单词 | 万分 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 万分 adverb —extremely adv万分 —very much • one ten thousandth part Examples:万分痛苦—excruciating See also:万 n—ten thousand n 万—a great number • surname Wan
他们仍在坚守岗位提供服务,同时和海地人民一样,他们 仍在为失去朋友和同事而悲痛万分。 daccess-ods.un.org | They are there to serve and, like the Haitian population, they are still grieving for lost friends and colleagues. daccess-ods.un.org |
(计量单位不应大于军事支出总额的 万分 之 一。 daccess-ods.un.org | (The unit of measure should not [...] exceed one ten thousandth of the total [...]military expenditures. daccess-ods.un.org |
加共体坚持要求将大气中温室 气体浓度上限定为百万分之 350,温室气体排放封顶 不得迟于 2015 年。 daccess-ods.un.org | CARICOM insisted on ceilings [...] of 350 parts per million for greenhouse gas [...]concentrations in the atmosphere and no later than [...]2015 for a peak in greenhouse gas emissions. daccess-ods.un.org |
超级巨星前来参观学校,和他们一起参与一天的活动并与学生交流,这让他们惊 喜 万分。 unicef.org | The students were shocked and delighted that the megastar had come to visit [...] their school to share a day of activities and to get to know them. unicef.org |
为了将人为造成的全球变暖控制在 2°C 以内, 必须将排放稳定在百万分之四 百五十,这将需要发 达经济体在 [...] 2020 年以前实现大幅削减。 daccess-ods.un.org | Emissions must be stabilized at [...] 450 parts per million in order to limit [...]man-made global warming to 2°C, which would require [...]significant cuts from advanced economies by 2020. daccess-ods.un.org |
下午两点半时,Heward先生出现了,把我叫到旁边,告诉我Escher赢得了合同,对我表 示 万分 歉 意。 voith.com | At half past two, Mr. Heward appears, takes me to the side and [...] explains with a thousand apologies that [...]the contract has gone to Escher. voith.com |
这一革命性的工具能够测量到微米(即 百 万分 之 一 米),因此抬高了业界的标杆,并令 Jaeger-LeCoultre Watches 站在了制表行业的前沿。 hk.ashford.com | This revolutionary instrument was capable of measuring the micron, one-millionths of a meter, thus raising the bar and putting Jaeger-LeCoultre Watches at the forefront of the horological industry. ashford.com |
在第十五次缔约方会议之前,马尔代夫呼吁:哥本哈根协议确保通过一个 [...] 充足、方便和灵活机制,为易受影响的国家最直接和最紧迫的适应需求,提供资 [...] 金;哥本哈根协议有助于将大气中的二氧化碳浓度降至不超过 百 万分之 350;这 意味着,到 2020 年,需要从 1990 [...]年的全球温室气体排放水平减少 40%;到 2050 年,减少排放量的 80%。 daccess-ods.un.org | In the lead up to COP15, the Maldives called for: the Copenhagen agreement to ensure that the most immediate and urgent adaptation needs of vulnerable nations are funded through a mechanism that is adequate, easily accessible and flexible; and the Copenhagen agreement to help reduce [...] concentrations of CO2 in the atmosphere to no [...] more than 350 parts per million; implying the need [...]for a 40% global greenhouse gas emissions [...]reduction by 2020 from 1990 levels and an 80% emissions reduction by 2050. daccess-ods.un.org |
有些国家认为需要采取“谨慎做法”72 甚至“万 分谨慎”,73 但并未提议删去第 21 条草案或列入一些附加条件。 daccess-ods.un.org | Some States suggested the need for a “cautious approach”72 or even “extreme caution”,73but did not propose the deletion of draft article 21 or the inclusion of some additional conditions. daccess-ods.un.org |
产能的迅速扩张加之采用业内最严格的测试要求,使我们能够在 MEMS 制造领域实现更大产量,同时保持出色的 百 万分之 (ppm) 级别的不良率。 digikey.cn | Coupling our capacity expansion with the most stringent testing requirements in the industry means that [...] we can achieve greater volume while preserving an [...] outstanding parts-per-million (ppm) success rate [...]in MEMS manufacturing. digikey.ca |
6个月前,她完成了硕士的学业,并为自己所学到的知识感 到 万分 激 动。 studyinaustralia.gov.au | She found this approach to learning useful when studying English. studyinaustralia.gov.au |
电磁波长的范围包括从几英里(例 如电台广播波长),到几英寸(例如微波炉使用的微波),到 百 万分 之 一英寸(例如可见 光的波长),再到十亿分之一英寸(例如 X 射线)。 motion.kodak.com | The wavelength of electromagnetic radiation can range from miles (radio waves) to inches (microwaves in a microwave oven) to millionths of an inch (the light we see) to billionths of an inch (x-rays). motion.kodak.com |
上网查询数量翻一番(截至 2001 年 12 月,被访网页 数量达 350 万页,访问人数达 100 万,分别来自 194 个不同的国家。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Twice the number of consultations (3.5 million pages viewed and 1 million visitors in December 2001, from 194 different countries). unesdoc.unesco.org |
能宣布联合国可持续发展教育⼗年 中期审查会议开幕,我感到万分荣幸 与高 兴。 unesdoc.unesco.org | It is a great pleasure and honour for me to open this mid-term review conference for the UN Decade of Education for Sustainable Development. unesdoc.unesco.org |
高级的Web开发者则往往对可以轻易地利用他们现有的Spring和Hibernate经验而惊 喜 万分。 infoq.com | Advanced web developers are often pleasantly surprised at how easy it is to leverage their existing Spring and Hibernate experience. infoq.com |
该协议没有详述如何实现全球气温上升低于摄氏 2 度的目标,也未提及大气中二氧化碳浓度 百 万分之 350 的目标。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Accord does not elaborate on how the 2 degrees Celsius global temperature target could be met and it does not mention the target of an atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration of 350 ppm. daccess-ods.un.org |
看到这些青少年的创新理念,我感到 万分 惊 讶 ,美国史密森学会莱缪尔森发明和革新研究中心及ePals这样的组织鼓励和奖励青少年创新发明,它们的行为值得称道。 tipschina.gov.cn | It's 'seriously amazing' to see these young people's innovative [...] concepts, and organizations like the Smithsonian Institution, [...]the Lemelson Center for the Study of Invention and Innovation, and ePals should be commended for encouraging and recognizing creativity in our youth. tipschina.gov.cn |
无论是你是单眼还是傻瓜照相机摄影师,拍出来的照片都会惊 叹 万分。 4tern.com | Whether you are a DSLR or a digital camera possessor, you can take photos like professionals do! 4tern.com |
MIKROGIRDER的精确度达到史无前例的 万分 之 五 或二千分之一秒,从而成为一种全新的调速系统——耦合杆/支架与应激杆/支架组成的系统与一个线性振荡器(与螺旋形经典游丝相对应)共同工作,后者能以极小的角度进行同步振动(与之相反,传统手表最大以320度的角度进行振动)。 hautehorlogerie.org | Accurate to an unprecedented 5/10,000 or 1/2,000th of a second, the MIKROGIRDER is a completely new regulator system — a coupling beam/girder and excitatory beam/girder system working with a linear oscillator (versus a spiral shape in a classical hairspring) that vibrates isochronously at a very small angle, as opposed to a traditional watch, which vibrates at an angle of up to 320 degrees. hautehorlogerie.org |
显示最小的时间分割单位(百分之一、千分之一以及二 千 分 之 一 ( 万分 之 五 )秒)的中心指针沿表盘完整转动一圈,其速度达到了令人难以置信的每秒20次!而且与Mikrotimer Flying 1000概念表一样,借助三种刻度(2个外部刻度及一个位于6点钟位置的刻度)能迅速而方便地读取不可思议的计量结果 : 万分 之 五或二千分之一秒。 hautehorlogerie.org | Furthermore, and like the Mikrotimer Flying 1000, the dial display allows a quick and easy reading of the incredible measurement thanks to 3 scales, 2 external and one at 6 o’clock allowing to read 5/10,000 or 1/2,000ths of a second. hautehorlogerie.org |
从东京到纽约到巴黎,Alain Ducasse的美食总是令那些欣赏特殊产品和微妙组合的人感到惊 奇 万分。 audemarspiguet.com | From Tokyo to New York to Paris, Alain Ducasse’s cooking amazes those who appreciate exceptional products and subtle combinations. audemarspiguet.com |
他的母亲塔尼亚.克里斯蒂娜(Tania Cristina)看上去心痛万分,她 马上让他吸吮母乳,轻轻抚慰他,最终让他平静下来。 unicef.org | Tania Cristina, his mother, looks distraught, but she is quick to let him suckle at her breast, and rocks him until he quiets down. unicef.org |
也万分感谢 家庭成员和家庭支持小组的会员们提供给我们的有价值的反馈和分享 他们的亲身经历。 hongfook.ca | We also thank the family members and members from our family support groups who provided valuable input and shared their personal experiences. hongfook.ca |
例如,深受欢迎的开沟用防护屏 (Trench Shield) [...] 利用结构化多级铝型材制造,赋予防护系统钢铁一样的强度,但 重量却不及其万分之一。 sapagroup.com | For instance, the popular Trench [...] Shield built on structural grade aluminium profiles that give the system the strength [...] of steel but a fraction of its weight. sapagroup.com |
该成果可以对1微秒(即百万分之一 秒)以下短时间内发生的物质的变形、破坏或放电等超高速现象的详细结构进行解析,并且该成果可能将会促进新型材料或加工技术的开发。 tohoku.ac.jp | From this achievement, it is expected that detailed mechanisms of ultrafast phenomenon occur within 1 microsecond, such as deformation and breakdown of materials and discharge will be revealed and developments of new materials and processing technologies will be promoted. tohoku.ac.jp |
名医生,使医生对病人的比例从万分 之 四 增长 到 万分 之 十八点七;公共设 施中的牙医人数增长88 倍以上,从1969年的15 人增长到2009年的1,322人, 使牙医对病人的比例从万分之零 点三增长到三;医疗部门的药剂师人数从 1969 年的68 人增长到2009年的947 人,使药剂师对公民的比例从万分之 零 点三增长 到万分之三 点六;护士和助产士的人数增长14 倍,从1969年的2,612 人增长到 2009年的38,105 人,使其对公民的比率从万分之十 五增长 到 万分 之 六 十八 daccess-ods.un.org | (d) An increase [...] of 127 per cent in the number of specialist hospitals of various kinds from 11 to 25; and in terms of qualified health personnel working in health facilities, an increase of over 13-fold in the number of doctors from 733 in 1969 to 10,253 in 2009, bringing the rate of doctors per 10,000 citizens up from 4 to 18.7; an increase of over 88fold in the number of dentists in public facilities from 15 in 1969 to 1,322 in 2009, bringing the rate of dentists per 10,000 citizens up from 0.3 to 3; an increase in the number of pharmacists in the health sector from 68 in 1969 to 947 in 2009, bringing the rate of pharmacists per 10,000 citizens up from 0.3 to 3.6; and an increase of over 14-fold in the number of nurses and midwives from 2,612 [...]in 1969 to 38,105 in 2009, [...]bringing the rate per 10,000 citizens up from 15 to 68 daccess-ods.un.org |
毫无疑问,除了令人激动万分的MTV颁奖和歌手们令人惊叹的舞台表演(例如美国年轻乡村歌手Taylor Swift),最大的亮点之一是当晚的女主持,德国名模海蒂·克鲁姆(Heidi Klum)。 citij.com | Apart from a public excitement common for any MTV Awards worldwide and singers' breathtaking stage performances (take one from Taylor Swift for instance), undoubtedly, one of the brightest highlights was a co-host of the night — Heidi Klum — for whom, not to mention, Germany is a home country. citij.com |
由于日本财团和世界卫生组织 [...] (世卫组织)的支持以及日本财团会长、世卫组织消灭 麻风病亲善大使笹川阳平先生的奉献和投入,东帝汶 麻风病发病率现在不足万分之一。 daccess-ods.un.org | With the support of the Nippon Foundation and the World Health Organization (WHO) and the commitment and dedication of its patron, Mr. Yohei Sasakawa, WHO Goodwill Ambassador [...] for the Elimination of Leprosy, the incidence of the disease in [...] Timor-Leste is now less than one case per 10,000 people. daccess-ods.un.org |
虽然中国仍旧万分谨 慎 地处理着来自他们的喀土穆合作伙伴的不满怨 言,但与苏丹南方的公开和私人接触开始增多。18 [...] 随着《全面和平协议》进入最后阶段,中国政府 “专门针对南部分裂的可能性采取对冲策略,然后 开始暗中积极为南方独立的必然结果做准备”。 crisisgroup.org | Public and private engagement began [...] to grow, though the Chinese took great care to manage the unhappy rumblings from their [...]partners in Khartoum.18 As the CPA period entered its final stretch, Beijing pursued a “hedging strategy geared toward the possibility of Southern secession, and then began to quietly but actively prepare for this inevitability”.19 Though its reservations about separation remained, the referendum had broad international backing and the likely outcome was clear. crisisgroup.org |