

单词 万事亨通

See also:


all things


go smoothly
going well

External sources (not reviewed)

(b) 第 3 條規定亨銀行的董事會可 確定一個合併生效的指定日期,並且浙江 第一銀行和永亨銀行須於憲報刊登公告,述明該指定日期。
(b) Clause 3 provides that
[...] the board of directors of Wing Hang may determine [...]
an appointed day upon which the Merger will
take effect and that such appointed day must be notified by both CFB and Wing Hang in the Gazette.
代理主席、 各位事,今 天會議結束後,大家便會歡度新年,我在此祝願香港和內地盡 快“路亨通、財源廣進”。
I wish Hong Kong and the Mainland will "get fully connected in great prosperity" as quickly as possible.
因此,專責委員會有責任調查一切與 梁展文先生離職後從事工作有關事 宜 , 包括 亨灣 事件, 儘管調查的深入程度視乎情況而或會有所不 同。
Therefore, it was incumbent for the
Select Committee to
[...] inquire into all matters relating to the post-service work of Mr LEUNG Chin-man, including the Grand Promenade incident, although there [...]
could be differences
in the depth of inquiry depending on the circumstances.
委员会还注意到,利用订约承办事 务尤为显著的是第 2 款(大会和经济及社会事会事务和 会议管理,2 730 万美 元)、第 29C 款(人力资源管理厅,2 560 万美元)、第 28 款(新闻,1 610 万美元) 和第 30 款(信息通信技术厅,1 580 万美元)。
The Committee also notes that the utilization of contractual services is particularly significant in section 2, General
Assembly and Economic and Social Council affairs and conference management
[...] ($27.3 million), section 29C, Office of Human Resources Management ($25.6 million), section 28, Public information ($16.1 million), and section 30, Office of Information and Communications Technology ($15.8 million).
例子包括: 在發展審批過程中,規定進行空氣 通 評 估 及景觀影響評估; 逐步檢討《分區計劃大綱圖》,以加入樓宇高度限制和其他發 展參數;在政府土地的賣地條款及個別地段的修訂契約中訂定 適當的發展參數。作為一項更針對性的措施,我們已承諾跟進 因西灣河內地段第 8955 號發展項目(又稱「亨灣」)1事件 所 引起的關注,即私人發展項目在計算總樓面面積時可獲批各 項寬免,而這些寬免會直接對樓宇體積及高度構成影響。
In line with the Chief Executive’s pledge for
[...] progressive development in this term of the Government, we have introduced a number of measures to address these concerns, such as the requirement for conducting air ventilation assessment and visual impact assessment during the development approval process; progressive review of Outline Zoning Plans to impose building height restrictions and other development parameters; incorporation of suitable development parameters in Government land sale conditions and modified leases for specific sites, etc. More specifically, we have committed to follow up on concerns, as revealed in the incident of the Sai Wan Ho Development [...]
on Inland Lot No.
8955 (aka “Grand Promenade”)1 , that private developments are granted various concessions in the calculation of GFA and these directly contribute to building bulk and height.
减少的原因主 要是下列项下所需经费减少:设施和基础设施 (4 60 万美元)、通信(4 68 800 美元) 和信息技术(563 900 美元),反映(a) 主要的多年项目(修建卫星接收场地 B、后 勤基地的电子系统、巴伦西亚支助基地的出入控制和闭路电视系统)完工;(b) 改 建和翻事务所 需经费减少,因为在 2010/11 年预算期间进行了各种整修、更换 和翻修,因此在即将来到的期间里不再需要开展这些工作;(c) 2010/11 年购置 发电机的一次性支出;(d) 一次性购置与巴伦西亚支助基地相关的通信和信息技 术设备。
The decrease is primarily due to reduced requirements under facilities and infrastructure ($4.6 million), communications ($468,800) and information technology ($563,900), reflecting (a) the completion of key multi-year projects (construction of Satellite Farm Building B, the electrical [...]
system at UNLB and the access control
and closed-circuit television system for the Support Base at Valencia); (b) reduced requirement for alteration and renovation services as various refurbishments, replacements and renovations which took place during the 2010/11 budget period are not required in the upcoming period; (c) one-time expenditures for the acquisition of generators in 2010/11; and (d) one-time acquisition of communications and information technology equipment related to the Support Base at Valencia.
通过与万事达基 金合作,孟加拉乡村进步委员会为像维诺妮卡这样的年轻妇女提供小额贷款,帮助他们发掘自己的潜能,创立自己的事业。
BRAC with its partner the MasterCard Foundation provides microfinance loans to young women like Veronica so they may realise their potential and establish their own businesses.
基 金会和私人捐赠包括:更美好世界基金会、纽约卡内基 公司、人道主义联盟基金会、犹太世界守望组织、肯西 基金会、威廉及芙罗拉·海尔立特基金会 亨 特 奥 特纳 提夫基金会、韩国基金会、约翰 D 及凯瑟琳 T 麦克阿 瑟基金会、开放社会协会、西格丽德·瑞思基金、洛克 菲勒基金会、维克多·平丘克基金会、瑞德克里夫基金 会、洛克菲勒慈事业、 和维瓦阿洛基金会。
The following institutional and private foundations have provided funding in recent years: Adessium Foundation, Carnegie Corporation of New York, Elders Foundation, William and Flora Hewlett Foundation, Humanity United, Henry Luce Foundation, John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation, Oak Foundation, Open Society Foundations, Ploughshares Fund, Radcliffe Foundation, Rockefeller Brothers Fund, Stanley Foundation, The Charitable Foundation, Tinker Foundation Incorporated.
在澳大利亚取现金最简单的方法通 过 国 际网络在 ATM(自动取款机)上取钱,例如 Cirrus(万事达卡)或 PLUS(Visa)。
The easiest way to get cash away from home is from
[...] an ATM (automated teller machine) with an international network such as Cirrus (Mastercard) or PLUS (Visa).
万通遍布全球的强大业务以万通 致 力于制药和化学行业的情况下,加 万通 对 近红外光谱技术的投资,这一战略联盟将会让我们的业务在这些领域获得进一步的成长,并为我们的客户稳定地提供革新性的近红外光谱产品以及高水平的技术支持“,福斯-近红外系统公司 事 长 Ph ilip Irving博士说到。
With Metrohm’s strong worldwide presence, commitment to the pharmaceutical and chemical industries, and with this investment in NIR the alliance allows us to further grow our business within these sectors and provide our customers with a steady stream of new innovative NIR products and the highest level of support”, said Dr. Philip Irving, President of FOSS NIRSystems.
(2) 就《證據條例》(第 8 章)第 20 條而言,凡銀行紀錄憑藉本條例ffl作已 成爲永亨銀行的銀行紀錄,而其內有任何記項看來是在指定日期前已列 入者,則該等紀錄須ffl作爲在列入該記項時已屬 亨 銀 行的 普 通 銀 行 紀 錄,而任何該等記項須ffl作爲在慣常及通常業務運作中列入者。
(2) For the purposes of section 20 of the Evidence Ordinance (Cap. 8), banker’s records which are deemed to have become the banker’s records of Wing Hang Bank by virtue of this Ordinance shall be deemed to have been the ordinary banker’s records of Wing Hang Bank at the time of the making of any entry therein which purports to have been made before the appointed day, and any such entry shall be deemed to have been made in the usual and ordinary course of business.
您需要提供您的手机号码,电子邮件地址、密码、您的香港身份证资料和支付卡(如Vis a卡 / 万事 达 卡 或八 通 卡 )
You need to provide your mobile number, email
address, password, information from your Hong Kong Identification Card, and a
[...] payment card (such as Visa/Master or Octopus).
在冲突时期,政治情况瞬万变, 很难获得政策承诺,在某些重要领域,如两性 问题领域,似乎已经失去了势头,但深入的游说工作终于在教育部产生了专门的协调 中心,如性别问题协调中心(在教育部下的每个机构 )、艾滋病毒/艾滋病协调中心和 教育信通信技术协调中心。
Policy commitments have been hard to obtain with rapid political changes during times of conflict, and momentum seems lost on certain important areas like gender, but intensive lobbying has resulted in dedicated focal points in the Ministry of Education, e.g. for gender (each agency under MOES), HIV/AIDS and for ICT in education.
审议了秘书长转递关于加强全球道路安全的报告的说明及其所载各项建议,1 认识到道路交通重大碰撞事故造成的死亡是巨大的全球负担,并且每年还有 两万至五千万人在非致命道路 通事 故 中受伤,其中许多人留下终生残疾
Having considered the note by the Secretary-General transmitting the report on improving global road safety and the recommendations contained therein,1 Recognizing the tremendous global burden of mortality resulting from road traffic
crashes, as well as the
[...] twenty to fifty million people who incur each year non-fatal road traffic injuries, many [...]
of whom are left with lifelong disabilities
以下信用卡可接受付款:VISA,VISA ELECTRON,万事达,JCB及美国通。
The following credit cards can be registered onboard:
[...] Visa, Visa Electron, Mastercard, Diners, JCB and American [...]
以下与会者作了发言:大韩民国教育、科学和技术部第一副部长薛东健 (Dong-Kun Sul) 先生,喀麦隆科学研究和创新部部长玛德兰·春特女士阁下,埃 及科学研究和技术部部长阿姆尔·伊扎特·萨拉姆先生阁下,马耳他科学和技术事会总 裁尼古拉斯·萨马特先生,黑山科学部部长萨尼娅·维亚霍维奇女士阁 下,巴基斯坦联邦科学和技术部部长厄尔凡·南迪穆·赛义德先生,菲律宾科学 技术部副部长福图纳托·德拉佩尼亚先生,津巴布韦科学和技术发展部部亨 利· 季诺提维伊先生阁下,加纳环境、科学和技术部部长谢丽·阿伊泰女士。
Presentations were made by the following participants: Mr. Dong-Kun Sul, First Vice-Minister of Education, Science and Technology of the Republic of Korea; H.E. Ms.
Madeleine Tchuinte,
[...] Minister of Scientific Research and Innovation of Cameroon; H.E. Mr. Amr Ezzat Salama, Minister of Scientific Research and Technology of Egypt; Mr. Nicholas Sammut, CEO, Council for Science and Technology of Malta; H.E. Ms. Sanja Viahović, Minister of Science of Montenegro; Mr. Irfan Nadeem Sayeed, Federal Secretary, Ministry of Science and [...]
Technology of Pakistan;
Mr. Fortunato T. De la Peña, Undersecretary, Department of Science and Technology of the Philippines; H.E. Mr. Henry Dzinotyiweyi, Minister of Science and Technology Development of Zimbabwe; and Ms. Shery Ayittey, Minister of Environment, Science and Technology of Ghana.
所有票房均接受现金或信用卡(美国 通 卡 、 VISA 卡、大来信用证万事达卡)付款。
All box offices accept cash and credit cards (American Express, VISA, Diners Club or MasterCard).
由於此事深受 公眾關注,專責委員會認為有需要研究梁先生在 亨 灣 事 件中 行使酌情權,與他離職後加入房地產機構工作是否有任何關 連,以及會否出現利益衝突的情況。
As the case aroused grave public concern, the Select Committee considers it necessary to examine whether there was any connection between Mr LEUNG's discretion exercised in the Grand Promenade case and the post-service work which he had taken up with real estate organizations, and whether there would be a conflict of interest.
更具體來說,於西灣河內地段 8955 號發展項目( 又稱 “亨灣”)的事件後 ,公眾便更為關注,縱使已執行上述 的措施以減低樓宇體積,但發展商仍可獲取各式的總樓 面面積豁免,導致樓宇體積和高度增加。
More specifically, following from the
[...] incident on the Sai Wan Ho Development on Inland Lot No. 8955 (aka “Grand Promenade”), the public’s attention is increasingly focused on the fact that whilst the [...]
above-mentioned measures
are taken to reduce the building bulk, developers are entitled to enjoy various concessions in the calculation of gross floor area (“GFA”) which directly contribute to building bulk and height.
大约 40
[...] 个国家的代表在安理会公开辩论期间 发言,其中包括联合王国非事务大 臣 亨 利 ·贝 林厄姆先生。
Representatives of around 40 countries,
including Mr. Henry Bellingham MP, the Minister for Africa of the United
[...] Kingdom, addressed the Council during the open debate.
[...] 指出,公務員現時是處於一個極度惶恐的狀態,因為他們經歷過數碼港、紅 灣半島、亨灣等事件以 後,便非常害怕被指摘地產商與政府官商勾結,因 [...]
Some members further pointed out
that civil servants were now extremely
[...] skittish after the incidents relating to the [...]
Cyberport, the Hunghom Peninsula, the Grand
Promenade, and so on, and they were very afraid of being accused of collusion between property developers and the Government.
Judge Chinhengo is fluent in English.
(iii) 凡提述浙江第一銀行的董事或任何一名董事、高級人員或 僱員之處(不論如何措詞,亦不論是明訂或隱含),就須 在指定日期ffl日或以後辦理的事情而言,即爲提述 亨銀 行事,或永亨銀行爲該目的而委任的董事、高級人員 或僱員(視情况所需而定),或如無上述委任,則爲提述 身分與首述的董事、高級人員或僱員最爲接近的 亨 銀行事、高級人員或僱員。
(iii) any reference (however worded and whether express or implied) to the directors or to any director, officer or employee of Chekiang First Bank were, as respects anything falling to be done on or after the appointed day, a
reference to the
[...] directors of Wing Hang Bank or, as the case may require, to such director, officer or employee of Wing Hang Bank as Wing Hang Bank may appoint for that purpose or, in default of appointment, to the director, officer or employee of Wing Hang Bank who corresponds as nearly as may be to the first-mentioned director, officer or employee.
(2) 浙江第一銀行的董事、秘書或核數師,不得僅憑藉本條例而成爲 亨銀 行事、秘 書或核數師(視屬何情况而定)。
(2) No director, secretary or auditor of Chekiang First Bank shall by virtue only of this Ordinance become a director, secretary or auditor, as the case may be, of Wing Hang Bank.
有鉴于此,署长提议动用经常资源投资 420 万美元,通过设立以下职位支 持转变中的脆弱国家:㈠ 在苏丹南方设立1个D-2 职等的高级国家主任和 6 个 本国事和当 地员额;㈡ 在也门设立1个D-2 职等的高级国家主任;㈢ 鉴于整 个区域同时发生多个危机,在阿拉伯国家区域设立1个D-1 职等的转变小组组长, 以协调支助工作。
In view of the above, the Administrator proposes an
[...] investment of $4.2 million from regular resources to support countries in fragile transitions through the establishment of the following positions: (i) a D2 Senior Country Director and six national officer and local posts in Southern Sudan; (ii) a D2 Senior Country Director in Yemen; [...]
and (iii) a D1 Transition
Team Leader in the Arab States region to coordinate support, in view of the multiple and simultaneous crises taking place across the region.
另外,前南斯拉夫的马其顿共和国和立陶宛出台了以下规定:所有的公 共网站必须向全体公民开放,并遵 万 维 网联 盟 通 过 的 《网站内容可访问性指南》 (WCAG)中规定的要求。
Furthermore, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia and Lithuania introduced rules that all public websites must be
accessible to all citizens
[...] and comply with the requirements stipulated in the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) adopted by the World [...]
Wide Web Consortium.
(b) 亚太空间合作组织、多民族玻利维亚国的市立圣西蒙大学遥感研究和 服务中心、多民族玻利维亚国农村发展和土地部及教育部科学和技术副部、欧 空局、泰国地球信息学和空间技术发展署、埃及赫 万 大 学 ( 通 过 其 空间气象 监测中心)、国际宇航科学院、宇航联、全球导航卫星系统国际委员会(通过 其执行秘书处)、日本九州大学、埃及高等教育和科学研究部、尼日利亚国家 空间研究与发展署和奥巴费米⋅阿沃洛沃大学、尼日利亚航空航天测量区域培训 中心、日本宇宙航空研究开发机构和美国航天局。
(b) APSCO, the Centre for Research and Remote Sensing Services (CISTEL) of the Universidad Mayor de San Simon of the Plurinational State of Bolivia, the Ministry of Rural Development and Land and the Vice-Ministry of Science and Technology of the Ministry of Education of the Plurinational State of Bolivia, ESA, Geo-Informatics and Space Technology Development Agency of Thailand, Helwan University of Egypt (through its Space Weather Monitoring Centre), International Academy of Astronautics, IAF, International Committee on Global Navigation Satellite Systems (ICG) (through its Executive Secretariat), Kyushu University of Japan, the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research of Egypt, National Space Research and Development Agency and Obafemi Awolowo University of Nigeria, Regional Centre for Training in Aerospace Surveys in Nigeria, Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) and NASA.
如第三章所示,最后概算反 映下列因素造成所需经费净增 4 090
[...] 万美元:因汇率 变化增加 1.037 亿美元;通货膨胀增加 1 190 万美 元;因意外及非常费用和承付权增加 [...]
2 410 万美元; 支出减少 9 050 万美元;工作人员薪金税净变化以及
收入第 2 款(一般收入)和收入第 3 款(服务公众)项下 款额增加导致收入增加 830 万美元。
They reflected a net increase of $40.9 million arising from increased requirements of $103.7 million due to exchange rates;
increased requirements
[...] of $11.9 million due to inflation; requirements of $24.1 [...]
million for unforeseen and extraordinary expenses
and commitment authority; reduced requirements of $90.5 million from expenditure; and an increase of $8.3 million in income, reflecting the net impact of changes to staff assessment levels and increases under income sections 2, General income, and 3, Services to the public, as detailed in chapter III.
為跟進獨立調查小組就亨灣事件所 提出的建 議,當局成立了跨部門工作小組,仔細研究樓宇發展項 [...]
目獲豁免計算總樓面面積的現行安排,及探討是否需要 對整體獲豁免計算的總樓面面積設定上限。
In view of the recommendations of the
Independent Committee of Inquiry after the
[...] Grand Promenade incident, an inter-departmental [...]
working group within the Government
has critically examined the current practice of providing GFA concessions in proposals for building developments and explored the need to introduce a cap on the total GFA concessions.




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