单词 | 一面倒 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 一面倒—one-sidedless common: lopsided overwhelming majority unanimous See also:一面—one side simultaneously... (and...) one aspect one's whole face 倒—however fail actually topple place upside down move around move backwards profiteer go bankrupt throw out as a matter of fact change (trains or buses) contrary expectation 倒(...)v—fallv collapsev invertv pour sth.v sellv
这会较现时那个被一面倒反对的选 址为佳。 legco.gov.hk | This approach is more desirable than to select a siteopposed by the public overwhelmingly. legco.gov.hk |
这些一面 倒的民意 ,政府是必 须正视, 而 且 不要巧 立 名 目 , 做 出 草 率 的 决 定 。 legco.gov.hk | The Government must seriously consider this view of the overwhelming majority, and it must not make hasty decisions under tactfully-concocted pretexts. legco.gov.hk |
但是,如果我们相信绝大多数 不是这样,是受误导的话,我觉得现时的回购方案未免过於一面倒,偏帮了银行。 legco.gov.hk | However, if we believe that most of these people are not like this but were misled, I think the present buyback proposal is biased in favour of banks. legco.gov.hk |
这份文件有3 个局 限,因而导致整份预算案在“出炉”後被各个政党及巿民大众,特别是 很多亲政府的传媒,一面倒恶评如潮。 legco.gov.hk | There are three limitations in this document and so after its delivery, it was badly criticized by all the political parties and the general public, especially bymany pro-government media. legco.gov.hk |
但是,我特别就这项修正案徵询了业界的意见,以了解他们的取 向,结果是一面倒的支持政府的修正案,即对法定最低工资的检讨每两 年不少於一次。 legco.gov.hk | The result is that they overwhelmingly support the Government's amendment, that is, a review on the statutory minimum wage should be conducted at least once every two years. legco.gov.hk |
自由党对这种一面倒的做法有所保留,也认为罚则过於严苛。 legco.gov.hk | The Liberal Party has reservations [...] about this kindof one-sidedapproach aswe consider [...]the penalty too stringent. legco.gov.hk |
我记得当 时的区议会一面倒的支持取消市政局,并且希望能够扩大区议会的权力。 legco.gov.hk | I remember that the district boards supported the abolition of the [...] Municipal Councils lopsidedly, andhoped to [...]expand the powers of the district boards. legco.gov.hk |
我从肉商 和买手等所听到的意见各有不同,并不是一面倒的,所以我们必须聆听业界 不同的声音。 legco.gov.hk | That is why we should listen to different voices from the industry. legco.gov.hk |
针对该节目的主要投诉事项包括:节目歪曲事实,误导 大众;内容偏颇,只有一面倒反对政府增发免费电视节目服务 牌照的言论;节目没有提供适当机会予其他人回应;亚视滥用 [...] 大气电波促进电视台本身的利益,公器私用;节目名称与内容 不符;以及亚视强迫员工出席集会。 legco.gov.hk | The main allegations against the programme included: it distorted the facts and misled [...] the public; its contents were biased as [...] there were only one-sided views againstthe issuance [...]of additional free television [...]programme service licences by the Government; it did not provide suitable opportunities for others to respond; ATV abused the spectrum to promote its interests, making use of the public resources for its private purpose; the programme title was not related to the contents of the programme; and ATV forced its staff members to join the rally. legco.gov.hk |
乔 晓 阳 在会见 本 港 各 界 人 士 後表示, 香港与 [...] 会发言的人士有不同 的 意 见 , 并非一面倒。legco.gov.hk | After meeting with people from different sectors of the Hong Kong community, Mr [...] QIAO Xiaoyang said that Hong Kong people who had spoken in the meeting held different [...] viewpoints, which wasnot one-sided. legco.gov.hk |
主席,如果连在海旁以低密度的方式来发展或规划 的原则亦予以反对的话,在这方面,我们便已经放弃,更可说是一面倒地放弃我们对优质生活这大原则的追求。 legco.gov.hk | President, in this connection, if we even object to the principles of low-density development or planning at the waterfront, we would have already given up ― it can be said that we would have fullygiven up ― the pursuit of this overriding principle of quality life. legco.gov.hk |
所以,如果不改变思维和策略,只是 继续凭空批评地产商,他们付出了钱,但我们却不容许他们兴建楼宇,则我 觉得在制度上和现时地产商有一面倒权势的压力下,是很难作出平衡的。 legco.gov.hk | Therefore, if we just keep on criticizing the developers without changing our mentality and strategy …… They have paid the premium, but we do not allow them to construct buildings, then I feel that, in view of the system and the pressure exerted by the developers who possess overwhelming influence now, it is very difficult for us to strike a right balance. legco.gov.hk |
举例说,如果甲校的确比乙校略为优胜,但所有被访者都只可二择其一,则结果便会出现一面倒甲胜。 hkupop.hku.hk | Take for an example, if University A is a bit [...] better than University B and all respondents can [...] only chooseone fromtwo, the former will win with a landslide majority. hkupop.hku.hk |
面对种种考虑,我不会一面倒地表示, 我们一定要游说或要市民表达他们不支持这方案,也说不定会有很多人 支持这方案的。 legco.gov.hk | In face ofthese considerations, I will not advise one-sidedly that we should [...] lobby or ask the public to express that they do not support this proposal. legco.gov.hk |
政府虽然未至於公然干预新闻自由,但熟悉传媒运作的人都知 道,近年政府多运用政治化妆师,向“ 友好” 的传媒发放所谓独家消 息,意图影响传媒报道的取向,从而改变舆论;甚至会作出一些交易, [...] 让媒体能够独家专访高官,但其访问内容当然是一面倒只为政府的政 策或决定护航。 legco.gov.hk | Although the Government may not have blatantly intervened with press freedom, people close to the media know that in recent years the Government has often entrusted its spin doctors to dispatch [...] so-called exclusive news to its "friendly" media [...] organizations,in an attempt to influence [...]the stance of the media coverage and [...]in turn change public opinion. legco.gov.hk |
首先,新西选民的分析再次显示,四年来新增的投票人士,并非一面倒支持某个派别。 hkupop.hku.hk | First, the analysis of New Territories West again showed that, the newly [...] registered votersover these 4 years didnotoverwhelmingly support a certain camp. hkupop.hku.hk |
现时的市场信息是非常一面倒的,原因很简单,报章(即使不是全部) 均很依赖地产商的广告来赚钱,大家看看有多少份重要报章刊登地产商的广 告或跟地产商有关行业的广告呢? legco.gov.hk | The reason is very simple. The newspapers, even if not all of them, rely heavily on the advertisements of property developers as the major source of income. legco.gov.hk |
因此,必须撤销第 1907(2009)号决议,因为安全理事会不应在尚 [...] 未对吉布提的指控进行独立和合法的确认之前就进行干预,采取一面倒的立场。 daccess-ods.un.org | Resolution 1907 (2009) must accordingly be scrapped [...] as the Security Council should not [...] interfere to take a lopsidedposition before [...]the accusations levelled by Djibouti are [...]ascertained independently and legally. daccess-ods.un.org |
不过,我想藉此机会表达我的心迹,便是我们不应该一面倒的只重 视金钱和专业人才,而忽略了我们的通才教育和很多价值观。 legco.gov.hk | However, I would like to take this opportunity to express my attitude that we should not place overwhelming importance on money and professional talents to the neglect of the importance of general education and many values. legco.gov.hk |
其次,调查数字显示,新界原居民也不是一面倒支持某个派别。 hkupop.hku.hk | Also, exit poll figures show that, neither did the New Territories indigenous residents support a certain camp overwhelmingly. hkupop.hku.hk |
署方多配一点或少配一点,是由署方控制的,不可以说因为编配多 了居住面积,租金增加了,比例随之差了,於是觉得居民迫署方减租是不合 理的,但其实从头到尾也是署方一面倒的说,因为居住面积是由署方编配 的。 legco.gov.hk | The allocation of a larger area or a smaller area is entirely within the authority of the HD. They cannot possibly argue that when a larger living area is allocated, the rent will go up and the ratio will increase, so it is unfair for residents to force the HD to reduce the rent. legco.gov.hk |
这种“挤牙膏”式的透露 ― 他们很喜欢用“挤牙膏”这词 ― 如果不是议员穷追猛打,如果不是民意一面倒怪责特首处理不当,我相信今 天的安排也不会出现。 legco.gov.hk | Turning to this sort of disclosure, one in the manner of "squeezing a tube of toothpaste" ― they love to use the expression "squeeze a tube of toothpaste" very much ― if [...] Honourable Members had not [...] been hot on thetrail of the matter or public opinions had not been totally critical of the Chief [...]Executive because of [...]his improper handling, I think there would not be any arrangement like that today. legco.gov.hk |
当然,正如我刚才所说,我不会奢望这项 修正案可以在这个由功能界别操控的议会、由保皇党一面倒控制的立 法议会、由伪民主派当道的议会获得通过。 legco.gov.hk | Of course, as I said just now, I do not have the wishful thinking that this amendment will be passed in this Council manipulated by functional constituencies, monopolized by the pro-government camp and dominated by the bogus democrats. legco.gov.hk |
近 期 一个由 Willis China, 以 及 另 一个由我 本人所 进 行的调 查显示 ,律师 的 反 应是一面倒的赞成 改变, 改 让每一 律 师 行自行负责 投 保 。 legco.gov.hk | In two recent surveys, one carried out by Willis China and the other carried out by myself, the response of lawyers is overwhelmingly in favour of a change to allow each firm to be responsible for its own insurance. legco.gov.hk |
至於市民对本地政治、经济、社会状况满意程度方面,连续调查的结果显示,回归初期巿民比较关注香港的社会环境,经济次之;九八年初开始已一面倒关注香港的经济发展,及至去年底,七成半巿民谓最关注本港的经济环境,是调查自九二年开始以来的历史新高(略高於九八年六月及八月的数字)。 hkupop.hku.hk | Regarding people's appraisal of the local political, economic and social conditions, tracking surveys show that right after the handover, people were more concerned with Hong Kong's social and then economic conditions. hkupop.hku.hk |
格林伯格所说:「今天,美国大学一面倒的是公立 大学,高度集中在职业、技术及科学教育等领域,规模庞大, 以都市为导向,且高度的民主。 americancorner.org.tw | As scholar Milton Greenberg points out, “Today, American universities are now overwhelmingly public, focused heavily on occupational, technical, and scientific education, huge, urban-oriented, and highly democratic. americancorner.org.tw |
这一点固然要在一国之内进行,但在国与国之间尤其重要,因为法律在这一方面似乎正在倒退,这种情况十分危险。 unesdoc.unesco.org | While this must feature at the national level, it is particularly relevant at the international level, where the realm of law seems to undergo a dangerous regression. unesdoc.unesco.org |
由于尼加拉瓜政府采取的令人费解、毫无道理 和不可接受的行动,我们这个区域不幸在努力摆脱它 的痛苦过去,迎接一个更美好未来方面倒退了一步。 daccess-ods.un.org | Through an incomprehensible, unjustified and unacceptable action of the Government of Nicaragua, our region has taken an unfortunate step backwards in its efforts to overcome its sombre past and embrace a better future. daccess-ods.un.org |
环保署表示,当局已采取进一步的气味管理和控制措 [...] 施,例如在雨季期间每天完成接收废物後,加厚覆盖废物倾倒 面的泥土层至300毫米,然後在面层喷上一层名为"posi-shell"的 水泥物料3 ;在非使用中的废物倾卸区加设不透气臨时垫层;在 [...]堆填区边界及出入口设置固定除臭机;於倾倒区加设流动除臭 [...]机;为特殊废物槽设置流动覆盖设施;加装额外的堆填气抽气 井和流动的堆填气燃烧装置;以及以渐进的形式进行堆填区的 复修工程,以塑造自然景观。 legco.gov.hk | EPD has advised that further odour management and control [...] measures have been [...] implemented, such as covering the tippingface with 300 mm thick layer of soil and then [...]with a layer of cement-based [...]material called "Posi-shell Cover"3 sprayed on top at the end of daily waste reception process during rainy season; covering the non-tipping areas with temporary impermeable liner; setting up fixed de-odourizers at the boundary and entrance/exit of the landfill; providing additional mobile de-odourizers at the tipping areas; putting a movable cover on the special waste trench; installing extra landfill gas extraction wells and mobile landfill gas flaring units; and restoring the landfill progressively to form a natural landscape. legco.gov.hk |
认识到各国政府负有从各方面防止、打击和消除小武器和轻武器非法贸易的 [...] 首要责任,并强调提供国际合作和援助,包括国家能力建设方面的援助,是压倒 一切的主题,对充分有效实施《行动纲领》至关重要,因此各国鼓励促进国家、 [...]双边、区域和多边各级的国际合作和援助。 daccess-ods.un.org | Recognizing that Governments bear the primary responsibility for preventing, combating and eradicating the illicit trade in small arms and light weapons in all its aspects, and stressing that the provision of international cooperation and [...] assistance, including assistance for [...] national capacity-building, isan overarching theme, essential [...]to the full and effective implementation [...]of the Programme of Action, States encouraged the promotion of international cooperation and assistance at the national, bilateral, regional and multilateral levels. daccess-ods.un.org |