

单词 万宁市

External sources (not reviewed)

华创全资附属公司,从事 业务。
CR Vanguard
[...] (Liaoning) is a wholly-owned subsidiary of CRE engaged in supermarket operations.
其他较多人提及的答案还包括万宁 (第一阶段19%,第二阶段26%)、「7-11便利店」(10%,21%)、「华润 (18%,16%)、「屈臣氏」(10%,14%)、「OK便利店」(3%,7%)、「吉之岛」(2%,5%)等,而未能说出任何商户名称的比率於两个阶段的数字分别为26%及只有2%(表二十五)。
Other popular answers included 「Mannings」 (Stage 1: 19%, Stage 2: 26%), 「7-11 Convenience Store」 (Stage 1: 10%, Stage 2: 21%), [...]
「CRC Shop」 (18%, 16%), 「Watsons」 (10%,
14%), 「Circle K Convenience Store」 (3%, 7%), 「JUSCO」 (2%, 5%), etc. 26% of respondents in Stage 1 could not name any, and only 2% was the same in Stage 2 (Table 25).
本通函旨在向股东提供(i)股份拆细及更改每手买卖单位以及重选本公司董事的进一步 资料;(ii)香港联合交易所有限公司证券 (「」)规定的说明函件;及(iii)有关 本公司将予宣派的末期股息的进一步资料,以及所有其他合理所需的资料,以便彼等就投票 赞成或反对本通函所述的决议案作出知情决定,而(其中包括)有关决议案将提呈於二零一 一年五月二十三日(星期一)下午二时正假座香港金钟店三楼Queensway及Victoria 宴会厅举行的本公司股东周年大会(「股东周年大会」)处理。
This circular is to provide the
shareholders with (i)
[...] further information on the Share Subdivision and the Board Lot Change and the re-election of directors of the Company; (ii) the explanatory statement as required under the Rules Governingthe Listing ofSecurities on The Stock Exchange of Hong KongLimited (the ‘‘Listing Rules’’); and (iii) further information of the final dividend to be declared by the Company and all other information reasonably necessary to enable them [...]
to make an informed
decision on whether to vote for or against the resolutions as mentioned herein and which, inter alia, will be dealt with at the annual general meeting of the Company to be held at Queensway and Victoria Room, Level 3, J.W. Marriott Hotel, Queensway, Hong Kong on Monday, 23 May 2011 at 2 : 00 p.m. (the ‘‘Annual General Meeting’’).
胖胖自鱼自乐: 服务非常好,货真价实
[...] 【品牌】 伟峰 【品名】 铝合金三脚架 【产地型号】 WT3730280元 【包装】 附送超酷的帆布拉链包一个,内层防磨塑料袋等 [...]
【规格】 ★收缩高度600(mm)★最大管径(mm)
20X16.3★净重(g) 1220★最大承重(kg) 3.0★最高工作高度(mm) 1530★最低工作高度(mm) 590 ★伟峰WT3730三脚架采用经过特殊热处理的优质铝合金及专用工程材料制成,具有高稳定超豪华支撑稳固等特性。
Fat from fish from the music: Service is very good, genuine
[Brand] Weifeng [Name]
[...] Aluminum tripod[Origin] Ningbo[Model] WT3730Market Price 280 yuan [Packaging] [...]
Comes with cool
canvas zipper bag, inner wear plastic bags [Specifications] ★ contraction height 600 (mm) the ★ biggest diameter (mm) 20X16.3 ★ Net Weight (g) 1220 ★ Max Weight (kg) 3.0 ★ Maximum working height (mm) 1530 ★ minimum working height (mm) 590 ★ Weifeng WT3730 tripod adopt the high stability of ultra luxurious support solid after a special heat treatment quality aluminum alloy material and dedicated engineering characteristics.
本 公 司 的 总 办 事 处 位 於 中 国渖 阳区 青 年 大 街 227 号( 邮 编 : 110015 ), 本 公 司 在 香 港 的 主 要 营 业 地 点 位 於 香 港 皇 后 大 道 中 15 号 置 地 广 场 告 罗 士 打 大 厦 8 楼 。
The head office of the Company is located at No. 227, Qingnian Street, Shenhe District, Shenyang 110015, Liaoning Province, the PRC, while the principal place of business of the Company in Hong Kong is located at 8th Floor, Gloucester Tower, The Landmark, 15 Queen’s Road Central, Hong Kong.
包 括 在 本 集 团 与 最 终 控 股 公 司 及 同 系 子 公 司 进 行 的 交 易,其 中 约 人 民 币7'6百构 成第 ''A章 定 义 的 关 连 交 易 或 持 续 关 连 交 易。
Included in the transactions with the Group’s ultimate holding company and the fellow subsidiaries, certain transactions
amounting to
[...] approximately RMB746 millionconstitute continuing connected transactions as defined in Chapter '4Aof the ListingRules.
诚如该公告所述,倘华润建 筑获选为哈尔滨项目的承建商,华润建筑向 本公司间接全资附属 公司)提供的建筑服务将受框架协议规管,及 付予华润建筑的建 筑成本约人民币 804,800,000 元(约相当於港币 954,700,000 元)将在相关年度上 限之覆盖范围内。
As mentioned in such announcement, if CR Construction is selected as the construction contractor for the Harbin Project, the construction services to be provided by CR Construction
to CR Vanguard (Liaoning), an indirect wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company, will be governed by the Framework Agreement and the
[...] construction cost in the amount of approximately RMB804.8 million(equivalent to approximately HK$954.7 million) tobe paid by CR Vanguard (Liaoning) to CR Construction [...]
will be covered by the relevant annual caps.
本 公 司 谨 订 於 二 零 一二年 九 月 二 十 一 日( 星 期 五 )上
[...] 午 九 时 正 假 座 中 国渖 阳区 青 年 大 街 二 百 [...]
二 十 七 号 罕 王 大 厦 二 十 二 层 会 议 室 举 行 股 东
特 别 大 会 , 并 将 於 会 上 提 呈 批 准 股 权 转 让 协 议 及 其 项 下 拟 进 行 之交易 之 相 关 决 议 案 , 召 开 股 东 特 别 大 会 之 通 告 载 於 本 通 函 第 78 至 79 页 。
A notice of the EGM to be held at 22nd Floor Conference Room, Hanking
Tower, No. 227 Qingnian Avenue,
[...] Shenhe District, ShenyangCity,Liaoning Province, PRC [...]
on Friday, 21 September 2012 at 9:00
a.m. at which the relevant resolutions will be proposed to approve the Equity Transfer Agreement and the transactions contemplated thereunder is set out on pages 78 to 79 of this circular.
总办事处 香港铜锣湾希慎道十号十九境持续改善 本人非常高兴在这里报告,於二零零七年年报期间所呈现的市场气氛好转现象,一直延续至二零 零八年上半年。
HEAD OFFICE 19/FSunning Plaza 10 Hysan Avenue Causeway Bay Hong Kong I am pleased to report that theimproved marketconditions recorded [...]
at the time of the
2007 Annual Report have continued through the first half of 2008, our 20th year of operation, and that we are optimistic about the future.
二零一一年的净额主要包括与Glencore 的3 44开支,於多个的少数持股 值亏损 92 ,与结算Prodeco购股权有关的最终成本63百万美元及资产减值32百万美元。
The net amount in 2011 primarily
[...] comprised $ 344 million of expenses related to Glencore’s listing, a $ 92 million of mark-to-marketlossin respect of various minority holdings in listed companies, $ 63 million related to final [...]
costs associated with
the settlement of the Prodeco option and $ 32 million of asset impairments.
Runway 11 及 Runway
[...] Suites系列的揭幕仪式於今天举行,由旅游事务助理专员冯浩贤先生担任主礼嘉宾,而亚洲国际博览馆管理有限公司首席营运总监刘克华先生、亚洲国际博览馆管理有限公司首席商务总监王乔治先生、香港展览会议业协会会长张伟雄先生、香港展览会议业协会永远名誉主席朱裕伦先生、香港旅游发展局会议展览及邮轮总经理黄卓雄先生和香港天 店销监薛伟琤生亦出席仪式。
With Mr Vincent Fung, Assistant Commissioner for Tourism, as the officiating guest of the launch ceremony of Runway 11 and Runway Suites series today, Mr H.W. Lau, Chief Operating Officer, AsiaWorld-Expo Management Limited; Mr George Wang, Chief Commercial Officer, AsiaWorld-Expo Management Limited; Mr Daniel Cheung, Chairman of HKECIA; Mr Stanley Chu, Honorary Life President of HKECIA; Mr Kenneth Wong, General Manager for MICE & Cruise, Hong Kong
Tourism Board; and Mr Peter Sih,
[...] Director of Sales & Marketing, Hong KongSkyCity [...]
Marriot Hotel also attended the ceremony.
产品覆盖到本港大型零售商如百佳, 惠康, 吉之岛, 华润, 崇,万宁,7-11及OK便地店及批发商等。
Sze Hing Loong with more than 40 years of history as a one of the leading importers, exporters and distributors of FMCG food products in Hong Kong. distribution network throughout the territory by supplying our products into major chained retailers like Wellcome, PnS, CRC,Mannings,7-11 , Circle K, Jusco and Sogo etc as well as wholesalers and general trader.
买方及要约人 之最终控股公司万科自一九九一年起於深圳证券交易所其附属公司主要在 中华人民共和国从事房地产开发及经营。
Vanke, the ultimate holding company of the Purchaser and the Offeror, is listed on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange since 1991 and together with its subsidiaries, is primarily engaged in real estate development and operations in the People’s Republic of China.
对当地单车骑士而言,2013年已带来好消息,政府将新建23公里的单车道、提供300辆租赁单车,以及市中心禁止汽车通行,也有可能动工兴建长37公里、跨越贝加河的单车路线,许多人对此期盼已久,这条单车道将会穿越城市,并连结至邻国塞尔维亚 雷尼 Zrenjanin),如此大规模的计划肯定会吸引游客与居民目光。
Also, we will hopefully witness the start of the long-awaited project of 37 km bike routes across the Bega river, which crosses the city and connects with the Serbian city of Zrenjanin.




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