单词 | 三日 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 三日 noun —three-day nExamples:十三日—thirteenth day of a month 绕梁三日—reverberates around the rafters for three days (idiom); fig. sonorous and resounding (esp. of singing voice) 一日三秋—a single day apart seems like three seasons [idiom.]
在二零零一年七月三日的會 議上,行政會議建議 建議 建議 建議,行政長官指令 指令 指令 指令 發表《區議會檢討工作小組報告》所提出的建議( 載於附錄) ,以便進 行諮詢。 legco.gov.hk | At the meeting of the Executive Council on 3 July 2001, the Council ADVISED and the Chief Executive ORDERED that the proposals made in the report of the Working Group on District Councils Review at Annex should be published for consultation. legco.gov.hk |
公司股份將於二零零九年 十月三日至十 日(包括首尾兩天)暫停辦理股份過戶登記手續。 asiasat.com | The share register will be closed from 3 to 10 October 2009, both days inclusive. asiasat.com |
4. 該等購股權乃由四名於年內不再為本集團僱員的承授人持有,並已分別於二零零七年一 月 三日 、 二零零七年五月五 日、二零零七年五月十一日及二零零七年六月十日失效。 gdc-world.com | 4. the share options were held by four grantees who ceased to be employees of the Group during the year and such share options were lapsed on 3 January 2007, 5 may 2007, 11 may 2007 and 10 June 2007 respectively. gdc-world.com |
本通函旨在向股東提供(i)股份拆細及更改每手買賣單位以及重選本公司董事的進一步 資料;(ii)香港聯合交易所有限公司證券上市規則(「上市規則」)規定的說明函件;及(iii)有關 本公司將予宣派的末期股息的進一步資料,以及所有其他合理所需的資料,以便彼等就投票 贊成或反對本通函所述的決議案作出知情決定,而(其中包括)有關決議案將提呈於二零一 一年五月二十三日(星 期一)下午二時正假座香港金鐘道萬豪酒店三樓Queensway及Victoria 宴會廳舉行的本公司股東週年大會(「股東週年大會」)處理。 cre8ir.com | This circular is to provide the shareholders with (i) further information on the Share Subdivision and the Board Lot Change and the re-election of directors of the Company; (ii) the explanatory statement as required under the Rules Governing the Listing of Securities on The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited (the ‘‘Listing Rules’’); and (iii) further information of the final dividend to be declared by the Company and all other information reasonably necessary to enable them to make an informed decision on whether to vote for or against the resolutions as mentioned herein and which, inter alia, will be dealt with at the annual general meeting of the Company to be held at Queensway and Victoria Room, Level 3, J.W. Marriott Hotel, Queensway, Hong Kong on Monday, 23 May 2011 at 2 : 00 p.m. (the ‘‘Annual General Meeting’’). cre8ir.com |
受 限 於 上 述 條 件 , 就 於 二 零零八 年 十 一 月 十 日 授 出 之 購 股 權 而 言 , 於 二 零 一 零 年 四 月 十 日 至 二 零 一一年 四 月 九 日( 包 括 首 尾 兩 日 )期 間 不 得 行 使 50 % 以上之購 股 權 , 所 有 購 股 權 將 於 二 零 一一年 十 一 月 十 一 日 失 效 ; 就 於 二 零 一 零 年 四 月 十 三 日 授 出 之 購 股 權 而 言 , 於 二 零 一 零 年 四 月 十 三 日 至 二 零 一一年 四 月 九 日( 包 括 首 尾 兩 日 )期 間 不 得 行 使 50 % 以上之購 股 權 , 所 有 購 股 權 將 於 二 零 一一年 十 一 月 十 一 日 失 效 。 cigyangtzeports.com | Subject to the aforementioned condition, for the options granted on 10 November 2008, no more than 50% of the options may be exercised between 10 April 2010 and 9 April 2011, both dates inclusive and that all options shall lapse on 11 November 2011 and for the options granted on 13 April 2010, no more than 50% of the options may be exercised between 13 April 2010 and 9 April 2011, both dates inclusive and that all options shall lapse on 11 November 2011. cigyangtzeports.com |
本公司執行董事及副行政總裁魏義軍先生於一九九六年六 月 三日 與 亞 洲衛星有限公司訂立服務合約, 初步為期兩年,由一九九六年六月十八日至一九九八年六月十七日,並於往後繼續生效,除非或直至任 何一方向另一方於最初兩年屆滿時或其後之任何時間發出不少於六個曆月之書面通知,予以終止。 asiasat.com | Mr. William WADE, an ED and the DCEO of the [...] Company entered into a service contract with Asia Satellite Telecommunications Company Limited on 3 June 1996 for an initial [...]term of two years [...]from 18 June 1996 to 17 June 1998 and thereafter, the contract shall continue unless or until terminated by either party in writing giving to the other not less than six calendar months’ notice in writing to expire on or at any time after the end of the initial two-year period. asiasat.com |
倘 獲 股 東 通過,末期股息預期二零一一年六月二十日或該日附近派發予二零一一年五月 十 三日 登 記 於股東名冊之股東。 vindapaper.com | If so approved by shareholders, it is expected that the final dividend will be paid on or about 20 June 2011 to shareholders whose names appear on the register of member of the Company on 13 May 2011. vindapaper.com |
本公司與 黃先生亦分別於二零一零年四月二十 三日 、 二 零一零年六月十五日及二零一零年九月二十八 [...] 日就服務購股權協議訂立三份獨立補充協議,以延長達成服務購股權協議之先決條件之最後 日期。 equitynet.com.hk | The Company and Mr. [...] Wong entered into three separate supplemental [...]agreements to the Service Option Agreement on 23 April [...]2010, 15 June 2010 and 28 September 2010 to extend the last date on which the conditions precedent of the Service Option Agreement shall be fulfilled. equitynet.com.hk |
(vi) 通過本公司於二零零三年十二月三日 舉 行 之特別大會上正式通過之一項普通決 議案,緊接召開該大會之通知所載第8項特別決議內提述之削減股本建議生效前 ,將本公司股本中每十股面值為0.10港元之已發行及未發行普通股合併為一股 面值為1.00港元之普通股,以及透過本公司於二零零三年十二 月 三日 舉 行 之特 別大會上正式通過之一項特別決議案,經香港特別行政區高等法院日期為二零 零四年一月六日之法令批准,本公司之法定股本由300,000,000.00港元(分為 300,000,000 股 每 股 面 值 1.00 港 元 之 普 通 股 ) 削 減 至 15,000,000.00 港 元 ( 分 為 300,000,000股每股面值0.05港元之普通股)。 mmg.com | (vi) By an Ordinary Resolution duly passed at the Extraordinary General [...] Meeting of the Company [...] held on 3rd December, 2003, every ten issued and unissued ordinary shares of HK$0.10 each in the capital of the Company were consolidated into one ordinary share of HK$1.00 each immediately before the proposed reduction of capital referred to in the special resolution numbered 8 set out in the notice convening that meeting taking effect, and by a Special Resolution duly passed at the Extraordinary General Meeting of the Company held on 3rd December, 2003 and [...]with the sanction of [...]an Order of the High Court of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region dated 6th January, 2004, the authorised capital of the Company was reduced from HK$300,000,000.00 divided into 300,000,000 ordinary shares of HK$1.00 each to HK$15,000,000.00 divided into 300,000,000 ordinary shares of HK$0.05 each. mmg.com |
我們曾在二零零六年四月十二日向立法會的交通事務委 員會及財經事務委員會簡介合併方案以及下一步的工作,其後又 在四月二十八日以及五月二十二日、 二 十 三日 及 二 十六日,與有 關的事務委員會討論涉及員工及票價的事宜、財務/ 物業方案以 B 第 10 及有關修訂《地鐵條例》及《九鐵條例》的建議綱要。 legco.gov.hk | We briefed the Legislative Council Panel on Transport and the Panel on Financial Affairs on 12 April 2006 on the merger package and the proposed next steps. We had further discussions with the Panels on 28 April 2006 and 22, 23 and 26 May 2006 on staff-related matters, fare-related matters, the finance/property package and the broad B Page 10 proposals for legislative amendments to MTRO and KCRCO respectively. legco.gov.hk |
112.2 股東大會通知須於指定舉行股東大會日期之前不少 於 三日 及 不 超過二十八日,發給所有 有權收取會議(與會者為本公司已根據第 112.1 條獲正式知會的任何人士)通知的人士。 cre.com.hk | 112.2 Not less than three nor more than twenty-eight days before the date appointed for holding a general meeting notice shall be given to all who are entitled to receive notice of the meeting of any person in respect of whom notice has been duly given to the Company under Article 112.1. cre.com.hk |
於二零零四年十二月三日,本 公司之全資附屬公司富聯地產有限公司(「富聯地產」, 前稱富聯地產物業管理有限公司)與南聯之全資附屬公司始都有限公司(「始都」)簽訂 項目管理協議(「該項目管理協議」),根據該項目管理協議,始都委任富聯地產出任 項目經理,管理位於九龍觀塘巧明街102號之物業之興建及發展工程,委任期預計自 二零零四年十二月一日起計為期約70個月,直至該物業項目之最終結算日為止,現 時預期不會遲於二零一零年九月三十 日。 wingtaiproperties.com | On 3 December 2004, USI Properties Limited (“USIP”) (formerly known as USI Property Management Limited), a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company, entered into a project management agreement (“PM Agreement”) with Begin Land Limited (“Begin Land”), a wholly-owned subsidiary of Winsor. Pursuant to the PM Agreement, Begin Land appointed USIP as the project manager to manage the construction and development of the property situated at 102 How Ming Street, Kwun Tong, Kowloon for a term of approximately 70 months commencing on 1 December 2004 until the date of settlement of the final account in respect of the property project which is expected to be a date not later than 30 September 2010. wingtaiproperties.com |
於截至二零零二年六月三十日止六 個月,股東於二零零二年六月 十 三日 舉 行 之本公司股東週年大會上 批准就截至二零零一年十二月三十一 日 止 年 度派發每股2.5港仙之末期股息,該項股息已於期內派發予 股東。 wingtaiproperties.com | During the six months ended 30 June 2002, a final dividend of HK2.5 cents per share in respect of the year ended 31 December 2001 was approved at the Company’s annual general meeting held on 13 June 2002 and paid [...] to the shareholders during the period. wingtaiproperties.com |
本公司於二零零七年一月三日發表公佈,披露根據初 步加工協議將於截至二零零七年十二 月 三 十 一 日 、 二零零八年十二 月 三 十 一 日及 二零零九年十二月三十一日止三個財 政年度進行之持續關連交易均以9,900,000港 元作為年度上限。 equitynet.com.hk | The Company made disclosure by announcement dated 3 January 2007 of the continuing connected transaction to be taken place under the Initial Subcontracting Agreement in the three financial years ending 31 December 2007, [...] 31 December 2008 and 31 December [...]2009 for the annual cap of HK$9,900,000 respectively. equitynet.com.hk |
香港發售將於二零一一年五月十三日 ( 星 期五)上午九時正開始,並擬於二零一一年五月十 八 日 ( 星 期 三 )中 午 12 時截止登記申請。 glencore.com | The Hong Kong Offer is expected to commence at [...] 9:00 am Hong Kong time on Friday, 13 May 2011, and is expected to close at 12:00 noon Hong Kong time on Wednesday, 18 May 2011. glencore.com |
根 據 於 二 零 一二年 七 月 三 日 通過的 書 面 決 議 案 , 因 本 公 司 根 據 本 公 司 股 份 於 聯 交 所 創 業 板 上 市 發 行 250,000,000 股 新 股 份 於 本 公 司 股 份 溢 價 賬 進 賬 之 7,499,000 港 元 已 資 本 化 , 並 將 該 款 項 用 於 按 面 值 全 數 繳 足 749,900,000 股 每 股 面 值 0.01 港 元 之 股 份 , 向 於 二 零 一二年 六 月 十 九 日( 或 按 其 指 示 )營 業 時 間 結 束 時 名 列 本 公 司 股 東 名 冊 之 唯 一 股 東 勝 川 有 限 公 司 配 發 及 發 行 , 以令將 予以配 發 及 發 行 的 股 份 應 與 當 時 現 有 已 發 行 股 份 在 各 方 面 均 享 有 同 等 地 位 。 haitianhydropower.com | Pursuant to the written resolution passed on 3 July 2012, a sum of HK$7,499,000 standing to the credit of the share premium account of the Company as a result of issue of 250,000,000 new shares by the Company pursuant to the listing of the Company’s shares on the GEM of the Stock Exchange, was capitalised and applied in paying up in full at par 749,900,000 shares of HK$0.01 each, allotted and issued to Victor River Limited, being the sole shareholder appearing on the register of members of the Company at the close of business on 19 June 2012 (or as they may direct) so that the shares to be allotted and issued shall rank pari passu in all respects with the then existing issued shares. haitianhydropower.com |
工作组请秘书处根据下述原则改写该 款:双方当事人可在三日期限 内对向中立人提供信息提出异议 , 三日 期 限 过 后,在无任何异议的情况下,必须向中立人提供全套信息。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Working Group requested the Secretariat to redraft the paragraph [...] to reflect the [...] principle that within a three-day period the parties may object to the provision of information to the neutral, but that after the expiration of that three-day period and in the [...]absence of any objections, [...]the full set of information would be conveyed to the neutral. daccess-ods.un.org |
(b) 倘若以空郵方式從英國某個地址寄往英國以外的某個地址,或從另一 [...] 個國家的某個地址寄往該國以外的某個地址(包括但不限於英國的某 個地址),應視為已於載有該通知或其他文件的信封投郵當日後的第 三日送達 prudential.co.uk | (b) if sent by airmail from an address in the United Kingdom to an address outside the United Kingdom, or from an address in another country to an address outside that country (including [...] without limitation an address in the United [...] Kingdom), on the third day following that [...]on which the envelope containing it was posted prudential.co.uk |
鄺先生亦出任新世界移動控股有限公司之獨 [...] 立非執行董事直至二零零七年二月一日,並出任中國平安保險(集團)股份有限公司之獨立非執行董事直至二零零九年六月 三日。 gdc-world.com | Kwong also served as an independent nonexecutive director of new World mobile Holdings limited until 1 February [...] 2007 and as an independent non-executive director of Ping an insurance (Group) Company of [...] China, ltd. until 3 June 2009. gdc-world.com |
至於有關法治狀況一系列問題的最新(七月二 至 三日 ) 調 查結果方面,市民對法庭的公正程度、香港的法治程度及司法制度的公平程度之評價,同樣以十分為滿分,三項指標分別得6.7分、6.6分及6.4分。 hkupop.hku.hk | As regards the latest results of a series of questions related to the rule of law, the average scores of people's appraisal of the impartiality of the courts, compliance with the rule of law and the fairness of the judicial system were 6.7, 6.6 and 6.4 marks respectively, on a scale from 0-10. hkupop.hku.hk |
已做出各项努 力建设国家、区域和次区域办事处争取新的私营部门伙伴和捐助者参与合作的能 [...] 力,包括开发新的在线工具、在东欧和中亚区域开 展 三日 培 训 以及举办若干研讨 会和总部情况介绍会,以便让工作人员了解人口基金的各项政策和与私营部门合 [...]作的程序。 daccess-ods.un.org | Efforts were undertaken to build the capacity of country, regional and subregional offices to engage new private-sector partners and donors, including [...] the development of new online tools, [...] the conduct of a three-day training for the Eastern [...]Europe and Central Asia regions, [...]and the delivery of several webinars and headquarters presentations to inform staff of UNFPA policies and procedures for working with the private sector. daccess-ods.un.org |
凡擬出席股東週年大會並於會上投票者,必須於二零一二年 八月二十三日星期四下午四時三十分前,將所有過戶文件連同有關股票送交本公司的 股份過戶登記處香港中央證券登記有限公司,地址為香港灣仔皇后大道東 183 號合和 中心 17 樓 1712 至 1716 室。 vitasoy.com | In order to qualify for the right to attend and vote at the AGM, all transfers accompanied by the relevant share certificates must be lodged with the Company’s Share Registrar, Computershare Hong Kong Investor Services Limited of Shops 1712-1716, 17th Floor, Hopewell Centre, 183 Queen’s Road East, Wanchai, Hong Kong for registration no later than 4:30 p.m. on Thursday, 23rd August, 2012. vitasoy.com |
本文於2004年7月7至9日分三日在《 明報》刊登,標題分別為「徹底自發動員傳媒號召作用減弱」、「爭民主不盲目對抗中央」及「爭取溝通反對隨便妥協」。 hkupop.hku.hk | The article was [...] published by MingPao in three parts, from July 7 to 9, 2004, [...]with respective titles of "Thorough Self-initiating [...]Mobilization; Weaker Mass Media's Propaganda Effect", "No Blind Confrontation against the Central Government when Fighting for Democracy" and "Fighting for more Communication and No Easy Compromises". hkupop.hku.hk |
二零一零年中期股息為每股普通股 6.61 便士,將於二零一零年九月二十三日 以 英 鎊支付予於二零一零年八月 二十日(星期五)(記錄日期)英國夏令時間下午六時正名列主冊及愛爾蘭海外分冊的股東,於二零一零年九 月二十四日以港元支付予於記錄日期香港時間下午四時三十分名列香港分冊的股東(「香港股東」),並於二 零一零年九月三十日或前 後以新加坡元支付予於記錄日期新加坡時間下午五時正於 Central Depository (Pte.) Limited(「CDP」)持有其證券賬戶內股份的股東(「新加坡股東」)。 prudential.co.uk | The 2010 interim dividend of 6.61 pence per ordinary share will be paid on 23 September 2010 in sterling to shareholders on the principal and Irish branch registers at 6.00 p.m. BST on Friday, [...] 20 August 2010 (the [...] “Record Date”), on 24 September 2010 in Hong Kong dollars to shareholders on the Hong Kong branch register at 4.30 p.m. Hong Kong time on the Record Date (“HK Shareholders”), and on or about 30 September 2010 in Singapore dollars to shareholders with shares standing to the credit of their securities accounts with The Central Depository (Pte.) Limited (“CDP”) at 5.00 p.m. Singapore time on the [...]Record Date (“SG Shareholders”). prudential.co.uk |
有關上述持續交易的公告已於二零 零八年三月三日發佈。 本公司與集團公司簽署相關租賃協議,據此,集團公司 [...] 已同意向本公司出租位於中國山東省鄒平縣魏橋鎮齊東 路34號及西外環路西側的土地的土地使用權,以及位 於中國山東省鄒平縣縣城以東的經濟開發區內土地的土 [...]地使用權,以供進行本公司的營運,本公司可行使其權 利續約。 wqfz.com | The Company and [...] Holding Company entered into relevant leasing [...]agreements pursuant to which, Holding Company agreed to lease [...]to the Company land use rights in respect of land respectively located at No. 34 Qidong Road and west of Xiwaihuan Road, Weiqiao Town, Zouping County, Shandong Province, the PRC, and the land use rights in respect of land located to the east of Zouping County, Zouping Economic Development Zone, Shandong Province, the PRC, for the Company’s operations, with a right of renewal exercisable by the Company. wqfz.com |
此項為其三日之激 烈賽事, 目前獲超過80名來自德國、瑞典、波蘭、澳大利亞、菲律賓、俄羅斯、印度、泰國、中國、日本、新加坡、臺灣及香港等地區的調酒師報名參加, [...] 務求在此項激烈的國際賽事中切磋技術, 一較高下。 ipress.com.hk | In the forthcoming three-day competition, more [...] than 80 bartenders from Australia, China, Germany, Hong Kong, Indonesia, [...]Japan, Poland, Russia, Singapore, Sweden, Taiwan, Thailand and the Philippines will be competing at the Cocktail Competition this year. ipress.com.hk |
發行授權及購回授權將於:(a)本公司下屆股東週年大會結束時;或(b)根據組織章程細 則或任何適用法例之規定,本公司須舉行下屆股東週年大會期限屆滿時;或(c)股東在股東 [...] 大會上通過普通決議案撤回或修訂授予董事之權力 當 日三 者 中 最早發生日期屆滿。 cre8ir.com | The Issue Mandate and the Repurchase Mandate would expire at the earliest of: (a) the conclusion of the next annual general meeting of the Company; or (b) the expiration of the period within which the next annual general meeting of the Company is required by [...] the Articles of Association or by any [...] applicable laws to be held; or (c) the passing [...]of ordinary resolution(s) by Shareholders [...]in general meeting revoking or varying the authority given to the Directors. cre8ir.com |
倘 有 關 購 回 授 權 之 決 議 案 獲 通過, 而 於 股 東 週 年 大 會 舉 行 前 本 公 司 再 無 發 行 或 購 回 任 何 股 份 , 根 據 購 回 授 權 , 本 公 司可於 普 通 決 議 案 通過當 日 至 (i) 本 公 司 下 屆 股 東 週 年 大 會 結 束 之 日 ; (ii) 按 照 章程 細 則 或 任 何 適 用 之 法 例 規 定 , 本 公 司 下 屆 股 東 週 年 大 會 須 予 舉 行 之 期 限 屆 滿 之 [...] 日 ; 或 (iii) 股 東 在 股 東 大 會 上以普 通 決 議 案 撤 [...] 銷 或 修 訂 購 回 授 權 之 日 三 者 中之最 早 發 生 日 期 [...]為 止 之 期 間 內 購 回 最 多 達 117,705,618 股股份( 佔 本 [...]公 司 已 發 行 股 本 10 % )。 cigyangtzeports.com | Subject to the passing of the resolution in relation to the Repurchase Mandate and on the basis that no further Shares are issued or repurchased by the Company prior to the AGM, the Company would be allowed under the Repurchase Mandate to repurchase a maximum of 117,705,618 Shares (representing 10% of the issued share capital of the Company) during the period from the date of the passing of the ordinary resolution up to (i) the conclusion of the next annual general meeting of the Company; (ii) the expiration of the period within which the next annual general meeting of the Company is required by the [...] Articles of Association or any applicable laws [...] to be held; or (iii) the revocation [...]or variation of the Repurchase Mandate by [...]ordinary resolution of the Shareholders in general meeting, whichever occurs first. cigyangtzeports.com |