单词 | 三位一体 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 三位一体 —trinity (often used)less common: Holy Trinity See also:三位体 n—troika n 三一 n—trinity n 三体—trisomy 一体—all concerned • everybody • an integral whole
通过把教育政策、研究和实践这三方面的活 动结合起来,“三位一体”的方式使决策者、研究人员与实践者能经常性地参与活动。 unesdoc.unesco.org | This methodology entailed regular involvement of decision-makers, researchers and practitioners by connecting the fields of educational policy, research and practice. unesdoc.unesco.org |
他的论文对三位一体的名 字显示,从他接触的一个西方的观点统 一 三位一体 的 教 条,但他在很大程度上采用俄,亚他那修,和其他Easterns的作品。 mb-soft.com | The very name of his [...] treatise on the Trinity shows that he approached the dogma from the Western point of view of a Trinity in Unity, but [...]he has largely employed [...]the works of Origen, Athanasius, and other Easterns. mb-soft.com |
他们对三位一体的教义是偶数时Didymus的前进,确实是非常接近的罗马学说,后来在亚他那修信条体现。 mb-soft.com | Their doctrine of the Trinity is an advance even [...] upon that of Didymus, and is very near indeed to the Roman doctrine which [...]was later embodied in the Athanasian creed. mb-soft.com |
突出城市公共开放空间里特有的 三位一体 的 空 间感受,为市民提供一个立体的,舒适的公共空间环境。 chinese-architects.com | The design highlights the features of the town square, utilizing the landscape of the square and the sky to create an irregular-shaped landscape avenue through the entire site. chinese-architects.com |
奇怪的是怎样的兴趣不大,即使在他那 修 三位一体 的 团 结,这几乎没有,除非他引述Dionysii提到表明,它是Didymus和Cappadocia ns 谁 三位一体 的 教 义字的方式,因为神圣的百年 - 三hypostases,一美国新闻署,但这仅仅是古代传统的拉丁式的翻译,虽然它是新东方。 mb-soft.com | It is curious how little interest [...] even Athanasius shows in [...] the Unity of the Trinity, which he scarcely mentions except when quoting the Dionysii; it is Didymus and the Cappadocians who word Trinitarian doctrine in the manner since consecrated by the centuries -- three hypostases, one usia; but this [...]is merely the conventional [...]translation of the ancient Latin formula, though it was new to the East. mb-soft.com |
华硕 K55DR 被配备最新的 AMD 三位一体, 它提 供了舒适的工作,在各种各样的娱乐和办公应用软件。 driver-download.ru | ASUS K55DR is equipped [...] with the latest AMD Trinity, which provides [...]a comfortable work in a wide variety of entertainment and Office applications. driver-download.ru |
在校期间的问答这半个世纪的头部被Didymus盲人,一个儿子在他的学说阿他那修,和比他更清楚,而在他的族长甚 至 三位一体 的 教义,但在许多关于Origenistic继承传统其他问题。 mb-soft.com | The head of the catechetical school during this half-century was Didymus the Blind, an Athanasian in his doctrine of the Son, and rather clearer [...] even than his patriarch in his [...] doctrine of the Trinity, but in many other [...]points carrying on the Origenistic tradition. mb-soft.com |
但是,“固然”的三位一体的外 延和内涵的词是不同的,它仍然是事实Hypostases每三是标识与神性(即,每个人是神),但如果每个Hypostasis因此,仍然是一个physis之(一physis之)但自然的生成是一个由三个不Hypostases。 mb-soft.com | But "admittedly" in the Trinity the denotation as [...] well as the connotation of the words is diverse, it is still true that [...]each of the three Hypostases is identified with the Divine Nature (that is, each Person is God); but if each Hypostasis is therefore still a physis (the one physis) yet the physis is not one by three Hypostases. mb-soft.com |
但是天主教徒举行基督人性本身考虑是anhypostatos,但圣 灵 三位一体 的 第 二人称是其hypostasis。 mb-soft.com | But Catholics hold the Human Nature of Christ considered in itself to be anhypostatos, but that the second [...] Person of the Holy Trinity is its hypostasis. mb-soft.com |
在欧洲和北美地区,总干事正式出访了以下国家:冰岛--他会见了该国的几位部长, 参观了三位一体学院 历史图书馆、议会和列入《世界遗产名录》的 [...] Bru na boinne 遗址;塞尔 维亚和黑山--应 Marovic 总统邀请,总干事对塞尔维亚和黑山进行了第一次正式访问。 unesdoc.unesco.org | In the Europe and North America region, the Director-General paid official visits to: Ireland, where he [...] met several Ministers and visited the [...] historic Library of Trinity College, the Parliament, [...]and the site of Brú na Bóinne, [...]inscribed in the World Heritage List; Serbia and Montenegro – at the invitation of President Marović, the Director-General paid his first official to Serbia and Montenegro. unesdoc.unesco.org |
撇开三位一体的化身,每一个自然的生成是一个本质,特性,是每hypostasis physis之基督一-在本次发言,并同意所有天主教徒。 mb-soft.com | Putting aside the Trinity and the Incarnation, [...] every physis is a hypostasis, and every hypostasis is a physis -- in this [...]statement all Catholics and Monophysites agree. mb-soft.com |
有些僧侣的君士坦丁堡西徐亚,马克森提约翰率领519之前,在和解与西方,坚持公式 “ 三位一体 之 一,被钉在十字架测试”,以排除景教一方面与异端的彼得Fullo关于其他。 mb-soft.com | Some Scythian monks of Constantinople, led by John Maxentius, before the [...] reconciliation with the West in 519, upheld [...] the formula "one of the Trinity was crucified" as [...]a test to exclude the heresy of Peter [...]Fullo on the one hand and Nestorianism on the other. mb-soft.com |
对于影子,泛神论的神能集的形式一,永恒的,个人精神和创造者;为原油三摩提,崇高 的 三位一体 , 以 及向毗湿奴的化身,上帝的儿子,粗和有辱人格的化身。 mb-soft.com | For the shadow, pantheistic deity it can set form the One, [...] Eternal, Personal Spirit and creator; [...] for the crude Tri-murti, the sublime Trinity; and for the [...]coarse and degrading avatars of [...]Vishnu, the incarnation of the Son of God. mb-soft.com |
这最后一个概念,我们吃惊的是,假设,这样看来,由早期的希腊,但在不同语言的辩护士;哥拉(谁是雅典人可能在与西方的关系一直)是唯一一个谁主张团结 的 三位一体。 mb-soft.com | This last conception, to our amazement, is assumed, it would appear, by the early Greek apologists, though in varying language; [...] Athenagoras (who as an Athenian may have been in relation with the West) [...] is the only one who asserts the Unity of the Trinity. mb-soft.com |
以赛亚并没有混淆三位一体之圣 父与圣子的 地位。 liangyou.net | Isaiah was not confused about the first [...] two members of the trinity: God the Father [...]and God the Son. liangyou.net |
为满足客户需求,代斯米开发了一种由洛氏MKII型真空机和洛 氏罐4000型挂车组合的三位一体的真 空、存储和运输系统。 desmi.com | To fulfil customers needs and requirements, DESMI has looked to create [...] a combined vacuum, storage and transportation system, by combining their [...] popular RO-VAC MK II and RO-TANKER 4000 units. desmi.com |
从90年代末开始,中远散运坚决贯彻执行中远集团“从拥有船向控制船转变”的战略,从变革企业发展战略的视角入手,探索打破原有单一的船东模式,扩大企业外取市场资源空间,构建了船东(OWNER)、租家(CHARTERER)、经纪人(BROKER) “ 三位一体 ” 的 新型航运企业经营模式,使企业实现了从拥有有限国有资产向控制外部市场资源的战略转变。 cosbulk.com | It started from reforming on enterprise development strategy, explored ways to break through the single ship-owner mode, [...] enlarged the space of gain market resources, [...] and built up the “three-in-one” new shipping [...]enterprise operation mode, namely ship-owner, [...]charterer and broker, realizing the strategic transformation from owning limited state-owned assets to controlling external market resources. cosbulk.com |
同样,信徒受洗归入教 [...] 会,与教会合一,是耶稣所希望看到的合一(约翰福音 17 章),正如三位一体神的合一一 样。 sallee.info | In a similar way, a believer is [...] baptized into the church community; the community which Jesus desires to have the [...] same kind of unity (Jn 17) as the Trinity. sallee.info |
如果基督的nestorians [...] physis之用在一个新的意义hypostasis和基督一性,它不仅遵循其词的使用是奇不一致的和不可原谅的,但(这是什么更为重要),他们没有看到有什么困难是的,教皇的真正含义天主教会和神学家,谁坚持使用一个字和与化身同样的意义上,关于既 要 三位一体。 mb-soft.com | If in Christology the Nestorians used hypostasis and the Monophysites physis in a new sense, not only does it follow that their use of words was singularly inconsistent and inexcusable, but (what is far more important) that they can have had no difficulty in seeing what was the true meaning of Catholic councils, popes, and [...] theologians, who consistently [...] used the words in one and the same sense with regard both to the Trinity and the Incarnation. mb-soft.com |
目前,公司以深圳为基点、以北京为先导,立足光彩国际中心、泛海国际居住区两个重点项目,全面启动ISO9001(质量)、ISO14001(环境)、GB/T28001(职业健康安全 ) 三位一体 认 证 工作,打造标准化、规范化、职业化的一流物业管理企业。 cohg.com.cn | Based on Glory China Center and Oceanwide International [...] Residential District, OPM is on [...] the way for three certifications: ISO9001 (quality), ISO14001(environment) and GB/T28001 (professional health security) , which would shape it into a standardized, regulated and professional top-tier property management [...]company. cohg.com.cn |
这些异端教导有3种性质的三位一体, 三 人 一 个被个人的。 mb-soft.com | These heretics taught that [...] there were three natures in the Holy Trinity, the three Persons being [...]individuals of a species. mb-soft.com |
J-LEASE株式会社,作为促进租赁住宅、租赁店铺等房屋中介市场的健康发展,帮助房东、中介公司、承租人建立 起 三位一体 的 信 赖关系的房租保证公司,于2004年在大分县大分市正式创立了。 j-lease.jp | LTD. founded in Oita-pref. in March 2004 to expedite healthy supply and demand of leasing properties in Kyusyu area. j-lease.jp |
因此,physis之意蕴(摘要= [...] ousia)和hypostasis(温饱physis之,physis之hyphestosa或enhypos ta t o s 三位一体 ) 在 圣地是一个共同拥有,而所有同意进一步,在创造宇宙就不可能存在的性质不存在,但是有没有这样的事情physis之anhypostatos作为。 mb-soft.com | Thus the meanings of physis (abstract=ousia) and hypostasis [...] (subsistent physis, physis hyphestosa or [...] enhypostatos) in the Holy Trinity were a common possession; [...]and all agreed further that in [...]the created universe there cannot exist a nature which does not subsist, there is no such thing as a physis anhypostatos. mb-soft.com |
UIE:取得的成果:该研究所在方法上采用了 “ 三位一体 ” 的原则,努力使自己的活动相互 联系,全面覆盖三个相互关联的优先领域:终身学习、达喀尔行动纲领和第五届国际成人教 [...] 育大会宣言及未来议程。 unesdoc.unesco.org | UIE: Some results achieved: The Institute [...] adopted a methodological [...] principle; “Three-in-one”, endeavouring to [...]integrate its activities to cover the three interrelated priority areas of [...]Lifelong Learning, the Dakar Framework of Action and the CONFINTEA V Declaration and Agenda for the Future. unesdoc.unesco.org |
除它的其他功能,我们有到 [...] DDR3-1600年双通道集成的内存控制器,根据使用主板可以支持 (通过超频) 与达 3200 MHz 频率磁疗 [...] ; DDR3 内存我们也可以看到新的 AVX 2.0 和 FMA3 说明游戏支持,后者首演于 AMD 微处理器基于微体系结构打桩机 (维舍拉、 三位一体和丽晶)。 cn.500gadgets.com | Among its other features, we have to DDR3-1600 dual channel integrated memory controller, which depending on the used motherboard can support (via overclock) DDR3 memory with up to 3200 MHz frequency magnetotherapy; We can also see the new AVX 2.0 and FMA3 instructions games support, [...] the latter premiered in AMD [...] microprocessors based on the micro-architecture Piledriver (Vishera, Trinity and Richland). 500gadgets.com |
没有idiomatum可能解释这一论断的距离通信中的痛苦的神性的,因为它不仅是神性(在hypostasis感)的钉在十字架上的儿子据说已经消失,语言附加到一个调用 的 三位一体 3 倍。 mb-soft.com | There is no possibility of explaining away this assertion of the suffering of the Divine Nature by the communicatio idiomatum, for it is not merely the Divine Nature (in the sense of [...] hypostasis) of the Son which is said to have been crucified, but the words are attached to a [...] three-fold invocation of the Trinity. mb-soft.com |
这就是所谓三摩提(三表),或 三位一体 , 从 完全不同的三个不同的人永远在一个基督教神性的概念,从而提供了建议,为印度教起源基督教教义没有合法理由。 mb-soft.com | This is the so-called Tri-murti (tri-form), or trinity, altogether different from the Christian concept of three eternally distinct persons in one Godhead, and hence offering no legitimate ground for suggesting a Hindu origin for the Christian doctrine. mb-soft.com |