

单词 七零八落

See also:








withered and fallen

External sources (not reviewed)

第 三 , 由 於 货柜码头内一些 空 的 货柜被 台 风 吹七零八落塞了 货柜码头内 的 通 道 , 所 以须延 迟 开 放 。
Thirdly, the typhoon had blown away some of the empty containers to scatter all over the terminal areas, thereby blocking the roads there and delaying the opening of the container port.
不要说日常的工作,就是施政的工作或管 理的工作,都可能做七零八落推行改革更会是雪上加霜。
Not only will the day to day work, but that policy implementation and administration in the Government will fall apart and disasters will pile up one on another and any reform to be launched would never make any progress.
主席,回顾这项法案自去年提交立法会以至今天这个最後的版 本,可说既无聊亦无意义,最多只能将之形容为曾荫权政府硬不认输 或 “ 死鸡撑饭盖” ,最後为了顾存面子而提出的一个已修改至支离破 碎七零八落无完肤的方案。
President, in reviewing the first version of the Bill submitted to the Legislative Council last year and the final version today, I will say that it is redundant and meaningless.
我曾经提出,政府应该将现有七零八落区议会制度加以整顿,建 立有权有责、实 至名归的㆞区议会,使更多㆟可以参与政事,政府更加向市民负责。
I have already made the point that it is up to the Government to revamp the rather scattered district boards and go about setting up a regional board which has both powers and responsibilities and which will really live up to whatever promising name it will eventually be given.
我想 告 知 局长,西 环 龙 华 街 有一棵 大 树 , 已被政 府 纳 入 保 护 之 列,不 会 受 工 程 影响, 但 那棵树现已被砍七零八 落
I would like to tell the Secretary that a big tree in Lung Wah Street, Sai Wan, placed under government protection and should not be affected by the works projects, has now had a substantial part of felled and not much of it were left.
以前的人的体力可能较好,但今时今日,我相信一般 人是很难接受每天七八梯的。
While people in those days might be
physically fitter, I believe people
[...] nowadays find climbingseven oreight flightsof stairs [...]
every day hardly acceptable.
为了进一步改善一八七综合用途及住用建筑 物的消防安全,我们已得到保安事务委员会的同意,在零 零七月一日实施《消防安全(建筑物)条例》。
With a view to further improving the fire safety of pre-1987 composite and domestic buildings, we have secured the agreement of the Security Panel to commence the Fire Safety (Buildings) Ordinance on 1 July 2007.
在 “鉴於”之後加上“近年”;在“运送;”之後加上“(五) 加快 完成环保园的招标审批工作,以助再造工业的发展,并从速开展环保 园第二期发展计划;(六) 成立高层次的跨部门产业促进局,制订更 有效支援环保回收工业的策略;”;在“环保采购政策”之前删除 “(五) 制订政府的”,并以() 代替;删除原有的 “(六)”,并以()替;删除原有的“(七)”,并以“(九)” 代替;在“协助”之後删除“社会”,并以“中小”代替;及在“具前 景的环保工业”之後加上“,并在不与民争利的前提下,让社会企业 共同参与”。
To add "in recent years" after "Hong Kong"; to add "(e) expediting the vetting and approval work of the tendering of the EcoPark to facilitate the development of recycling industries and expeditiously taking forward Phase II of the EcoPark development plan; (f) establishing a high-level inter-departmental industries facilitation council to formulate more effective strategies to support environmental recovery industries;" after "transportation of waste;"; to delete "(e) formulating the Government's" before "green procurement policy" and substitute with "(g) implementing a"; to delete the original "(f)" andsubstitute with "(h)"; to delete the original "(g)" and substitute with "(i)"; to delete "social" after "assisting" and substitute with "small and medium"; and to add ", and allowing social enterprises to join in, on the premise that they do not compete with the private sector for profits" after "those environmental industries with prospects".
考虑了在二零七零零八1 三次专题公众谘询中所 收集到的意见及参考了公司法改革常务委员会( 常委会) 、四个专责谘 询小组,以及政府与香港会计师公会联合工作小组的建议及意见後, 我们准备了《公司条例草案》拟稿,在二零零九年及二零一零年分两 期作进一步的谘询。
Having considered views received from the three topical consultations held in 2007 and 20081 and taking account of the recommendations and advice of the Standing Committee on Company Law Reform (SCCLR), the four dedicated Advisory Groups and the Joint Working Group between the Government and Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants, a draft CB was prepared for further public consultation in two phases in 2009 and 2010.
於二零零七年六月三十日 , 本集团之资本承诺总额为港币九亿零九百万元(二零零六年十二月三十一日: 港币十一亿零七元),其中港币六亿一千五百万元(二零零六年十二月三十一日:港亿千万元) 已签订合约 ,但尚未於财务报表作出准备;其余港币二亿九千四百万元(二零零六年十二月三十一日: [...]
港币二亿九千七百万元)已得到董事局授权 ,但尚未签订合约 。
As at 30 June 2007, the Group
[...] had total capital commitments of HK$909 million (31 December 2006: HK$1,107 million), of which HK$615 million (31 December 2006: HK$810 [...]
million) was contracted
for but not provided in the financial statements, and the remaining HK$294 million (31 December 2006: HK$297 million) was authorised by the Board but not yet contracted.
零零七行之股东特别大会上,本公司独立股东以投票表决方式批 准上述要约及关连交易。
The above Offer and connected transactions were approved by the independent shareholders of the Company by way of a poll at the special general meeting held on 8 June 2007.
动议批准及确认由本公司之全资附属公司东莞益豪时装有限公司、东莞达 利盛时装有限公司及达利(中国)有限公司於零零七一月二十六日订 立之加工协议(附有「A」标记之副本已提呈大会,并由大会主席签署以资鉴 别)之各项条款及拟据此进行之交易,其中包括将截至零零八及 二零一零年十二月三十一日止三个财政年度各年之加工订单费年度上限由 初步加工协议所规定之9,900,000港元增至加工协议所规定之30,000,000港元; 以及确认、批准及追认由东莞益豪时装有限公司订立加工协议。
including, amongst other things, the increase of the annual cap for the Subcontracting Order Fee for each of the three financial years ending 31 December 2008, 2009 and 2010 from HK$9,900,000 under the Initial Subcontracting Agreement to HK$30,000,000 under the Subcontracting Agreement, be and are hereby approved and confirmed and the entering into of the Subcontracting Agreement by Dongguan Yihao Fashions Limited be and is hereby confirmed, approved and ratified.
新机制已於零零八以提高政府在解决需跨部 门协作处理的地区问题时的能 力。
Since March 2008, a new mechanism has been in place to raise government capacity to resolve district problems requiring inter-departmental collaboration.
在紧接句号之前加上“;()障大专院校自主权和学术自 由的前提下,鼓励大专院校向香港学术及职业资历评审局申请 甄审其开办的学位课程,以取得资历架构认可;(十九) 尽至一二年施政报告》中有关推出前皇后山军营用 地,供合资格的办学团体申请开办非牟利私立大专院校的建 议;及(二十) 增加政府用於应用研究的科研支出,并改善研究 资助局现时不利推动创新与科技应用研究的大学研究经费分配 机制”。
To add "; (18) on the premise of protecting the autonomy and academic freedom of tertiary institutions, to encourage tertiary institutions to apply to the Hong Kong Council for Accreditation of Academic and Vocational Qualifications for accreditation of the degree programmes they offer, so as to obtain recognition; (19) to expeditiously implement the recommendation put forward in the 2011-2012 Policy Address on putting up the Queen's Hill site for qualified sponsoring bodies to apply for establishment of non-profit-making private tertiary institutions; and (20) to increase the Government's technological research expenditure on applied research, and improve the Research Grants Council's existing university research funding allocation mechanism, which is not conducive to promoting innovation and applied technological research" immediately before the full stop.
在 “本港经济”之前加上“最新失业率已升至4.1%,”;在 “就业职位;” 之後删除“及 ”;在()”之後加上“短期失业援助金计划,”; 在 “措施”之後删除“的失业援助制度”,并以“,以发挥第二安全网 效用”代替;,并以“在未符合”代替;在“申领综援”之後删除“以 解 ”,并以 “ 的情况下,仍可解决” 代替;及在紧接句号之前加上 “;()尽快法会研究有关灭贫事宜小组委员会在《有关 在职贫穷的报告》中提出的建议和扶贫委员会报告内就失业人士 和在职贫穷人士问题提出的建议”。
To add "the latest unemployment rate has risen to 4.1%," after "That"; to delete "and" after
"create positions in more
[...] trades andat more levels;"; to delete "an unemployment assistance system" after "(g) establish" and substitute with "a short-term unemployment financial assistance scheme"; to delete ", so as to obviate the need for the unemployed" after "employment placement, etc" and substitute with "to serve as a second safety net, so that unemployed persons who are not eligible"; to delete "to tackle" after "Comprehensive Social Security Assistance" and substitute with "can still tackle their"; and to add "; and (h) expeditiouslyimplement the recommendations [...]
madeby the Legislative Council Subcommittee
to Study the Subject of Combating Poverty in its Report on Working Poverty and the recommendations on issues concerning the unemployed and the working poor put forward in the Report of the Commission on Poverty" immediately before the full stop.
我 们 希 望 社 会 各 界 把 握 这 个 得 来 不 易 的 机 遇 , 继 续 本  理 性 、 务 实 和 包 容 的 态 度 , 推 动 香 港 政 制 发 展 ,选 行 政 长 官 和 二 零 二 零 年 普 选 立 法 会 铺 路 。
We hope that the community will adopt a rational, pragmatic and accommodating attitude, and take this hard-earned opportunity to promote the constitutional development of Hong Kong, paving the way for universal suffrage for the Chief Executive in 2017 and for the Legislative Council in 2020.
截至二零月三十日止六个月,集团於共同控制及联属公司的应占税项分别为港币一亿二千五百万元(零 零七月三十日:港元;截至零零七二月三十一日止年度:港币一亿八千一百万元)及港百万元(零零七月三十日:港币二亿四千三百万元;截至二零零七年十二月三十一日止年度:港币五亿一 千四百万元),已列入综合损益账所示共同控制公司及联属公司应占溢利减亏损项下。
The Group’s share of jointly controlled and associated companies’ taxation for the six months ended 30th June 2008 of HK$125 million (30th June 2007: HK$80 million; year ended31stDecember 2007: HK$181 million) and HK$81 million (30th June 2007: HK$243 million; year ended 31st December 2007: HK$514 million) respectively is included in the share [...]
of profits less
losses of jointly controlled and associated companies shown in the consolidated profit and loss account.
李先生於一九九一年加入中国五矿集团,其後获委派到数个附属公司任职,包括於一九九四年获委任为五 矿财务有限责任公司副总经理,并於一九九七年至二零零七年期间任总经理;於二零零一年至二零零二年 期间出任中国五矿金融板块副总经理;於二零零二年获委任为五矿投资发展有限责任公司副总经理,并於 二零零五年至二零零九年三月期间任总经理;於零零七中国五矿总裁助理,并於零零八晋升 为副总裁;於二零零九年四月至二零一零年四月获委任为山西关铝(一家於深圳证券交易所上市的公司) 董事长。
Mr Li joined the CMC Group in 1991 and has since been assigned to a number of subsidiary companies including the appointments of: Vice General Manager of Minmetals Finance Company Limited in 1994, and General Manager from 1997 to 2007; Vice General Manager of the Finance Branch of CMC from 2001 to 2002; Vice General Manager of Minmetals Investment & Development Company Limited in 2002, and General Manager from 2005 to March 2009; Assistant President of CMC in 2007 and promoted to Vice President in 2008; and Chairman of Shanxi Guanlv (a company listed on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange) from April 2009 to April 2010.
本信托契约已分别根 据一十月十六日、一九九一年六月一日、一九九一年十一月二十六日、一九九一年十 二月二日、一九九二年三月三十一日、一九九三年六月七日、一九九六年四月十五日、一九九 九年六月二十四日、二零零一年十月三十一日、二零零二年十月七日及零零七月九日之 附加信托契约,以及一九九五年五月二十日之卸任及就任契约,和二零零三年十月二十四日之 基金经理卸任及就任契约以及构成大福 SRI 亚洲基金的信托契约之修改而修订。
This Trust Deed has been amended by supplemental trust deeds dated 16th October, 1989, 1st June 1991, 26th November 1991, 2nd December 1991, 31st March 1992, 7th June 1993, 15th April 1996, 24th June 1999, 31st October 2001, 7th October 2002 and 9th July 2007 respectively, a Deed of Retirement and Appointment dated 20th May 1995 and a Deed of Retirement and Appointment of Manager and Modification of the Trust Deed constituting Taifook SRI Asia Fund dated 24th October 2003.
零零八十九日,本集团进一步收购Acon的74.5%权益,自该日起 Acon成为本公司的全资附属公司。
On 29thJuly 2008, the Group acquired additional 74.5% equity interest in Acon and it became a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company since then.
就本公司非执行董事委聘书的条款以及彼等二零零六、二零七零零八的董事袍金向董事会提出 建议。
making recommendations to the Board on the terms of engagement letters of the Non-executive Directors of the Company and their directors’ fees for the years 2006, 2007 and 2008.
最後,我想提出的是,当局谓在零零时会增加 45000 个夹心阶层居屋单位, 而在九七年之前,只可约增加 1 万个夹心阶层居屋,可见其实大部份(35000 个) 单位都是在不能缓和短期楼宇短缺的情况,炒楼的风气会继续炽 热。
Finally, I would like to suggest that, in view of the Administration’s plan that 45 000 additional flats will be provided under the Sandwich Class Housing Scheme by the year 2001, and that only about 10 000 more such flats will be provided before 1997, it can be seen that the majority of the flats (35 000) will not be completed until after 1997.
至 於物业投资方面,待Landmark East於零零 八第三,南联地产持有之物业组合 将拥有350万平方尺之优质物业,其中三分之 一以上将会用作甲级写字楼及零售商舖。
On the investment front, upon the completion of Landmark East in the third quarter of2008, Winsor Properties will have 3.5 million square feet of quality investment properties in its portfolio and over one-third of it will be Grade A office and retail space.
很 抱 歉 , 我 回答不到, 因为房屋委 员会(“房 委 会 ”)自从 1999 年12 月 公 布 了 租 者 置 其 屋 计划第 六 期 的 出 售 名 单 後 , 2003 年 後出售 公屋计 划 的 命 运 可 谓 悬 而未决 , 令一些有意置业的公屋居 民 心八 落们不 知 道究竟应 买 即 将 发 售 的 居 屋 、 申 请自置 居 所 贷 款 计划购买 私 楼 , 还 是 等 待 现 居 的公屋单位 发 售 。
I am sorry that I cannot answer this question, because since December 1999, when the Hong Kong Housing Authority (HA) announced the list of units to be sold under Phase 6 of the Tenants Purchase Scheme (TPS), thefate ofthe TPS after 2003 has remained largely unknown.
Robert Ting-Yiu Chung, Director of Public Opinion Programme, commented on this series of findings: "Since July 1 last year, people's support for universal suffrage of the Chief Executive in 2007 and all LegCo seats in 2008 have remained at about 60% to 80%.
我们会在完成与员方代表商讨如何把薪酬水平调查结果 应用於公务员队伍,和在将进行的薪酬趋势调查取得结果後, 才作出公务员薪酬在二零七零八否调整的决定。
We will decide on this matter after we have completed our discussions with the staff side representatives on how to apply the PLS results to the civil service and when the outcome of the PTS to be conducted shortly is available.
已 於零零八月 一 日 起 开 始 之五年 税 项 豁 免优惠 将 於 二 零 一二年 十 二 月 三 十 一 日 完 结 , 期 间 不 论 武 汉 阳 逻 港 获 利 与 否 ; 五 年 税 项 减 半 优 惠 将 於 二 零 一三年 一 月 一 日 起 开 始 至二 月 三 十 一 日 完 结 , 应 缴 税 项 将 以 12.5 % 计 算 。
The 5-Year Exemption Entitlement, which commenced on 1 January 2008, will end on 31 December 2012 irrespective of whether WIT is profit-making during this period and the 5-Year 50% Tax Reduction Entitlement will commence from 1 January 2013 to 31 December 2017 and tax payable will be charged at 12.5%.
於二零零一年八月一日 及零零七日前,本基金的原本名称分别为「宝来新兴市场基金」及「滙富新兴市场 基金」,直至零零七日更改至现有名称。
The Fund was formerly known as Polaris Emerging Economies Fund and Kingsway Emerging Economies Fund before 1st August 2001 and 1st August 2007 respectively and was changed to its present name with effect from 1st August 2007.
总干事已向执行 局第和第八零议提交了有关本项目的临时报告,就此问题进行的初步探讨意 见,包括对该领域已有的准则性文书的内容进行的深入分析,均已通过 179 EX/INF.6 号文 件提供给了执行局第一七九届会议。
Progress reports on the item were submitted by the Director-General to the Board at its 179th and 180th sessions, and a basic outline for discussion on the matter, including an in-depth analysis of the content of standard-setting instruments already existing in this field, were submitted to the Board at its 179th session in document 179 EX/INF.6.




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