

单词 万齐融

See also:


ten thousand n

all together adv


surname Qi n

External sources (not reviewed)

这些数额的基础是项融资建筑 2 830 万美元的估值和增加了 680 万美元已完工 并已转为非消耗性财产的在建工程。
This was based
[...] on a $28.3 million valuation for projects to finance buildings, and addition of $6.8 million through construction [...]
work in progress
that had been completed and released to non-expendable property.
从中期到长期而言,须开展更多的工作,使维持和 平特派团、联合国其他机构、相关双边伙伴、国际 融 机 构 等 齐 心 协 力,统一行 动。
In the medium to long term, it was imperative that more work should be done to bring together peacekeeping missions, other
United Nations agencies, relevant bilateral partners
[...] and international financial institutions, to [...]
harmonize their actions.
例 如,众所周知,虽然每天在资本市场有 4 万亿美金以融交易的形式在全世界流通,但对此没有实施税收 以增加国家的财政资源。
For example, it is known that even
[...] though $4 trillion circulate every day around the world in the form of financial transactions [...]
in capital markets, no
taxes are in place that would increase States’ fiscal resources.
同样,如文件 A/64/805 所示,在按照联合检查 组《章程》第 3 条第 2 款规定进行了协商,包括与经
[...] 首长协调理事会主席)进行了协商之后,我谨向大会 提出候选人——热拉尔·比罗先生(法国)、伊什万·波斯 塔先生(匈牙利)、帕帕·路易斯·法尔先生 (塞内加尔)、吉汗·特齐先生(土耳其)——以供任 命为联合检查组成员,任期五年,从 2011 年 1 月 1 日开始,至 [...]
2015 年 12 月 31 日结束。
As further indicated in document A/64/805, as a result of the consultations held in accordance with article 3, paragraph 2, of the statute of the Joint Inspection Unit, including consultations with the President of the Economic and Social Council and with the Secretary-General in his capacity as Chairman of the United Nations System Chief Executives Board for Coordination, I submit to the Assembly the candidatures of Mr.
Gérard Biraud
[...] (France), Mr. István Posta (Hungary), Mr. Papa Louis Fall (Senegal) and Mr. Cihan Terzi (Turkey) for appointment as members of the Joint [...]
Inspection Unit for
a five-year term of office beginning on 1 January 2011 and expiring on 31 December 2015.
东盟经济体的经验参差齐―― 例如在 融 服 务 和电信方面有一些成功的 事例,但在水和能源等领域存在问题。
The experiences of the ASEAN economies were mixed – with
[...] some success stories in financial services and telecommunications, [...]
for example, but problems
in areas such as water and energy.
8.7 为配合《公约》在香港实施,劳工及福利局于2009-10 年度增加拨款,资助
[...] 有关机构在地区筹办各项以“全方位推广《残疾人权利公约》精神,跨界 齐建 平融社会 ”为主题的各项公众教育活动,以加强跨界别协作,携手提倡社会 [...]
8.7 To step up cross-sectoral collaboration in the promotion of an inclusive society upon application of the Convention to HKSAR, LWB has provided additional funding in 2009– 10 to subsidise
these organisations in organising a
[...] wide range of public education activities in various [...]
districts under the theme of “All-round
promotion of the spirit of the Convention and cross-sectoral collaboration towards building an equal and inclusive society”.
至关重要的是,我们应齐心协力,万火急地扩大和改进索马里政府拥有的 索马里国家军队和警察部队。
It is essential that we work together to enlarge and improve the Somali National Army and the Police Force of the Somali Government as a matter of grave urgency.
2011 年,澳大利亚政府通过澳援署承诺三年内向世界银行全球道路安 融资 机制捐款 620 万澳元 ,用于在世界各地加强道路安全。
In 2011 the Australian Government, through AusAID,
[...] committed $A 6.2 million over three years to the World Bank Global Road Safety Facility, to improve road safety throughout [...]
the world.
你在报告中强调,须调查 1982 年四名伊朗外交官即赛义德·穆赫辛·穆 萨维先生(代办)、艾哈迈德·莫特瓦塞里安先生(武官)、塔吉·拉斯特加·穆加 达姆先生(使馆工作人员)和齐姆·阿 哈 万 先 生(伊斯兰共和国新闻社)在黎巴嫩 被绑架一案。
I have the pleasure to write to you with reference to your report of 18 November 2008 on resolution 1701 (2006) (S/2008/715), in which the need to investigate the case of four Iranian diplomats, namely, Mr. Seyyed Mohsen Mousavi (Chargé d’affaires), Mr. Ahmad Motevaselian (Military Attaché), Mr. Taghi Rastegar Moghadam (a staff member of the Embassy), and Mr. Kazem Akhavan (from the Islamic Republic News Agency), who were abducted in Lebanon in 1982, was highlighted.
融合、一致齐头并 进的这种关注符合会员国在其呈 件中表示的应当召开联合国可持续发展大会的观点;许多国家使用了“一致性” [...]
This focus on integration, coherence and convergence [...]
is consistent with the views of Member States in their submissions on
the desirability of holding the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development; many States used the terms “coherence” or “integration” to refer to the value added by sustainable development.
调查包括来自全世 界 111 家总资产超过 19 万亿美元的融机构的答复。
The survey includes
[...] responses from 111 financial institutions worldwide with more than $19 trillion in total assets.
梅尔维尔·贝尔德(特立尼达和多巴哥) 佩德罗·戴维(阿根廷) 伊丽莎白·瓜温扎(津巴布韦) 弗雷德里克·哈霍夫(丹麦) 弗拉维亚·拉齐(意大利) 安万·凯西亚姆贝·明杜瓦(刚果民主共和国) 普里斯卡·马蒂姆巴·尼亚姆贝(赞比亚) 米歇尔·皮卡尔(法国) 阿帕德·普兰德勒(匈牙利) 斯特凡·特雷希塞尔(瑞士) (f) 强调它打算在 2011 年 6 月 30 日之前,根据国际法庭的审判预测时间表, 延长法庭审判法官的任期,并请国际法庭庭长至迟于 2011 年 5 月 15 日向安理会 提交经更新的审判和上诉时间表
(f) Underlines its intention to extend, by 30 June 2011, the terms of office of the trial judges at the International Tribunal on the basis of the Tribunal’s projected trial schedule, and requests the President of the International Tribunal to submit an updated trial and appeals schedule no later than 15 May 2011
备忘项目:除了上述认缴额之外,下面国家述表示它们愿意支持全球环境基金以赠款或优惠贷款形式提供共 融 资 或平 行 融 资: 奥地利(600 万特别提款权);丹麦;法国(4.4 亿法郎);以及挪威。
Memorandum Item: In addition to the above contributions, the following countries have indicated their intention to
provide cofinancing or parallel
[...] financing on grant or concessional terms in support of the GEF: Austria (SDR 6 million); Denmark; France (FF 440 million); and Norway.
通常,托马斯·史翠克在用聚苯乙烯泡沫塑料磨制原作的同时,也会备制第二份作品,第二件作品当然是用棱角 齐 、 形 态 万 状 的边角料制成,他一般对于第一件雕塑的结构提不起兴趣,但对于备制品倒是兴致盎然;为了充分利用边角料,他会挖空心思探索新复制品的结构。
Basically, Thomas Stricker takes a doubling of the origin, whereas he is less interested in the first structure, which he forms out of the concrete Styrofoam block, but in the second one, which he creates out of an unstructured, unpredictable messy rest.
和解必须与正齐头并进,万要确 保追究侵犯人权和违反国际人道主义法 行为。
Reconciliation must go hand in hand with justice, and ensuring accountability for violations of human rights and international humanitarian law is critical.
青年受尊重的要求,阿拉伯尊严与自尊的革命 万事 齐备;这的确是一场历史性的革命。
Add to that the feeling of
[...] revival and the demand of millions of young Arabs to be [...]
respected, and you have the makings of
a revolution of Arab dignity and self-respect, an historic revolution indeed.
联合国 还通过利比里亚的 3 个小额融机构 2.2 万受益者提供小额融支助,使全国 最脆弱的受益者有能力开办小型企业。
The United Nations also provided microfinance support to 22,000 beneficiaries through three microfinance institutions in Liberia, which enabled the most vulnerable beneficiaries to start up small enterprises across the country.
几周之后,达奥翟便在位于曼谷中心 齐 路 (Ploenchi t) 的 万 豪 酒 店后厨中努力工作。
A few weeks later, Daojai
[...] is hard at work in the kitchen of the JW Marriott Hotel [...]
on Ploenchit Road in central Bangkok,
a grand building with high ceilings and wood-panelled walls.
加拿大一直是新筹资机制的主要供资方,其中 包括为肺炎双球菌疫苗预先市场承诺提供 2 亿美 元,向世界银行的加勒比灾害风险保 融 资 机 制提 供 2 500 万美元
Canada has been a leading contributor to new financing mechanisms, including by providing $200 million to the Advance Market
Commitment for Pneumococcal
[...] Vaccines and $25 million to the World Bank’s Caribbean Catastrophe Risk Insurance Facility.
在截至2012年12月31日的财年里,不计约1.246亿美元的提前还债费用,公司净亏损为2070万美元,摊薄后每股亏损0.07美元,相比之下,在上财年,不计约 2 5 2 0 万 美 元的 再 融 资 费 用,公司的亏损为 5 4 8 0 万 美 元 ,每股亏损0.19美元。
Net loss for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2012 was $20.7 million or ($0.07) per share excluding approximately $124.6 million of charges for the early retirement of debt
as compared to a loss of $54.8 million or ($.19) per share in
[...] the prior year period, excluding approximately $25.2 million of refinancing charges.
2011 年 12 月,基金拨付 1 100 万美元,其中 300
[...] 万美元拨付给退休基金、200 万美元 拨付给同一些部队的社会、经融入 ,5 00 万美元拨付给司法和法治方案,其中 包括打击贩运毒品的措施,100 [...]
In December 2011 the Fund transferred $11 million, with $3 million allocated to the pension
fund, $2 million to the
[...] socio-economic reinsertion of the same forces, $5 million to a justice [...]
and rule of law programme,
which includes measures to combat drug trafficking, and $1 million to national political dialogue.
但是核心捐款跌回融危机前 的 1 870 万美元的水平,远低于为资发基金能在 40 个最不发达国家有效运作而 设定的 2 500 万美元的指标。
Core contributions have not, however,
[...] returned to the pre-financial crisis level of $18.7 million and remain well [...]
short of the established
target of $25 million for UNCDF to operate effectively in 40 least developed countries.
大会部通过三齐下的办法努力提供高质量的笔译和口译服务:(a) 依靠严 [...]
格的标准,只通过相关语文专业的定期竞争性语文考试征聘语文工作人员;(b) 在 初级语文工作人员初期试用期间和以后,对其进行培训,并进行严密、持续的监 督,并为长期服务的工作人员提供更多学习实质性和技术性技能的机会;(c)
实 施推广方案,旨在使伙伴语文培训机构的毕业生获得语文事务所需的整套技能, 以期增加可能应聘的后备人员总数。
The pursuit by the Department of high-quality
translation and interpretation services is
[...] based on a three-pronged approach: (a) [...]
reliance on exacting standards in recruiting
language staff only through periodic competitive language examinations in the relevant language professions; (b) provision of training and close and continuing supervision of junior language staff throughout their initial probationary period and beyond, as well as expanded opportunities for upgrading substantive and technical skills for longer-serving staff; and (c) an outreach programme aimed at helping equip graduates of partner language training institutions with the skill sets required by language services, with a view to expanding the pool of potential recruits.
本计划继续实施双齐下的 战略,具体体现为两个部门优先事项:促进自由、独立和多 元的信息传播及信息的普及利用和提倡创新应用信息传播技术,促进可持续发展。
The Programme pursued a two-fold strategy articulated through two biennial sectoral priorities: Fostering free, independent and pluralistic communication and universal access to information and Promoting innovative applications of ICTs for sustainable development.
总部外办事处能够积极发挥作用这是高质量完成计划的前提,因此,如果暂时还不能 为总部外机构网络齐人员 ,总干事将在教科文组织预算限度内继续尽可能地缓解总部外人 员短缺的情况,同时要切记非集中化的过程不应该使教科文组织的整体概念和统一行动受到 冲击。
As an effective field presence is a prerequisite to an enhanced programme delivery, the Director-General will continue to make every effort, within the budgetary constraints of the Organization, to narrow, if not fill the remaining gaps in the field network staff establishment, bearing in mind the fact that decentralization should not impinge on the unity of conception and action by UNESCO.
500,000,000 非洲融共 同体法郎(93 万美元 ) ;缔约国支付他在国外的医疗费用;将肇事者在法庭上审 判并依法惩处;立即调查对他进行过所有其他威胁的官员,并在法庭上审判犯 罪者;缔约国确保他的安全。
The State party was already informed in 2008 that he requests: that he be granted 500.000.000 FCFA (930,000 USD) for the general and special damages he suffered because of the violations of his human rights; that the State party pay for his medical treatment abroad; that the perpetrators be tried in court and punished according to the law; that all other threats against him by officials be promptly investigated and perpetrators be tried in court; and that the State party ensure his security.
根据联合国难民事务高级专员办事处,其中 15 名儿童是 难民,是乍得国民军于 2009 年 3 月招募的,乍得国民军答应给每个孩子 40 万非 洲金融共同体法郎(约合 900 美元)加入武装部队。
According to the United Nations Office of the High Commissioner for Refugees, 15 of those children were refugees and were recruited in March 2009 by ANT, which promised the children CFA francs 400,000 each (US$ 900) to join the armed forces.
Daniels通知新闻界和市政府说位于拉马尔市1900海湾街的欧素丽反工厂来开始制造耐火门取得五 万融 资 的 进步。
Lamar, MO - Polymer-Wood Technologies CEO Evan R. Daniels briefs members of the media and city officials on progress toward securing the more than $50 million in financing to start production of fire-rated doors in the former O’Sullivan plant at 1900 Gulf St. in Lamar.
然而,这种形式 的自我保险让发展中国家承受很高代价,因为用作储备并投资于主要发达国家赤融资的数万亿美 元,原本可以用于发展这些国家的本国经济。
However, this form of self-insurance comes at a
significant cost for
[...] developing countries, as the trillions of dollars held as reserves and invested to finance deficits in [...]
major developed countries
could otherwise be used for the development of their own economies.




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