纺织市场。 emerson.com | Mitsubishi Chemical Corporation, [...] Tokyo, Japan, is the majority owner of MCC Advanced Polymers (MAP), which will produce [...]PTMG fibers for use in China's textiles industry. emerson.com |
在 Nashabiyah 镇,一个武装恐怖团伙盗窃了属于 Salko 铝业公司的三菱小巴, 牌照号为 220084(大马士革农村省)。 daccess-ods.un.org | In the town of Nashabiyah, an armed terrorist group stole a Mitsubishi minibus, licence plate No. 220084 (Rif Dimashq), belonging to the Salko Aluminium Company. daccess-ods.un.org |
主要出口商分别来自韩国(LG、三星)、美国(开利、特灵)、日本 (大金、三菱公司 等)和中国(格力、美的等)。 multilateralfund.org | The other main players are [...] from Korea (LG, Samsung), USA (Carrier, [...]Trane), Japan (Daikin, Mitsubishi, etc) and China (Gree, [...]Midea, etc), from where the imports take place. multilateralfund.org |
跨骏已与其战略合作伙伴三菱树脂 公司一起做好充分准备,继续拓展其未来在市场上的领先地位。 quadrantplastics.com | With its strategic partner, Mitsubishi Plastics, Quadrant is well prepared to expand its market leadership position in the future. quadrantplastics.com |
参与此次交易的另外21家银行包括:Rabobank International、苏格兰皇家银行与苏格兰皇家银行(德国)有限公司、海湾第一银行新加坡分行、印度海外银行新加坡分行、卡塔尔国家银行新加坡分行、大华银行有限公司、澳大利亚和新西兰银行集团有限公司 、 三菱 东 京 UFJ银行株式会社新加坡分行、英国阿拉伯商业银行、中国信托商业银行有限公司新加坡分行、瑞弗森国际银行集团有限公司新加坡分行、东亚银行有限公司新加坡分行、天顶银行(英国)有限公司、巴西银行、台湾银行新加坡分行、恒生银行有限公司、泰京银行(大众)有限公司新加坡分行、兆丰国际商业银行股份有限公司新加坡分行、印尼国家银行新加坡分行以及阿拉伯法国联合银行。 tipschina.gov.cn | The 21 participating banks joining the Bookrunning Mandated Lead Arrangers in the transaction include: Rabobank International, The Royal Bank of Scotland plc and RBS (Deutschland) AG, First Gulf Bank PJSC, Singapore Branch, Indian Overseas Bank, Singapore Branch, Qatar National Bank SAQ, Singapore Branch, United Overseas Bank Limited, Australia and New Zealand Banking Group Limited, The Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ, Limited, Singapore Branch, British Arab Commercial Bank plc, Chinatrust Commercial Bank Co. tipschina.gov.cn |
本公司為台灣馬達第一品牌東元電機(TECO)之主要協力廠商, 及 三菱 汽 車 安全零件(轉軸)之主要加工供應商。 trade-taiwan.org | Main assisting company of TECO and main supplyers of car safety components for Mitsubishi. trade-taiwan.org |
在基辅和第聂伯罗彼得罗夫斯克举行的会议和会谈的一个结果是,乌克兰 国家空间局、Yu z hn y 机器制造厂、住友公司和三菱重工 签署了一项协议,规定 进一步探索是否可能在为风力发电厂制造风力涡轮发电机方面进行有效而富有 成果的合作。 daccess-ods.un.org | As a result of the meetings and talks held in Kyiv and Dnipropetrovs’k, an agreement providing for further exploration of the possibilities for effective and fruitful cooperation in constructing wind turbines for wind power plants was signed by NSAU, Yuzhny Machine-Building Plant, Sumitomo Corporation and Mitsubishi Heavy Industries. daccess-ods.un.org |
三菱化学 高新聚合物项目管理层要求,数字自动化供应商能够与其在日本的工程师以及在中国的工程公司共同协作,”艾默生过程管理亚太区总裁 Sabee Mitra 说:“而我们在中国具有强大的、实施大型自动化项目的能力,尤其在工作效率、团队合作以及竞争优势等方面拥有良好的口碑。 emerson.com | MAP officials needed a digital automation supplier to work as a team with engineers in Japan and the construction contractor in China," according to Sabee Mitra, president of Emerson Process Management Asia Pacific. "We emphasized our ability to implement large automation projects in China, and especially our track record of efficiency, teamwork, and competitiveness. emerson.com |
一个武装恐怖团伙进入 Mashikh 市政大楼,偷走一辆牌号为 489693/Dayr al-Zawr 的三菱牌双座皮卡政府用车,然后朝着不明方向离去。 daccess-ods.un.org | An armed terrorist group entered the Mashikh municipality building and stole a Government Mitsubishi double cabin pickup, registration No. 489693 / Dayr al-Zawr, before leaving in an unknown direction. daccess-ods.un.org |
聲明由哈拉爾德·福格特產品經理PLC / HMI /軟件,三菱電氣 歐洲BV,拉廷根的展覽主題“能源節約解決方案”和在電氣和電子產品為現代汽車,因為它們是,例如,安裝在該公司的電動汽車iMiev。 zh-tw.developmentscout.com | Statement by Harald Voigt Product Manager PLC / HMI [...] / Software, Mitsubishi Electric Europe [...]BV, Ratingen to the exhibition theme 'energy [...]saving solutions' and the electrical and electronic products for modern automobiles as they are, for example, installed in the company's electric car iMiev. en.developmentscout.com |
三星、三洋及三菱電子 選用IR的專利模擬集成電路及先進電路器件,以生產其全新等離子和高解像電視屏幕。 ipress.com.hk | Samsung, Sanyo, and Mitsubishi Electronics [...] chose proprietary analog ICs and advanced-circuit devices from IR to power their [...]new plasma and high definition TV displays. ipress.com.hk |
用户需要一台支持 3D Vision 的显示器,其中包括 120Hz 台式液晶显示器 [...] (例如宏碁、华硕、Alienware、LG 以及 Planar)、3D 投影仪、以及三菱 DLP 高清电视。 nvidia.cn | You need a 3D Vision-Ready display, which [...] include 120Hz desktop LCD monitors (such as Acer, SUS, Alienware, LG, and Planar), 3D [...] projectors, and Mitsubishi DLP HDTVs. nvidia.com |
常见品牌:法美巴西 泰康,法 美优乐,美 谷轮﹑ 布里斯托,丹麦 丹佛斯,意大利 恩布拉克﹑ 伊莱克斯,日本 日立﹑ 松下﹑ 东芝﹑ 三洋, 三菱﹑DAKIN大金,韩LG,中国春兰等。 czxueyuan.com | Brand: the common method of Brazil, France and the us beauty taikang superior happy, beautiful valley wheel, Bristol, Denmark danfoss, Italy grace, electrolux, braque Japan's Hitachi, panasonic, Toshiba, sanyo, mitsubishi, DAKIN, Korea's LG, China daikin chunlan, etc. czxueyuan.com |
财富500 强企业中有130 [...] 多家在山东建立了业务经营场所,其中包括壳牌、三星、联合利华 、 三菱 、 马 士基物流和伊藤忠。 australiachina.com.au | More than 130 of the Fortune 500 companies [...] have their business operations in Shandong, [...] including Shell, Samsung, Unilever, Mitsubishi, [...]Maersk Logistics and Itochu. australiachina.com.au |
財 閥 的 起 源 是 各 有 不 同 的 , 三 井 家 族 是 德 川 時 期 的 [...] 富 有 商 人 家 族 , 而 三 菱 則 是 在 王 政 復 古 以 [...]後 由 前 土 佐 武 士 岩 崎 彌 太 郎( Iwasaki Yatoro)所 創 立 。 hkahe.com | Their origins [...] were diverse, the Mitsui had been a wealthy [...]merchant house in Tokugawa times, whereas Mitsubishi was founded [...]after the M.R. by an ex-samurai of Tosa, Iwasaki Yatoro. hkahe.com |
比如,在进行项目投资之前,三菱 会积 极与各类利益相关者洽谈,从而不仅保证项目符合国际相关标准,而且不会对当地原 著居民和文化产生不利影响。 innocsr.com | The company also ensures the protection of the local culture by actively engaging with community stakeholders. innocsr.com |
三菱铅笔 的「JETSTREAM」是书写感滑溜的油性原子笔的先驱。 jp-hotnow.com | Jetstream, a dry-type oil-based ballpoint pen pioneered by Mitsubishi Pencil. jp-hotnow.com |
我們的努力也一直受到三菱慈善委員會電子研究實驗室(MERL) , 三菱 電機 ,埃森哲基金美國基金會波士頓大學和波士頓學院和波士頓大學的支 持與禮物。 cameramouse.com | Our efforts currently are supported by gifts from the Philanthropy Committee of Mitsubishi Electronic Research Labs (MERL) and Mitsubishi Electric America Foundation, for which we are most grateful. cameramouse.com |
象这样在泰国接受多家杂志社采访是第一次、但我们相信、利用这次机会宣布为泰国的印刷以及包装行业做出贡献、 是 三菱 公 司 以及 SM GRAPHIC CENTER 展示在泰国市场强大存在感的绝好机会。 mhi-ppm.com | While this marked the first time that MHI-PPM was simultaneously interviewed by multiple Thai publications, the occasion provided an excellent opportunity for both MHI-PPM and SM Graphic Center to convey their joint commitment to Thailand’s printing and packaging industries and to reinforce their strong continued presence in this essential market. mhi-ppm.com |
(a) 積極參與試用電動車輛:政府於本年五月開始,試用日 本 三菱 的電 動車輛,並將於七月開始,與深圳市政府一同開始試用深 圳比亞迪的插電式雙模混合動力車輛。 legco.gov.hk | (a) actively participating in the trials on electric vehicles: the Government commenced in May this year the trial on the electric vehicle from Mitsubishi of Japan. legco.gov.hk |
三菱電機 提出了他的新5,0英寸WVGA TFT彩色液晶顯示模塊的工業應用,包括崎嶇的戶外的應用。 zh-tw.developmentscout.com | Mitsubishi Electric presents his new 5,0 inch WVGA TFT color LCD module for industrial applications that include rugged outdoor applications. en.developmentscout.com |
语音技术总监,是 Dragon Systems(现在属于Nuance) 的早期成员,然后成为三菱电气研究实验室 (MERL) 研究员,在那里他是与卡耐基梅隆大学、Sun Microsystems和Digital Equipment共同开发Sphinx 4 语音识别引擎的核心成员。 zh.englishcentral.com | Director of Speech Engineering, was an early member of Dragon Systems(now owned by Nuance), and then a researcher at Mitsubishi Electric Research Labs(MERL) where he was part of the core team that developed the Sphinx 4 Speech recognition engine along with Carnegie Mellon, Sun Microsystems, and Digital Equipment. englishcentral.com |
这是阿波罗为三菱东京 日联银行提供的第二次PRINCE2培训,自去年12月实施培训以来,客户对于PRINCE2的项目理念相当认同。 apollo-training.cn | It was the second time that Bank of [...] Tokyo Mitsubishi UFJ invited Apollo [...]as their PRINCE2 training supplier, ever since last [...]December, clients are quite happy with the PM Core Concepts of PRINCE2 of Apollo. apollo-training.com |
另一方面,作为 DCF 分析的计算基础,日立电线向三菱日 联 摩根士丹利证券提供的收益计划,存在 预计收益大幅度增加的会计年度。 hitachi-cable.com.cn | Meanwhile, in the profit plan provided by Hitachi Cable [...] to Mitsubishi UFJ Morgan Stanley Securities as the calculation basis for its [...]valuation via the DCF [...]analysis, there were fiscal years in which profit is expected to increase considerably. hitachi-cable.com |
在世界各地,我們可以找到許多私人車主俱樂部(寶馬車主俱樂部,法拉利車主俱樂部,Mazda X5 車主俱樂部,三菱 Lancer 車主俱樂部,Smart [...] 車主俱樂部,本田 Jazz 車主俱樂部,等等)。 hkcarworld.com | As all around the world we can find many private car owner clubs (BMW owners [...] clubs, Ferrari owners clubs, Mazda X5 owner [...] clubs, Mitsubishi Lancer owners clubs, [...]Smart owners clubs, Honda Jazz owners clubs, [...]just to mention a few of them), also here in Hong Kong there are many people seeking for others with similar interest. hkcarworld.com |
另外,三菱日联摩根士丹利证券如下述(5) “为保证公平性的措施”所述,受日立电线董事会的 委托,于 2013 年 2 月 12 日向日立电线董事会提交了意见(公平意见),表明在上述前提条件和其他特定 前提条件下,从财务角度上看对于除日立电线的控股股东等之外的其他日立电线股东而言,本合并的合 并比例为合理的。 hitachi-cable.com.cn | Meanwhile, as described in “(5) Measures to Ensure Fairness” below, pursuant to a request from the Board of Directors of Hitachi Cable, Mitsubishi UFJ Morgan Stanley Securities submitted to the Board of Directors of Hitachi Cable an opinion (a fairness opinion) dated February 12, 2013, to the effect that the Merger Ratio is reasonable under the aforementioned premises and certain other premises and some reservations from a financial viewpoint of the shareholders of Hitachi Cable, excluding the Controlling Shareholders, etc. of Hitachi Cable. hitachi-cable.com |
(b) 加強與汽車製造商的合作:政府分別於本年二月及四月, 與三 菱及日產汽車就推動使用電動車輛簽訂諒解備忘錄。 legco.gov.hk | (b) enhancing cooperation with vehicle manufacturers: the Government signed a Memorandum of Understanding with Mitsubishi and Nissan Motor in February and April this year respectively to promote the use of electric vehicles. legco.gov.hk |
信越化学生产的硅材料,广泛应用于发光二极管(LED)、建材和化妆品等领域,在江苏省南通市的新建工厂近期完工,进入试运行,2013年初将投入正式生产,年产2.5万吨硅材料;三井化学与中石油合作,于12月在上海新建工厂,2014年开始生产橡胶树脂“EPT” ; 三菱 化 学 和住友化学增强在华生产树脂复合材料、电池材料、电子产品用胶片等;东丽在四川省新建在华第3家树脂复合材料工厂。 frpzl.com | More the letter chemistry produces of the Huo material be extensively applied to give out light realms such as diode(LED), building materials and cosmetics etc., in factory in lately setting up of province southern City, Jiangsu in the near future complete work, get into to try movement, will throw in formal production for 2013 the beginning of the years, the year produces 25,000 ton Huo material;Three well chemistries with medium the petroleum cooperate and lately set up factory in Shanghai [...] in December and start producing the [...] rubber resin"EPT" in 2014;Mitsubishi chemistry and [...]live friend chemistry the to build [...]up produce the resin compound material, battery material and electronics in R.O.C the product is used film etc.;The east is beautiful to lately set up the 3rd resin in R.O.C to reunite material factory in Sichuan province. frpzl.com |