

单词 三用表

External sources (not reviewed)

本报告附录二和附用表形式,基于 2010 年计划效绩报告所报告的 2010 年的结果和 2008/2009 计划效绩报告所报告的 [...]
2008/2009 两年期的结果,详细分析了与科技创新和知识产权相关 的千年发展目标需求/成果与 WIPO
AppendicesII and IIItothisreport set out,in tableform, adetailed [...]
analysis of the linkages between the STI and IP-related
MDG needs/outcomes to WIPO’s Strategic goals, the relevant Development Agenda Recommendations, the expected results and performance against those results for 2010, as per the 2010 PPR, and for 2008/2009 biennium as per the 2008/2009 PPR.
了两个预算期间的经常预算、预算外资源和其他 摊派用三经费分配情况。
Thetable below reflects the distribution of resources among the regular budget, extrabudgetary resources [...]
and other assessed
contributions for both budget periods.
至于风格方面,我们的创作灵感汲取自1980年代蔚为典范的海洋精密时计的精神,同时在腕表用三间的设计,” Papi作了进一步的解说。
As for style, we were inspired by the spirit of the marine chronometry
typical of the 1980s,
[...] while applying a three-dimensional design to the watchface,” explains Papi, without whom this extraordinary timepiece would never [...]
have been created.
倘该等 公司细则中关於股东大会的所有规定作出必要修订,亦个另行召开的股东大 会,惟所需的法定人数为不少於两名人士或由受委倘股东为法团,则作为有 关法团的正式授权有该类别已发行股份面值至一,及於续会上,不 少於两名人士或由受委代表(或倘股东为法团,则作为有关法团的正式授权代表)持 有该类别股份及该类别股份的任何持有人亲身或由受委代表出席者(或倘股东为法 团,则作为有关法团的正式授权代表)均有权要求投票表决。
To every such separate general meeting the provisions of these Bye-laws relating to general meetings shall mutatis mutandis apply, but so that the necessary quorum shall be not less than two
persons holding or
[...] representing by proxy (or, in the case of a member being a corporation, as the duly authorised representative of such corporation) at leastone-third in nominal value of the issued shares of that class, and at an adjourned meeting not less than two persons holding [...]
or representing
by proxy (or, in the case of a member being a corporation, as the duly authorised representative of such corporation) shares of that class, and that any holder of shares of the class present in person or by proxy (or, in the case of a member being a corporation, as the duly authorised representative of such corporation) may demand a poll.
秘书处答关于灵活用三淘汰计划预测模型的问题时解释说,这一模型 之所以灵活,是因为倘若该模型计算的 ODS [...]
最大剩余数量高于实际可以消费的 ODS,可 不必接受这一模型。
In response to a question
[...] on the flexible useof the model three-year phase-out plan, [...]
the representative of the Secretariat
explained that the model was flexible because the amounts calculated did not have to be accepted if the maximum residual amounts of ODS calculated by the model were higher than the actual eligible ODS consumption.
鉴于 可能存在的复杂性和可能发生的延迟,美国用三裁员的缺省规则。
Given the many possibilities of complication and
[...] delay,his delegation supported the defaultrule of three arbitrators.
会议还注意到,执行支助股及其他一些有能力的行为者曾三表协助刚果共和国查明疑似雷区存在杀伤人员地雷与否,但刚果共和国 并没有接受它们的帮助,也未使资源这样做。
The Meeting also noted that the Republic of the Congo had not taken advantage of the repeated offers of support from the Implementation Support Unit and other competent actors to assist it in clarifying the presence or the absence of anti-personnel mines in mined areas nor had it made national resources available to do the same.
(c) 列表决定中为界定《1971 年公约》表二表三质而使学命名和国际非专利商标 名,在作出这些决定时被认为是适宜的。
(c) The chemical
[...] designations and INNs used inthe scheduling decisions to define substancesin Schedules II, IIIand IVof the [...]
1971 Convention were
considered appropriate at the times when such decisions were made.
只有在申报日於地盘(包括地盘办公室)工作或受聘於地盘(包括地盘办公)或 以上的人士,才需要填写於用表527A号所属类别的人员数目内。
Only persons who have worked or engaged at the site (including in the
[...] site office) for three hoursor more on the reporting day are included in the GF527A.
[...] 表团对小组委员会第三十九届会议达成的一致意见(见 A/AC.105/738,附意,即各个国家间旨在静止轨道的协调都应以合理、公平 的方式进行,并应符合国际电联的《无线电条例》。
Those delegations expressed their satisfaction with the agreement reached by the Subcommittee at its
[...] [...] thirty-ninth session (see A/AC.105/738, annexIII)to theeffect that coordination among [...]
countries aimed at the utilization of the geostationary orbit should
be carried out in a rational and equitable manner and in conformity with the ITU Radio Regulations.
关於二 零零八年一月一日至二零零八年十二月三十一日期
[...] 间的核數检讨仍应在该期间完结後三个月内,根据 本协议表三D的规定进行。
The Auditing Review in respect of the period commencing from 1 January 2008 to 31 December 2008 shall remain
to be conducted within 3 months after expiry of that period in accordance with
[...] Section D of Schedule 3 ofthis Agreement.
Yanez-Barnuevo 先生(西班牙)联盟,候 选国克罗地亚、前南斯拉夫的马其顿共和国和土耳 其,稳定与结盟进程国家阿尔巴尼亚、波斯尼亚和黑 塞哥维那、黑山和塞尔维亚,以及亚美尼亚、冰岛、 列支敦士登、摩尔多瓦共和国和乌克兰发言,欢迎主 席团决定计划在本届续会现今阶用三期完成 委员会的工作,同时考虑到预计的工作量。
[...] speakingon behalf of the European Union; the candidate countries Croatia, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia and Turkey; the stabilization and association process countries Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro and Serbia; and, in addition, Armenia, Iceland, Liechtenstein, the Republic of Moldova and Ukraine, welcomed the Bureau’s decision to plan for completion of the Committee’s work at the current part of the resumed session inthree weeks, taking into [...]
account the anticipated workload.
这套实验用三同水平性剂(月桂醚硫酸钠、月桂基硫酸钠和椰油酰胺丙基甜菜碱),并在配方中含有不同的阳离子电荷密度(1.7和3.0m [...]
A design of experimentswas conducted
[...] by varying thelevelsofthree surfactants (sodium lauryl [...]
ether sulfate, sodium lauryl
sulfate, and cocamidopropyl betaine) in formulations containing cationic cassia polymers of different cationic charge density (1.7 and 3.0m Eq/g).
The first set of CE Election rolling poll wrap-up figures released by POP
today via the POP Site is
[...] similar to thethree rounds of feature survey, in that respondents were asked to rate the suitability of the candidates to the post of CE, with 0 indicatingabsolutely not suitable, 100 indicating absolutely [...]
suitable and 50 indicating half-half.
此责任包括设计、实施及维持与编制及真实兼公平地呈列财务的内部监控,以确保并无重大错误陈述(不论是否因欺诈或错误引起);选择及之会计 政策;以及在不同情况下作出合理的会计估计。
This responsibility includes designing, implementing and maintaining
internal control relevant
[...] to the preparation and the true and fair presentation of financial statementsthat are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error; [...]
selecting and applying
appropriate accounting policies; and making accounting estimates that are reasonable in the circumstances.
他表示希望该组织用表果,将申请保留在 审议中名单上,以便对所提出的重要问题做出答复。
He expressedhope that the organization would make useof the result of [...]
the vote to retain its application under consideration
to provide answers to the important questions posed.
(B) 倘任何股东交出代表其所持股份之一张股票予以注销,并要求本 公司按该股东可能指定之有关比例另发两张或以上股份之股票替代,则董事 会可於就首张股票以外每张股票支付董事会不时厘定的有关为任何於香港证 券交易所上市的股本,则该超过有关证券交易所不时规定或准许的最高金 额,而倘为任何其他股本,则为董事会就有关股东名册所在地区而言属合理而可能不 时厘定的以有关货币计值的有关款项,或否则於各情况下董事会可能不时厘定的有关 其他款项)後酌情遵照有关要求。
(B) If any member shall surrender for cancellation a share certificate representing shares held by him and request the Company to issue in
lieu two or more
[...] share certificates representing such shares in such proportions as he may specify, the Board may, if it thinks fit, comply with such request subject to the payment of such sum (not exceeding,in the case of any share capital listed on a stock exchange in Hong Kong, the maximum amount prescribed or permitted from time to time by such stock exchange, and, in thecase [...]
of any other share capital,
such sum in such currency as the Board may from time to time determine to be reasonable in the territory in which the relevant register is situate, or otherwise in each case such other sum as the Board may from time to time determine) for every certificate after the first, as the Board shall from time to time determine.
(1) 在本协议期限内或之後,因本协议或本协议的违反、 终止或无效或与此等有关而产生的任何争议、争論或 索偿,包括按照第 8 条的规定而决定任何搁浅成本余 款的金额,但不包括因第 4 条 (3)款指明的扣减或调 整、对基本电费率所作的任何调整或按照表三行的任何检讨或与此有关而产生的任何争议、争論或 索偿,应根据聯合国国际贸易法委员会现行有效的仲 裁规则仲裁解决。
(1) Any dispute, controversy or claim arising out of or relating to this Agreement, or the breach, termination or invalidity thereof, during or after the Term, including in relation to the determination of the amount of any Residual Stranded Costs under clause 8 but excluding any dispute, controversy or claim arising out of or relating to deductions or adjustments specified in clause 4(3), any adjustment to the Basic Tariff Rate or any reviews to be conducted pursuant to Schedule 3, shall be settled by arbitration in accordance with the UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules as at present in force.
4供的 是各开支项目的实际开支与 33C/5 批准本中的指示性预算的比较情况,因此它没有考虑双年度内工 [...]
Thirdly, Table 4presents expenditure [...]
by object of expenditure relative to the indicative budget presented in document 33
C/5 Approved, therefore it does not take into consideration changes in the workplans which may have been made during the course of the biennium to reflect the changing situations in programme implementation.
容提出相应的意见;如果会员国不能对这一关键项目的全面讨论提出意见,执行 局则很难履行《组织法》第 V.B 条赋予其的职责; d. 问题的根源在于实际上无法在现行双年度周期确定的最后期限内,对教科文组织
计划和预算的执行情况进行监督,按双年度周期的安排无法在制定下一个 C/5 文
[...] 件中充分吸取过去的经验教训,为解决这个问题,我们不妨探讨是否可以用三的计划周期,这样,三年内可以举行两次大会,头一次会议专门审批计划和 [...]
(d) the root of the problem lay in the practical impossibility to carry out the monitoring of the implementation of the programme and budget of UNESCO within the deadlines flowing from the present biennial cycle which does not allow for sufficient feedback from lessons learned for the elaboration of a subsequent C/5 document; to remedy this problem, one could study the viability of a triennial programming cycle which would provide for the
holding of two sessions of the General
[...] Conference duringa three-year period, with [...]
the first being devoted to the approval
of the programme and budget and the other to the holding of ministerial and other round table meetings resulting in new visions and initiatives, thereby allowing the General Conference to perform its role as an organ of reflection about the future of the Organization.
委员会重申其早先的做法,每届会议只审议五个缔约国的报告用三议 审议一个缔约国的报告,除非主席团或会前工作组根据具体情况考虑,提出其他 [...]
The Committee reiterated its earlier practice to consider only
five States parties’ reports every
[...] session andto devotethree meetingsto the [...]
consideration of each State party report,
unless otherwise advised by the Bureau or the presessional Working Group, based on specific considerations.
根据 1978 年 12 月 19 日第 33/138 号决议附件第
[...] 2和第3段,大会第六十五届会议的 21 名副主席应按 下列分配办法选出:非洲国家代表六人,亚洲国家代 表五人,东欧国家代表一人,拉丁美洲和加勒比国家表三西欧和其他国家代表一人,以及安全理事 会五个常任理事国的代表。
In accordance with paragraphs 2 and 3 of the annex to resolution 33/138, of 19 December 1978, the 21 Vice-Presidents of the General Assembly for the sixty-fifth session shall be elected according to the following pattern: six representatives from African States, five representatives from Asian States, one
representative from Eastern
[...] European States, three representatives from Latin American and Caribbean States, onerepresentative [...]
from Western European and other
States, and representatives of the five permanent members of the Security Council.
在强调能力建设和社会包容性对促进可持续发展的重要性时,日本代 表团对亚洲及太平洋统计研究所在统计培训领域发挥的用表赏,并指 出需要收集和使用按社会群体分列的数据,供政府进行政策规划之用。
In emphasizing the importance of capacity-building and social inclusion for sustainable development, the delegation of Japanexpressed appreciation for the role of SIAP for its training in statistics and pointed to the need for collecting and using data disaggregated by social groups for government policy planning.
如果其实际用表必要修改立陶宛的这一法 律或其他有效法律,以保护暴力受害者,那么将充分考虑这些情况。
Should its practical applicationreveal the need to improve this or other valid legal acts of Lithuania to ensure the protection of the victims of violence, these circumstances will be duly taken into account.




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