单词 | 万籁俱寂 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 万籁具寂—ten thousand pipes are still (idiom); not a sound be heardSee also:寂寂adj—quietadj
夜阑万 籁 俱 寂,思忆 往 事 无 数 ; 叹枯寻 百 事 而无觅 , 嗟 法 治 终 不能保 。 legco.gov.hk | I sigh the lack of many a thing I sought, The rule of law is not going to last. legco.gov.hk |
随後各种型号的葡萄牙陀飞轮腕表,万年历,游艇俱乐部和计时自动除其他外,从而适合於完美的制表传统。 zh.horloger-paris.com | Various models of Portuguese followed: the Tourbillon [...] Mystère, the Perpetual Calendar, the Yacht Club andChrono Automatic [...]among others, and thus [...]fit in perfect watchmaking tradition. en.horloger-paris.com |
尽管我们不时 地听到世界各地爆发暴力行为,我们或许正经历着一场风暴来临之前的寂静,这 场风暴的破坏程度可能会为使我们不知所措。 daccess-ods.un.org | In spite of the news of sporadic violent outbursts around the world, we are experiencing, perhaps, the calm before the storm, one whose devastation could overwhelm us. daccess-ods.un.org |
万事俱备,但可悲的是有业界向我反映,指科学园的租务条款禁止租户 提供数据中心服务,白白浪费业界的发展机会。 legco.gov.hk | Everything is ready but, alas, I have been told by members of the industry that the provision of services of a data centre is prohibited by the lease conditions of the Science Park. legco.gov.hk |
然而,甚麽都有了,万事 俱备,只欠诚意。 legco.gov.hk | Nonetheless, everything is ready except one thing is missing, that is sincerity. legco.gov.hk |
Scotty使用MIPRO ACT-707H将优美的声音原音重现传递出来,天籁之音让人赞不绝口,也让听众有值回票价的感觉。 mipro.com.tw | Scotty uses the Mipro ACT-707H for hisvocals as it fits with hisphilosophy of giving the people more than their money's worth. mipro.com.tw |
在冬季,极夜(kaamos)把万物覆盖在黑暗和阴森里,万籁俱寂。 visitfinland.com | In the winter, ‘kaamos’ or the polar night, wraps Lapland in a veil of darkness and an eerie, yet comfortably peaceful stillness prevails. visitfinland.com |
屡获音乐大奖的中国传奇歌后韩红将首次驾临澳门威尼斯人-度假村-酒店金光综艺馆,於12月1日举行《2012韩红“美丽世界”- 世界巡回演唱会澳门站》,为乐迷献上如天籁般的醉人歌声。 yp.mo | The multi-award winning Chinese diva Han Hong will showcase her powerful and unique vocals at The Venetian® Macao-Resort-Hotel’s CotaiArena™ on December 1, with the performance of HAN HONG WORLD TOUR 2012, with ticket on sales now. yp.mo |
本㆟很质疑类似动议的实际作用。因为在目前情况㆘,除非政府决意立例规定大球 场日後不能举行音乐会,否则今日这项动议即使获得通过,也只不过是㆒种不甘寂寞的政治姿态。 legco.gov.hk | I very much doubt the effectiveness of this kind of motions because given the circumstances, unless the Administration is determined to legislate against holding pop concerts at the Stadium, otherwise today’s motion, even if it is passed, serves no other purposes than a show of political posture to demonstrate that we tooare concerned about the problem. legco.gov.hk |
笔者认为理想的教育,是全人教育,要达到乐於学习、善於沟通等教育目标,有籁新的、强调自主学习的教学模式如专题研习等的实施,而小班教学正为这些教学模式提供了理想的学习环境。 hkupop.hku.hk | In order to achieve educational objectives such as being eager to learn or good at communication, new teaching modes emphasizing self-learning, such as topic-based learning, are important. hkupop.hku.hk |
例如东风日产的天籁(Teana)型号、广汽本田的雅阁(Accord)车型,及广汽丰田的凯美瑞(Camry)系列等,销量近年稳居内地中高档轿车销量前列。 prorsumgroup.com | For instance, sales of Dongfeng Nissan’s Teana, GAC-Honda’s Accord, and GAC-Toyota’s Camry series have been ranking top in the sales league of medium- to high-end sedans in China in recent years. prorsumgroup.com |
现时万事俱备,仍只欠中央政府 和特区政府的关系,才能实施将产品输回香港销售的商务政策。 legco.gov.hk | In addition, since the supply is limited, it will not have adverse impacts on the number of live pigs exported by mainland pig farmers to Hong Kong. legco.gov.hk |
经过一段时间的沉寂之后——在此期间,我们这 个次区域受到多次冲突的严重影响——中部非洲国 家经济共同体(中非经共体)于 1999 年重新启动,目 前,其主要职责是重建稳定、和平与安全。 daccess-ods.un.org | After a period of latency, during which the subregion was profoundly affected by its numerous conflicts, ECCAS, relaunched in 1999, now has as its primary mandate the task of re-establishing stability, peace and security. daccess-ods.un.org |
在审议条例草案时,政府一再 指出万事俱备,有关的 新车种已准备妥 当 ,在有关法例通过後, 便可即 时 推出市 场 。 legco.gov.hk | In the course of scrutiny, the Administration pointed out repeatedly that everything was ready and so were the new models of vehicles. legco.gov.hk |
Moufarrige说一间企业只有一次机会去带给客户一个良好的第一印象,必需万事俱备。 servcorp.com.hk | Moufarrige says a company only has one chance to make a positive first impression on a potential client and should not leave anything to chance. servcorp.com.hk |
炒”这种家常小菜煮法,无须多说,相信大家也知道,个中的精要就 是“万事俱备、出手要快”,才有“镬气”。 legco.gov.hk | Stir frying is a cooking method commonly used in the household. legco.gov.hk |
百万美元俱乐部 xango.com.hk | MillionDollarClub xango.com.hk |
一个在宿舍的日子:经过一年的休息和晚上在寂静的和平,你可以有一个早餐户外或餐厅,你可以欣赏瀑布,阿勒或通古拉瓦火山的意见。 instantworldbooking.com | A day in hostel: After one night of rest and peace in the silence, you can have a breakfast outdoors or in the dining room, you can appreciate the views of the falls, montains or the Tungurahua volcano. instantworldbooking.com |
如 果 一所学 校 认为本身已万事俱备,准 备 妥当, 亦 有 很 清 晰 的 目标和远 景 , 我们是愿 意 从优质 教育基金 内 拨 款,让 该 所 学校能 聘 请 资 讯 科 技 统筹员的。 legco.gov.hk | If a school thinks that it is well-prepared and does have clear objectives and vision, we are willing to allocate funds from the Quality Education Fund to enable that school to hire an IT co-ordinator. legco.gov.hk |
一部份人士不喜欢用激进的方法表达意见,不喜欢走上街头,普遍以一些比较沉寂的方法表达他们的意愿。 hkupop.hku.hk | Another gang of people who do not like to use vigorous means like strikes to express their grievances, they choose to resort to more silent means to express their views. hkupop.hku.hk |
幼教界争取全面资助已经超过20年,当年请愿的孩子,今天已长 大成人,幼师也从当年不用专业培训,发展至今天大部分取得文凭, 甚至学位资历,幼教发展条件已经成熟,全面资助万事俱备。 legco.gov.hk | Kindergarten teachers have also developed from needing not to receive professional training back then to the majority of them having obtained diplomas and even degree qualifications nowadays. legco.gov.hk |
长者中心 会尝试与这些长者建立互信关系,找出他们的需要,帮助他们脱离孤寂的生活,并为他们提供所需的支援和服务。 legco.gov.hk | After locating the singleton/hidden elderly, the elderly centres will try to establish rapport with them, identify their needs, help them get out of isolation and provide the support and services they need. legco.gov.hk |
陈志全议员:主席,众所周知,本地免费节目服务牌照的发放万事俱备,只欠政府拍板,民意亦相当清晰。 legco.gov.hk | MR CHAN CHI-CHUEN (in Cantonese): President, as we all know, everything is all set for the issuance of domestic free television programme service licences (free TV licences) except the Government's final decision, and there is very clear public opinion in this regard. legco.gov.hk |
沉寂了数周之后,陷入困境的电信设备制造商华为和中兴(HKEx: 763; Shenzhen: 000063)因负面原因再次成为头条新闻,两家公司最近都陷入无尽的负面消息漩涡中。 youngchinabiz.com | After a few weeks of silence, embattled telecoms equipment makers Huawei and ZTE (HKEx: 763; Shenzhen: 000063) are back in the headlines again for the wrong reasons, with more bad news for each of these 2 companies that have lately entered an endless downward spiral. youngchinabiz.com |
2)这些缺陷首先是较早和道德上的报应主题的一些后来的书籍后,死一般的沉寂,或者至少是这样的通道,作为可能被理解为是指这个极端含糊这些书主题。 mb-soft.com | (2) The first of these defects is the silence of the earlier and of some of the later books on the subject of moral retribution after death, or at least the extreme vagueness of such passages in these books as might be understood to refer to this subject. mb-soft.com |
2)项目还有助于沉寂了很久的市场的开发,同时用新技术和程序重振这一 行业,这些技术和程序改善了带给社区的服务质量。 multilateralfund.org | (2) The project also helped in the development of a market that was very static for a long time and could refresh this sector with new technologies and procedures that improved the quality of the services brought to the community. multilateralfund.org |