

单词 一语双关

See also:


play on words

External sources (not reviewed)

他们的作品时常跨越不同领域,诉诸其他艺术形式或媒介表达艺术意涵,所以将他们在上海双年展上的展览命名为“变形”,可 一语双关。
Therefore the idea of titling their presentation at the Shanghai Biennale under “morphing” fits in a double sense.
一份关于在尼日尔和乍得实双语教 育 的可行性研究报告也 已经提交两国政府和伊斯兰发展银行。
A proposal prepared for a bilingual education feasibility study [...]
in Niger and Chad was submitted to the governments and to the Islamic Development Bank.
它无视斯洛文尼关于落实双语文化 间方案的 建议,坚持在欧洲族裔中心观的基础上推行文化 一。
Contrary to
[...] Slovenia’s recommendations on the implementation of bilingual intercultural programmes, Chile persisted in promoting cultural uniformity based on a European [...]
ethnocentric vision.
出版一份题 为“黄河和长江的河流沉积物” 双语 小 册 子,其主要目的在于提高科 技人员和普通公众对于河流沉积物 一 重 要 问题以及它与水灾控制和环境之重 关 系 的认 识。
A bilingual brochure entitled River Sediments of the Yellow River and the
[...] River; the main purpose of the brochure is to enhance the awareness of the technical as well as the general public on the important issue of river sediments as well as their importance in relation to flood control and the environment.
一项重大计划的关双年度 优先事项中,都 一 项 被 指定为“主要优先事项”。
For each major programme, one of the biennial priorities has been designated a “principal [...]
将继续管双语(英 文、俄文)的执法网站,该网站包括建 一 个 配 备了 关工 具和信息来源的关和执 法官员“一站式站点”以及为海关和执法官员编制新的提高认识 小册子。
The bilingual (English, Russian) ECA enforcement website including the creation of a “one-stop-shop” for customs and enforcement officers with relevant [...]
tools and information
sources as well as new production of awareness raising brochures for customs and enforcement officers will continue to be maintained.
双语多元文化模式关的一项挑 战是,如何 双语 多 元 文化推广至尽可能 多的土著人,激励他们更好地融入教育系统,从而激发他们保护其传统和习俗。
One challenge relating to the bilingual intercultural modality is how to extend it [...]
to as many indigenous persons as possible,
motivate them to pursue their optimal integration into the education system and thereafter, and stimulate them to preserve their traditions and customs.
教育是对未来的投资,一种减 少贫穷和消除歧视的手段;(b) 土著人 民有权,包括(在关情况 下)享有条约规定的权利,接受对其全面世界观、 语文、传统知识及其文化其他层面有敏感认识、有助于增进人权、认同感和 不同文化间对话的优质初等教育;(c) 以母语为中语文的双语教育 对于促 进土著儿童的有效学习和降低辍学率是不可或缺的;(d) 如果做不到公正而 有效地执行针对土著人民需求的、对文化问题有敏感认识的教育方案、课程 和行动,为实现千年发展目标 2 而开展的任何努力都不可能获得成功;(e) 土 著儿童在接受各级优质教育和社会文化教育方面面临特别的困难。
Education is an investment in the future, a means to reduce poverty and counter discrimination; (b) indigenous peoples have the right, including treaty rights (as relevant) to quality primary education that is sensitive to their holistic worldviews, languages, traditional knowledge and other aspects of their cultures, which contribute to human dignity, identity and intercultural dialogue; (c) mother-tongue mediated [...]
bilingual education is indispensable for
effective learning for indigenous children and for the reduction of dropout rates; (d) any efforts to achieve Millennium Development Goal 2 are likely to fail if impartial and effective implementation of culturally sensitive educational programmes, curricula and actions addressing the needs of indigenous peoples are not undertaken; (e) indigenous children experience particular difficulties relating to access to education of quality and sociocultural relevance at all levels.
一个很 明显的局限性是,它们仅存在于 关双 方 之 间, 虽然这类协议如连成网络也许会有所帮助,但也不能充分解决某些反竞争行为的 跨国影响问题。
An obvious limitation is that they exist solely between the two parties involved [...]
and although a network of such agreements
may help, they may not adequately address the multinational effects of some anticompetitive behaviour.
大会在一决议 第五节第 11 段中请秘书长寻求更加有效的战略,及时填补 所有工作地点现有和未来语文员 额空缺,表示注意到秘书 关 于 会 议时地分配 办法的报告(A/63/119 和 Corr.1)第 92 段,又请秘书长尽早举行该段提及的语文 工作人员竞争性征聘考试和 2009 年后的其他考试,以便及时填补所有工作地点 现有和未来的语文员额空缺,并向大会第六十四届会议通报这方面的努力。
In section
[...] V, paragraph 11, of the same resolution, the General Assembly requested the Secretary-General to seek a more effective strategy to fill current and future language post vacancies at all duty stations [...]
in a
timely manner, took note of paragraph 92 of the report of the Secretary-General on the pattern of conferences (A/63/119 and Corr.1), and also requested the Secretary-General to hold the competitive examinations for the recruitment of language staff referred to in that paragraph, as well as other examinations beyond 2009, well in advance so as to fill current and future language post vacancies at all duty stations in a timely manner, and to inform the Assembly at its sixty-fourth session of efforts in that regard.
[...] 种语文进行沟通,包括通过以所有正式语文同时分发文件;请新闻部改进所采取 的行动,实现在联合国网站上同等使用六种正式语文;请秘书长向大会第六十五 届会议提一份综 合报告,说明充分执行大会 关 使 用多 种 语 文 的 各项决议的情 况(第 63/306 号决议)。
At its sixty-third session, the General Assembly took note of the appointment by the Secretary-General of a new Coordinator for Multilingualism; requested the Secretary-General to ensure equal treatment for all language services and effective multilingual communication among representatives of Member States, including through simultaneous distribution of documents in all official languages; requested the Department of Public Information to improve actions taken to achieve parity among the six official languages on the United Nations website; and requested the Secretary-General to submit to it
at its sixty-fifth session a
[...] comprehensive report on the full implementation of its resolutions on multilingualism (resolution 63/306).
严重关切占领国以色列违反国际人道主义法、联合国 关 决 议 和当 双 方之 间达成的协议,继续在巴勒斯坦被占领土进行定居点活动,并特别关切以色列在 被占领的东耶路撒冷及其周围修建和扩大定居点,包括实施以连接周围非法定居 点和一步孤 立被占领的东耶路撒冷为目标的所谓 E-1 计划,继续拆毁巴勒斯坦 房屋并将巴勒斯坦家庭逐出市区,以及加紧在约旦河谷的定居点活动
[...] grave concern about the continuation by Israel, the occupying Power, of settlement activities in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, in violation of international humanitarian law, relevant United Nations resolutions and the agreements reached between the parties, and concerned particularly about Israel’s construction and expansion of settlements in and around occupied East Jerusalem, including its so-called E-1 plan that aims to connect its illegal settlements around and further isolate [...]
occupied East Jerusalem,
the continuing demolition of Palestinian homes and eviction of Palestinian families from the city, and intensifying settlement activities in the Jordan Valley
容提出相应的意见;如果会员国不能对 一关 键 项 目的全面讨论提出意见,执行 局则很难履行《组织法》第 V.B 条赋予其的职责; d. 问题的根源在于实际上无法在现双 年 度 周期确定的最后期限内,对教科文组织 计划和预算的执行情况进行监督, 双 年 度 周期的安排无法在制定下一个 C/5 文 件中充分吸取过去的经验教训,为解决这个问题,我们不妨探讨是否可以采用三 年制的计划周期,这样,三年内可以举行两次大会,头一次会议专门审批计划和 预算,第二次会议举办部长级会议和其他圆桌会议,形成新的思路和举措,从而 使大会发挥思考本组织未来发展之作用。
(d) the root of the problem lay in the practical impossibility to carry out the monitoring of the implementation of the programme and budget of UNESCO within the deadlines flowing from the present biennial cycle which does not allow for sufficient feedback from lessons learned for the elaboration of a subsequent C/5 document; to remedy this problem, one could study the viability of a triennial programming cycle which would provide for the holding of two sessions of the General Conference during a three-year period, with the first being devoted to the approval of the programme and budget and the other to the holding of ministerial and other round table meetings resulting in new visions and initiatives, thereby allowing the General Conference to perform its role as an organ of reflection about the future of the Organization.
委员会建议缔约国继续努力实现“普及教育”的目标,并酌情考虑在偏远地 区实双语教育方案,以此作为改善少数民族和土著民族学习环境 一 个手 段。
The Committee recommends the State party to continue its
efforts to
[...] achieve its goal of “Education for All”, and consider bilingual education programmes, as appropriate, in remote areas [...]
as a means
of improving the learning environment for ethnic minorities and indigenous peoples.
格陵兰政府首先采取的行动一,是 制定 关语 言 的 政策 一 体 化 的新法 律,据以加强格陵兰语的作用并更广泛地使用此种语言。
One of the first actions of the Government of Greenland was to introduce new legislation on language policy and integration [...]
aimed at strengthening
the role and use of Greenlandic.
一些建议涉及开展跨学科计划/行动的可能性:如开 一 项 有 关 图 书 馆(社区、大 学、学校、政府)与信息部门的跨学科计划,来传播信息,让尽可能多的人群受 益,为教育和终身学习做出贡献,并起到重要的文化作用;一项建议提到语言, 把它与文化密切地联系在一起,作为传播和教育(有利于提高对 一语 言 的掌 握)的组成部分。
Several suggestions concern the development of possible interdisciplinary programmes/actions: e.g., the development of an interdisciplinary programme on the library (community, university, school, governmental) and information sectors, to disseminate information for the benefit of the broadest possible audience, contribute to education and lifelong learning and serve a major cultural role; one on languages, as inalienably linked to culture, integral to communication and to education (as beneficial to literacy in the first language).
在此据悉馆长莱纳收集的诗篇给我们一些非常重要的的片段,其中有二十四叶一纸莎草法典包含在其他两个希腊和Sahidic相反的网页,和更短的的片段 一 旦 整 个诗 双语 羊 皮 纸手稿的诗篇,并仅在Sahidic其他羊皮纸碎片。
In this the learned curator of the Rainer collection gives us some very important fragments of the Psalms, among which are twenty-four leaves of a papyrus codex containing once the whole Psalter both in Greek and Sahidic on opposite pages,
and shorter fragments of
[...] two other bilingual parchment manuscripts of the Psalms, and other parchment [...]
fragments in Sahidic only.
成立语言学习电脑网络,将提一个 多 语 言 的 网络平台,以便:(a) 拟订国际、地区、 国家关语言学习的政策,推进 关语 言 学 习的国际合作与交流;(b) 各国政府和民间社会 通过网络空间推动扫盲教育和扫盲后的培训,促进学习母语和其他语言的能力;和 (c) 为世 界各地的学习者提供开放和便利的语言学习资源,并借此了解其他文化。
If established, the CNLL
[...] would provide an online multilingual platform for: (a) elaborating policies on learning languages at the international, regional and national levels and to facilitate international cooperation and exchanges on learning languages; (b) facilitating [...]
literacy and postliteracy
activities by government and civil society through cyberspace, improving competence in mother tongues and other languages; and (c) providing learners worldwide with open and accessible resources for learning languages and, through them, new cultures.
2009 年世界金融和经济危机及其对发展的影响问题会议成果文件3 强调需 要确保所有的税务管辖区和金融中心遵守透明度和监管标准,重申有必要 一步 促 进国际税务合作,包括在联合国范围内开展的合作,推行 关双 重 征 税的协定。
The Outcome of the 2009 Conference on the World Financial and Economic Crisis and Its Impact on Development3 emphasized the need to ensure that all tax jurisdictions and financial centres comply with standards of transparency and
regulation and reiterated the need to further
[...] promote international cooperation in tax matters, including within the United Nations, by promoting double-taxation agreements.
委员会的报告将被 翻译成关语文,以便在把它转交给承包者时可采 一 个 适 当的文本,但译文本 不作为管理局正式文件的一部分公布或分发。
The report of the Commission is translated
so that it can be
[...] forwarded to the contractors in an appropriate language, but is not published or distributed as [...]
part of the official
documentation of the Authority.
对话论坛第三次部长级会议发表的公报指出,与会方认为促进教育和文化理 解并在直布罗陀和该区域鼓双语教 学 、增进教育交流及机会意义重大、极具价 值,并确定了通过谈判提升一议程 的具体领域。
According to the communiqué resulting from the aforementioned third ministerial meeting of the Forum of Dialogue, the participants agreed on the importance and value of the promotion of educational and
cultural understanding, and
[...] of encouraging bilingualism and educational exchanges and opportunities in Gibraltar and the region, and identified concrete areas for negotiation to enhance this agenda.
据报道, 两位领导人讨论了关双边关系的一 些 问 题,其中有些问题关系到黎巴嫩根据第 1701(2006)号决议承担的义务。
It was reported that the two leaders discussed a number of
[...] issues pertaining to bilateral relations, some of which [...]
have a bearing on Lebanon’s
obligations under resolution 1701 (2006).
委员会还决定提请大会注意 第 44 段所关于行 政和预算问题咨询委员会对“在 现有资源范围内一语的使 用所表示的看法和咨询 委员关于秘 书处有责任告知大会是否有足够资源 开展某项新活动的看法的信息。
It also decided to draw the attention of the General Assembly to the information contained in paragraph 44 of the memorandum on the views of the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions on the use of the phrase “within available resources” and the Advisory Committee’s views on the responsibility of the Secretariat to inform the General Assembly regarding the availability of resources to implement a new activity.
建立可持续城市交通信息发布平台和CUTPP官方网络平台的咨询服务主要内容包括:1)根 一 期 工 程反馈,实施平台的功能设计改进;2)平台网站产品的动态页面内容设计和实施;3)平台网站用户互动功能的设计和实施;4)推广平台设置支 双语 的 多媒体数据库;5)网站项目管理平台功能的实施;6)平台后台维护系统设计和实施;7)新闻和内容更新服务;8)平台的维护管理机制;9)平台的技术和流量优化;10)平台网站线下推广;11)提供使用培训和即时技术支持;12)项目移交。
Establishment of a Sustainable Urban Transport Information Dissemination Platform and the Official Web Platform for CUTPP will include the tasks 1) Improve modules and functions of the
official platform according the user feedback and experts' suggestions; 2) Design and implement dynamic page creation and multimedia content display
[...] system for platform; 3) Design and implementation of user interactive functions for platform; 4) Configuring the bilingual and multimedia database for supporting the platform; 5) Implement the project management function of website; 6) [...]
Design and implement content supporting system for platform; 7) News and contents update service; 8) Design a management rules and policies of the platform; 9) Optimization of platform; 10) Offline promotion of platform; 11) Training and technical support; 12) Delivery of project products.
就非洲人后裔而言,这可能需要确保在有此需要的地方提双 语教育 ,并确保课程安排要珍惜和尊重历史、文化和非洲人后裔对其国家和全球 [...]
发展所做的贡献,以便促进在社会内部对他们的承认和他们的认同感,特别是对 非洲裔的儿童和青年来说更是如此。
In the case of people of African descent, this may entail ensuring the
[...] provision of bilingual education where [...]
relevant, and ensuring that curricula value
and respect the history, culture and contributions that people of African descent have made to their nations and global development in order to promote their recognition within society and a sense of identity, particularly for children and young people of African descent.
履行机构一步鼓 励最不发达国家缔约方向最不发达国家基金、关 双边、多边和国际组织提交建议,包括国家适应行动方案的内容,处理最不发达 国家工作方案中不属于最不发达国家缔约方当务之急的内容。
The SBI further encouraged LDC Parties to submit proposals,
[...] from elements of NAPAs, to the LDCF and to relevant bilateral, multilateral and international organizations [...]
that address
the elements of the least developed countries work programme that are of highest priority to the LDC Parties.
这里的很多奇思妙想的机双关语, 让酒店保持与他们的“无论什么/无论何时”的服务理念,和他们“新的是什么 / 下 一 步 是 什么”的哲学,提供给客人他们想要的任何最新设计,时尚和音乐,在巴黎最独特的活动和夜生活场所。
There’s lots of whimsy and witty wordplay going on at the hotel in keeping with their ‘Whatever/Whenever’ service mantra and their ‘What’s New/What’s Next’ philosophy providing guests with whatever they want from the latest in design, fashion and music in Paris to the city’s most exclusive events and nightspots.
这方面的工作包括开展关双语教育制度的可行性 研究,以扩大并改善尼日尔和乍得的所有儿童接受优质初等教育的机会;以及在苏丹建立适 [...]
This included
[...] feasibility studies concerning a bilingual education system [...]
aimed at expanding and improving access to quality
primary education for all children in Niger and Chad and concerning a basic education system appropriate to the multicultural, multi-ethnic, multi-religious and multilingual society of the Sudan.
(a) 第一,双方找到一种办法,使领土内外的西撒哈拉各界人民中受尊重的 代表以正式或非正式的方式参与审议和讨论与最终地位和行使自决权 关 的问 题;(b) 第二双方进一步深入审查彼此的建议,特别是在他们各自提案中趋同
(a) First, that the parties find a means to include respected representatives of a wide cross-section of the population of Western Sahara inside and outside the Territory, formally or informally, in the consideration and discussion of issues related to final status and the exercise of self-determination
安全理事会确认必须加强努力,包括加强 关双 边 和多边捐助者之间 的协调,以确保提供可预见一致和及时的财政支持,从而优化在整个冲突 周期对包括调解在内的预防性外交工具的运用。
“The Security Council recognizes the
importance of
[...] enhancing efforts, including coordination among relevant bilateral and multilateral donors, to ensure predictable, [...]
coherent and timely
financial support to optimize the use of preventive diplomacy tools, including mediation, throughout the conflict cycle.




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