

单词 万名

See also:


ten thousand n

a great number
surname Wan

External sources (not reviewed)

Out of millions of children, UNICEF [...]
pushed for these children to testify along with our Executive Director Mr. Anthony Lake
about the lack of potable water in their communities.
他相信,随着整 个社会的坚定努力,该《公约》有可能给成千万 名残疾人的日常生活带来真正的改变。
It believed that, with the determined effort of society as a whole,
the Convention had the potential
[...] to bring about real change in the daily lives of thousands of persons with disabilities.
叙 利 亚 指 出,以色列声称 没 有对个 人执行过死
[...] 刑 , 但它却每 天 造 成成千万 名 男 女和儿童死 亡 。
It noted that Israel claimed not to have
executed individuals, but said it has been responsible for the deaths on a daily
[...] basis of thousands of men, women and [...]
1200 万名儿童 中被挑选出来成为奥运火炬手,这对她来说是非常难得的机会,也是非常大的成就。
To be an Olympic Torchbearer,
[...] selected from 12 million children – this [...]
is such a rare opportunity and a tremendous achievement for her.
除每月平均超过 100 万页的浏览量外,该新闻门户网站还通过简易新闻聚合接口 (RSS feeds)、大约万名订户的电子邮件、以及在脸书和推特上的英法文账户 发送新闻报道。
With over 1 million page views per month on average, the Internet-based news portal further distributed its stories through RSS feeds, e-mail to some 50,000 subscribers and through Facebook and Twitter accounts in English and French.
据发表在2月6日出版的《美国医学会杂志》上的一则研究披露,在一项包括了 80 多 万名 在 20 00-2009年间死亡的医疗保险投保人的研究中,于近些年在急性护理医院中死亡的人数比例降低了,尽管在病人生命的最后一个月中,重症监护病房(ICU)的使用及医疗服务转换率都有所增加。
In a study that included data on more than 800,000 Medicare beneficiaries who died between 2000 – 2009, a lower proportion died in an acute care hospital in recent years, although both intensive care unit (ICU) use and the rate of health care transitions increased during the last month of life, according to a study appearing in the February 6 issue of JAMA.
特奥会超越了其“将全世界运动员数量加倍到 250 万名”的目标。
Special Olympics surpasses its goal of doubling the number of athletes that participate
[...] worldwide to 2.5 million participants.
在联合国儿童基金会和CARE组织的支持下开展的2008年全国佝偻病调查显示,孟加拉大约 有 5 5 万名 1 至 15 岁的儿童有佝偻病导致的肢体变形。
According to the National Rickets
Survey conducted in 2008 with support from
[...] UNICEF and CARE, about 550,000 children [...]
between the ages of 1 and 15 have deformities
caused by rickets in Bangladesh.
在几天前关于这一问题的辩论会(见 S/PV.6341) 中,儿童基金会代表提到为成功使菲律宾、尼泊尔和
[...] 苏丹儿童复员而制定行动计划,这些行动计划使得设 有联合国报告监测机制的国家中成千 万名 儿 童获 得解救。
During the debate on that issue held a few days ago (see S/PV.6341), the representative of UNICEF pointed to the development of action plans for the successful demobilization of children in the Philippines,
Nepal and the Sudan, which have resulted
[...] in freeing thousands of children in [...]
countries where United Nations reporting oversight mechanisms are in place.
代表团还听取了主 要合作伙伴的关切,特别是了解关于德赖平原地区儿童的保护以及与武装团体有 关联或遭受冲突的其他影响的成千 万名 儿 童在恢复正常生活方面的长期需求。
The delegation was also briefed on the concerns of key partners, specifically on the protection of children in the Terai region and the longer-term rehabilitation needs of the thousands of children associated with armed groups or otherwise affected by the conflict.
根据中国驻缅甸大使馆提供的统计数据,缅甸共有 230 万名中 国人,其他机构则估计这一数字可达到 300 万。
According to statistics supplied by the
Chinese embassy in Myanmar,
[...] there are 2.3 million Chinese in Myanmar while other estimates put the figure at 3 million.
在本报告所述期间,还通过多 种其他渠道传播联合国新闻:简易新闻聚合接口用于新闻收集网站;世界各地万名电子邮件订户;20 000 名脸书和推特爱好者。
Over the course of the reporting period, United Nations news articles were also distributed via RSS feeds to news aggregators, via e-mail to tens of thousands of subscribers worldwide, and through Facebook and Twitter, reaching some 20,000 fans.
计划在卢旺达主要监狱继续执行此一方案,约 2 万名囚 犯将从此活动中受益。
This programme is planned to continue with the major prisons
[...] in Rwanda where about 20,000 inmates [...]
are to benefit from this activity.
成千万名妇女与女童追寻家务工作所提供的机遇,在向社会提供有价 [...]
值的贡献同时置身于风险之中,因为她们的权利、平等的人的尊严和自治权没有 得到充分的保护。
Millions of women and girls, [...]
pursuing the opportunities that domestic work provides, while providing a valuable contribution
to society, are at risk because their rights, equal human dignity and autonomy are not adequately protected.
[...] 个区域和清理西墙广场内所有汽车的一次机会,为了增加游客量,达到目前每年两 万名游 客,这一整顿工作势在必行。
The Municipality also expressed its concern for the management of vehicle traffic in the area and stated that the design of the new access pathway constitutes an opportunity to reorganize the entire area and to remove all cars from the Western Wall
Plaza, a reorganization needed in view of the increase of tourist flows,
[...] presently reaching 2 million visitors per year.
据发表在3月6日出版的《美国医学会杂志》上的一则研究披露,尽管患有类风湿关节炎(RA)的患者有着带状疱疹(shingles)的不成比例的高发病率,但一项对包括了 近 6 万名 患 有 RA及其它炎症疾病的患者的分析发现,与那些启用非生物治疗方案的患者相比,启用抗肿瘤坏死因子疗法的患者其罹患带状疱疹的风险并没有增加。
Although patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) have a disproportionately higher
incidence of herpes zoster (shingles), an
[...] analysis that included nearly 60,000 patients [...]
with RA and other inflammatory diseases
found that those who initiated anti-tumor necrosis factor therapies were not at higher risk of herpes zoster compared with patients who initiated nonbiologic treatment regimens, according to a study appearing in the March 6 issue of JAMA.
此外,可口可乐公司 还将通过培训、辅导及其他方案,加强价值链中 500 多万名妇女创业者的能力。
In addition, The Coca-Cola Company aimed
[...] to empower over 5 million women entrepreneurs [...]
across the value chain through training,
mentoring and other programmes.
国 际行星地球年”活动(其副标题为“地球科学为社会服务”)旨在让公众、政策制定者和决
[...] 策者以及媒体了解当前的新知识:人类社会可以如何不断地、越来越有效地利用世界各地约 40 万名地球科学家所能提供的专业知识。
The International Year of Planet Earth, subtitled Earth Sciences for Society, aims to expose current and new knowledge to the public, policy- and decisionmakers and the media, on how society can profit increasingly and at
progressively higher standards from the expertise available from the
[...] approximately 400,000 Earth scientists around [...]
the world.
在中南亚的数万 名失学 儿童中,有三分之二儿童曾经入学,但后来辍学了。
Two thirds of the millions of children out [...]
of school in South-Central Asia were enrolled at one time, but subsequently dropped out.
Provide Support LLC
[...] 已经为其即时聊天软件发布了 Mac 版,该软件是被成千万名 PC 用户使用的强大电子商务工具。
Provide Support LLC has released a Mac version of its live chat software, which is a powerful e-commerce tool
[...] enjoyed by thousands of PC users.
工程处的资格和登记工作人员继续每月更新外勤地点登记系统数据库中关 于 470 万名难民的信息,继续维护追踪特困户社会经济数据的外勤地点社会研 [...]
The Agency’s eligibility and registration staff continued the monthly updates of information
contained in the field registration system
[...] database on 4.7 million refugees and continued [...]
to maintain the field social study
system database, which tracks the socio-economic data of the special hardship case families.
因支持者在街边排队喝彩而在国际上享有“友好马拉松”美名的都柏林马拉松(Dublin Marathon)始于历史悠久的乔治亚街道(Georgian streets),每年吸引万名选手 前来参赛。
Internationally known as the “friendly marathon” because of the enthusiasm of the supporters lining the streets, the Dublin Marathon takes runners through the historic Georgian streets of the Republic’s capital and attracts over 10,000 competitors.
Cegedim Dendrite(粉单交易市场:CGMJF)宣布与领先的制药企业sanofi-aventis签署了一份为期3年的协议,向包括美国、法国和日本在内的28个国家 的 2 万名 用 户提供移动智能客户关系管理(CRM)解决方案。
Cegedim Dendrite (PINKSHEETS: CGMJF), global leader in Customer Relationship Management for the life sciences industry, announces a 3 year agreement with leading pharmaceutical company sanofi-aventis to provide Mobile Intelligence CRM solution to over 20 000 users across 28 countries including USA, France and Japan.
此外,它们认为,对于那些对人数众多――数百名、数 名或 上万名―― 的地雷幸存者负有最终责任的缔约国而言,这一职责尤为重要。
In addition, it was agreed that this responsibility is most relevant for the States Parties that are ultimately responsible for significant numbers – hundreds, thousands or tens of thousands – of landmine survivors.
他表示:“现在还没有移动运营商为全国 万名 人 口 提供电信服务,Digicel的到来推动瑙鲁通讯行业向前迈出了一大步,并将造福瑙鲁全国人民。
Minister for Telecommunications, Sprent Dabwido, in announcing today that the Government of Nauru has awarded Digicel a license to operate a GSM network, said, "With no existing mobile operator to serve the 10,000 strong population, Digicel's arrival is a giant step forward for communications in Nauru and will benefit each and every individual in Nauru.
当今中国,现代生物技术产业规模达88亿美元,而传统生物技术产业的年收入则已高达惊人的440 亿美元,遍布中国各地的2800 家生物技术企业或机构聘用的专业研究人员 约4 万名。
Today, modern biotechnology represents an US$8.8 billion industry size in China, while the traditional biotech industry has witnessed an astonishing US$44 billion of annual
revenue – 2800 biotech firms or institutions employ a total of
[...] approximately 40,000 research professionals across China.
关于复员方案,技术评估团建议联刚特派团为针对伊图里、南北基伍、加丹 加和马涅马各省残余武装分子的方案提供支助,并帮助那些不在世界银行覆盖范
[...] 围的复员方案寻找资金,包括预计将在刚果(金)武装力量军队改革计划范围内复 员的约 3 万名刚果 (金)武装力量人员所需的资金。
With regard to disarmament, demobilization and reintegration, the technical assessment mission recommended that MONUC provide support to programmes for the remaining armed elements in Ituri, North and South Kivu, Katanga and Maniema, and help to identify funds for disarmament, demobilization and reintegration programmes that will not be covered by the World Bank, including with
regard to an estimated 30,000 FARDC elements that are expected to be demobilized in
[...] the context of the army reform plan.
在若干阶段,不同类型的调解,包括国内和国际调 解终于发挥作用:其中包括有数 万名 听 众的联合 国科特迪瓦行动(联科行动)维和电台进行的调解;联 合国进行的证实 2010 年总统选举的调解;以及促进 理解的全国对话、真相与和解委员会进行的调解。
At several stages, different types of mediation, both domestic and international, had come into play: among them, by the peacekeeping radio station of the United Nations Operation in Côte d’Ivoire (UNOCI), which had reached millions of listeners; by the United Nations, which had certified the 2010 presidential election; and by the national Dialogue, Truth and Reconciliation Commission, which had promoted understanding.




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