

单词 万应灵丹

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微额信贷应被视 为 是增加妇女获得经济资源的机会以及将性别观点纳入经济发展 万灵丹。
Microcredit should not be seen as a panacea for increasing women’s access to economic resources and incorporating gender perspectives [...]
in economic development.
需要作出更大的努力来使大家认识到监督是一种共同的责任,本组织 应 过 分地 将监督机制(内部或外部的)作为解决工作缺陷的一 灵丹 妙 药
More effort is needed to build the understanding
[...] oversight is a shared responsibility and the Organization should not place over-reliance on oversight mechanisms (internal [...]
or external)
as the remedy for performance shortcomings.
解决这个问 题没灵丹妙药,但是应当在 安理会成员之间进行 充分讨论,并通过与部队指挥官举行会议以及在大会 来这样做。
There is no silver bullet for resolving this problem, but sufficient discussions should be held among [...]
the Council’s members,
as well as through meetings with force commanders and in the General Assembly.
但有答复者指出,与私营部门的伙伴关系 应 被 视 为 灵丹妙 药,应全面 审查促使企业寻求与教科文组织建立联系的原因。
It was, however, noted that partnerships with the
[...] private sector should not be considered a panacea, and that the reasons inducing companies to seek association with UNESCO should be thoroughly [...]
虽然各国根据世贸组织规则在保护其经济方面拥有相当 灵活 度 ,而且某种形式的保护主义在有些情况下可能是必要的,但 应 作 为万不得已的手段。
While countries have considerable leeway under
[...] WTO rules to protect their economies and some form of protectionism may be necessary in certain cases, it should be used as a last resort.
在南苏丹独立6个月后,大约有70万南 苏 丹 人 还 滞留在苏丹。
Six months after South Sudan’s independence, nearly 700,000 people of South Sudanese origin remain in Sudan.
与决议草案提案国的建议 相悖的是,联合国不是一个汇聚行政、立法和司法 权的世界政府,而是一个由会员国组成的国际组织, 每个会员国有自己的司法体系,在现实中普遍废除 死刑还远未成万灵丹药。
Contrary to what had been implied by the sponsors of the draft resolution, the United Nations was not a world government with centralized executive, legislative and judicial powers but rather an international organization consisting of Member States, each with its own justice system.
据联合国估计,大约有 70 万南苏丹人目 前滞留在苏丹,迫切希望在 4 月份截止期前离开苏丹。
The United Nations estimates that nearly 700,000 people of South Sudanese origin remain in Sudan, anxious to leave before the April deadline.
40 年来,不断对空间监管框架做出调整,以 应 千 变 万 化 的 环境,并且在 满足效率和公平这两个主要的但往往不可兼得的要求方面实现必要 灵 活 性
Over the last 40 years, the space
regulatory framework has been
[...] constantly adapted to changing circumstances and has achieved the necessary flexibility in satisfying the two major, but not always compatible, requirements of efficiency and equity.
阿尔忠尼启则先生着重指出,虽然空间财 富不是解决当今全球挑战万灵药, 但是外层空间的利用具有而且将继续具有发 挥多应对措施威力的重大作用。
Mr. Ordzhonikidze emphasized that
while space assets are not a panacea for today’s global
[...] challenges, their usage has, and will continue to have, a major role to play in enabling multilateral responses.
旨在增强小组办事处的能力并提供必要资金以 灵 活 运 用当地专业知识的战 应 当大 有裨益。
A strategy that strengthens the
capacity of cluster offices and provides them with
[...] necessary funds and the flexibility to use local expertise should help.
在承认没有任何一项政策建议是复苏 灵丹 妙 药 的同时,独立专家建议了 若干创新措施,在制定复苏愿景时,各 应 认 真 加以考虑。
Acknowledging that no one policy
[...] recommendation is a panacea for recovery, the Independent Expert recommends a number of innovative measures to which States should lend serious consideration [...]
when formulating their vision for recovery.
应丹麦的 请求,题为“社会发展问题世界首脑会议成果的执行情况” 的项目列入大会第五十届会议议程(A/50/192)。
The item entitled “Implementation of the outcome of the World Summit for Social Development” was included in the agenda of the fiftieth session of the Assembly at the request of Denmark (A/50/192).
[...] 行性研究,前者旨在扩大和增加尼日尔和乍得全体儿童得到优质初等教育的机会,后者则要应苏丹多文化、多种族、多宗教和多语言的社会。
This included feasibility studies concerning a bilingual education system aiming at expanding and improving access to quality primary education for all children in Niger and Chad, and concerning a basic
education system appropriate to the multicultural, multi-ethnic, multi-religious
[...] and multilingual society of the Sudan.
它注意到不丹在其中一个难民营 参加了一项核实进程,对应获准 返回 丹 但 仍然未能这样做的数百名难民作了 核实。
It noted Bhutan’s participation in a joint verification process in one of the refugee camps, which had resulted in
the verification of
[...] hundreds of refugees who should have been allowed to return to Bhutan, but were still unable [...]
to do so.
斯洛伐克认为,该建议没有明确确定所要求 灵 活 性 的性质、信徒 较少的宗教团体的定量参数应加以避免的歧视形式。
It considered that the recommendation did not
[...] identify clearly the nature of the requested flexibility, the quantitative parameters of a small number [...]
of believers and
the form of discrimination to be avoided.
最近有人回顾说,在以广义人道原则 灵 感 的 万 国 法的“奠基人”的概念中 (在我们这个时代似乎有点被遗忘),法律秩序约束每个人(统治者和被统治者); [...]
万国法规范的对象是由从社会角度来看组成国家的人构成的国际社会,而国际社 会与人类同义(F·Vitoria);如此产生的万国法是调节人类社会成员关系的唯一 法律(A·Gentili)。
As recently recalled, in the conception of the “founding
[...] fathers” of the jus gentium inspired by the principle [...]
of humanity lato sensu (which seems
somewhat forgotten in our days), the legal order binds everyone (the ones ruled as well as the rulers); the droit des gens regulates an international community constituted by human beings socially organized in States and co-extensive with humankind (F. Vitoria); thus conceived, it is solely Law which regulates the relations among members of the universal societas gentium (A. Gentili).
虽然小额信贷仍然是许多国家减少贫穷的重要工具,但 应 将 其 视为赋 予妇女经济能力灵丹妙药
While microcredit continues to be an important
tool for poverty reduction
[...] in many countries, it should not be considered as a panacea for women’s economic [...]
[...] 足率为 25%至30%;会议室可重新调整以便灵 活 使用 ; 万 国 宫 楼群不完全符合 国际、本地和联合国防火、安全和安保标准;能耗可降低约 [...]
25%;需要更换电缆 和过时的广播设施和会议系统;需要更新信息和通信技术系统、视频会议系统和 光纤网络。
It is indicated that the study determined, inter alia, that available office space was underutilized by 25 to 30 per cent;
conference rooms could be
[...] reconfigured to permit a more flexible utilization; the compound [...]
did not fully comply with international,
local and United Nations fire, safety and security standards; energy consumption could be reduced by approximately 25 per cent; there was a need to replace the cabling and obsolete broadcasting facilities and conference systems; and the information and communications technology systems, videoconference systems and optical fibre network needed to be updated.
本 报告没有提灵丹妙药 ,但找到了希望的理由:共同目标已经确立,保护责任在 现行国际法中有着坚实的根基,过去十五年中为总体上减少这类令人发指的事件 的趋势令人鼓舞。
It offers no miracle cures but finds reason for hope in the expressed common goal, the solid foundation of the responsibility to protect in existing international law, and encouraging trends over the past decade and a half towards an aggregate reduction in the incidence of these horrific crimes.
[...] 碍,确保青年人获得适当使用信息通信技术所必需的知识和技能,同时亦能促进 青年人通过信息和通信技术参与公共辩论和政策制定,并铭记此类数字化工具并 不一定是医治青年人对正规政治失望 灵丹 妙 药, 而 应 将 其 视为促进青年人参与 民主的诸多手段之一
Recommends that States develop national ICT strategies to overcome the barriers of distance and socio-economic disadvantage and ensure that young people are equipped with the knowledge and skills they need to use ICTs appropriately, while also promoting the involvement of young people in public debates and the development of policy through ICTs, remembering that such
digital tools are not
[...] necessarily a panacea for youth’s disenchantment with formal politics and should be viewed as one of [...]
many means that can be
used to engage youth in democracy
据估计,获得安置的难民 人数多达 13.5 万,其中包括丹和缅 甸的长期难民以及近 9 万名伊拉克难民。
It is estimated that up to 135,000 refugees were
[...] resettled, including long-standing refugees from Bhutan and Myanmar and almost 90,000 Iraqi refugees.
目的:本文件的第 I 部分是总部委员会关于其在 2006--2007 年双年度期间开展的活 动给大会的报告,特别包括就下列事项向总干事提出的意见和建议:总部楼房管 理、蓝翼楼区(2006 年)和红翼楼区(2007 年)的翻修、米奥利斯/邦万大楼应进行 的紧急维修、以及总部大楼的维修和养护。
Purpose: Part I of this document contains the report of the Headquarters Committee to the General Conference on its activities during the 2006-2007 biennium, in particular its recommendations and proposals to the Director-General on management of the Headquarters complex; the renovation work in the blue (2006) and red (2007) wings; the priority conservation work on the Miollis/Bonvin site; and the maintenance and conservation of the Headquarters buildings.
因此,为应不丹政府 需要更多可靠且及时的非正规教育数 据这一需求,该办事处与教科文组织统计研究所合作,并且在得到儿童基金会资金支持情况 [...]
As such, in response to the Government of Bhutan’s need to have [...]
more reliable and timely data in the area of non-formal
education (NFE), the Office began a pilot non-formal education management information system, together with ED sector and UIS, with complementary funds from UNICEF.
凭借超越最佳专用2D绘制系统的 应灵 敏 度 与特性集,Mari与Quadro解决方案的确极具可扩展性,可快速、优雅、轻松地处理细腻程度令人着迷的画面,这样的细腻度几乎包含数 万 计 的 纹理。
With a responsiveness and feature set that puts even the best dedicated 2D paint systems to shame, Mari with Quadro solutions is extremely scalable, coping easily with an obsessive level of detail – literally tens of thousands of textures [...]
– quickly and elegantly.
2006年7月27日,伦敦讯 —— 《迈阿密风云》的欧洲首映日,该片编剧兼导演迈克尔•曼(Michael Mann)决定为自己增添一款个人收藏新品——江 丹 顿 Ma lte铂 万 年 历 计时腕表,与片中男主角索尼•克罗基特(Sonny Crockett)所佩戴的腕表一模一样。
London, 27th July, 2006 – Day of the European Premiere of the movie Miami Vice … Michael Mann, writer and director of the movie Miami Vice, had decided to acquire for his own personal collection, a Malte chronograph Perpetual Calendar in Platinum, by Vacheron Constantin, the same timepiece worn by the character Sonny Crockett in the movie.
在几十年的冲突之后,数万苏丹南 方选民投下 选票,决定自己未来的影像是对全世界的激励,也是 在非洲走向正义与民主的漫长道路上向前进出的一 步。
After decades of conflict,
[...] the images of millions of Southern Sudanese voters deciding [...]
their own future was an inspiration
to the entire world and another step forward in Africa’s long journey towards justice and democracy.
该两年期的实物捐助共计 690 万美元,其中包括阿拉伯联合酋长国政府提 供的办公和仓储设施的估计市场租赁价值 (2 30 万美元),以丹麦政府提供的办 公空间的估计市场租赁价值(460 万美元)。
Contributions in kind for the biennium amounted to $6.9 million, which includes the estimated market rental value of office and warehousing facilities provided by the
Government of United Arab
[...] Emirates ($2.3 million) and office space provided by the Government of Denmark ($4.6 million).




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