

单词 一言千金

See also:


one sentence
brief remark


(honorific) daughter
(honorific) invaluable (support)
money and riches

External sources (not reviewed)

特别会议的承诺包括一些基本框架条件,如参与性、具透明度和问责性的政治制 度以及出的国国际一级的善政;承认在全世界所有人权 都不可分割、相互依存和相互联系;通过官方发展援助和减免债务为发展中国家 提供更多外部援助;承认环境、经济和社会政策的重要相互作用;增加发展中国 家和经济转型国家进入发达国家的市场的机会;减少国荡的负面影响。
The commitment included essential framework conditions such as: participatory, transparent and accountable political systems, as well as good governance at the national and
international levels, as
[...] established in the MillenniumDeclaration; recognition of the universal indivisible interdependent and interrelated nature of all human rights; increased external assistance to developing countries through official development assistance and debt relief; recognition of the important interaction between environmental, economic and social policies; improved access for developing countries and countries with economies in transition to the markets of the developed countries; and reduction of the negative impact of internationalfinancial turbulence.
就实展目标化和发展联合计划本目标是增强土着和非洲裔人口的技能,以促进文化复兴、文 化管理和文化生产,并且推动文化多样性的保护政策,保护他们的物质和非物质文化遗产, [...]
TheMDG-F jointprogramme on culture and development aims essentially at strengthening [...]
skills of the indigenous and Afro-descendant
populations for cultural revitalization, cultural management and cultural production, and at promoting policies for preserving cultural diversity and protecting their tangible and intangible cultural heritage, including through cultural and creative entrepreneurial initiatives.
各位部长表示关切,世经济危机仍在威展中国家的债务 可持续性,除其他外,通过影响实体经济以及为减轻危机负面影响而增加借 款。在这方面,他们呼吁各国政府推动并促进讨论,包括在联合国和其他适当 论坛内,讨论新的主权债务重组和债务解决机制的必要性和可行性,并考虑到 债务可持续性的多个层面,及其在实现包展目标在内的国际商定发展 目标方面的作用。
The Ministers expressed concern
[...] that the world financialand economic crisis is still threatening thedebt sustainability in some developing countries, inter alia, through its impacton the real economy and the increase in borrowing undertaken in order to mitigate the negative impacts of the crisis, and in that regard called upon all Governments to promote and contribute to the discussions, including within the United Nations and other appropriate forums, on the need and feasibility of new sovereign debt restructuring and debt resolution mechanisms that take into account the multiple dimensions of debt sustainability and its role on the achievement of the internationally agreed development goals, including the Millennium Development Goals.
瑞典代表建议,就第 55/43 决定任还不妨就北欧碳金一北欧融资公司进行联系。
The representative of Sweden suggested that, with regard to decision
55/43, the Chief Officer
[...] might also wish to contact the Nordic Environment Finance Corporation (NEFCO) with respect to its Nordic Carbon Fund.
本次级方案的战略 方向主要源于在联合国有关政府间进程中所作出的各项承诺,其中包 括社会发展问题世界首脑会议《行动纲领》、人口与发展国际会议 《行动纲领》、《北京宣言和行动纲要》、《消除对妇式歧 视公约》、《残疾人权利公约》、《保护所有移徙工人及其家庭成员 权利国际公》、《马德里老龄问题国际行动计划》《世界青年行动纲 领》、《联合及大会高级别全体会议于 2010 年作出的 承诺和 《关于艾滋病毒/艾滋病问题的政治宣言:加大行动力度,消 灭艾滋病毒/艾滋病》。
The strategic direction of the subprogramme derives mainly from the commitments agreed upon at relevant United Nations intergovernmental processes, including the Programme of Action of the World Summit for Social Development, the Programme of Action of the International Conference on Population and Development, the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action, the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women, the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, the International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and
Members of their
[...] Families, the Madrid International Plan of Action on Ageing, the World Programme of Action on Youth, and the United NationsMillennium Declaration as well as the commitments adopted at the High-level Plenary Meeting of the General Assembly in 2010 and the Political [...]
Declaration on HIV
and AIDS: Intensifying our Efforts to Eliminate HIV and AIDS.
会议回顾亚太经社会第 66/10 号决议的规定,其中经社会呼吁成
[...] 施解决羞辱和歧视问题、以及阻碍艾滋病的有效应对措施,特别是关 系到主要受影响人群的政策和法律障碍”,并请执行秘书召级别政府间会议,以便“评估在落实关于艾滋病毒/艾滋病问题的政 治承诺展目标方面的进展和确保普及方面的工作, 并查明区域合作的领域,特别是在查明和消除阻碍普及的政策和法律 障碍,同时推动卫生和其他部门之间,包括司法、法治和毒品管制部 [...][...]
The Meeting recalled the provisions of ESCAP resolution 66/10, whereby the Commission had called upon members and associate members, inter alia, “to ground universal access in human rights and undertake measures to address stigma and discrimination, as well as policy and legal barriers to effective HIV response, in particular with regard to key affected populations” and had requested the Executive Secretary to convene a highlevel
intergovernmental meeting
[...] “to assess progress against commitments in the Political Declaration on HIV/AIDS and the MillenniumDevelopment Goals and efforts to ensure universal access, [...]
and identify areas
for regional cooperation, in particular in such areas as policy and legal barriers to universal access and promoting dialogue between health and other sectors, including justice, law and order and drug control”.
(B) 倘任何股东交出代表其所持股份票予以注销,并要求本 公司按该股东可能指定之有关比例另发两张或以上代表该等股份之股票替代,则董事 会可於就首张股票以外每张股票支付董事会不时厘定的有关费用(倘为任何於香港证 券交易所上市的股本,则该费用不得超过有关证券交易所不时规定或准许的最而倘为任何其他股本,则为董事会就有关股东名册所在地区理而可能不 时厘定的以有关货币计值的有关款项,或否则於各情况下董事会可能不时厘定的有关 其他款项)後酌情遵照有关要求。
(B) If any member shall surrender for cancellation a share certificate representing shares held by him and request the Company to issue in lieu two or more share certificates representing such shares in such proportions as he may specify, the Board may, if it thinks fit, comply with such request subject to
the payment of such
[...] sum (not exceeding, in the case of any share capital listed on a stock exchange in Hong Kong, the maximum amount prescribed or permitted from time to time by such stock exchange, and, in the case of any other share capital, such sum insuch currency as the Board may from time to time determine to be reasonable in the territory in which the relevant register is situate, or otherwise in each case such other sum as the Board may from time to time determine) for every certificate after the [...]
first, as the Board
shall from time to time determine.
(b) 如整件制品以同样纯度的白金制造,而纯度按重量计 算一千中所占等份不低於九百九十,须注 [...]
(b) where the whole
[...] articleis made ofplatinum ofthe same [...]
fineness not less than 990 in 1,000 parts by weight, the weight of the article.
(f) 董事会可议决,按溢价配发将予配发的股份,惟溢价须入账列为 悉数缴足,而在有关情况下,除将用以拨充资本及根据上文(e) 分段予以运用,及就其中所载事会须将其可厘 定的股份溢价账的进账额及任何部份本公司未分派利润(包括转 入任何储备或其他特别账项作为进账的利润)拨充资本及予以运 用,该笔款项相等於将予配发股份的溢价总额,并须连同根据上 文(e)分段将予运用的款用,及按照其中所载基准用於悉 数缴足向选择股份持有人配发及分派的适当数目的未发行股份。
(f) the Board may resolve that the shares to be allotted shall be allotted at a premium provided that the premium is credited as fully paid up and in such case the
Board shall in addition
[...] to the amountto be capitalised and applied pursuant to sub-paragraph (e) above, and for the purpose therein set out, capitalise and apply out of the amount standing to the credit of the share premium account or out of any part of the undivided profits of the Company (including profits carried and standing to the credit of any reserve or reserves or other special account) as the Board may determine, a sum equal to the aggregate amount of the premium on the shares to be allotted and shall apply the same together with the sum to be applied pursuant to sub-paragraph (e) above and onthebasistherein [...]
set out in paying up
in full the appropriate number of unissued shares for allotment and distribution to and amongst the holders of the Elected Shares.
成立一个更强有力的联合国妇女机构将有助于联合国及其会员国更好地履 行所作的各种促进两性平等和赋予妇女权力的承诺,包括《北京行动纲要》、《消 除对妇式歧视公约》、安全理事会关于妇女、和平与安全问题的第 1325 (2000)号和第 1820(2008)号决议、展目标,等等。
A stronger United Nations entity for women will enable the United Nations and its Member States to better deliver on their numerous commitments to advance gender equality and women’s empowerment, including the Beijing Platform for Action, the Convention on the Elimination of
All Forms of Discrimination
[...] against Women, Security Council resolutions 1325 (2000) and 1820 (2008) on women and peace and security, the MillenniumDeclaration and the Millennium Development Goals, in addition to many others.
The Chief Executive-elect should also have very
strong execution
[...] abilities;otherwise, "thousands of words flow from his [...]
pen, but there is not a solid idea in his breast"; there is no use talking aboutan idea but not taking actions.
因此,呼声日益高涨,要求联合国加强协调、简化与和谐一致; 通过更广泛地利用注重结果的管理和加强联合国驻地协调员在国家用等方法提高效 率;从战略上将中用展目标和选定的其它关键目标,并序上侧重于 国家计划,这就迫使联合国教科文组织去探究如何妥为兼顾其全球作用与地区作用。
Hence the rising demand for greater United Nations coordination, simplification and harmonization; for greater effectiveness through, for example, wider use of RBM and a strengthened
country-level role for
[...] the United Nations Resident Coordinator; for a strategic concentration offunds on MDGs and other selected key targets; and for a degree of focus on country programmes [...]
that is forcing
UNESCO to ask searching questions about the right balance between its global and local roles.
本报告借鉴 2008
[...] 年对中期战略计划所作中期审查(E/ICEF/2008/18)以及 后来对中期战略计划所作深入审查(E/ICEF/2010/9)的结果,力求:(a) 总结影 响儿童的全球格局变化,包括新出现的问题;(b) 在 2010 年 9 月关于千年发展 目标的大会高级别全体会议(“千年发展目标首脑会议”)所作讨论的基础上,审 查实现千年发展目标和项承诺的进展情况;(c) 确定和阐述中期 战略计划的重大战略调整;(d) 在吸取经验教训、分析进展情况和最新事态发展 以及审查管理问题的基础上,阐述点领域的成果。
Building on the outcome of the 2008 mid-term review (E/ICEF/2008/18) and the in-depth review (E/ICEF/2010/9) of the MTSP, the report aims to (a) take stock of changes in the global context affecting children, including emerging issues; (b) review progress made towards achieving the Millennium Development Goals and commitments of the Millennium Declaration building on the discussions that took place at the
General Assembly
[...] High-level Plenary Meeting on theMillennium Development Goals (Millennium Development Goals Summit”), in September 2010; (c) identify and elaborate on key strategic shifts in the MTSP; and (d) present results in each focusarea, based on lessons learned, analysis [...]
of progress
and recent developments, and a review of management issues.
第三,就租金与入息比例中位数的本身定义50%住户的息比例会超逾中位数,而任何中位数的上限只规限租金调整後租金与 入息比例中位数不能超过该上限,并没有为调整幅度提供清晰的指引。
Third, in terms of the definition of MRIR itself, there willdefinitely be 50% of the tenants whose rent-to-income ratio will exceed the median; and any cap on the median only seeks to regulate that the post-adjustment MRIR cannot exceed that cap, without providing a clear guideline on the rate of adjustment.
认全经济危机有使发展中国家在债务领域所取得的最近收益化为乌有的 危险,并指出,要求实施大胆的举措解决发展中国家当前的债务问题, 其中包括特别是为非洲和最不发达国家取消债务。
The Declarationrecognized that theglobal financialand economic crises risked undoing the recent gains made by developing countries in the area of debt, noting [...]
that the situation
demands the implementation of bold initiatives to resolve the current debt problems of developing countries, including debt cancellation, particularly for Africa and LDCs.
就养恤作 组注意到拟议预算具有扩张性,而且在很大程度上取决于养恤金综合管理系统 (尚在进展中的项目)的未来预期效益,因此要求明基金已经采取或者可 以采取哪些行动,以改善工作、提高效率并节省费用,包括该项目将会带来的人 员配置结构变化。
In the case
[...] of the PensionFund,the working group noted the expansionary nature of the proposals and the heavy reliance on the future anticipated benefits of the Integrated Pension Administration System (a project still in progress), requiring further explanation [...]
regarding what
actions had been or could now be taken by the Fund to improve its work and the efficiencies and cost savings, including staffing structure changes, that such a project would bring.
在 2005 年世界首脑会议期间,世界各国领导人 在重申,声明“我们决心按 照《宪章》的宗旨和原则在全世界建立公正持久的和 [...]
平”(大会第 60/1 号决议,第 5 段)。
In 2005, during the world summit, world leaders reaffirmed
[...] thisprinciple intheMillennium Declarationby stating: “We [...]
are determined to establish
a just and lasting peace all over the world in accordance with the purposes and principles of the Charter” (General Assembly resolution 60/1, para. 5).
五个联合国伙伴机构和两个国家政府参加了正在进行的评价,其中包括妇女署、联合国儿童基金会(儿基会)、开发署、联合国人口 基金(人口)展成果基金、挪威政府和西班牙政府。
Five United Nations partner agencies and two national Governments are part of the ongoing joint evaluation to be completed in 2012, including
UN-Women, the United Nations
[...] Children’s Fund (UNICEF), UNDP, the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), theMillennium Development Achievement Fund, the Government of Norway and the Government of Spain.
除在议程项目 3
[...] 下审议的共同文件外,经社会还收到了评估《关于艾 滋病毒/艾滋病问题的政治承诺以展目标执行情况亚太高级 别政府间会议的报告(文件 [...]
In addition to the common documents considered under agenda item 3, the Commission had before it the report of the Asia-Pacific High-level Intergovernmental Meeting on the
Assessment of Progress against
[...] Commitments in the Political Declaration on HIV/AIDS and the [...]
Millennium Development Goals (E/ESCAP/68/13).
她还说,就短期展目标的实现没有受到威胁,但如 果不能很快达定的话,情况就会改变。
She also said that in
[...] the short term, MillenniumDevelopment Goal achievement was not threatened, though that could changeif an agreement was [...]
not reached soon.
就 合 并 现 金 流 量 表物 包 括 库 存 现 金 和 活 期 存 款,以 及 流 动 性 强、易 转 换 成 已 知 金 额 的 现 金、且 价 值 变 动 风 险 很 小 的 短 期 投 资,且 购 买 时 到 期 日 通 常 为 三 个 月 内,减 去 作 为 本 集 团成 部 分 的 见 票 即 付 的 银 行 透 支。
For the purpose of the consolidated cash flow statement, cash and cash equivalents comprise cash on hand and demand deposits, and short-term highly liquid investments that are readily convertible into known amounts ofcash,are subject toan insignificant risk of changes in value, and have a short maturity of generally within three months when acquired.
Reduce a thousandwords ofanalysisinto one clearpicture [...]
of actionable business intelligence.
会先在银行业务谘询委员会和接受存款公司谘 询委员会的议会上与业界人士讨论建议,然後向香港银行公会 和接受存款公司公会提交详细的谘询文件。
Generally, proposals are
[...] discussed at theregular meetings of the Banking Advisory Committee and Deposit-taking Companies [...]
Advisory Committee
before detailed consultation papers are issued to The Hong Kong Association of Banks and The DTC Association for comment.
於综合量表购入时以三个月内到 期之短期现金及现金等值物,连同须於要求时偿还及构成本集团之现金管理其中部分之银行透支及银行 贷款(如有)亦计作於综合现金流量表所呈列之现金及现金等值物部分。
For the purpose ofthe consolidated cash flow statement, cash and cash equivalents which have short-term maturity of generally [...]
within three months upon
acquisition, together with bank overdrafts and bank loans, if any, which are repayable on demand and form an integral part of the Group’s cash management, are included as components of cash and cash equivalents as presented in the consolidated cash flow statement.
流向中南亚的官方发展援助在过去 7 年期间也翻, 这主要是因为对阿富汗的援助增加;不过,相对于亚洲该区域极端贫困人口的数 量援助然较小。
ODA flows to South-Central Asia also more than doubled over the seven-year period, largely because of the increase in assistance to Afghanistan; however, the flows remain small relative to the number of extremely poor people in that part of Asia.
,如所述(见 A/CN.4/556,第二节 N 部分)组织确定某一目标,而成员国决定以违反其国际义务的方式加以 实现,既不造成国际组织违反这些义务,也不能将责任归咎于国际组织。
In other words, as stated by IMF(see A/CN.4/556/sect.II.N), the identification of a certain objective by an international organization, which the member country decides to achieve by breaching its international obligations, can neither result in a breach of such obligations by the organization, nor in attribution to its responsibility.
50 万澳元(根据通货膨胀调整)的最高限额,尽管对於许多人言金菲, 但信托每年却只能产生约 2.5 万澳元的收入(5%),这难以负担每周 15/20 小 时以上有偿支援的费用 – 对於有经济实力提供远高於 50 万澳元(根据通货膨 胀调整)来辅助其家人之支援的家庭,SDT 将不能作案。
the maximum limit
[...] (currently $596,000) will only allow trust generated income of approximately $29,800 per year (5%) which is unlikely to cover the costs of more than 15 to 20 hours paid support per week – for families who have the financial capacity to provide substantially more than the allowed concessional amount, a SDT may not be an option.
然後,他轻轻 的把我的手放在他瘦削的脸颊上;们四目相投,相对无言,但从他感激的眼 神便知道他似千言等待着向我倾诉;他对被爱与被接纳的感觉是如此的强烈, 使我心靈震撼不已,良久也未能忘掉。
At this very moment we were gazing at one another, speechless; but from the look of gratitude in his eyes I knew he had [...]
so much to pour his heart out to me. The
feeling of to love and to be loved was so intense that I felt emotionally shaken, unable to forget that very moment for quite some time.
在 2005 年的世界首脑会议上,世界各国领导人承诺“到 2015
[...] 会议提出的普遍获得生殖保健服务的目标,并把这项目标纳入各项战略,以实现 国际商定发展目标,包括载旨在降低孕产妇死亡率、改善产妇保 健、降低婴儿死亡率、促进两性平等、防治艾滋病毒/艾滋病和消除贫困的目标” [...]
60/1 号决议,第 57(g)段)。
At the 2005 World Summit, world leaders committed themselves to achieving “universal access to reproductive health by 2015, as set out at the International Conference on Population and Development, integrating this goal in strategies to attain the internationally agreed
development goals, including those
[...] containedin the Millennium Declaration, aimed atreducing [...]
maternal mortality, improving
maternal health, reducing child mortality, promoting gender equality, combating HIV/AIDS and eradicating poverty” (General Assembly resolution 60/1, para. 57 (g)).
第四句改为:“第六次亚洲及太平洋人口会议、关于评估《艾滋病毒/艾 滋病问题政治展目标中各项承诺进展情况的亚太高级别政府 [...]
间会议、最终审查 2003-2012 年亚洲及太平洋残疾人十年执行情况的亚太政 府间会议以及关于第二次区域审查和评估《马德里老龄问题国际行动计划》
Replace the fourth sentence with: “The outcomes of the Sixth Asian and Pacific Population Conference and the Asia-Pacific High-level Intergovernmental Meeting on the
Assessment of Progress against Commitments in
[...] the Political Declarationon HIV/AIDS and [...]
the Millennium Development Goals, the
Asia-Pacific Intergovernmental Meeting on the Final Review of the Implementation of the Asian and Pacific Decade of Disabled Persons, 2003-2012, and the Asia-Pacific Intergovernmental Meeting on the Second Regional Review and Appraisal of the Madrid International Plan of Action on Ageing will also provide direction to the subprogramme.




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