

单词 一鼓作气

See also:


swell up
(fig.) encourage
puff up
blow air into sth

鼓气 v

support v

External sources (not reviewed)

如要实现从 2010 年 1 月 1 日起各报告期的财务报表均按照 IPSAS 标准来编制的目标,该项 目的实施就必一鼓作气。
The momentum of the project must be maintained if the objective of preparing IPSAS-compliant financial statements for reporting periods commencing 1 January 2010 is to be achieved.
正当宏源准一鼓作气、乘 势而上时,不期遭遇了欧司朗对知识产权的挑衅,六年间,高速成长、势在必得的发展脚步也不得不因此而放慢。
As Hongyuan was in a favorable situation, it suffered the lawsuit filed by OSRAM upon intellectual property rights.
无极灯——作为新型光源的重要代表,在国内外都引起了强烈的市场反响,正当宏源准 一鼓作气 、 乘 势而上之时,欧司朗觊觎宏源无极灯的广泛市场前景和潜力,对宏源无极灯的知识产权提出了无端的侵犯。
As Hongyuan was in a favorable situation, [...]
OSRAM cast greedy eyes on the induction lamp’s broad market possibilities and
potential and infringed upon the intellectual property right of Hongyuan induction lamps.
在第三次会议上,与会者讨论了如 鼓 励 媒 体撰 气 候 变化问题的报道, 并举行一次小 型培训班,以补充私营通讯公司 作 的 介 绍。
At the third session, participants discussed ways to encourage the media to write about climate change issues, and a small training session was [...]
held to complement the
presentation made by a private communications company.
一个代表团鼓励秘 书处继续支持加强成员国 作 , 促进关于过境交通 运输便利化安排的有效谈判。
One delegation encouraged the secretariat to continue its support for enhancement [...]
of cooperation among member countries
for efficient negotiations of arrangements on transit traffic and transport facilitation.
我们欢迎新的和正在形成的与森林有关的筹资举措 鼓 励 在 气 候 变 化与 可持续森林管理活动之间促成协同增 作 用 , 注意到可持续森林管理包 一 项实 现森林价值的综合方法。
We welcome new and emerging forest-related financing
[...] initiatives and encourage the promotion of synergies between climate change and sustainable forest management activities, noting that sustainable forest management encompasses a comprehensive [...]
approach to forest values.
鼓励双 方通一个联合军事核查机制直接 作 和 沟 通,讨论违规指控和共同关心的其他 问题。
I encourage the parties to establish direct cooperation and communication through [...]
a joint military verification mechanism
to discuss allegations of violations and other issues of common interest.
作组建议的一些具 体措施,包括通过关于不歧视的具体立法;开展全国促 进多文化和尊重非裔厄瓜多尔人尊严的运动;采取各项措施缩小非裔厄瓜多尔人 与更广泛民众之间的现行教育差距;开展对非洲人后裔的民族教育;增强非裔厄 瓜多尔人的民间社会;采取措施消除传媒中的种族主义和种族歧视现象; 一步 鼓励非 裔人参与公共行政事务;建立一个非裔厄瓜多尔人研究中心;深入开展免 费法律援助服务;在监察专员署内设立一个主管与非洲人后裔相关问题的分支单 位,并建立一个促进非裔妇女教育的专门方案。
The concrete measures
[...] recommended by the Working Group include the adoption of specific legislation on non-discrimination; the development of a national campaign to promote multiculturalism and respect for the dignity of the Afro-Ecuadorian people; the adoption of measures to reduce the educational gap that exists between Afro-Ecuadorians and the wider population; the introduction of ethno-education for people of African descent; the strengthening of Afro-Ecuadorian civil society; measures to eliminate racism and discrimination in the media; further efforts to encourage participation of [...]
persons of African descent
in public administration; the establishment of a centre for Afro-Ecuadorian studies; the further development of free legal aid services; the creation within the office of the Ombudsman of a sub-unit dedicated to issues related to people of African descent and the creation of special programmes to promote the education of women of African descent.
福斯太平洋区总经理Paul Slupecki 说:“ 福斯主要客户与福斯公司的专家们聚 一 堂 在令 人 鼓 舞 的 气 氛 中进行了建设性的对话,特别强调了使用福斯仪器取得的创造性 作。
FOSS Pacific general manager Paul Slupecki
[...] said: “Gathering key customers together with FOSS specialists creates a real positive and inspiring atmosphere, with plenty of robust and [...]
constructive dialogue.
国公委 2011 年年度报告 (A/66/30) 提出一种新的框架,提一种“赞赏 气 ” , 鼓 励 工 作人 员承认同事的出色工作或行为。
The ICSC 2011 Annual Report (A/66/30) proposed a new framework promoting
“a ‘culture
[...] of appreciation’ that would encourage staff members to recognize colleagues [...]
for outstanding work or behaviour.
这种干预行动包括下列协一致的 活动:保护 我们的水资源和集水区、保护海洋和水产资源、防止气污染、鼓励土 壤养护、引进新的创新性农业方法、 促进可再生能源、提倡环保工业、建设健康城镇和住 房计划、发展爱护环境的运输系统、执行废物管理系 统、使我国适应环境变化以及提高文化认识和教育。
This intervention includes coherent activities to protect our water
resources and catchment
[...] areas, protect the oceans and aquatic resources, prevent air pollution, encourage soil conservation, introduce innovative new methods for agriculture, [...]
promote renewable
energy resources, promote eco-friendly industries, build healthy towns and housing schemes, develop an environmentally friendly transport system, implement waste management systems, prepare the country for environmental change and promote cultural awareness and education.
又欢迎国内流离失所者人权问题特别报告员继续与各国政府、联合国有关办 事处和机构以及其他国际和区域组织 作 , 鼓 励 进 一 步 加强这种协作,以便推动 制定更好的战略,促进对国内流离失所者的保护和援助,并促进持久解决这一问 题,确认自然灾害是导致国内流离失所的一个原因, 气 候 变化等预计将加剧自
Welcoming also the continuing cooperation between the Special Rapporteur on the human rights of internally displaced persons and national Governments, and the relevant offices and agencies of the United Nations, as well as with other international and regional organizations, and encouraging the further strengthening of this collaboration in order to promote better strategies for, protection of, assistance to and durable solutions for internally displaced persons
该小组汇集了约 16 个联 合国机构和国际移民组织的负责人,旨在促进国际社会在移徙政策上的协 一 致 , 它将鼓 励应对气候变 化和环境退化对移徙、流离失所和安置政策的影响。
The Group, which brings together heads of some 16 United Nations agencies and IOM to promote more coherence within the international community on migration policies, will be stimulated to address the impact of climate change and environmental degradation on migration, displacement and resettlement policies.
马尔达夫在过一年的表现令鼓舞 , 虽然天 气 进口价格陡增,且向传统市场的红酒出口受到干扰,减缓了增长、刺激了通货膨胀并对银 行系统带来威胁。
Moldova’s performance
[...] last year has been encouraging, despite sharp increases in natural gas import prices [...]
and disruptions in
wine exports to traditional markets, which have slowed growth, fuelled inflation, and posed risks to the banking system.
此 外,我们感鼓舞的是,还一些国 家已经为实现其长期承诺制定了时间表,例 如,欧洲联盟商定到 2010 年共同把国民生产总值的 0.56%、到 2015 年把 0.7%用 作官方 发展援助,并将至少 50%的共同援助增长额分配给非洲,与此同时,充分 尊重个别成员国在发展援助领域的优先事项。
We are also encouraged by others that have established timetables for fulfilling their longstanding commitments, such as the European Union, which has agreed to provide, collectively, 0.56 per cent of GNP for ODA by 2010 [...]
and 0.7 per cent by 2015
and to channel at least 50 per cent of collective aid increases to Africa, while fully respecting the individual priorities of Member States in development assistance.
为了 减少一风险WIPO 鼓励对 主办国家技术和对创新支持中心感兴趣的机构,利用现有可利用的人 力资源(比如:以兼职为基础),并考虑有必要培训更多有潜力的技术和创新支持中心 作 人 员 , 以保证有足够数量的受训人员来补充国家技术和创新支持中心的工作人员。
To mitigate this risk, WIPO encourages institutions interested in hosting TISCs to use existing human resources as available (e.g., on a part-time basis) and takes into account the need to train a greater number of potential TISC staff in order to ensure that a sufficient [...]
number of trained
individuals are available to staff TISCs.
(c) 与践踏人权、容忍强迫或强制劳工或使用童工者e 沆一气、参 与出售或制造杀 伤人员地雷或其部件、或在其他方面不能履行联合国规定的相关义务或责任的企 业实体没有资格成为作伙伴
(c) Business entities that are complicit in human rights abuses, tolerate forced or compulsory labour
or the use of child
[...] labour,e are involved in the sale or manufacture of anti-personnel mines or their components or otherwise do not meet relevant obligations or responsibilities stipulated by the United Nations are not eligible for partnership.
最后,南非作为气候公 约》缔约国第十七届会 议的主席国,它认为本次辩论会提供了提高认识和交 换意见的机会,以便加强应气候变化的全球努力, 首先把它作一个可 持续发展问题,其次重新强调必 须把气候变化的辩论保留在《气候公约》和《京都议 定书》范围内。
Finally, for South Africa, as President of
[...] the seventeenth Conference of the Parties to the UNFCCC, this debate provides an opportunity to raise awareness and exchange views in order to intensify global efforts to address climate change, first as a sustainable development issue [...]
and, secondly,
to re-emphasize the need to retain the climate change debate within the UNFCCC and the Kyoto Protocol.
在操动转换选择 器 (校准位置的 ±1 个分接位置)时,明显地需要用更大 的气,已开始的分接变换作一定 要转完,不得中途改 变转向。
When operating the change-over selector (adjustment position ± 1 tap position) which you can tell by the increased amount of force required, the already started switching operation must be completed without changing the direction of revolution.
作组从已收到的答复中受鼓舞并 注意到 一 些 政 府已对指控进 行调查,并采取了措施,包括颁布新立法;进行司法改革;推行政策和服务, 包括保健方面的服务,以更好地保护和帮助妇女,包括暴力行为的女受害人; [...]
的权利;努力确保妇女充分享有人权,包括通过对性别问题有敏感认识的预 算编制来实现;并改进提高公众认识的活动,从而根据有关国际标准促进性 别平等和提高妇女地位。
From the replies received, the Working Group was encouraged to note that some Governments [...]
had carried out investigations
into the allegations made and taken measures, including enacting new legislation, conducting legal reform, introducing policies and services, such as health-related services, to better protect and assist women, including women victims of violence, developing national plans of action, prosecuting and punishing perpetrators of violence, introducing targeted measures for the promotion of women’s rights, making efforts to guarantee the full enjoyment of human rights by women, including through gender-sensitive budgeting, and improving public awareness-raising activities to promote gender equality and the advancement of women in accordance with relevant international standards.
新成立气候问题工作组将协调鼓 励 天 基 气 候 监 测领域的 机构间活动。
The newly formed Working
[...] Group on Climate will coordinate and encourage inter-agency activities in the area of space-based climate monitoring.
(i) 鼓励气候变化和减灾机构、联络点以及专家与发展政策制定者及实施 者进行系统对话、信息交流和联合 作 , 应加 强 气 候 变化适应界与灾 害风险管理界之间的协作(德爱基金会)。
(i) Systematic dialogue, information
exchange and joint
[...] working between climate change and disaster reduction bodies, focal points and experts, in collaboration with development policy-makers and practitioners should be encouraged, and there should be increased collaboration between the climate change adaptation [...]
and disaster risk
management communities (Tearfund).
本集團於確定以下事項時方會確認終止僱傭褔利:根 一 項 詳細正式計劃而終止與現時僱員之僱傭關係, 而不會撤回計劃;或提供終止僱傭褔利, 作鼓 勵 自願遣散之褔利。
The Group recognises termination benefits when it is demonstrably committed to either: terminating the
employment of current employees according
[...] to a detailed formal plan without possibility of withdrawal; or providing termination benefits as a result of an offer made to encourage voluntary redundancy.
澳大利亚与中国发改委、科技部和中科院等合作伙伴开展紧密 作 , 鼓 励 采 取强有力的行动应 气 候 变 化,培育创新,鼓励清洁能源和清洁技术投资,包括碳捕集与封存技术(CCS)。
Australia is working closely with partners in China, including the NDRC, Ministry of Science and Technology
and Chinese Academy of
[...] Sciences in China, to encourage strong action on climate change, to foster [...]
innovation and to encourage
investment in clean energy and clean technology, including carbon capture and storage (CCS).
贸易法委员一项重要任务就是协调联合国系统内外活跃在国际贸易 法领域的各个组织的作,鼓励它 们相互合作,避免重复工作,并提高国际 贸易法现代化和协调方面的效率一 致 性 和连贯性。
An important part of the mandate of UNCITRAL is to coordinate the work of organizations active in the field of international trade law, both within and outside the United Nations system, in order to encourage cooperation between them, avoid duplication [...]
of effort
and promote efficiency, consistency and coherence in the modernization and harmonization of international trade law.
我希望在征集各部门以及公众的意见之后,波兰将会 一 套 可以 鼓励页岩气开发 的法律,从而在长期上将页岩气投资者、国家财 [...]
Hopefully, the consultation process among Ministries, and then
with the public, will allow Poland
[...] to develop a law that encourages the development of the [...]
shale gas industry and, in the
long-term, maximizes revenue for shale gas investors, the State Treasury and Poland.
安全理事会着重指出,大会 2009 年 6 月 3 日第 63/281 号决议重申《联 合国气候变化框架公约》是应对气候变化的重要工具,并回顾《气候公约》 的各项条款,包括确认气候变化的全球性质要求所有国家根据其共同但有区 别的责任、各自的能力及社会和经济条件,尽可能广泛地开展 作 , 一 起做 出适当有效的国际反应;安理会请联合国相关机构酌情根据各自的任务,进 一步努力审议和处气候变化问题,包括它可能对安全产生的影响。
The Security Council underlines General Assembly resolution 63/281 of June 3, 2009, which: reaffirms that the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change is the key instrument for addressing climate change, recalls the provisions of the UNFCCC, including the acknowledgement that the global nature of climate change calls for the widest possible cooperation by all countries and their participation in an effective and appropriate
international response, in
[...] accordance with their common but differentiated responsibilities and respective capabilities and their social and economic conditions, and invites the relevant organs of the United Nations, as appropriate and within their respective mandates to intensify their efforts in considering and addressing climate change, including [...]
its possible security implications.
近年来,已经制定一系列 计划来解决低能源效 率的问题,比如,提倡 10 项节能行动、列出能耗 排名前 1000 位的企业、淘汰低效率发电站和工 厂、依据能效对发电站实行关停并转、需求侧能源 效率管理、清洁煤炭倡议、利用煤层 气 和 废煤 炭鼓励绿 色照明,提高交通运输的能源效率,对 城市和农村进行环境管理,能效标签和认证。
They were triggered when elevated international prices started stimulating large investments in energy-intensive industries, particularly copper, aluminium, and steel. stations and industrial plants, power generation dispatch scheduling based on energy efficiency, demand-side energy efficiency management, clean coal initiative, use of coal-bed methane and waste coal, green light stimulation, energy efficiency in transportation, urban and rural environment management, and energy-efficient labelling and certification.
围绕挑起冲突和过分夸大冲突展开了明显的“行动”,通过媒体串 一气 大 张旗 鼓地进 行宣传,把厄立特里亚描绘为“区域不稳定的根源”,使其深受其害。
The transparent “operation” revolved around igniting
skirmishes and amplifying them out of
[...] all proportion through an intensive and concerted [...]
media campaign to portray and victimize
Eritrea as a “source of regional destabilization”.




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