

单词 七荤八素

See also:


seven sevens (equals 49)


meat and vegetable

External sources (not reviewed)

巴西坚果:,后荤两素,吃 蛇的引诱下,Eddie和拉尔夫,一间美食餐厅陷阱,Timon和Pumbaa解决自己的美味报复。
Brazil Nuts: After
[...] being lured by two meat-eating snakes, Eddie [...]
and Ralph, into a gourmet restaurant trap, Timon and Pumbaa
resolve to get their own delicious revenge.
現行的空氣素指標於一八七年訂 立,涵蓋七種主要 空氣污染物,而現時應該是適當時候予以更新。
The current AQOs, which cover seven major air pollutants, [...]
were established in 1987 and we consider that it is time for updating.
在上文中,我们已经探讨了下列的诸要素: 要素之一:代际之间的语言传承(等级) 要素之二:使用一种语言的绝对人口(实际数字)
[...] 要素之四:在现存语域的使用趋势(等级) 要素之五:新领域和媒体的回应(等级) 要素之六:用于语言教育和学习材料(等级)素之七:政 府的和机构的语言态度和语言政策,包括官方地位和使用(等级)素之八:社区成员们对自己语言的态度(等级) 要素之九:语言记录的数量与质量(等级) 语言社区先用这些要素测试评估其语言状况并决定是否需要采取行动。
With regard to ‘Availability of Materials for Language Education and Literacy’, I have given Mapoyo a 1, because a practical orthography has been developed for the first time and will be presented shortly to the community, along with audiovisual learning
materials.4 Finally,
[...] although Venezuelan Sanima is basically undocumented, unannotated recordings of varying quality exist, as does a grammatical sketch of the closely [...]
related and better-documented
Brazilian variety.5 Thus, it may be ranked as a 1 on ‘Type and Quality of Documentation’.
在"環球食品價格"之前加上"全球糧食供應緊張,引致";在"價格上升"之後加上",並";在"供貨價"之後加上",同時與內地供應商保持緊密聯繫,確保各類食品、副食品、材料及牲口的供應充足,以免因食品供應短缺而造成價格飊升";在"食物銀行和熱食中心;"之後刪除"及";及在緊接句號之前加上 "; ( 七) 加強監管及支援非政府機構,確保長者送飯服務及安老院舍的膳食 素 不 受 影響; 及 ( 八) 盡快 檢討社會保障援助物價指數中食品所佔的比重,以維持綜合社會保障援助受助人購買食品的能力"。
To add "the tight global grain supply has caused" after "That"; to add "and" after "food prices worldwide"; to add "and, at the same time, maintaining close contact with Mainland suppliers to ensure that there is an ample supply of various types of food, foodstuffs, materials and livestock, so as to avoid a surge in food prices due to shortage of supply" after "by suppliers"; to delete "and" after "food banks
and hot food
[...] centres;"; and to add "; (g) strengthening the monitoring of and support to non-governmental organizations to ensure that the quality of meals delivered to the elderly and that provided in residential care homes for the elderly will not be affected; [...]
and (h) expeditiously
reviewing the weighting of food in the Social Security Assistance Index of Prices so that recipients of Comprehensive Social Security Assistance can maintain their purchasing power for food" immediately before the full stop.
些本㆞學者的研究顯示,若用因格爾 系數方式來計算,八九至 九零年間,領取公援㆟士的生活 素 是 ㆘降 至 七 ㆕ 至 七 五 年 時的 生活水平。
According to the study conducted by some local academics, if calculations are to be made on the basis of the Engel Coefficient, then in the period from 1989 to 1990, the living standard of those who lived on public assistance will have been found to have dropped to the 1974-75 level.
考虑到目前的进展并且为了向执行局提供最新且最有针对性的信息,关于此议程 项目的正式报告将向执行局第八七 届 会 议提交。
Taking into account current development and in order to provide the Executive Board with the most
up-to-date and pertinent information, the full report on this item will be
[...] presented at the 187th session of the [...]
Executive Board.
香港人對自己角色的定位,亦是重要 素 。 數 據顯示 八 成 香港市民認為中國的人權狀況比六四時有所改善 七 成 認 為港人有責任推動中國民主發展,但始終有較多市民認為中國需要經濟先行。
The figures showed that 80% of the respondents believed the human right condition in China has improved since 1989, 70% said Hong Kong people have a responsibility to instigate the development of democracy in China.
此外,执行局第一八六届会议要求“总干事结合其一八六届会议的讨论情况和与各地 区组的磋商结果,尽快起草基金《章程》修正案,以提交 八七 届 会 议审议”(第 186 EX/6 号文件--第 V 部分第 7 段和第 186 EX/39 号决定第 [...]
7 段)。
In addition, the Executive Board at its 186th session requested “the Director-General to prepare and submit, as soon as possible, amendments to the Statutes of the
Fund for consideration
[...] at its 187th session, taking into account the discussions at its 186th session [...]
and following consultation
of the regional groups” (186 EX/Decision 6-V para. 7 and 186 EX/Decision 39 para. 7).
七八十年代是农场管理、 劳动者工作量、健康、经济问题的年代,农场安全开 始成为精耕细作和系统化研究的主题。
The 70s and 80s were years in which the problems of farm management, human workload, health, ergonomics, and farm safety began to become subject of intensive and systematic studies.
這家急速竄紅的加拿大公司,才剛因股價暴跌而摔 七 葷 八素 。 這是從惠普自相矛盾地放棄在個人電腦領域的公認領導地位,和AMD在眾人期待之下首次推出Bulldozer處理器,卻因為表現奇差而導致矽谷一片噓聲之後,最新的科技新聞頭條了。
In a vertiginous plunge from the stars to the stalls, RIM is a primary participant in a Keystone Kops sequence of self-inflicted calamities that have made worldwide tech headlines lately, from HP’s paradoxical abandonment of its undisputed leadership in the personal computer arena, to AMD’s premiere of the long awaited Bulldozer microprocessor - which so thoroughly underperforms that it has been greeted by catcalls across the silicon universe.
与往年一样,与案件相关的拨款列在 C
[...] 编“审案费用”之下,将仅用于支付 审案费用(见上文 C 编以及附七、八、九)。
As in previous years, appropriations relating to cases are placed under
Part C (Case-related costs) and will be utilized for such purposes only (see Part C
[...] above and annexes VII, VIII and IX).
其實,學生在學校上公民教育課,一定有談到公共房屋如何發揮偉大的 角色,如何確保基層市民在面對租金狂升時獲得庇護所,從而為香港的經濟 發展提供廉價的勞動力,令社會得以穩定和發展,工業能 七八 十 年 代起 飛。
In fact, during civic education classes in schools, students must have come across how public housing has played a significant role and how it has ensured that the grassroots can have a sanctuary in the face of escalating rents, thus providing a cheap labour force for the economic development of Hong Kong and contributing to social stability and development, and this has facilitated the taking off of industries in the '70s and '80s.
在 “來臨,”之後加上“加上政府政策不利青年人,”;及在緊接句號 之前刪除“及 (四 ) 從教育和社會文化入手,投放資源,提升網絡公素質, 以及推廣理性、互信、互相尊重的溝通模式,從而有效 凝聚社會智慧”,並以“(四 ) 推廣社會對青年議政採開放態度,包 括其表達意見的形式,以維護其表達的權利;(五 ) 完善選民登記 制度,使年滿八歲的 青年人可以盡快參與投票;及(六 ) 修訂《電 訊條例》及廣播政策,提供大氣電波及電視廣播平台,令青年人 可以充分行使言論及發表自由”代替。
To add "coupled with the fact that the Government's policies are not beneficial to young people," after "network era,"; and to delete "and (d) starting from education and social culture, to allocate resources to
enhance the quality of the
[...] network citizens, and to promote a way of communication based on reasons, mutual trust and mutual respect, thereby bringing together social wisdom effectively" immediately before the full stop and substitute with "(d) to promote an open attitude in society towards young people's political commentaries, including the ways they express their opinions, so as to uphold their right of expression; (e) to improve the voter registration system, so that young people reaching the age of 18 can [...]
participate in voting
as early as possible; and (f) to amend the Telecommunications Ordinance and broadcasting policies to provide the airwaves and the television broadcasting platform for young people to fully exercise their freedom of speech and expression.
要讓香港的固有 經濟優勢得以保持,政府必須從法律及政策上創造有利於中小企的環境,七八十年 代的企業精神再次重現香港,重塑香港市場的活力。
In order to maintain our traditional economic edge, the Government must see to it that its laws and policies do bring about an environment favourable to SMEs so as to bring back to Hong Kong the enterprising spirit of the 1970s and 1980s and re-invigorate our market.
[...] 只分配给前南问题国际法庭的常任法官,因而有时一些常任法官一人即分配七 八宗藐 视法庭案,但现在这些案件则是更均匀地分配给前南问题国际法庭的常任 [...]
While contempt cases were previously assigned to the Tribunal’s permanent judges only, which led to a
situation where some permanent judges were
[...] assigned between seven and eight contempt cases [...]
each, the caseload has now been more
evenly redistributed among the Tribunal’s permanent and ad litem judges.
难民署提到其题为“采取战略办法打击种族主义、种族歧视、仇外心理和 相关不容忍行为”的说明(2009 年 12 月),其中考虑到难民署关心群体的特殊 境况,强调以七个要素,即 :(a) 监测种族歧视、仇外心理和相关不容忍行 为迹象,跟踪和报告仇恨犯罪;(b) 分析潜在原因;(c) 评估这些现象的表现 [...]
形式以及对保护工作的影响;(d) 了解保护所有人免遭种族歧视和多重歧视
方面的法律义务;(e) 让不同的组织和行为体结成网络,针对社会不同群体 采取互补活动;(f) 将受影响的社区纳入战略办法;(g) 为受害者个人提供 保护。
UNHCR referred to its note entitled “Combating racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance through a strategic
approach” (December
[...] 2009), which emphasizes seven elements, taking into consideration the particular situation of persons of concern to UNHCR, namely, [...]
(a) monitoring signs of
racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance, and tracking and reporting hate crimes; (b) analysing the underlying reasons; (c) assessing the manifestations of these phenomena and their impact on protection; (d) understanding legal obligations to protect all individuals from racial discrimination and multiple forms of discrimination; (e) engaging a network of diverse organizations and actors that implement complementary activities, targeting different groups in society; (f) including affected communities in the strategic approach; and (g) providing individual support to victims.
(D) 政府在考慮市場是否已經準備妥當及其他有關素 後,在二零八年十 二月三十一日之後可以對電力 供應的規管框架引入改變。
(D) The Government may introduce changes to the electricity supply regulatory framework after 31 December 2018, after consideration of market readiness and other relevant factors.
就選擇候選人的具體考慮素而言 ,四 七 認 為 候選人的往績最為重要,三成五則認為候選人的政綱及政治傾向最重要,認為候選人的個人背景及競選表現最重要的,則佔百分之三。
With respect to specific factors in selecting a candidate, [...]
47% considered a candidate's past performance to be most important,
35% opted for platform and political alignment, and 3% regarded a candidate's personal background and performance during election to be most important.
由現時至㆒九七年,如有㆒ 項素,其 重要性是凌駕任何其他事情的話,那就是齊心合力去延續經濟奇蹟。
If there is a factor that exceeds all others in importance [...]
in the running up to 1997 it is solidarity to continue the economic miracle.
在 2009 年 12 月 13 日以及于 2009 年 12 月 14 日提交法庭书记官处的一封信函中,孟加拉国外交 部部长通知法庭庭长,根据《联合国海洋法公约》第八七条, 缅甸和孟加拉国分别于 2009 年 11 月 4 日 和 2009 年 12 月 12 日发表声明,其中两个国家均接 受法庭作为解决其海洋边界争端的机构所拥有的管 辖权。
In a letter dated 13 December 2009 and filed in the Registry of the Tribunal on 14 December 2009, the Minister for Foreign Affairs of Bangladesh notified the President of the Tribunal of declarations issued under article 287 of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, by Myanmar on 4 November 2009, and by Bangladesh on 12 December 2009, in which both countries accepted the jurisdiction of the Tribunal as the forum for settlement of their maritime boundary dispute.
拓展署在一八七年進 行的《中環灣仔填海工程可行 性研究》提出了多項建議,其中一項是在上環至銅鑼灣一帶 海旁填海,為建造繞道及其他主要運輸基建開闢土地,以改 善告士打道走廊及商業中心區的交通情況。
The CWRFS recommended, amongst other, reclaiming the waterfront from Sheung Wan to Causeway Bay to provide land for the CWB and other major transport infrastructure to improve the traffic condition along the Corridor and in the Central Business District (CBD).
營養資料標籤制度規定所有預先包裝食物需附有營養標 籤,並列出能量七種營養素的含 量,包括 (i) 蛋白質、(ii) 碳水化合物、(iii) [...]
總脂肪、 (iv) 飽和脂肪、(v) 反式脂肪、(vi) 鈉及 (vii) 糖,以及涉及任何聲稱的營養素,並規管 營養聲稱。
The Nutrition Labelling Scheme (NL Scheme) requires
all prepackaged food to label the
[...] content of energy plus seven nutrients, namely: (i) [...]
protein, (ii) carbohydrates, (iii) total
fat, (iv) saturated fat, (v) trans fat, (vi) sodium and (vii) sugars, as well as any nutrient for which a claim is made, and regulates nutrition claims.
表三顯示,雖然田北俊是以自由黨主席的身份參選,但其支持者中只有20%是主要考慮政黨因素,70%是基於候選人 素 , 與 「 七 一 連線」和民建聯的支持者截然不同。
Table 3 reveals that, although James Tien took part in the election in his capacity as the Chairman of the Liberal Party, only 20% of his supporters claimed their main consideration was the political party factor, whereas 70% said the individual candidate factor was their main consideration.
眾所周知,㆒個影響香港投資環境的重要 素 , 是 九 七 帶 來 的政治不明朗,是去年㆗ 國政府為了壓制香港的民主化,不惜以新機場及跨越九七的專營權為經濟牌,迫使港 英收回政制草案的連串措施。
As we all
[...] know, a major factor affecting Hong Kong's investment environment is the political uncertainty of [...]
1997, plus the fact
that the Chinese Government last year, in order to suppress the democratic process in Hong Kong and to force Hong Kong and Britain to withdraw the constitutional package, resorted to playing economic cards with the new airport, the franchises straddling 1997 and so forth, as chips.
這個旗艦產品線的增長:工廠開發了一種新型的 素 質 的 七 天 動 力儲備和繞組Pellaton的有一個堅實的基礎,以開發其他的模塊,自動IWC萬國表5000並發症的發生。
This flagship line is growing: the
factory has developed a
[...] new high-caliber automatic IWC 5000, with a power reserve of seven days and a [...]
winding Pellaton to have
a solid base to develop other modules complications.
[...] 这一方面的措施,包括重振森林合作伙伴关系简化森林问题报告程序联合倡议, 依循可持续森林管理七个专题要素 协 调 监测、评估和报告活动,6 加大对标准 和指标工作的支持力度,加强国家级合作,增进和加强关于森林产品和森林资源 [...]
Partnership members agreed on a number of measures in this regard including revitalizing the Partnership’s Joint Initiative on Streamlining Forest-related Reporting, harmonizing monitoring, assessment
and reporting activities along the
[...] lines of the seven thematic elements of sustainable forest [...]
management,6 bolstering support
to criteria and indicator processes, enhance cooperation on the national level and build upon and strengthen the joint forest sector questionnaire on forest products and the
孟加拉国外交部长在 2009 年 12 月 13 日的信中通知法庭庭长说,缅甸和孟加拉 国分别于 2009 年 11 月 4 日至 12 月 12 日根据《公约》 第八七条发表声明,表示两国接受法庭在解决其海 上边界争端方面的管辖权。
By letter dated 13 December 2009, the Minister for Foreign Affairs of Bangladesh notified the President of the Tribunal of declarations made under article 287 of the Convention by Myanmar and Bangladesh on 4 November and 12 December 2009, respectively, whereby the two States accepted the jurisdiction of the Tribunal for the settlement of the dispute relating to their maritime boundary.
防止灭绝种族问题特别顾问办公室根据分析框架中概述 八 个 风险 因 素 的 叠加影响,收集可能有灭绝种族风险以及可能有战争罪行、族裔清洗和危害人类罪行的局势的资料。
The Office of the Special Adviser on the Prevention of Genocide collects information on situations where there may be a risk
of genocide, based on the cumulative
[...] effect of the eight risk factors outlined in the [...]
Analysis Framework, as well as situations
where there may be a risk of war crimes, ethnic cleansing and crimes against humanity.
柏林空间实验室(小组)是一个八位 训练 有 素 的 建筑师集结而相互合作的集体和网络(本雅明•弗尔斯特-巴德纽斯和弗洛里安•施蒂尔纳曼二位作为代表参加本届上海双年展)。
raumlaborberlin is a network and a collective of 8 trained architects who have come together in a collaborative work-structure (Benjamin Foster-Baldenius and Florian Stirnemann as its representatives in the 9th Shanghai Biennale).
如果同来自德国、澳大利亚、法国等国的大使谈,他们只被允许购买经济舱,但对于他们来说,我觉得如果飞行超 七 、 八 个 小 时,他们可以坐公务舱。
If you talk to some of the other ambassadors from Germany, Australia, France, they are only allowed
to buy economy class, but for them I think if the
[...] flight is more than seven or eight hours they can [...]
fly business class.




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