

单词 万县市

See also:


ten thousand n


counties pl


towns and counties

External sources (not reviewed)

此次活动筹得的善款,将悉数用于在河北省保 市 蠡 县万 安 镇建立第二所“希望种子学校”。
The proceeds will go towards constructing the second YCIS Seeds of Hope School in Wanan in
[...] Li County, Baoding City, Hebei Province.
不受国际管制的新型合成药市场千 变 万 化 , 要求加大对 监测和报告的投入,以评估这些药物带来的风险和威胁。
The constantly evolving market of ever newer synthetic [...]
substances not under international control requires investment in
monitoring and reporting to assess risks and threats posed by these substances.
泗水作为通往婆罗摩火山(Mount Bromo)的交通要道而广为人知,其实它还是一个繁荣的 市 , 拥 有3 00 多 万 人 口 ,提供了各种各样的景点供您赏玩。
While Surabaya may be best known as
[...] a gateway city for Mount Bromo, it is still a thriving city of over 3 million people that offers [...]
plenty to do and see.
随后,陈校监、叶教授和嘉宾在北京耀中学生代表和家长代表的陪同下,继承去年的传统再次播下希望种子,象征将在河北省保 市 蠡 县万 安 镇建立的第二所“希望种子学校”。
To continue the tradition, the YCIS Beijing student and parent representatives along with Director Dr. Betty Chan, Professor Paul Yip and honoured guests planted a new seed to represent the sowing
of support for building the second Seeds of Hope School located in Wanan Town of
[...] Li County, Baoding City, Hebei province.
通过关联服务走向劳动市场” 项目,在维尔扬 县 当 局 的领导下实施,目 的包括改善年轻母亲进入劳动力市场的机会,创造提高妇女就业率的新方法,为 目标群体找工作,告诉目标群体进入劳动力市场的机会。
The aims of the project “Through connected
[...] services to the labour market”, carried out under the leadership of the Viljandi County Authority, [...]
included improving access
to labour market for young mothers, creating new methods for raising employment among women, finding jobs for the target group and informing them about the opportunities for accessing the labour market.
例如,中国通过落实联合计划,不仅通过参与手段对 7 个村庄的 旅游业规划进行细化,同时还造福于偏远 县的 1 万多名 少数民族人士。这些人 员不仅从参与试点项目和手工艺品、文化旅游业的培训课程中直接受益,同时还 从考虑到文化差异的母婴保健服务中受益,从而为实现千年发展目标 1、3 和 4 做出了贡献。
For example, the joint programme implemented in China allowed for the elaboration of seven village tourism plans in a participatory manner while benefiting more than 10,000 members of ethnic minorities in remote counties who directly benefited from participation in pilot projects and training courses on craft, cultural tourism, as well as culture-sensitive maternal and child health services, thus contributing to MDG 1, 3 and 4.
社会政策及卫生部(残疾人部门政策协调处),邮政机构,西班牙省市联合会,西 班牙残疾人代表委员会(CERMI)及西班牙国家盲人组织(ONCE),在该草案完成
[...] 后将于 2010 年启动皇家法令的正式批准程序,预计在 2011 年应用县市级选 举。
On completion of the draft by the working group, composed of representatives of the Ministry of the Interior (the Directorate-General for Domestic Policy, the Electoral Census Office, the Ministry of Health and Social Policy (Directorate-General for Coordination of Sectoral Policies on Disability), the Post Office, the Spanish Federation of Municipalities and Provinces, the Spanish Committee of Representatives of Persons with Disabilities (CERMI) and ONCE, a start will be made in 2010 on the
formal processing of the draft royal decree, which is expected to be in
[...] force in time for the 2011 municipal elections.
该项目成功地促使许多当地的合作伙伴参与有关活动,如在中国,有中国社会科学院 (CASS)社会学研究所、中华全国妇女联合会(ACWF)、华东师范大学、云南社会科学院哲学 所、地方当局(大市政府、金县 政 府 (2002 年)、云南迪庆藏族自治州)以及中国教 科文组织全国委员会。
The project has been successful in involving many local partners such as, in China, the Institute of Sociology, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS), All China Women Federation (ACWF), East China Normal University, Institute of Philosophy, Yunnan Academy of Social
Sciences, the local
[...] authorities (Dalian City Government, Jintang Country Government (2002), the Yunnan Diqing Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture) [...]
and Chinese National Commission for UNESCO.
尼泊尔几乎一半县缺粮,估计 2 500 万人粮食极其无保障,主要在中部和 远西部的丘陵区和山区。
Nearly half of Nepal’s districts are
[...] experiencing food shortages, and an estimated 2.5 million people face extreme [...]
food insecurity, mainly
in the mid- and far-western hill and mountain regions.
世界银行制订一个由经济财政部主管的社会保护方案,称为“生产性社会网 项目”,由三方面内容构成:(a) 劳动密集型公共工程(创造 24 000 个直接临时 就业,所发的近 534 亿几内亚法郎工资惠及近 15 万人)和面向市地区 青年的生 计培训(5 000 人受训)方案,以建造、修复和维护基本 市 设 施 (近 50 万人因 生 活环境改善而间接受益)并创造短期就业;(b) 拨款试点以改进粮食无保障的贫 穷农村地区的人力资本;(c) 制度支持,能力建设和项目管理,包括支持编订社 会保护战略主要内容项目的业务单位。
The World Bank is preparing a social welfare programme (the “productive social safety nets” project), under the aegis of the Ministry of Economy and Finance, which has three components: (a) a labour-intensive public works programme (direct creation of 24,000
temporary jobs benefiting
[...] nearly 150,000 people through the transfer of around GF 53.4 billion in wages), life skills training (5,000 beneficiaries), targeting young people in urban areas, with a view to the construction, rehabilitation and maintenance of essential urban infrastructure [...]
(with some 500,000 indirect
beneficiaries of an improvement in living conditions) and short-term job creation; (b) pilot monetary transfers for improving human capital in poor rural areas affected by food insecurity; (c) institutional backstopping, capacity-building and project management, including support for the project’s operational units in the development of key elements of a social welfare policy.
中国的发展成果的 评估报告说,开发署通过其在机构能力建设方面的专门知识,支持将农业技术推 广服务方面的地方制度创新推广到该国 31 个省的 1 000 多县,惠 900 万农 民[5]。
The China ADR reports that UNDP supported, through its expertise in institutional capacity development, to extend a local institutional innovation of
agriculture extension services
[...] to over 1,000 counties across the 31 provinces in the country, benefiting 9 million farmers [5].
中国还先后颁布了《安全生产法》、《矿山安 全法》等法律法规,建立了国家、省 市 、 县 四 级 安全监管体制、垂直管理的煤 矿安全监察系统和安全生产应急救援体制,保护劳动者的生命安全。
China has also successively promulgated the Law on Safety in Production and the Law on Safety in Mines, which protect the lives of workers by setting up safety-oversight mechanisms at the national, provincial, municipal and county levels, vertically administered mine-safety supervision systems and emergency rescue mechanisms for safety in production.
以上三大因素让“六大趋势”日渐显现:包装食品需求增 长;消费者需求多样化;食品生产与零 市 场 瞬 息 万 变 ; 食品 安全意识增强;竞争压力日趋激烈;企业研发绿色解决方案的 必要性日益迫切。
These three drivers will be the catalyst for six “mega trends”: increased demand for packaged food; greater diversification of consumer needs; changing dynamics in food manufacturing and retailing; more food safety awareness; rising competitive pressure; and acceleration in green solutions as a “musthave” for businesses.
为盲人及严重视觉障碍选民所制定的无障碍选举程序,是对第 5/1985 号 《组织法》第 87.1
[...] 条的补充,该程序适用于国家政府选举、欧洲议会选举、自 治区立法大会选举及对候选人的直接选举,但是不适用 县市 级 选 举。
The accessible voting procedure for blind or seriously visually impaired persons, which is additional to that provided for in article 87.1 of Organization Act No. 5/1985, is available in general elections to the national Parliament, the European Parliament, the
legislative assemblies of the Autonomous Communities and direct consultations of the
[...] electorate, but not in municipal elections.
[...] Coskata 能够继续为其在阿拉巴马州格县年产 5500 万加仑 纤维素乙醇的工厂的建设进行融资。
The guarantee will be the largest ever awarded for a biofuel facility and will allow Coskata
to move forward with financing the
[...] construction of a 55 million gallon per year cellulose [...]
ethanol facility in Green County, Alabama.
环保部环境监测总站和省市、县环 境 保护部门的监测站开展了以下四种类型的监测工作: 监测环境质量、污染源监督性监测、突发环境污染事件应急监测、为环境状况调查和评价等环境 [...]
The CNEMC of MEP and monitoring stations of
[...] EPBs of a provincial, city, and county level carry [...]
out the following four types of monitoring
work: monitoring ambient environmental quality, compliance monitoring of pollution sources, monitoring under an emergency situation, and monitoring for environmental performance evaluation and other environmental management.
经询问,行预咨委会获悉,2012/13 年期间的建筑项目包括围绕机场跑道和 简易机场的钢丝网围栏(380 万美元);州首府运输车间(150 万美元);其他 9 个 规划建设县支助基地(500 万美元 );扩建特派团支助基地和中心站 (6 00 万美 元);州首府县支助 基地的硬墙宿舍(1 250 万美元);停机坪、滑行道和跑道排 水系统(500 万美元);以及直升机停机坪(800 000 美元)。
The Advisory Committee was informed, upon enquiry, that construction projects in the 2012/13 period would include chain-link fencing around airways and airstrips ($3.8 million); transport workshops for state capitals ($1.5
[...] the nine remaining planned county support bases ($5 million); the extension of the mission support base and hubs ($6 million); hard-walled accommodation at state capitals and county support bases ($12.5 million); aprons, [...]
taxiways and runway drainage
systems ($5 million); and helipads ($800,000).
这一批地区包 括五个全省和 13 个其他省的县市。
This tranche includes five provinces in their entirety, and
[...] various districts and cities in 13 other provinces.
上海开埠时人口不足10万,至1949年解放时,上海人口为 5 2 0 万 , 至2003年末, 市 户 籍 人口已增加到13 41 . 7 7 万 人 ,是解放初期的2.6倍,占全国总人口的1%。
When the city became an international trading port in the mid-18th century,
population was about 100.000 people; in 1949,
[...] it was 5,2 million persons and, at the end of 2003, the permanent population in Shanghai had reached more than 17 million persons (1% of the [...]
national total), what
represents 2.6 times more than in 1949 and an increase of 860.000 persons since 2002.13 million inhabitants are inhabitants with a Shanghainese citizenship.
防止所有权非法转让:《保护和保存文化财产法》(1999 年)限制文化财产交易,并 规市、县和国家有优先购买权,以管制所有权转让。
Preventing illicit transfer of ownership: The Law on the Protection and Preservation of Cultural Property (1999) restricts trade in
cultural property and gives pre-emptive
[...] rights thereon to cities, counties and the State to [...]
control the transfer of ownership.
在今天另一个事件中,加沙地带的恐怖分子发射一枚“冰雹型”卡秋莎火箭 弹,该弹落在以色列的阿什杜市附 近 —— 市 人口 20 多万——并将大约 8 枚 迫击炮弹射进以色列南部 Eshkol 和 Sha’ar [...]
Hanegev 两个地区。
In another incident today, terrorists in the Gaza Strip fired a Grad-type Katyusha rocket that
landed in close proximity
[...] to the Israeli City of Ashdod — a city of more than 200,000 people — and launched [...]
some eight mortars into
the areas of Eshkol and Sha'ar Hanegev in southern Israel.
根据 该分析公司,将一个后台调适为 T2S 生态系统所需的投资水平最低 700 万欧元,适用 于利用通信中枢修改现有系统市场 机 构;最高 2,700 万欧元,适用于决定为结算和托 管改造其后台系统的市场机构。
According to the analyst, the level of investment required to adapt a back office to the T2S
ecosystem will range from
[...] EUR7 million for a market player that modifies its existing system using a communication hub plus adaptation layers, to as much as EUR27 million for a player that [...]
decides to revamp its
back office systems for both settlement and custody.
家族村距广东省一个万人口的大 市 大 概 一英里半或者两英里的距离。
The family village is about a mile and a half, two
[...] miles, from a big city of millions of people in Guangdong [...]
此外,若干国家的国内法规定,行乞 县市 警 察 规 则处理,376 并认为可对公共道路上行乞加以限制,但这些限制应按情况在空间 上和时间上加以限定。377 很清楚,这是一种在空间上和时间上加以限定的“限 [...]
Moreover, the
[...] domestic law of some States makes begging, for example, subject to the rules of local administration376 [...]
and considers
that restrictions may be applied to begging on a public thoroughfare, but on condition that these restrictions are limited in space and time, taking the circumstances into account.377 Clearly, these are “restrictions” which moreover are spatio-temporarly limited, and do not constitute prohibitions; still less could they, under these circumstances, constitute grounds for expulsion.
地方各级人民检察院分为:省、自治区、直辖市人民检察院;省、自治区、直辖 市人民检察分院,自治州和省辖市人民检察院 县 、 市 、 自 治 县 和 市 辖 区 人民检 察院。
Local people’s procuratorates at various levels are divided into people’s procuratorates of provinces, autonomous regions and province-level municipalities; intermediate people’s procuratorates of provinces, autonomous regions and province-level municipalities; people’s procuratorates of autonomous prefectures and
[...] municipalities; and people’s procuratorates of counties, cities, autonomous counties and municipal districts.
在发生在广西的一个单个事件中,博白和 县 9 个 城 镇的 万 名 居 民袭击了当地政府工作人员,并破坏了当地的计划生育办公室,以抗议地方当局非法实施计划生育政策,其中包括强迫堕胎和绝育。
In a separate incident
[...] in Guangxi, thousands of residents of nine towns in Bobai and Rong [...]
counties protested illegal family
planning measures, which included forced abortions and sterilizations, by attacking government workers and looting family planning offices.
在水利部的支持下,根据中英合作水资源需求管理援助项目(WRDMAP)的成果,特 编写本方法系列,以辅助省市、县 各 级 水利(水务)部门的工作,以实现水资源的 [...]
The Ministry of Water Resources have supported the Water Resources Demand Management Assistance Project (WRDMAP)
to develop this series to support
[...] WRD/WAB at provincial, municipal and county levels [...]
in their efforts to achieve sustainable water use.
澳大利亚是越南政府一项 5 年方案的 主要捐助国,在这一方案下,正在建立或升级 150
[...] 个中到大型规模的自来水系统, 并向 504 所学校、181 个诊所市场及 10 万个家庭提供卫生厕所。
Australia is a principal donor to a five-year programme of the Government of Viet Nam, which has led to 150 medium- to large-scale piped water schemes being built
or upgraded, and hygienic latrines being provided to 504 schools, 181
[...] health clinics and markets, and 100,000 households.
15 年来,CnC Tech 一直走在行业发展的最前沿,通过不断满足全新和改良的连接器和电缆需求(例如 micro USB、USB 3.0 和 MHL 适配器电缆等),来应对瞬万变的 市 场。
With 15 years of experience in an ever changing market CnC Tech has remained at the forefront of meeting the demands of new and improved connectors and cables, i.e. micro USB, USB 3.0 and or MHL adapter cables.
20 年来,城市人口大幅增长,占全球人 口比例超过 60%。在今后 20
[...] 年内,预计城市地区将再增 14 亿人口,从 2010 年的 35 亿增至 2030 年的 49 亿,并主要集中在发展中国家的中等 市 ( 50 万至 100 万 人口城市)。
Over the past 20 years, the urban population has grown by more than 60 per cent worldwide, and over the next two decades, the population living in urban areas is projected to grow by another 1.4 billion — from 3.5 billion in 2010 to 4.9 billion in 2030 — with most
growth taking place in medium-sized
[...] cities (those with populations of between 500,000 and 1 million people) in developing [...]




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