单词 | 七拼八凑 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 七拼八凑 —a motley collectionassembled at random七七八八 —almostless common: nearing completion • of all kinds • bits and piece See also:七七—seven sevens (equals 49) 拼凑—put together • assemble
重要领域七拼八凑的炸 药摧毁几乎所有在船上的武器,弹药,车辆,除严重危及船舶的完整性。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | Explosives rigged in vital areas destroy almost all on board weapons, ammunition, and vehicles, in addition to severely compromising the vesselXCHARXs integrity. el.seekcartoon.com |
考虑到目前的进展并且为了向执行局提供最新且最有针对性的信息,关于此议程 项目的正式报告将向执行局第一八七 届 会 议提交。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Taking into account current development and in order to provide the Executive Board with the most [...] up-to-date and pertinent information, the full report on this item will be [...] presented at the 187th session of the [...]Executive Board. unesdoc.unesco.org |
FBI到达的豪宅,由戴尔·格里森(弗雷德·汤普森),在那里他们试 图 拼凑 线 索 ,随着宾克的父母和他的爱:保姆Gilbertine(辛西娅尼克松)。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | The FBI arrives at the mansion, headed by Dale Grissom (Fred Thompson), where they try to piece together clues along with Bink’s parents and his loving nanny Gilbertine (Cynthia Nixon). seekcartoon.com |
特别代表着重指出, [...] 就公司侵犯人权造成的影响来说,现有 的 拼拼凑凑 的 司 法和非司法补救机制既不 完全又有缺陷(见 [...]A/HRC/8/5,第 87 段)。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Special Representative has highlighted [...] that the current patchwork of judicial and [...]non-judicial remedial mechanisms available [...]with regard to company impacts on human rights is both incomplete and flawed (see A/HRC/8/5, para. 87). daccess-ods.un.org |
在开场白中,他阐述了自己的看法,他认为非洲应有一个统一的声音, 明确提出本地区的计划方针和优先事项,而不是把分地区和多国小组的意见简单 地 拼凑 在一 起。 unesdoc.unesco.org | In his introduction, he expressed his vision of a unified African voice, with the identification of clear programmatic orientations and priority areas for the region, going beyond an aggregation of subregional and cluster positions. unesdoc.unesco.org |
我们必须把这些拼图 拼凑起来,确保以可持续的方式实现国际商定的发展 目标。 daccess-ods.un.org | We have to put these jigsaw pieces together to [...] ensure the achievement of internationally agreed development goals in a sustainable manner. daccess-ods.un.org |
多国办事处战略框架和实施计划是要将各国的立场和战略汇集在一起,再参照国际战 略加以整理,而不仅仅是把各国的“国家计划 ” 拼凑 起 来。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Cluster office strategic frameworks and operational plans are expected to bring together national positions and strategies and set them up against the international strategies, without simply being a juxtaposition of “national plans”. unesdoc.unesco.org |
与会者一致认为教科文组织在多边体系中的主要相对优势是采取跨部门做法,但有时 这种做法难以实施,跨部门做法不仅仅涉及集中资源和把部门活 动 拼凑 起 来。 unesdoc.unesco.org | There was agreement that intersectoral approaches are UNESCO’s main comparative advantage in the multilateral system, but that intersectorality was sometimes difficult to achieve. unesdoc.unesco.org |
七八十年代是农场管理、 劳动者工作量、健康、经济问题的年代,农场安全开 始成为精耕细作和系统化研究的主题。 cigr.org | The 70s and 80s were years in which the problems of farm management, human workload, health, ergonomics, and farm safety began to become subject of intensive and systematic studies. cigr.org |
此外,执行局第一八六届会议要求“总干事结合其一八六届会议的讨论情况和与各地 区组的磋商结果,尽快起草基金《章程》修正案,以提交 一 八七 届 会 议审议”(第 186 EX/6 号文件--第 V 部分第 7 段和第 186 EX/39 号决定第 [...] 7 段)。 unesdoc.unesco.org | In addition, the Executive Board at its 186th session requested “the Director-General to prepare and submit, as soon as possible, amendments to the Statutes of the [...] Fund for consideration [...] at its 187th session, taking into account the discussions at its 186th session [...]and following consultation [...]of the regional groups” (186 EX/Decision 6-V para. 7 and 186 EX/Decision 39 para. 7). unesdoc.unesco.org |
与往年一样,与案件相关的拨款列在 C [...] 编“审案费用”之下,将仅用于支付 审案费用(见上文 C 编以及附件七、八、九)。 daccess-ods.un.org | As in previous years, appropriations relating to cases are placed under [...] Part C (Case-related costs) and will be utilized for such purposes only (see Part C [...] above and annexes VII, VIII and IX). daccess-ods.un.org |
当阿亚图拉政权试图把极端 主义意识形态、导弹技术以及核放射 拼凑 成 一 个危险 的组合时,国际社会不能袖手旁观。 daccess-ods.un.org | The international community cannot stand by as the Ayatollah regime seeks to assemble a dangerous mix of extremist ideology, missile technology and nuclear radiology. daccess-ods.un.org |
您有没有想过用电脑来拼凑新的 想法或者以一种更有意思的方式来拓展您的思维? evget.com | Files, Web pages and applications-all linked the way you think! evget.com |
与其使用温度程序拼凑矩形 和线性斜 坡,e-functions可以用来定义一个连续设定点的形 式。 huber-online.com | Instead of using the temperature programmer to piece together rectangular or linear ramps, e-functions can be used to define a continuous setpoint form. huber-online.com |
在听取了多国会议关于其讨论结果的报告之后,磋商会议根据主席建议,决定成立一 个工作组,由其负责找出这些报告的最大共同点,并拟定出非洲地区对未来应采取的计划方 针的意见书,其中应考虑到地区的立场不能是将分地区和多国的意见简单 地 拼凑 到 一 块。 unesdoc.unesco.org | After hearing the cluster meetings’ reports on the outcomes of their discussions, and at the suggestion of the Chair, the consultation decided to set up a working group which was tasked with identifying their highest common denominators and with working out a regional Africa position on desirable future programme orientations, bearing in mind that such a regional position should not be a mere aggregation of subregional and cluster viewpoints. unesdoc.unesco.org |
国家军队仍然是由未经审查、 也未经训练的前民兵团体和前扎伊尔武装部队人 员 拼凑 而 成 的队伍。 daccess-ods.un.org | The national army remains an amalgamation of unvetted, untrained former militia groups and former Forces armées zaïroises personnel. daccess-ods.un.org |
以前藐视法庭案件 [...] 只分配给前南问题国际法庭的常任法官,因而有时一些常任法官一人即分配 到七 八宗藐 视法庭案,但现在这些案件则是更均匀地分配给前南问题国际法庭的常任 [...]法官和审案法官。 daccess-ods.un.org | While contempt cases were previously assigned to the Tribunal’s permanent judges only, which led to a [...] situation where some permanent judges were [...] assigned between seven and eight contempt cases [...]each, the caseload has now been more [...]evenly redistributed among the Tribunal’s permanent and ad litem judges. daccess-ods.un.org |
某些 投诉者会利用委员会程序上的漏洞,将大量虚假投 诉 拼凑 在 一 起。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Certain authors, taking advantage of the loopholes of the Committee’s procedures, piece together communications which are false. unesdoc.unesco.org |
在 2009 年 12 月 13 日以及于 2009 年 12 月 14 日提交法庭书记官处的一封信函中,孟加拉国外交 部部长通知法庭庭长,根据《联合国海洋法公约》第 二八七条, 缅甸和孟加拉国分别于 2009 年 11 月 4 日 和 2009 年 12 月 12 日发表声明,其中两个国家均接 受法庭作为解决其海洋边界争端的机构所拥有的管 辖权。 daccess-ods.un.org | In a letter dated 13 December 2009 and filed in the Registry of the Tribunal on 14 December 2009, the Minister for Foreign Affairs of Bangladesh notified the President of the Tribunal of declarations issued under article 287 of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, by Myanmar on 4 November 2009, and by Bangladesh on 12 December 2009, in which both countries accepted the jurisdiction of the Tribunal as the forum for settlement of their maritime boundary dispute. daccess-ods.un.org |
拓展署在一九八七年進 行的《中環灣仔填海工程可行 性研究》提出了多項建議,其中一項是在上環至銅鑼灣一帶 海旁填海,為建造繞道及其他主要運輸基建開闢土地,以改 善告士打道走廊及商業中心區的交通情況。 devb.gov.hk | The CWRFS recommended, amongst other, reclaiming the waterfront from Sheung Wan to Causeway Bay to provide land for the CWB and other major transport infrastructure to improve the traffic condition along the Corridor and in the Central Business District (CBD). devb.gov.hk |
1998 年金沙萨事件上,委员会只能参考国家当局作出的裁决才能 拼凑起来 申诉人及其子女提出的指控。最后,委员会认为,在申诉人原籍国可能 存在种族紧张局势的信息是一般性的,并没有表明存在任何可以预见的、真实和 针对个人的酷刑风险。 daccess-ods.un.org | Lastly, the Committee is of the view that the information on possible ethnic tensions in the complainant’s country of origin is of a general nature and does not indicate the presence of any foreseeable, real and personal risk of torture. daccess-ods.un.org |
孟加拉国外交部长在 2009 年 12 月 13 日的信中通知法庭庭长说,缅甸和孟加拉 国分别于 2009 年 11 月 4 日至 12 月 12 日根据《公约》 第二八七条发表声明,表示两国接受法庭在解决其海 上边界争端方面的管辖权。 daccess-ods.un.org | By letter dated 13 December 2009, the Minister for Foreign Affairs of Bangladesh notified the President of the Tribunal of declarations made under article 287 of the Convention by Myanmar and Bangladesh on 4 November and 12 December 2009, respectively, whereby the two States accepted the jurisdiction of the Tribunal for the settlement of the dispute relating to their maritime boundary. daccess-ods.un.org |
如果同来自德国、澳大利亚、法国等国的大使谈,他们只被允许购买经济舱,但对于他们来说,我觉得如果飞行超 过 七 、 八 个 小 时,他们可以坐公务舱。 embassyusa.cn | If you talk to some of the other ambassadors from Germany, Australia, France, they are only allowed [...] to buy economy class, but for them I think if the [...] flight is more than seven or eight hours they can [...]fly business class. eng.embassyusa.cn |
他带来的“新新舞蹈秀”表演可追溯到底特律家喻户晓的电视舞蹈秀《现场》(盛行于上世 纪 七 、 八 十 年 代)以及《新舞蹈秀》(盛行于上世纪70年代至21世纪初)、国家广播电视秀《美国音乐台》、《灵魂列车》以及《俱乐部MTV》。 shanghaibiennale.org | The New New Dance Show” routine takes its cues from the popular Detroit-based television dance shows The Scene (1970s and 1980s) and The New Dance Show (1970s through the 2000s) as well as the nationally broadcasted television shows American Bandstand, Soul Train, and Club MTV. shanghaibiennale.org |
在一九九二年八月加盟亞洲衛星前,她曾受僱於香港 公司 Case Communications,由一九八七至一九九二年擔任亞太區經理,負責跨國機構客戶之銷售及 市場推廣活動。 asiasat.com | Prior to joining AsiaSat in August 1992, she was employed by Case Communications, a Hong Kong company, between 1987 and 1992 as Regional Manager Asia-Pacific responsible for the sales and marketing activities to multinational clients. asiasat.com |