单词 | 三月份 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 三月份—MarchSee also:三月n—Decembern 三月—third month (of the lunar year) 月份n—monthn monthspl
在计算三月份缺勤工资时,雇员的正常工作日( 包括於 正常工作日放取的 5 天 有薪年假)加有薪休息日的日数为 31 天。 afcd.gov.hk | (# In calculating thedeductionfor absence from work in March, the numberof the [...] employee’s normal working days (which [...]includes the 5 days of annual leave falling on his/her normal working days) plus paid rest days shall remain as 31 days. afcd.gov.hk |
自 1996 [...] 年以来,军事政治事件反反复复,一直持续到今年的三月份,这大大削弱了国 家的经济。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The recurrent military/political events [...] between 1996 and March this year have [...]altogether weakened the country’s economy. unesdoc.unesco.org |
我更要衷心多谢董事局对本人之信任,以及在三月份公告中之正面评价。 asiasat.com | I would also like to thank the Board of Directors for their confidence in me and for their kind [...] remarksin their March announcement. asiasat.com |
庞巴迪总裁兼首席执行官Beaudoin先生表示:“很高兴看到去年三月份签署的《合作框架协议》到达了今天的这个重要里程碑。 tipschina.gov.cn | I am pleased to see the framework [...] agreement signed inMarch lastyear reaching this important milestone," said Mr. Beaudoin, President [...]and Chief Executive Officer, Bombardier Inc. tipschina.gov.cn |
我要回顾,拉丁美洲和加勒比、非洲和亚洲 14 [...] 个国家的代表已于 3 月 31 日向安全理事会三月份轮值主席中国常驻代表提交了一项公报。我们在该公报 [...]中要求安理会同该地区各国和各组织密切合作,采取 紧急措施,促使双方立即停火,并达成反映利比亚人 [...]民意愿的和平、可持续的解决办法。 daccess-ods.un.org | I would recall that representatives of 14 countries of Latin America and the Caribbean, Africa and Asia submitted, on 31 March, a [...] communiqué to the President of the Security [...] Councilfor the month of March, the Permanent [...]Representative of China, in which [...]we asked this body to work closely with countries and organizations in the region and take urgent measures leading to an immediate ceasefire and a peaceful and sustainable solution reflecting the will of the Libyan people. daccess-ods.un.org |
不幸的是,在去年的三月份,整个CDMP项目因为预算削减而解散了。 iedro.org | Unfortunately, in Marchoflastyear the [...] entire CDMP program was disbanded due to budget cutbacks. iedro.org |
在2011年3月16日的UOS小组三月份关西支部例会上介绍了本公司概况并展示了本公司产品【CEME [...] Pro】。 feng.co.jp | Was to introduce our company and our [...] products【CEME Pro】at the regular meeting of the degree [...]of Kansai Branch March Yuosu group was held on March 16, 2011. feng.co.jp |
Vivid Sydney 2013包括灯光、音乐和创意在内的全部节目将於三月份公布。 ipress.com.hk | The full program for Vivid Sydney 2013 including light, music and [...] ideas will be announcedinMarch. ipress.com.hk |
目前还不清楚这种方法是否得到了喀土穆的全力支 持;协议已在三月份有关国籍和边界划分的会谈期间签 署,但在喀土穆遇到了一些激烈的反对。 crisisgroup.org | It remains unclear whether the approach has [...] full backing in Khartoum; agreements [...] were signed during the March talkson nationality [...]and border demarcation but encountered [...]some vocal opposition in Khartoum. crisisgroup.org |
AQUA移动加速器于三月份推出,依托Akamai的云服务,可以不断从网站服务器和移动应用数据接口提取并缓存新的内容——用户的请求被定向到靠近某个网关节点的Akamai边缘服务器上,同时AQUA移动加速器可以借助互联网路由优化来确定向移动设备提供内容的最快、最可靠的路径。 akamai.cn | Aqua Mobile [...] Accelerator,launched in March, relies onAkamai's [...]cloud services to continuously pull and cache fresh content [...]from web servers and mobile app data interfaces--user requests are directed to Akamai Edge servers positioned near a gateway node, and Aqua relies on Internet route optimization to identify the fastest, most reliable path for delivering content to the mobile device. akamai.com |
国 泰在三 月 份运作的 航 班 , 较 去 年 同 期 缩 少 [...] 4.2% 。 swirepacific.com | Cathay Pacific operated 4.2% [...] fewer flights in March comparedto a yearago. swirepacific.com |
年初时,价格约为 100 美元左右,到三月份上涨至 110 美元。 china.blackstone.com | It was about $100 at the beginning [...] of the yearand rose to $110 in March. blackstone.com |
除了三月份的IEP 讲习会以外, 我们也邀请TASK 的权益辩护人-也是我们的家长- [...] Suzanne Galindo 女士, 参加我们 4 月 24 日 的家长互助会, 给予更多的个人化的支持。 cpad.org | Besidesthe March’s IEP workshop, we [...] also invite Ms. Suzanne Galindo, TASK’s advocate and also a parent to come to our April [...]24’s Parent Support Group meeting for more individualized support. cpad.org |
最后同样证实了我们以前的声明,Kromsan工厂和所谓的“铬污染”并非造成三月份海水颜 色赤化这一现象的原因。 sodakrom.com | Finally it is also proved that Kromsan and so called [...] “chromium pollution” is not responsible from “ the discoloration of [...] the sea into red during March“as previously [...]stated by us. sodakrom.com |
另外值得指出的是,在体育领域同样能感受到美国在近五十年来实行封锁政 策带来的恶果。今年三月份,美国政府拒绝派代表团前往古巴参加第十二届国际 羽毛球比赛。 daccess-ods.un.org | It should also be noted that the impact of the criminal embargo policy applied by [...] the United States [...] for some 50years has also been felt in the area of sports; this year, the United States Government [...]refused to allow [...]its team to travel to Cuba to play in the twelfth International Badminton Tournament. daccess-ods.un.org |
最新有专为iPhone而设的保护套,产品曾参展於三月份在东京银座举行的iPhone配件研讨会;并在品牌所开设的工作坊为教材之用。 think-silly.com | Their latest offering is an iPhone case, which was shown at the [...] iPhone accessories conference at Ginza (Tokyo, [...] Japan)back in March. The company also [...]set up a workshop as part of the programme. think-silly.com |
年初生机勃勃的全球股市,三月份因日本地震受挫,但所幸在第二季度有了好转。 aia.com.sg | Global equities which [...] began theyear ona strong note, were shakenin Marchby the Japanese [...]earthquake but managed to recover in the second quarter. aia.com.sg |
在第 4 章, 评估质量 中,您对三月份的数据进行了能力分析。 minitab.com | In Chapter 4, Assessing Quality, [...] you conducted a capability analysis on data from March. minitab.com |
关于残疾人在文化生活的参与方面,在这里列举 2009 年的两项重大改 进:博物馆无障碍导览(GVAM),该系统可以为所有用户,也包括残疾人,提供 [...] 互动参观,其中包含了为感官障碍残疾人提供的无障碍资源,如字幕、音频描 述、音频导航或手语等;及 2009 年 1 月 29 日颁布的第 [...] CUL/174/2009 号令,其 中规定从三月份起隶属于文化部及国立音乐及表演艺术研究院管理的博物馆对残 [...]疾人免收门票,残疾人只需出具相应证明文件即可。 daccess-ods.un.org | It facilitates the design of accessibility resources essential for persons with sensory disabilities, such as subtitles, audio-description, audio-navigation and sign language; while Order /CUL/74/2009 of 29 January 2009, regulating public visits to State-owned museums assigned to and managed by the Ministry of Culture and the National Institute of [...] Scenic Arts and Music, states that entry [...] shall befree from March onwards for [...]persons with disabilities on presentation [...]of the appropriate supporting document, adding that free entry is also available to a companion “provided and where that that person is essential to the visit of the disabled person”. daccess-ods.un.org |
在三月份的全国人民代表大会之后(见第二日的内容),一份简单的政府公告宣布重庆市委书记薄熙莱去职。 amccsm.org | Following the annual National People's [...] Congress meeting in March, abrief official [...]statement announced that Chongqing Communist [...]Party chief Bo Xilai had been removed from his post. amccsm.org |
相对於客运业务,三月份的货运量微跌 4.4%,为六万五千五百二十四吨。 swirepacific.com | In contrast to passenger operations, the amount of [...] cargo carried in Marchdeclined by 4.4% [...]to 65,524 tonnes. swirepacific.com |
3] 二月至三月份调查之题目为「就2012年行政长官选举方面,有意见认为应该将现有既800人选举委员会,增加至1200人,当中包括约100名由民选区议员互选产生既委员,而150名委员可提名1位行政长官候选人参加选举,即系提名门槛设於8分之1。 hkupop.hku.hk | 3] The question [...] wordings in Februaryand March were "Forthe Chief [...]Executive election in 2012, it is proposed that the representatives [...]of Election Committee should be increased from 800 to 1,200 with around 100 representatives returned through election by elected District Council members from among themselves. hkupop.hku.hk |
在北京和其他城市的街道上发现坦克!共产党领导的住所传出枪声!中国发生政变!这些只是三月份时在中国流传的奇怪谣言的一部分。 amccsm.org | Tanks spotted on the streets of Beijing and other cities! amccsm.org |
比如三月份第一周的抽奖参加者就是在二月份写过评论的顾客。 wiggle.cn | For example inthe [...] first fullweek in March the prize draw [...]for customer who have placed reviews in February will be made. wiggle.co.uk |
如果彼得 · [...] 马修斯设法离开他的 L180G 一两天,他可能 会选择三月份到奥克兰迎接沃尔沃环球帆船赛船队。 volvospiritmagazine.com | If peter Matthews does manage to tear himself away from [...] his new L180g for a day or two, he might choose to head [...] down to AucklandinMarch andgreet the Volvo [...]Ocean Race fleet. volvospiritmagazine.com |
於二零一三年三月三十一日,首次 公开招股前购股权计划中有85,168,706份购股权未获行使,其中79,785,804份已归属(零份於二零一三年三月份归属),可按1兑1基准行使以兑换为「A」类别普通股。 sunshineoilsands.com | As at 31 March 2013, our Pre-IPO Share Option Scheme had 85,168,706 stock options outstanding, of which 79,785,804 stock options were [...] vested (Nil stock [...] options vested inthemonth of March 2013) and available for exercise into Class “A” common shares on a 1 for 1basis. sunshineoilsands.com |
因中国调低二零一二年的经济增长预测引发市场忧虑、欧洲对希腊救助方案的 [...] 紧张情绪仍未消除以及美国经济数据不景气等因素均致使市场认为全球经济增长於二零一二年前景暗淡,金 属价格於二月份及三月份有所回落。 mmg.com | Metal prices then drifted lower in February and March amid fresh concerns following China reducing its growth rate forecast for 2012, continuing [...] nervousness in Europe regarding the Greek [...] bail-out package and disappointing US economic data [...]all supporting the view that global [...]economic growth would be lacklustre in 2012. mmg.com |
二零一三年三月份与二零一二年同月比较,部分主要整体出口货品类别的货值录得显着升幅,尤其是「电动机械、仪器和用具及零件」(增153亿元,升22.2%)、「办公室机器和自动资料处理仪器」(增112亿元,升39.6%)和「非金属矿物制品」(增31亿元,升25.1%)。 censtatd.gov.hk | Comparing March 2013with March2012,significant [...] increases were registered in the values of total exports of some principal [...]commodity divisions, in particular "electrical machinery, apparatus and appliances, and electrical parts thereof" (by $15.3 billion or 22.2%), "office machines and automatic data processing machines" (by $11.2 billion or 39.6%) and "non-metallic mineral manufactures" (by $3.1 billion or 25.1%). censtatd.gov.hk |