

单词 万劫不复

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从那以后,世界各地都通过为图象和音响资料注入生命力的活动来纪念这 一“音像遗产日”,因此这一活动防止了音像遗产衰变 万劫不复 的 地 步。
Since then, this Day has been observed
around the world, through activities that bring images and sounds to life, and thus
[...] prevent them from fading beyond recovery.
气候变化的 危险和广泛影响必须使我们坚信,不顾后果的消费和 生产模式是走万劫不复的道路,可能导致今世后代 和地球母亲陷入绝境。
The pernicious and pervasive effects of climate change must convince us that to follow a pattern of reckless consumption and production is to lay a path to perdition that could lead to the demise of succeeding generations and Mother Earth herself.
如果前战斗人不复员和 重返社会,武装 劫的 风险就会继续存在。
In the absence of demobilization and reintegration of ex-combatants, the risk of armed banditry remains.
但是,万不要忘 记,即使有充足资金对该楼区进行适当维 护,也不能取代对楼房庭院的复和 现 代化改造。
It is important to remember, however, that even a proper conservation of buildings with adequate resources does not replace the renovation and modernization of buildings and premises.
此外,发言人还揭露了日本代表团通过 复强 调劫持外国人的问题而暴露出不良 企 图。
Moreover, he
[...] denounced the Japanese delegation’s repeated attempts to manipulate the issue of [...]
the abduction of foreign nationals.
万一你复制, 重新命名或删除项目要素,从全球样板,以本地文件,这些项目 的内容不会被保存在当地的文件。
In case you copy, rename or delete project elements from Global Template to local file, those project elements will not be saved in the [...]
local file.
联合整编部队被调往阿卜耶伊镇以北的新总部;两部队人员都被解除武 装,但执勤人不在此 列,联苏特派团人员也立即开始乘装甲运兵车在阿卜耶伊 镇巡逻,以帮助复治安,防止劫。
The Joint Integrated Unit redeployed to its new headquarters north of Abyei town; and the personnel of both Units
were disarmed except
[...] for those on duty and UNMIS immediately commenced patrolling Abyei town with armoured personnel carriers to help restore security and prevent looting.
总之,我们必须牢记,安全理事会成员一致和复指出,摩加迪沙昨天发生的暴力事件又再次证明, 造成海盗与武装劫的主要原不在 于 海上,而在于 陆地,根源在于国内缺乏社会、经济发展和机构脆弱, 进而危及索马里本身的生存能力。
In conclusion, we must remember what members of the
Security Council have
[...] unanimously and repeatedly pointed out, and which was made clear yet again by yesterday’s violence in Mogadishu: the central causes of piracy and armed robbery originate on [...]
land rather than at sea,
and are rooted in the country’s lack of social and economic development and the fragility of its institutions, which jeopardize the viability of Somalia itself.
目前,这样的工作在城市中心不充 足 ,尤其需要处不利地 位的公民 ;很多人活的剧院位于内联邦政府步行距离内指定 SBA HUBZone #002700、 杰 斐逊县和亚拉巴马州伯明翰: 源- http://map.sba.gov/hubzone/maps/ 拟议的大剧场将带来新的收 入到伯明翰估计为 $1150 万恢复,与 美元通过第一个三年剧院的运作 1606 万对经济的影响然后 500 万美元每年以后: 请参阅图 6。
[...] such jobs are not plentiful in the city center and are particularly needed by disadvantaged citizens; many of whom live within walking distance of the Theatre which is located within federally designated SBA HUBZone #002700, Jefferson County, and Birmingham, Alabama: source- http://map.sba.gov/hubzone/maps/ The proposed Lyric Theatre will bring new revenues into the city of Birmingham estimated at $11.5 million for restoration, and economic impact [...]
of $16.06 million through the first three years
of the Theatre’s operation ,then $5.0 million per year thereafter: See Figure 6.
例如,相当大数量的索偿要求 涉及死亡、酷刑、人身伤害、精神创伤和痛苦 劫 持 人 质以 不 动 产 和个人财产 遭受的损失和损害。
For example, a considerable number related to death, torture, personal injury, mental pain and anguish, hostage-taking, and loss and damage to real and personal property.
这些人士特别肯定地指出,恩塔甘 达将军的士兵参与了多起抢劫,包括 2011 年 12 月抢劫刚果非洲国际银行 1 百万 美元;抢劫斯泰 拉马图蒂纳旅馆 9 000 美元;3 月份抢劫刚果非洲国际银行 50 000 美元;以及袭击和抢劫关税和消费税务总局和若干汇款机构。
Ntaganda’s soldiers had been involved in
multiple robberies,
[...] including that of $1 million from the Banque internationale pour l’Afrique au Congo (BIAC) in December 2011, $50,000 from BIAC in March, as well as attacks and robberies in Hotel Stella [...]
Matutina, the Direction
générale des douanes et accises and several money transfer agencies.
由此可見,政府 ㆒直對於樓市不是積極不干預,而是積極斂財,趁火 劫 , 不 斷 刺 激樓市。
These facts demonstrate that what the
Government has been
[...] doing is to rob and plunder the public by fueling the property market, rather than adopting a positive non-interventionist is policy.
缺乏治理,也助长了该区域的非法贸易、海 盗 和 海 上武 装劫。造成洪灾、复发生的(本地化和区域性)旱灾或蝗灾的地域风险因素说 明,需要实施有效的环境和灾害管理方案。
Geographical risk factors for flooding, recurrent drought (localized and regional) or locust infestation illustrate the need for the implementation of effective environmental and disaster management programmes.
但是,以色不仅无视这些既 定事实,而且拒绝支付损失造成的 1 120 万美元复赔偿金。
Israel, however, not only disregarded such established facts but also refused to pay the reparation claim of US$ 11.2 million for that damage.
关于复员方案,技术评估团建议联刚特派团为针对伊图里、南北基伍、加丹 加和马涅马各省残余武装分子的方案提供支助,并帮助那 不 在 世 界银行覆盖范 围复员方 案寻找资金,包括预计将在刚果(金)武装力量军队改革计划范围复 员的约 3 万名刚 果(金)武装力量人员所需的资金。
With regard to disarmament, demobilization and reintegration, the technical assessment mission recommended that MONUC provide support to programmes for the remaining armed elements in Ituri, North and South Kivu, Katanga and Maniema, and help
to identify funds for
[...] disarmament, demobilization and reintegration programmes that will not be covered by the World Bank, including with regard to an estimated 30,000 FARDC elements that are expected to be demobilized in the context [...]
of the army reform plan.
)及滚筒显万年历等复杂功能,不显示 出公司是制表行业中最具创意和最具竞争力的顶尖钟表制造商。
Nonetheless, from the minute repeater – the first complication developed by this watchmaker – to the orbital tourbillon and the roller-display perpetual calendar, the Manufacture is indisputably one of the most innovative and effective companies in the watch industry.
委员会认识到,2000 年的《大赦法》有助于被圣灵抵抗军强行征募的成千万儿童返回复员和 重返社会,然而关注的是,实行大赦的标 不 符 合 缔约国 的国际法律义务,尤其是《国际刑事法院罗马规约》。
(28) The Committee recognizes that the Amnesty Act of
2000 has contributed to the return, demobilization and reintegration of thousands of children forcefully recruited by the LRA, however, it is concerned that the criteria for granting amnesties are not in compliance with the international legal obligations of the State party, notably the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court.
一些家庭和 群体在很多地点建立复杂的、千 万 缕 的 关系,据此他们便常常在属 不 同社 会和文化场合的相当遥远而明显不同的社区之间移动。
Some families and groups develop complex, embedded relations in multiple locations, with the result [...]
that they move between often quite distant,
and distinctly different, communities with various social and cultural milieux.
但是,如果棉兰银行劫不是法 德里所 说的小团伙单独作案,而是唯一真主游击队发起 [...]
的有组织的行动,那它就可能会对所谓“小组织 从事暴力行为,大组织争取社区支持”的理论提 出质疑。
But if the robbery were a more organised [...]
JAT operation than Fadly suggests, it might throw a spanner in the theory of leaving
violence to small groups, while letting the larger organisations pursue community support.
特别 代表注意到在冲突期间发生了严重侵犯国际人道主义法律的行为,包括有计划地 破产财产、劫、不加选 择地袭击平民以及与人道主义准入和迁徙自由有关的种 [...]
The Representative noted serious violations of international humanitarian law during the
conflict, including the systematic
[...] destruction of property, looting and indiscriminate [...]
attacks on civilians, as well as challenges
concerning humanitarian access and freedom of movement.
如果真的要為㆗英 談判擔心,我本㆟最憂慮的,就是出現這種 劫不 復 的 結果。
If we are really to worry about the Sino-British talk, it is the possibility of such an irrevocable outcome that troubles me the most.
因此,政府可以將別人的意見說成十 不 赦 、 萬 劫不 復 、 魔 鬼等,把所有壞的形容詞也加諸其身上。
This explains why the Government is heaping all sorts of derogative epithets onto other people's views, saying that they are evil, fiendish and diabolic.
假设红利率为 8%,波动性为 15%, 结果值就复到净现值 1500 万,这意味着期权的价值降为 0,最好的选择就是立刻执行因 62 为等待成本大大高于此波动水平不 确 定 性和风险)上的等待价值。
For instance, at
[...] an 8% dividend rate and 15% volatility, the resulting value reverts to the NPV of $15M, which means that the option value is zero, and that it is better to execute immediately as the [...]
cost of waiting far outstrips
the value of being able to wait given the level of volatility (uncertainty and risk).
贝尔蒙先生提出并且 32 C/INF.8 所载的米奥利斯/邦万楼区修复改造 计划(2002 年总值 为 6,300 万欧元,2007 年经重新核算后总值为 8,500 万欧)特别说明了每年根据可动用资金 情况应实施的一些重点工程(第 1 号重点工程和第 2 号重点工程):为消除污染的危险更换 热水供应管网,修理 [...]
V 号楼外的应急楼梯,必须更换 V 号楼和 VI 号楼内的变压器,以及改 进 VI 号楼内的消防安全系统。
The plan for the restoration and improvement of the Miollis/Bonvin site, proposed by Mr Belmont and set out in document 32 C/INF.8 (€63 million, value [...]
in 2002, €85 million, value in 2007 after recosting), describes,
inter alia, a number of priority works (priority No. 1 and priority No. 2) which are to be carried out each year depending on the resources available: replacement of the hot water supply networks in order to eliminate the risks of contamination, repairing of the external emergency stairs of Building V, compulsory replacement of the pyralene transformers located in Buildings V and VI and improvement of the fire-safety system in Building VI.
和平、民主和增强人民权能有着千 万 缕 的联系;和平是人道发展的组成部 分;全球和平是地方和区域和平之和 不 消 除 压迫 不 平 等 和贫困的一切根源, 和平就无从谈起;在富裕的世界上 不 减 缓 并最终消除贫困及经济差距,和平就 无从谈起;不在人权、宪法权利和司法方面进行机构建设,和平就无从谈起;不 真正地从政治、经济和社会三方面增强妇女权能,和平就无从谈起;不具备世俗 的心态,不维护多样性和多族裔性,和平就无从谈起;不把边缘化的群体包括进 来,和平就无从谈起;不创造就业机会,和平就无从谈起;政府没有透明度,不 [...]
that peace, democracy and empowerment of the people are inextricably linked; peace is integral to humane development; global peace is the sum total of local and regional peace; peace is impossible without the removal of all sources of repression, [...]
inequality and deprivation; peace
is impossible without alleviation and eventual eradication of poverty and economic disparity in a world of opulence; peace is impossible without institution-building on human rights, constitutional rights and justice; peace is impossible without true empowerment of women, political, economic and social; peace is impossible without a secular mindset and embracing diversity and multi-ethnicity; peace is impossible without including the marginalized; peace is impossible without job creation; peace is impossible without transparency and accountability of Governments to citizens and a total respect for the rule of law.
各位部长认识到,数以万计的 世界居民依赖珊瑚礁及有关海洋生态系统 的健康来维持可持续的生计和发展,因为它们是主要的食物和收入来源,同时 还提不受风 暴、海啸和海岸侵蚀的保护。
The Ministers recognized that millions of the world’s inhabitants depend on the health of coral reefs and related marine ecosystems for sustainable livelihoods and development as they are a primary source of [...]
food and income and also provide for protection
from storms, tsunamis and coastal erosion.
[...] 要合作伙伴的关切,特别是了解关于德赖平原地区儿童的保护以及与武装团体有 关联或遭受冲突的其他影响的成千 万 名 儿 童在 复 正 常 生活方面的长期需求。
The delegation was also briefed on the concerns of key partners, specifically on the protection
of children in the Terai region
[...] and the longer-term rehabilitation needs of the thousands [...]
of children associated with armed
groups or otherwise affected by the conflict.
另一个谬误是,将区域行动特别部队的入侵与 1 号们蒙面劫者所实施不 能容 许的极端主义行为等同起来,因为塞尔维亚既没有计划也没有准许这些人的 行动。
It would also be a fallacy to equate the ROSU incursion with the unacceptable extremism of masked looters at Gate 1, [...]
whose actions were neither
planned nor sanctioned by Serbia.
根 據 「 全 年 中 國 保 障 」 計 劃 A 的 保
[...] 障 , 如 受 保 人 於 內 地 ( 香 港 特 別 行 政 區 除 外 ) 或 澳 門 特 別 行 政 區不 幸 被 劫 受 傷 而 身 故 或 導 致 永 久 完 全 傷 殘 , 則 原 來 的 意 外 保 障 賠 償 將 由 港 [...]
幣 200,000元 加 倍 至 港 幣 400,000 元 。
Under the Plan A of the Annual China Cover, if the customer sustains
bodily injury caused by
[...] an assault during a robbery while traveling in Mainland China (excluding Hong Kong SAR) or Macau SAR leading to death or permanent [...]
disability, the
original HKD200,000 Personal Accident benefit will be doubled to HKD400,000.




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