单词 | 一遍 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 一遍 —once throughless common: one time (all the way through) Examples:一遍又一遍—over and over See also:遍—all over 遍—classifier for the number of repetitions of an action e.g. reading a book twice or three times 遍 adv—everywhere adv
如果是用水冲洗的, 请重新用矿物油精或 Pump Armor 冲洗一遍,以 留下一层保护性涂层,避免结冰 或腐蚀。 graco.com | If flushing with water, flush again with mineral spirits, or Pump Armor, to leave a protective coating to prevent freezing or corrosion. graco.com |
當然,我不能肯定每位同事會把小冊子向申請人 讀 一遍 ,但 我相信申請人是有責任自行細看的。 legco.gov.hk | Certainly, I cannot be sure that each of our colleagues will read out the pamphlet to each applicant, but I believe applicants do have the responsibility to read the pamphlet in detail themselves. legco.gov.hk |
再说一 遍,这些是全球问题,我们必须共同寻找持久的解决 办法。 daccess-ods.un.org | Again, these are global issues, and we are bound together in the search for lasting solutions. daccess-ods.un.org |
但是仍建议这些零件再喷一遍变压 器油箱相 同的表漆。 highvolt.de | We recommend, however, to apply the same outside coating to these parts as to the transformer tank. highvolt.de |
最好的事情是刚玩的ABC歌Tutitu一遍又 一遍 , 即 使你的孩子正在睡觉,任何时候你的孩子看到他们,他们会记住每个字母。 tutitu.info | The best thing to do is just to play the [...] ABC song by Tutitu again and again even if [...]your toddler is sleeping so that they will [...]remember the letters anytime your child sees them. tutitu.info |
我现在就要来谈一谈第二个大辩论的主题,如果你们同意的话,我把这个主题整个 再读一遍:“ 提倡学会在二十一世纪共处的高质量教育:加强有关教育结构、内容、方 法和条件的国际政治对话,动员有关各方和其它合作伙伴”。 unesdoc.unesco.org | I now turn to the theme of the second major debate and, with your leave, I shall read it out in full “Quality education for all for living together in the twenty-first century: intensifying the international policy dialogue on structures, contents, methods and means of education, and mobilizing the actors and partners”. unesdoc.unesco.org |
如果喷嘴板上仍有墨水,请用干的无绒布再 擦 一遍。 graphics.kodak.com | If ink remains on the nozzle plate, wipe again with a dry, lint-free cloth. graphics.kodak.com |
汤米保持在同一天重温一遍又一遍, 但没有人注意到什么奇怪的,让他觉得他要疯了。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | Tommy keeps reliving the same day [...] over and over again, but no one else notices [...]anything weird, making him feel like he's going crazy. seekcartoon.com |
请注意:如果您要申请 H&C,您不能把在 2002 年 6 月 28 日之后举行的难民听证会 上给出的理由,同样再列举一遍。 multilingolegal.ca | Please note: If you are applying for H&C, you can’t give the same reasons you gave at a refugee hearing held after June 28, 2002. multilingolegal.ca |
同样,国际刑事法院罗马规约第 8 条规定,该法 院有权审判犯下战争罪行者,无论——我重 复 一遍, 无 论——犯下战争罪行者是冲突的哪一方,都应受到 审判,审判应依据互补原则、以同该法院开展有效合 作的方式进行。 daccess-ods.un.org | Likewise, through the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court, the Court’s jurisdiction to try those who commit war crimes was established pursuant to article 8 of the Statute, regardless — and I repeat, regardless — of which party to the armed conflict commits them, under the principle of complementarity and through effective cooperation with the Court. daccess-ods.un.org |
该Manvantaras,在创作和破坏(世界,是)无数;运动,因为它是,婆罗门重 复 一遍 又 一遍。 mb-soft.com | The Manvantaras, the creations and destructions (of the world, are) numberless; sporting, as it were, Brahman repeats this again and again. mb-soft.com |
因此,我们认为现在最重要的优先事项是安全理 事会通过一项决议,要求各方——我重 复 一遍 , 各方 ——立即停止射击,保护叙利亚人民,并支持阿拉伯 行动计划,和平地政治解决危机。 daccess-ods.un.org | We therefore believe that the first priority now is for the Security Council to adopt a resolution demanding that all parties — I repeat, all parties — immediately cease firing, protect Syrians and support the Arab plan of action for a peaceful political settlement of the crisis. daccess-ods.un.org |
這便於用戶在將所輸入的 數據和計算交付(上傳)到GNR項目進行評估 之前,能自己執行第一遍檢查。 wbcsdcement.org | This allows the user to perform a first check of the inserted data and calculations for plausibility before delivering (uploading) them to the GNR project for evaluation. wbcsdcement.org |
主席,正如其他條文,該條例第13條的草擬方式極之難明,或許 容我為主席引述一遍如下 ︰“就擬供輸往香港以外的目的地的貨品而 言,第7條須予適用,猶如從第2條 ‘商品說明’定義內包括的事項中略 去該條(a)段所指明的事項一樣;而如行政長官為施行本條就任何種類 貨品而藉命令指明該等事項中的任何其他事項,則就擬供輸往香港以 外的目的地的該種類貨品而言,第7條即適用,猶如該等被如此指明 的事項亦同樣地從第2條 ‘商品說明’的定義中所包括的事項中略去一 樣。 legco.gov.hk | Chairman, like other sections, section 13 of the ordinance is drafted in a way which is extremely difficult to understand. Perhaps let me read it out to the Chairman: "In relation to goods which are intended for despatch to a destination outside Hong Kong, section 7 shall apply as if there were omitted from the matters included in the definition of trade description in section 2 those specified in paragraph (a) thereof, and, if the Chief Executive by order specifies any other of those matters for the purposes of this section with respect to any description of goods, section 7 shall apply, in relation to goods of that description which are intended for despatch to a destination outside Hong Kong, as if the matters so specified were also omitted from those included in the definition of trade description in section 2. legco.gov.hk |
使用预制回复在聊天会话中回答这类问题要比接听电话 , 一遍一遍 提 供 相同的信息要快的多。 providesupport.cn | Using canned responses, answering such questions in a chat session is much faster than staff taking telephone call after telephone call, giving out the same information over and over. providesupport.com |
这样做效率稍微有些低,因为没循环 一遍 都 要计算一次长度。 developer.mozilla.org | This is slightly inefficient as you are looking up the length property once every loop. developer.mozilla.org |
在购买您的机票之前,请先浏览一遍 我 们 的“美国旅行指南”,了解有关护照、签证、海关规定等基本信息。 capitalregionusa.org | Before you buy your tickets, take a look through our Capital Region USA travel guide and discover answers to basic questions regarding passports, visas and customs regulations. capitalregionusa.org |
我们很幸运,古达是一个塑料娃娃模型,我们可 以 一遍 又 一遍 地 练 习,直到我们熟练操作为止。”当这组辅助助产士转向下一个技能培训点,利用人体模型学习和练习抢救技巧时,另一个辅助助产士解释说。 unicef.org | Luckily for us, Gudda is a plastic doll, a dummy, and we can practise again and again, till we get it right,” explains another auxiliary nurse midwife as the group moves on to the next skill station to learn and practise resuscitation on a mannequin. unicef.org |
警察想知道他是否参加了伊 斯兰教派,一遍又一遍的向 他询问相同的问题。 daccess-ods.un.org | The police wanted to [...] know whether he was an Islamist and asked the [...]same questions time after time. daccess-ods.un.org |
飲食建議 : 可以即吃; 蔬菜是已洗,但建議清洗一遍。 sfgourmet.com | Serving suggestion : ready-to-eat; salad is pre-washed but [...] recommend to wash again. sfgourmet.com |
如果我们快速检索一遍Wicke t Web应用的源代码,就会发现大部分Wicket组件都是用new关键字实例化的。 infoq.com | If we do a quick search on Wicket web applications' source code, we will find that most of the Wicket components are instantiated using the new keyword. infoq.com |
我们一遍又一遍又一遍的重 复使用物品。 embassyusa.cn | We reused things over and over and over again. eng.embassyusa.cn |
这是Bohinj,一个地方,你会很高兴地返 回 一遍 又 一遍 的 天 堂。 instantworldbooking.com | This is the paradise of Bohinj, a place where you will gladly return over and over again. instantworldbooking.com |
直到那紙片在圈中至少傳過一遍為止,然後停下來一起 讀以弗所書 4: 29。 global.gofamilylife.com | After the cutout has been around your group at least once, stop and read Ephesians 4:29. global.gofamilylife.com |
额 外 好 处 : 转 换 开 棉 罗 拉 转 动 速 度 , 避 免 在 将 整 组 棉 包 抓 取 一 遍 后 出现的减速和加速磨损。 truetzschler.de | Bonus benefit: reversing the rotational speed of the opening rolls prevents wear-intensive braking and acceleration after each bale passage. truetzschler.de |
A 的確有些人的音準感覺比較差,唱歌跑調,不過,只 要 一遍一遍 地 不 斷反復練習,孩子就能用準確的音調演唱。 tomleemusic.com.hk | A There are some people who have trouble finding the right pitch. However, by singing repeatedly, they will be able to sing with the correct pitch. tomleemusic.com.hk |
按照所述过程逐步阅读 Brief:从头读到尾,然后休息一下;之后再 读 一遍 , 确 保彻底理解,并获得启发!最后,想象您就是作者(品牌 Builder),然后再读一遍 Brief,发现尽可能多的额外信息。 bootb.com | Move through the process of reading the Brief step-by-step: read it up [...] to the end and then take a break; then, [...] read it again to get more insights and inspiration. Finally, imagine yourself in the shoes of the writer (Brand Builder) and read the Brief again. bootb.com |
委员会进一步对缺乏对领养的普遍一 致 的 监测制度表示关切。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Committee is further concerned about the absence of a thorough agreed monitoring system of adoptions. daccess-ods.un.org |
虽然一些人对赋予磋商的期限表示保留,但是整个辩论突出地表明,在制定一份关于 生物伦理的普遍性文件之必要性的问题上存在着 普 遍一 致 的看法,同时认为教科文组织似乎 是完成此项任务的最为适合的组织;教科文组织为此要与其它有关机构密切合作,并从制定 文件的第一个阶段起,就与各会员国深入进行磋商。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Although some members expressed reservations about the time devoted to consultations, the debates revealed general agreement on the need to draw up a universal text on bioethics and recognized that UNESCO seemed to be the most appropriate organization for accomplishing that task, working in close cooperation with the other bodies concerned and holding in-depth consultations with Member States from the earliest preparatory stages. unesdoc.unesco.org |
此 外,应当加大努力,制定一项全球战略,将发展层面优先纳入全球进程和有关 多边机构,以使发展中国家能够从全球化和贸易自由化所提供的机会中获益, 包括通过为发展创造一个有利的外部经济环境,这要求国际贸易、货币和金融 体系之间加强一致性,使之具有普遍 、 开 放、平等、非胁迫性、基于规则、可 预测和非歧视性。 daccess-ods.un.org | In addition, greater efforts must be made to generate a global strategy to prioritise and mainstream the development dimension into global processes, and in the relevant multilateral institutions in order to enable developing countries to benefit from the opportunities offered by globalisation and trade liberalisation, including through the creation of an enabling external economic environment [...] for development which [...] requires greater coherence between the international trading, monetary and financial systems that should be universal, open, equitable, [...]non-coercive, rule-based, [...]predictable and non-discriminatory. daccess-ods.un.org |