

单词 一见钟情

See also:


fall in love
love sb or sth dearly (lover, or art)

External sources (not reviewed)

但是,无论无害公式“一性”看起来可能 一见钟情 , 它在事实上立即严重的灾难性后果。
But however harmless the formula "one nature" might [...]
look at first sight, it led in fact immediately to serious and disastrous consequences.
因此, 分析与操作的Flex应用是不可能 一见钟情 , 我 会向你展示的步骤如果要使用谷歌分析中的Flex 。
Therefore, operate Analytics with a Flex application was not possible at first sight, I will show you the steps to take if you want to use Google Analytics in Flex.
But what is at first sight astonishing is [...]
to find in the religious writings subsequent to the "Mahabharata" legendary tales
of Krishna that are almost identical with the stories of Christ in the canonical and apocryphal Gospels.
在米德拉士Wayosha'(耶利内克,“波黑”一56)歌革是第七两个世界各国领导人,减去一个(以色列),并做针对最高级的战争,他 一见钟情 下 降 了神。
In Midrash Wayosha' (Jellinek, "BH" i. 56) Gog is
the leader of the seventy-two nations
[...] of the world, minus one (Israel), and makes [...]
war against the Most High; he is smitten down by God.
是一种对黑色轮廓一见钟情,有 如在画室中的实验”,品牌的创意灵魂玛利亚•格拉茨亚•奇乌力和皮埃尔•保罗•皮乔里在结束了双场服装展示后赶到瓦仑蒂诺·加拉瓦尼(Valentino Garavani)的Wildeville别墅内参加其史料展览揭幕晚宴,并向MFF杂志解释道,“我们选择设计了不只是一整套服装,其中有多件为日装,可以混合搭配。
It's a sort of first love, with dark features, as the experiments in atelier”, explained to MFF Maria Grazia Chiuri and Pier Paolo Piccioli, creative minds of the griffe, who joined Valentino Garavani in Wideville after the double show, at the dinner party for the opening of his Archives, “we chose to create a wardrobe with more day pieces, to be mixed up.
关于这些工作的更多情,见下文 关于法庭遗产和能力建一节。
Further details of these efforts are reported below in the section on legacy and [...]
呼吁各方及各合作伙伴为设立特设技术专家咨询组及荒漠化监督和评 估伙伴关系提供所需的资金,情见 附 件 一 及 附 件二。
(f) Call on Parties and partners
to contribute to the funding required for the establishment of the AGTE and
[...] the DMAP, as presented in annexes I and II.
一个令 人着迷的图尔库新乐队应对那 钟情 1 9 9 0年 代怀旧乐队的人特别吸引。
Another fascinating new addition to the Turku scene should appeal to those [...]
who are nostalgic for the flannel shirt pop of the 1990s.
为了对诸如自然灾害、冲突后形一 类 的没 有见情况作出反应,建一种内 部的灵活性尤其重要。
[...] important will be an in-built flexibility to respond to unforeseen circumstances, such as natural disasters and post-conflict situations.
在 2009 年 3 月 18 日第 27 次会议上,主席简单介绍了在议程项目 6 下审 议普遍定期审议结果的模式如下:相关国家至多有 20 分钟提出意见;成员国、观 察员国和联合国各机构至多有 20 分钟对审议结果提出见,在 此期间理事会成员 国可发言 3 分钟,观察员可发言 2 分钟;利益攸关方至多有 20 分钟对审议结果发一般性 评论,在此期间每位发言者可发言 2 分钟。
At the 27th meeting, on 18 March 2009, the President outlined the modalities for the consideration of the outcomes of Universal Periodic Review under item 6, which would be
the State concerned
[...] would have up to 20 minutes to present its views; member States, observer States and United Nations agencies would have up to 20 minutes to express their views on the outcome of the review, during which 3 minutes would be allocated for members of the Council and 2 minutes for observers; stakeholders would have up to 20 minutes to make general comments [...]
on the outcome
of the review, during which 2 minutes would be allocated for each speaker.
百余年来,其原始制造工厂依然屹立于 Zenith 手表创始人最初建立首家制表工厂时选定的旧址上, 一 现 象 在 钟 表 界 实属 见。
Signifying a rare phenomenon in the horological world, the original Manufacture is still standing
in the exact same location where the founder of Zenith Watches built
[...] his first workshop well over one hundred years ago.
于是可以认为,合同 委员会应当一致作出决定,或在不能取得 见一 致 的 情 况 下 ,将不同意见列入委员会记录, 也可以由总干事本人作出最终裁定,避免不去执行有助于本组织良好管理的重大规定,但其 前提条件是《手册》须对此作出规定。
Consideration may be given in this particular regard to requiring that the Contracts Committee reach a unanimous decision or, failing such unanimity, that, on the basis of minutes of the Committee setting out the divergent opinions, the matter be referred to the Director-General to decide in fine and in person on any departure from the application of the rules essential to the smooth running of the Organization, on condition that the Manual so provides.
自 1919 年创立以来,博纳一直专注于木地板业务,如今公司希望通过 钟情 于 木 质地板” 一 全 新 的品牌标语来强调公司理念。
Bona has been focusing on wooden floors
ever since the start in 1919, and now the company wants to
[...] emphasize this with their new tagline, Passion for wood floors.
(7) 白翎岛岸上的一名大韩民国哨兵说,大约在发生爆炸时,他亲眼 见一 个高约 100 米的“白色光柱”,光柱持续了 2 至 3 秒钟——表明他从白翎岛能够 看见事件发生地点。
7) A Republic of Korea sentry on the
shore of PY-Do stated
[...] that he witnessed an approximate 100 m high “pillar of white flash” for 2 to 3 seconds at the approximate time [...]
of the explosion
— demonstrating his ability to see the incident location from PY-Do.
然而在打开数据库的情况下,还是 一 些 会产生错误事件的 见情 况。
In the case of opening a database, however, there are some common conditions [...]
that generate error events.
正如有关参与计划的决议所授权的那样 [ 参 见第 33 C/60 号决议第 B 节第 14 (a)段 ],如 有特殊情况或不可抗力情况出现,总干事在该计划项下,就如何更合理地处理已批准的申请[涉及柬埔寨、加纳(其申请将由教科文组织达喀尔办事处执行)、厄瓜多尔和斐济 ]作出了 决定;并向执行局通报一情况。
As authorized under the resolution on
[...] the Participation Programme (33 C/Resolution 60, B, para. 14 (a)), in certain exceptional cases or in unavoidable circumstances, the Director-General decided on the most appropriate way to handle requests under this programme for Cambodia, Ghana (whose requests will be implemented by UNESCO Dakar), Ecuador and Fiji, and duly informed the Executive Board.
[...] 的播放内容包括在星期日播放一段关于每周末赛事 一 分 钟 预 告 片, 见 于 《 Motorsports Weekend》杂志,随后会在下一个星期二晚上播放一段 [...]
26 分钟的总结、集锦和采访节目。
The Eurosport coverage includes a one-minute teaser shown on the Sunday [...]
of each race weekend on "Motorsports Weekend" magazine, followed by a 26-minute summary, highlights and
interviews aired on the following Tuesday evening.
此外,亚太经社会成员国一个非 政府组织以无偿借调的形式 提供了共计 106.5 个工作月的各学科专家服务,情见 附 件 三。
In addition, ESCAP member States provided, on a non-reimbursable loan basis, a total of 106.5 work-months of services of experts in various disciplines.
我们检查了消费者对环保 产品和服务不断变化的偏好,并提供 一 些 有 关公 司如何回应的例子,情见报告第 1 章。
We examine the changing preferences of consumers for nature-friendly
products and services,
[...] and offer some examples of how companies are responding; more detail is provided in Chapter 1 of the full report.
数额出现净减少有若干因素,情见 预 算 文件第 29 F.12 段的 说明。
The net decrease is attributable to a number of factors explained in detail in paragraph 29F.12 of the budget document.
因此,也有助于拟定联合国发展援助框架的监测和评价计划 ( 每 一 步 骤 详 情, 见 2010 年联合国发展援助框架准则)。
As such, they are also useful when developing the United Nations Development Assistance
Framework monitoring and
[...] evaluation plan (see the 2010 United Nations Development Assistance Framework guidelines for detailed information on each step).
除了受益于根据关于亚太农工机械中心行政和财务安排的协定由中 国负担费用的免费办公空间和提供机构性支持外,2009 年间农工机械中心还收
[...] 到以下国家的提供的自愿捐款:孟加拉国、中国、斐济、印度、印度尼西亚、 伊朗伊斯兰共和国、蒙古、巴布亚新几内亚、斯里兰卡、泰国和越南( 情见 本报告的附一)。
In addition to benefiting from free office space and the provision of institutional support, with costs covered by China under the agreement regarding administrative and financial arrangements for UNAPCAEM, in 2009 the Centre received voluntary contributions from Bangladesh, China, Fiji,
India, Indonesia, the Islamic Republic of Iran,
[...] Mongolia, Papua New Guinea, Sri Lanka, Thailand and Viet Nam (see annex I).
年度见调查队 “60分钟”会议表示了高度理解。
Opinion polls conducted yearly show high
[...] satisfaction rates for the “60 minutes” activities.
这些结论所产生的初步经 验教训一种宝 贵的资源,可用于帮助各国根据《全球就业契约》加强本国就业 和社会政策,并调整措施以适应其本国 情(见 方框 2)。
The preliminary set of lessons deriving from those
conclusions is a
[...] valuable source to assist countries strengthen their employment and social policies in line with the Global Jobs Pact and adapt measures to fit their national circumstances (see box 2).
[...] 500具有整体式全自动浓度控制功能,可以每 钟一 个 的 速度测量完整的粒度分布。
The rugged PSI 500 has integrated, automated concentration control and measures complete particle size
[...] distributions at a rate of one per minute.
总务委员会还提请大会注意,解释投票应以 10 分钟为限;如果一主要 委 员会和全体会议审议同一决议草案,各代表团应尽可能只解释投票一次,或是在 委员会,或是在全体会议,但代表团在全体会议上的投票与其在委员会的投票有 [...]
则各代表团应在该日会议结束时行使答辩权(第 34/401 号决定,第 6 至 8 段 (A/520/Rev.17,附件五))。
The General Committee also draws to the attention of the General Assembly that
explanations of vote should
[...] be limited to 10 minutes; that, when the same draft resolution is considered in a Main Committee [...]
and in plenary
meeting, a delegation should, as far as possible, explain its vote only once, either in the Committee or in plenary meeting, unless that delegation’s vote in plenary meeting is different from its vote in the Committee; and that delegations should exercise their right of reply at the end of the day whenever two meetings have been scheduled for that day and whenever such meetings are devoted to the consideration of the same item (decision 34/401, paras. 6-8 (A/520/Rev.17, annex V)).
鉴于项目的规模以及“泡沫塑料行业计划”核准的巨额项目筹备资金,选用的方法 似乎不可靠,项目文件确认了这一点,即“根据调查,做出了以下假设:大型企业将至少 有两台发泡设备,一台为 150 公斤/分钟,1 台为
[...] 80 公斤/分钟;中型公司平均也有两台设 备,一台为 80 公斤/分钟,一台为 40 公斤/分钟。
Given the magnitude of the project, and the substantial amount of project preparation funds approved for the Foam Sector Plan, the chosen approach seems unreliable, as recognized in the project document, i..e, “based on the survey, the following assumptions are made: large size companies would have at least 2 foaming units, 1 of 150
kg/min and 1 of 80 kg/min; medium size companies would also have on average
[...] two units, one of 80 kg/min and one of 40 kg/min.
伯爵对传统的坚持和精湛的机芯制造技术,令其当仁不让被威尼斯市选定为合作伙伴,有幸参加计时历史的传 见 证 — —威尼 钟 楼 的 修缮工程。
Piaget’s deep-felt attachment to traditions and its expertise in movement manufacturing made it a natural choice for the city of Venice as a partner in restoring the Torre dell’Orologio on St. Mark’s Square, a legendary monument bearing eloquent testimony to the history of time measurement.




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