

单词 一言既出,驷马难追

External sources (not reviewed)

出,种族主义问题是既困难又 敏 感的问题, 每个区域――非洲除外――都对担任特设委员会主席 一 复 杂 的角色沉默 言 就明 证。
He noted that racism was a difficult and sensitive issue, as witnessed by the reticence of every region except Africa to assume the complex role of Chairperson of the Ad Hoc Committee.
在计量未用假日和离职回国补助金时改用 应计会计制的做法并追溯既往, 因为要进 一 次 精 算估值是不切实际的。
The change in accounting policy to an actuarial basis for measuring the liability for unused vacation days and
repatriation benefits has not
[...] been applied retroactively, owing to the impracticality of undertaking an actuarial valuation.
我必 須出,香港人追求民主,既因為 這是《基本法》的莊嚴承諾,更因 為這是我們實踐公民參與及自我管理的責任。
I must point out that Hong Kong people strive for democracy [...]
because it is a solemn promise enshrined in the Basic Law, and
more so, it is a way to fulfil our obligation in civic participation and self-management.
小组委员包括:中国国务院妇女儿 童工作委员会副主任、全国妇联副主席孟 驷 女 士,她介绍了中国在促进 两性平等和增强妇女权利方面的经验,伊朗伊斯兰共和国国家遗产组织副 领导人 Tahmineh Daniali 女士从性别的视角介绍了该国家在实现千年发展 目标方面取得的进展,亚洲开发银行副行长 Ursula Schaefer-Preuss 女士从 区域的视角扼要介绍了在实现千年发展目标方面取得的进展情况。
Panellists included Ms. Meng Xiaosi, Vice-Chairperson of the National Working Committee on Children and Women of the State Council, Vice-President of the All China Women’s Federation, who shared her country’s experience in promoting gender equality and the empowerment of women, Ms. Tahmineh Daniali, Deputy Head of the National Heritage Organization of the Islamic Republic of Iran, who spoke on her country’s progress towards implementing the Millennium Development Goals from a gender perspective and Ms. Ursula Schaefer-Preuss, Vice-President of the Asian Development Bank, who outlined progress towards achieving the Millennium Development Goals from a regional perspective.
在这个主题为“维持亚洲的崛起:能源与环境”的大会上,演讲者包括印尼研究咨询机构PT Pelangi Energi Abadi Vitra Enviro(PEACE)主任Agus Sari先生、中国北京大学环境科学院创院院长江 驷 教 授 、印度能源研究院(TERI)法规研究和政府所副所长Shahid Hasan先生等。
Titled “Sustaining Asia’s Rise: Energy and the Environment”, speakers include Mr Agus Sari, Director of Indonesia PT Pelangi Energi Abadi Vitra Enviro (PEACE), Professor C.S. Kiang, founding dean of the College of Environmental Sciences at Beijing University, China, and Mr Shahid Hasan, Associate Director of Regulatory Studies and Governance Division at India’s The Energy Resources Institute (TERI).
国际追回资产中心进行的分析包括:毛里求斯的 资产追回法案;莫桑比克的反腐一 揽 子计划;以及支 马 尔 代 夫资 追 回的 立法,为该国建立中央国际合作部门 出 建 议
The International Centre for Asset Recovery conducted analyses of: the asset recovery bill of Mauritius; the anti-corruption package of
Mozambique; and legislation to
[...] support asset recovery in Maldives, advising on the establishment of a central authority for international cooperation in the country.
Echecopar 律师事务所国际法部门合伙人和主管;他
[...] 是秘鲁向世界银行国际解决投资争端中心提交国际仲裁的国家辩护人;是秘鲁就 海洋划界问题在国际法院对智利共和国提起诉讼的秘鲁方律师;是秘鲁 追 回马 丘比丘的考古文物向耶鲁大学出诉 讼 一 案 的 专任代诉人。
He is involved in defending the Peruvian State in international arbitration cases before the International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID) of the World Bank; he is a lawyer representing Peru in the proceedings on delimitation of the sea against the Republic of Chile before the International Court of Justice; and ad hoc
prosecutor for Peru in the case
[...] against Yale University for the restitution of archaeological artefacts taken from Machu Picchu.
咨询委员会出,这项举措难民署而言是一个重 要转变,而从这一经历所得到的经验应当加 以充分的介绍和分析,以便为难民署以及在开展类似项目的联合国系统其他实体 带来益处。
It points out that this initiative constitutes an important change for UNHCR, and that the [...]
lessons to be learned from this
experience should be fully developed and analysed, for the benefit of the Office as well as the other entities of the United Nations system that are embarking on similar projects.
條例草既然將追溯期訂為 12 個月,如果僱員不幸地在一年時 間內遇上多次減薪,理應可以用最高的一次工資水平計算。
Since it is stated in the Bill that the payments could take retrospective effect up to 12 months before [...]
the termination
of employment, in cases where employees are so unfortunate as to have their wages cut more than once during the 12 months period immediately preceding the termination of his employment, it is reasonable that the highest wage level should be adopted as the basis of calculation.
第三,越来越多国际组织的成员不仅包括国 家,也包括国家以外的其他实体;“政府间组织 一 语 似 乎将这些组织排除在 外,尽管就国际责任言,很难看出 为 什 么要找到与那些只拥有国家成员的组织 不同的解决方案。
Third, an increasing number of international organizations include among their members entities other than States as well as States; the term “intergovernmental organization” might be thought to exclude these
[...] although with regard to international responsibility it is difficult to see why one should reach solutions that differ from [...]
those applying to
organizations of which only States are members.
一如在《加沙行动》中详细讨论和 在上文中概述的那样,马斯蓄 意采取混杂在平民中的战略,使以色列国防军难既实现 减少以色列平民遭受蓄意攻击的威胁的加沙行动目标,又避免伤害巴勒 斯坦平民。
As discussed in detail in The Operation in Gaza, and as outlined above, the deliberate strategy of Hamas to blend in with the civilian population made it difficult for the IDF to achieve [...]
the objective of
the Gaza Operation – reducing the threat of deliberate attacks against Israeli civilians – while also avoiding harm to Palestinian civilians.
考虑到土著人民权利长期受到侵犯,以及该言实施过程中遇到的难,罗马教廷 代表重申,承 认人的神圣并促进人权在促进土著人民发展过程中 非常重要,需要加倍努力,帮助土著人民决定符合 [...]
Given the ongoing violations of indigenous peoples’ rights and
the problems that had been experienced
[...] in the implementation of the Declaration, he reaffirmed that recognition [...]
of the dignity
of each person and the promotion of human rights played an essential role in promoting indigenous peoples’ development and that efforts should be redoubled to help those peoples shape their life according to their own traditions.
虽然存在这些巨大难,马耳他仍继续履行我们 对真正的难民和有资格获得人道主义保护的人所承 担的国际义务,而且相对于我国的面积和人口 言, 我们已经给了很多人庇护。
Despite those severe difficulties, Malta has continued to honour its international obligations towards genuine refugees and persons qualifying for humanitarian protection, and has awarded asylum to [...]
a very large number of persons seeking
it, relative to our country’s size and population.
他还出,使用自由职业口译员一 短 期补救办法不能令人 满意,因难以在需要马上找 到他们,对他们的服务存在全球竞争,而且他们 在联合国临时聘用的条件有时不如其他机构的条件那么具有吸引力(A/66/118, 第 52-55 段)。
He further indicates that the short-term remedy of using freelance interpreters has proven unsatisfactory because of their unavailability at short notice, global competition for their services and the fact that conditions of their temporary employment at the United Nations are not always as attractive as those offered by other institutions (A/66/118, paras. 52-55).
许多接受访问的同伴 都出追查甲基溴进口后的使用情况 难 重 重 ,不过常常指出需要官方监督和管制甲其 溴用于检疫和装船前消毒处理。
Many of the
[...] visited counterparts indicated difficulties in tracking MB use after import, although [...]
a requirement for official
supervision and control of QPS treatments with MB was indicated often.
也有一些有关的区域文书,如非洲 一 组 织 (现为非洲联盟)的《关于非洲难民问题某些特定方 面的公约》、中美洲、墨西哥和巴 马难 民 国 际保护问题讨论会通过的《卡塔赫纳难民言》以 及《难民和流离失所者问题圣何塞宣言》。
There are a number of regional instruments of relevance, such as the Convention Governing the Specific Aspects of Refugee Problems in Africa of the
Organization of African Unity (now the
[...] African Union), the Cartagena Declaration on Refugees, adopted by the Colloquium on the International Protection of Refugees in Central America, Mexico and Panama and the San José Declaration on Refugees and Displaced Persons.
在首脑会议上出、随 后由大会通过和安全理事会重申的 一 庄 严 誓 言 , 既 明 确, 又简洁,不加修饰,斩钉截铁。
This solemn pledge, undertaken at the Summit level and subsequently adopted by the General Assembly and reaffirmed by the Security Council, is remarkable for its clarity, simplicity, and lack of qualifications or caveats.
就 每 股 基 本 盈 利言 , 普 通 股 的 加 權 平 均 數 已 就 集 團 重 組出 追 溯 調 整 並 已 假 設 重 組 已 於 二一 零 年 一 月 一 日 生 效 , 且 已 就 資 本 化 發 行 所 發 行 的 1,499,000,000 股股份 作 調 整 。
The weighted average
[...] number of ordinary shares for the purpose of basic earnings per share have been retrospectively adjusted for the Group Reorganisation and assuming that the Group Reorganisation [...]
had been in effective
at 1 January 2010, and has been adjusted for the effect of 1,499,000,000 shares issued pursuant to the capitalisation issue.
一种意见认为既然《罗马规约 》仅涉及个人刑事责任,其关 于侵略的条款与武装冲突对条约的影响专题无关。
According to one set of views, since the Rome Statute was [...]
concerned with the criminal responsibility of individuals, its
provisions on aggression were irrelevant to the effects of armed conflicts on treaties.
[...] 公眾也不接受有關報告,不接受的意思並非指那些報告完全不可信、不 可靠,而是公眾堅一個原則,便 既 然 是 追 查 政 府官員的責任,以致 其制度上的失誤,那便不應由政府自行調查。
I am not saying that the reports were totally incredible or
unreliable, but the
[...] public insisted on the principle that the Government itself should not conduct investigations [...]
to affix the
responsibilities of government officials and into the faults in its systems.
第六十三次会议审议了多边基金 2011-2014 年综合业务计划,在对所提议项目作出 若干修订后,执行委员会:认可了 2011-2014 年综合业务计划,同时出,认可既 不 表 示 对所确定项目的核准,也不表示对其供资金额或吨数的核准;根据缔约方第二 一 次 会 议 的第 XXI/2 号决定,为低消费量国家销毁消耗臭氧物质设立一个金额 300 万美元的窗口; 并决定可以为氟氯烃淘汰管理计划第二阶段的活动提供项目编制的资金,并在 2012-2014 年业务计划第一阶段结束前予以列入,以及下一个业务计划的持续时间应仅限于下一个 2012-2014 三年期,并包括 2014 年之后的任何多年期供资(第 63/5 号决定)。
The 63rd meeting considered the 2011-2014 consolidated business plan of the Multilateral Fund, and after making some amendments to the projects proposed, the Executive Committee endorsed the 2011-2014 consolidated business plan while noting that endorsement denoted neither approval of the projects identified therein nor their funding or tonnage levels; established a window for ODS destruction for LVC countries, pursuant to decision XXI/2 of the Twenty-first Meeting of the Parties, amounting to US $3 million; and decided that the project preparation could be funded for stage II HPMP activities and 12 might be included prior to the completion of stage I in business plans for the years 2012-2014 and that the duration of the next business plan should be only for the next triennium 2012-2014, and include any multi-year funding after 2014 (decision 63/5).
马达加斯加既不是 安全理事会也不是大会制裁 的对象,因此,不能剥夺它言的权 利。
Madagascar has been the subject of no sanction either by the Security Council or the General Assembly and therefore [...]
be denied its right to take the floor.
我在 2010 年公布的关于儿童与武装冲突问题的年度报告(A/64/742-S/2010/ 181)中出的关 切事项是,据称从肯尼亚东北省招募肯尼亚索马里青年男子和男 孩,还在肯尼亚招募达达难民营的 索 马 里 难 民 , 与过渡联邦政府在索马里并肩 作战。
In my annual report on children and armed conflict issued
in 2010
[...] (A/64/742S/2010/181), I raised the concerns about the alleged recruitment of young Kenyan Somali men and boys from North-eastern Province in Kenya, as well as Somali refugees from Dadaab refugee camp, in [...]
Kenya, to fight alongside
the Transitional Federal Government in Somalia.
阿里巴巴过去几年中进入云计算、电商搜索甚至保险等许多新业务领域,这可能导致 马 云 的担忧,对于他 言 , 追 踪 了 解所有新业务业绩如何变得越来越 难。
His concern is probably the result of the fact that Alibaba has entered a large number of new
business areas in the
[...] last few years, including cloud computing, e-commerce search and even insurance, and it’s becoming more difficult for him to keep track of how [...]
all the new businesses are performing.
再次申明《世界粮食安全马宣言》 及《世界粮食首脑会议:五年之后 言》 中指出,不 应以粮食作为施加政治或经济压力的手段,并在这方面重申国际合作 和团结的重要性,以及必须避免采取不符合国际法和《联合国宪章》且危及粮食 [...]
Reiterating, as in the Rome Declaration on World Food Security and the Declaration of the World Food Summit: [...]
five years later, that food should
not be used as an instrument of political or economic pressure, and reaffirming in this regard the importance of international cooperation and solidarity, as well as the necessity of refraining from unilateral measures that are not in accordance with international law and the Charter of the United Nations and that endanger food security
發展局局長就此已在立法會公開表明, 任何新的政策措施均不會追溯力。 換 言 之 ,有關就環保、完 善生活及必要設施出總樓 面面積寬免的現行安排,將繼續適 用於在任何新政策措施推行前,已獲建築事務監督(監督)批 准的建築圖則;此外,當局須對委員會的建議作出回應,並就 [...]
政策措施均不會在 2011 年 3 月 31 日之前實施。
The Secretary for Development has therefore stated openly in LegCo
that any new policy measures would not have retrospective effect in the sense that current arrangements for granting GFA concessions to green, amenity and essential features would continue to apply to general building plans approved by the Building Authority (BA) prior to the implementation of any new policy measures; and that given the time required for the Administration to respond to the SDC’s recommendations and consultations thereafter with the industry on draft practice notes, any new policy measures will not be implemented before 31 March 2011.
为维持其非法占领而采取的高压政策造 成了双重难,因为它既对当 地人的生命和生计造 成了直接影响,也对更广泛的和平进程产生了消极 影响,而和平进程则是漫长的冲突和暴力隧道尽头 的一曙光
High-handed policies to maintain illegal occupation were doubly disastrous owing to their direct effect on lives and livelihoods on the ground and to their negative impact on the broader peace process, the only light at [...]
the end of a long
tunnel of conflict and violence.
5.8 葉偉明議員提述財政司司長在財政預算案演辭中談及一項措施,該項措施是稅務局會 既 定 程 序 追 蹤 炒 賣物業的 交易,並會認真跟進每宗個案。
Mr IP Wai-ming referred to the initiative mentioned in the Financial Secretary’s Budget Speech that the Inland Revenue Department (IRD) had established procedures to track property transactions involving speculation and would follow up each case closely.




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