

单词 三七仔

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External sources (not reviewed)

至於由薄扶林至香线余下路 段,政府当局则表示会根据南区的进一步发展进行检讨。
As for the remaining part of Route 7 between Pok Fu Lam andAberdeen,the Administration said that it would be reviewed in the light of further development in the Southern District.
我们有充份的理 由解释中区填海程和计划第二期的 抽水站设计为何有所不同。
There are good reasons for differences in the design of the cooling water pumping stations for WDII and CRIII.
一)我们建议乘坐港铁前往会议场地的宾客,采用以下的步行路线:(二)找出A5” 出口;沿自动扶手电梯直上,以连接行人天桥;(四)向”湾仔北”指示牌的方向前行(五)一直向前步行至”入境事务大楼”;(六)按照大楼的指示牌走,你会到达香港会议展览中心;出大堂入口处的一个巨型「节目表」灯箱。
The following walking route is recommended for delegates taking MTR to the Congress venue: (b) find Exit A5; (c) up an escalator onto the flyover; (d) follow the signage towards Wanchai North; (e) walk straight to the Immigration Tower; (f) follow the signages there that lead you to the HKCEC; (g) find the Event Directory Board at the Entrance lobby.
在东南九 龙、中 区以及期的 总 填海范围,已由原来建议的 376 公 顷 [...]
, 大幅减少至 180 公 顷 。
The total area of reclamation in South East Kowloon, Central
[...] Reclamation Phase III and Wan Chai Development Phase [...]
II has been reduced from 376 hectares to 180 hectares.
根据《工作和休息时间法》,下述各类的工作已经缩短了工作时间: 从事地下工作、对健康构成危害的工作或特殊性质的工作的雇员――最多每既每个小时;在学校和其他托儿机构工作的教师和教育工 作者,在教育工作的其他人员以及根据与保健服务提供机构订立的雇用合同 工作的心理学家和语言治疗师――最多每既每个小时。
Under the Working and Rest Time Act, the following categories of workers have reduced working time: employees who perform underground work, work that poses a health
hazard or work of a special
[...] nature —up to seven hours per dayor thirty-five hours per week; teachers and educators working in schools and other child care institutions, and other persons working in the area of education, and psychologists and speech therapists working on the basis of employment contracts entered into with a provider of health care services —up to seven hours perday orthirty-five hours per week.
在隧道内穿越中环填海计划计划第二期的主干道路段又称为中环湾仔绕道,而主 干道连接东区走廊的天桥部份,又称为东区走廊连接路。
The section of the Trunk Road that runs in tunnel through CRIII and WDII is also known as the CWB, whilst the section of the Trunk Road on flyover, for the connection with the IEC, is also known as the IECL.
欧洲通信卫星组织的观察员向小组委员会通报了以下内容:2012 年世界无 线电通信会议的成果、宽带数字发展委员会(该委员会是国际电信联盟(国际
电联)秘书长和联合国教育、科学及文化组织(教科文组织)总干事于 2010 年
[...] 成立的,目的是在该领域加速实现千年发展目标)的工作,以及欧洲通信卫星 组织缔约方大会 2011 年议商定定期向缔约方报告通过欧洲通信卫 [...]
The Subcommittee was informed by the observer for EUTELSAT-IGO about the outcome of the 2012 World Radiocommunication Conference, the work of the Broadband Commission for Digital Development, established by the Secretary-General of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) and the Director-General of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization in 2010 with the aim of accelerating the achievement of the Millennium
Development Goals in that field, and the
[...] agreement of the thirty-seventh meeting ofthe EUTELSAT [...]
Assembly of Parties in 2011 to provide
regular reports to the parties on repeated deliberate interference on several radio and television channels broadcast via EUTELSAT satellites, stressing that since the previous such report there had been a large increase in such interference.
若果析是後结果,则可以发现整体民愤评分 (以整体样本计) 由七一前的51.1分,上升至七一後的53.5分。
Indepth analysis before and afterJuly 1 showed that the overall ratings of public grievance (based on the overall sample) increased from 51.1 marks registered before July 1 to 53.5 marks obtained after July 1.
委员会在议上重申人口司的工作非常重要,为联合国系统和国 际社会提供了具有科学依据的综合意见,用于分析在实现以下文件规定的人口与 [...]
发展目标和目的方面取得的进展:联合国主要首脑会议和会议的成果文件,特别 是《国际人口与发展会议行动纲领》、进一步执行行动纲领需采取的重大行动和
《关于艾滋病毒/艾滋病问题的承诺宣言》(委员会第 2004/1 号决议)。
At its thirty-seventh session, the Commission [...]
reaffirmed the importance of the work of the Population Division in providing
the United Nations system and the international community with comprehensive and scientifically sound inputs for the analysis of progress made in achieving the goals and objectives on population and development set in the outcomes of major United Nations summits and conferences, especially the Programme of Action of the International Conference on Population and Development, the key actions for its further implementation and the Declaration of Commitment on HIV/AIDS (Commission resolution 2004/1).
大会第、五十 九和六十三届会议扩大了特别委员会(第 1810(XVII)号决议和第 34/425、59/520、 63/526 和 64/554 [...]
The Assembly enlarged the Special
[...] Committee at its seventeenth, thirty-fourth, fifty-ninth, sixty-third andsixty-fourth [...]
sessions (resolution
1810 (XVII) and decisions 34/425, 59/520, 63/526 and 64/554).
除上文所披露者外,据董事所知,概无任何其他人士(本公司董事或主要行政人员除外) 在二零,於本公司股份或相关股份中,拥有5%或以上之权益或淡仓 而须根据证券及期货条例第XV部予以披露或记录於本公司根据证券及期货条例第336条 须予备存之登记册。
Save as disclosed above, the directors are not aware of any other person (other than a director or chief executive of the Company) who, as at 30th June, 2007,had interests or short positions in the shares or underlying shares of the Company of 5% or more which would fall to be disclosed pursuant to the Part XV of the SFO, or as recorded in the register required to be kept by the Company under Section 336 of the SFO.
执行局在其决定 136 EX/3.4.1 第 II
部分中说它审议了联合检查组的报告 (JIU/REP/89/9),尤其是关于建立专家小组的建议 3,承认以下做法是适当的:建立一个
[...] 源于财务与行政委员会的专家小组,并赋予该小组有限的职权,即为该委员会收集情况和提 供意见 ;执行局还决定将该问题列入其第三七议议程。
By 136 EX/Decision 3.4.1, Part II, the Executive Board, having examined the reports of the Joint Inspection Unit (JIU/REP/89/9) and especially its Recommendation 3 concerning the creation of an experts’ group, acknowledged the advisability of establishing a small group of experts which would be drawn from the Finance and Administrative Commission and whose role would be limited to assisting the
Commission in a fact-finding and advisory capacity, and also decided to include the question
[...] in the agenda of its 137th session.
(ii) 警方会作出安排,於二零一二在香学院的一个模拟测试室内示范损害测试;该模 拟测试室的设置将類似在指定警署的实际设置。
(ii) the Police will arrange a demonstration of the IT inMarch 2012 at the Police College inAberdeen ina simulated IT suite, which is similar to the actual set up at designated Police Stations.
屯 门 明爱中 心 早 前 在 区内进行的一项调 查显示,在 112 名 13 至 24 岁 青 少 年 中 , 有 八 成曾经滥 用 药 物 , 当 中 有 九 成曾服 食 摇 头 丸 、 六 成曾服 食K更 有的人在 13 至 17 岁 间已开始滥 用 药 物 。
The Caritas Centre in Tuen Mun conducted a survey in the district earlier on and found that among 112 young people aged 13 to 24, 80% have abused drugs, 90% have taken ecstasy, 60% have taken ketaminewhile 75% started abusing drugs between the age of 13 and 17.
(b) 为建造隧道,香大约二的水域要封闭 3年,期间只能留下35米阔的航道供船只往来,市民可能 不会接受
(b) about two-third of the AberdeenChannel would have to be closed for three years to [...]
facilitate the construction of tunnel,
leaving only a 35-metre fairway for marine traffic during the period, which may not be acceptable
1.3.1 湾仔发展计划第二期的主要目的,是在该项目范围内提供 土地兴建主干道(主干道包括从中环填海计划第一期中环交 汇处起,横跨中环填海计划计划第二期 范围的中环湾仔绕道,和将中环湾仔绕道东面出口连接到 东区走廊的东区走廊连接路),以及主要运输基建设施,包 括接驳主干道的地面道路,以应付中环来往湾仔及铜锣湾 的交通。
1.3.1 The main purpose of the WDII project is to provide land within the WDII project area for the construction of the Trunk Road (comprising the CWB which runs from Rumsey Street Flyover and the Central Interchange in Central Reclamation Phase I through the CRIII and WDII project areas, and the IECL which provides connection from the eastern portal of the CWB to the IEC), and other key transport infrastructure including the necessary ground level roads for connection to the Trunk Road and to cater for through traffic from Central to Wan Chai and Causeway Bay.
我想在此重申政府的 承诺,除了现时的中区填海程、计划第二期及东南九龙发 展计划外,政府日後不会再考虑任何在维港范围内任何其他有关填海的建 议。
Here, I wish to reiterate the Government's pledge:
Apart from the existing Central
[...] Reclamation Phase III (CRIII), Wan Chai Development Phase [...]
II and Southeast Kowloon Development,
we will not consider any other reclamation proposals within the harbour.
最近的调查显示,其实每星期工作多於 60 小时的,有 接近 80 万人;超过一万“打,工作超过 50 小时。
A recent survey indicated that nearly 800 000 persons have to work over 60 hours each week, while more than 1.5 million persons have to work over 50 hours each week.
立法会规划地政及工程事务委员会及环境事务委员 会在十一月二行的联席会议上,议员听取各申诉团 体对中区填海计划计划第二期的意见 後,要求当局提供下列资料
At the joint meeting of the Legislative Council Panel on Planning, Lands and Works and Panel on Environmental Affairs held on 27
November 2003, Members, after receiving
[...] views from deputations in discussing Central Reclamation III and WanchaiDevelopment II, requested information on the following issues
[...] 意政府当局的文件第 5段 , 当中指 出 即 使线,香於 2016年的行车 量 / 容车量 比 [...]
率 将为1, 显示开始 出 现 挤塞, 而在薄 扶 林 道 的 重 要路口 的 剩余容车量 将为-5%,显示负 荷 过 重 的 情 况 。
Ir Dr HO also drew members' attention to paragraph 5 of the
paper which stated that even with
[...] Route 7, the v/c ratio of AberdeenTunnelin 2016 would be [...]
1 which indicated the onset of
congestion, and the reserve capacity of the critical junctions at Pok Fu Lam Road would be -5% which indicated an overloading situation.
10.1.3 委员会相信第一五七条选用 21 岁的理由是当初法例颁布时 那是法定的成年年龄(見附錄 9 :一七三月的《公司法修订委 员会第二次报告书》第 7.26 段摘錄)。
10.1.3 The Commission believes that the reason for selecting the age of 21 years in section 157 was that this was the age of majority at the time the legislation was introduced (see Annexure 9: Companies Law Revision Committee's Second Report April 1973, extract of para. 7.26).
目前来 说,本港公、私营机构用於研发方面的开支大约是五五之比, 而在已发展的海外司法管辖区则七三
At present, the ratio of private and public R&D expenditure in Hong Kong was about 5:5 compared to around 7:3 in developed overseas jurisdictions.
(d) 新大屿山巴士( 一七三)公司-4 辆电池电动巴士试行 2 条路线。
(d) New Lantao Bus Company (1973) Limited – four battery-electric buses for testing on two routes.
我们已按照收费调整机 制的规定线的净收入报表,并理 解专营公司的净收入为3.71亿元,较第474章附表4 订明的该年度最低估计净收入7.62亿元为少,因此有 权实施额外加费。
As required under the specified toll adjustment mechanism, we carefully examined the NRS of Route 3 and noted that the franchisee’s net revenue of $371 million was lower than the minimum estimated net revenue of $762 million for that year specified in Schedule 4 to Cap. 474 and is therefore entitled to an additional toll increase.
从连接路八接驳处起,主干道西行线的一 小段将有四条车道,直至连接条车道退 出,其余三条车道西行穿过香港会议展览中心水道及中 [...]
From the Slip Road 8 connection, a short section of the westbound Trunk Road will consist of four
lanes, to the exit of Slip
[...] Road 3 inWanChai,whereone lane is dropped, leaving threelanes [...]
running westbound through the
HKCEC water channel and through CRIII.
6.3.3 P2 路亦为中环填海计划计划第二期的现 有及新发展项目提供往来道路,分流干诺道中/夏慤道/ 告士打道走廊区内交通。
6.3.3 Road P2 also serves to provide access to the existing and new development areas through CRIII and WDII, drawing local traffic away from the Connaught Road Central – Harcourt Road – Gloucester Road corridor.
自一九九九年至 今,共有 19 幢政府建筑物在本地认可的环境表现评估方法 中,取得第二高或以上的级别(
[...] 建筑物名单载於附件 B ) ,当 中值得注意的例子包括北角政府合署、总部长沙湾政府合署、廉政公署总部大樓,以及赤柱综合 [...]
Notable examples include North Point
[...] Government Offices,Wanchai PoliceHeadquarters Phase III, Cheung Sha [...]
Wan Government Offices, ICAC
Headquarters and Stanley Municipal Services Building.
当新政府大楼落成後,我们会安排部门分阶段迁出仔三府大樓,并将空置 的楼面分阶段尽快出租,以尽快增加湾仔甲级写字楼的供应。
Upon completion of the new government office buildings, we will arrange for the departments concerned to move out in phases and lease out the vacant floor space for increasing the supply of Grade A offices in Wan Chai as soon as possible.
打击资助大规模毁灭性武器扩散行为:关于匈牙利金融监督署的第一三五号 法令;2007 年关于防止和遏制洗钱及与恐怖主义有关活动的第一三六号法令; 2007 年关于修订金融服务现有立法的第三七令,为了欧洲联盟法律一致性 的目的予以通过。
Combating the financing of the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction: Act CXXXV on the Hungarian Financial Supervisory Authority; Act No. CXXXVI of 2007 on the prevention and containment of money-laundering and terrorism related activities; Act No. CXXXVII of 2007 on the revision of existing legislation covering financial services, adopted for the purposes of European Union legal harmonization
大会关于准许以色列为联合国会员国的第七三(三)议,回顾了其有关 巴勒斯坦之将来政府的第一八一(二)号决议和 [...]
1948 年 12 月 11 日涉及巴勒斯坦 难民回返问题的第一九四(三)号决议,并要求执行这些决议。
The General Assembly in
[...] its resolution273 (III), concerning admission [...]
of Israel to membership in the United Nations, recalled
its resolutions 181 (II), concerning the future government of Palestine, and 194 (III) of 11 December 1948, which addresses the return of Palestinian refugees, and demanded that they should be implemented.




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