

单词 一见倾心

See also:


heart and soul


fall in love with
admire whole-heartedly

External sources (not reviewed)

作者Richard Meaden写道:“这款跑车精美绝伦,是一款典型的意大利汽车,绝对能让 一见倾心 , 重 拾久违多年的惊艳感受。
According to the author Richard Meaden,“It’s gorgeous as only an Italian car can be and it promises to
be the new best way to devour
[...] a continent in one fell swoop” and “we’ve not seen anything quite so gobsmacking [...]
in years”.
他与蒙娜丽莎相爱,后者也对 一见倾心。
Hikmet memorialized Emi Siao in this 300-line poem
casting him as a dapper, fashionably dressed Chinese revolutionary in love with
[...] Gioconda (Monna Lisa) who returns his love.
没有任何社区是单一的,因此还应努力确保在一 进程中少数群体内部的不同见得到 倾 听 和 考虑。
Since no community is homogenous, efforts
should also be made
[...] to ensure that the diverse views within minority groups be heard and taken into account [...]
in the process.
他向他们解释说,他是应法院秘书的邀请进来的,是 见一 位 法 官的, 他心脏病,但他们根本不听。
They ignored his explanations that
he was invited inside by the secretary of the court,
[...] that he had come to see a judge and that he had a heart condition.
在思考和前瞻性分析方面,去年第四季度着重推销和传播了该双年度所出的各种出版 物(季刊倾听非洲的见》;非洲的中期战略(与战略规划局相关);《教科文组织在非 洲:总结教科文组织 2002-2003 年在非洲的成就》;瓦加杜古研讨会的建议《教科文组织与 非洲发展新伙伴计划:从认识到行动》;《非洲公民社会:定义及其在非洲发展新伙伴计划 中的作用》),并开展一些宣 传活动,例如,为出席大会第三十二届会议的代表开设一 个宣传台。
As regards reflection and future-oriented analysis, the emphasis in the past six months has been on the promotion and dissemination of various
[...] [...] publications produced during the biennium: the biannual newsletter, Listening to Africa; the Medium-Term Strategy for the Africa Region (in conjunction with BSP); UNESCO in Africa (2002-2003) – an appraisal of the Organization’s achievements in Africa; the recommendations of the Ouagadougou Seminar “UNESCO and NEPAD: From vision to action”, and La société civile africaine: définition et rôle dans le processus du NEPAD; and on communication activities such as the information stand for delegates [...]
attending the 32nd session of the General Conference.
(a) 加大教育力度,从教课书和其它教学工具中去除仇恨言论、歪曲、见和负面倾向的内容,禁止美化暴力和为暴力辩护,并确保对世界各主要文化、 文明和宗教有基本的知识和了解,防止仇 心 理;(b) 才更新和修订教育和文化政策,以反映基于人权的方针、文化多样 性、文化间对话和可持续发展
(a) To increase educational efforts to remove hate messages, distortions, prejudice and negative bias from textbooks and other educational media, to prohibit the glorification of violence and its justification, and to ensure the basic knowledge and understanding of the world’s main cultures, civilizations and religions and to prevent xenophobia
然而,其一些建议由于之后的活动和新的 所需条件的出现,尤其是业务连续性中央管理股的设立而时过境迁,该 股的目的是在全联合国更广泛的基础上处理业务连续性问题,同时考虑 到预防大流行病规划和其他非信息和通信技术方面(见 A/64/472 和本补 编第 A/64/7/Add.8 号文件),以及在因基本建设总计划而引起迁移的情 况下建立 1 个新的二级数据心的需要(见 A/64/346/Add.1)。
However, some of those proposals have been superseded as a result of subsequent events and the
emergence of
[...] new requirements, in particular the establishment of a central business continuity management unit to address business continuity issues on a broader, Organization-wide basis, taking into account pandemic planning and other non-information and communications technology aspects (see A/64/472 and document A/64/7/Add.8 in the present supplement), as well as the requirement for a new secondary data centre in the context of the relocations due to the capital master plan (see A/64/346/Add.1).
马尔代夫人权委员会在履行职责上,继续面 一 些 挑 战,其中包括:伊斯 兰教法的某些方面与国际人权法之间存在矛盾;缺乏马尔代夫人权委员会可以自 动就对人权产生影响的新立法进行磋商的制度;政府部委有忽视委员会的参与和见的倾向; 在马尔代夫人权委员会是否可以代表受害者出庭或者甚至向法庭提 交意见上,存在法律不确定性;以及很少吸纳国家预防机制的建议。
The HRCM continues to face a number of challenges in carrying out its mandate including: tension between certain aspects of Shari’ah law and international human rights law; lack of an established system under which HRCM is automatically consulted on new legislation impacting on human rights; tendency for government departments to ignore the Commission’s input and opinions; legal uncertainty as to whether HRCM can appear in court on behalf of victims, or even submit opinions to the courts; and very low take-up of NPM recommendations.
因有效负载和回转架的心偏离支柱轴线,因此产 一 个 倾 斜 力 矩,导致了作用在上下支柱轴承上水平方向的反作用力。
Since the centre of gravity of payload and framework is offset from the pillar axis, a tilting moment is [...]
generated, resulting
in horizontal reaction forces the upper and lower pillar bearings.
我代表非洲大陆发出源自心的呼 喊,恳 倾 听 从 一 个 广 达 3 000 多万平方 公里的大陆、一个拥有巨大地质财富的愤怒大陆、一个已经重新开始经济增长的 [...]
I am making a heartfelt appeal on behalf of the African continent [...]
and I would be infinitely grateful if you would listen
to the voice of a vast continent of over 30 million square km, of outrageous and impressive geological riches, a continent which has taken up the path of economic growth again and is full of hope and expectation.
造成这种现象的原因一,可 能是雇主普 心 存 偏 见 , 认 为妇女,特别是 儿女还小的妇女,工作不那么投入,而且男子有养家义务。
One of the reasons for this might be the prejudice among employers, who think [...]
that women, in particular women with small
children, are less dedicated to work and that men have the duty to provide for the family.
咨询委员会在其关于拟议的全球外勤支助战略的报告(A/64/660)中对后勤 基地作为全球服务心一事提出了 见 , 并 将在今后的拟议预算中审议这方面的 [...]
The Advisory Committee has provided its comments on
[...] UNLB as a global service centre in its report on the proposed [...]
global field support strategy
(A/64/660) and will consider resource requirements in that connection in future budget proposals.
见的一种心律失 常,是心跳心慌,被称为"窦性心律不齐"。
The most common form of arrhythmia is a "heart palpitation," known as sinus arrhythmia.
(w) 支持建立一个对性别问题有敏感认识的教育制度,顾及农村妇女的具体 需求,以消除对她们产生影响的性别 见 和 歧 视 倾 向 , 包括通过让妇女和男子以 及女孩和男一道参与社区对话
(w ) Supporting a gender-sensitive education system that considers the specific needs of rural
women in order to
[...] eliminate gender stereotypes and discriminatory tendencies affecting them, including through community-based dialogue involving women and men, and girls and boys
主席说由于对该建议草案没有达成协 一 致 意 见, 关心的成员可以就此进行非正式讨论。
The Chair said that, as there was no consensus on the draft recommendation, interested members could meet to discuss it informally.
心倾听和肢体语言游戏 照镜子游戏 该游戏关一致同意一个目标并通过合作来达成它。
This game is about agreeing on a common goal and cooperating to achieve it.
例如委员会 在第六十九届会议上对一缔约国政治人士的种族主义言论表示关注,指出行使 言论自由权必须承担特殊的义务和责任,“尤其是不散布种族主义思想的义务, 并建议缔约国采取果断行动抵制,尤其是抵制政治人士任何基于种族、肤色、出 身和民族或族裔血统表现出的有针对性、侮辱化、陈规 见 或 脸 谱化 倾 向” (CERD/C/DEN/CO/7,第11段) 。
For instance, during its sixty-ninth session, the Committee specifically raised the concern with a State party on
the racist speeches made by politicians
[...] and pointed out that freedom of expression carried specific duties and responsibilities, “in particular the obligation not to disseminate racist ideas, and recommends that the State party take resolute action to counter any tendency to target, stigmatize, stereotype or profile people on the basis of race, colour, descent, and national or ethnic origin, especially by politicians” (CERD/C/DEN/CO/7, para. 11).
委员 会还建议议会批准关于儿童参与问题的国家政策草案,并考虑到《公约》第 12 条和委员会关于儿童倾诉权的第12 号一般性意见(2009年)。
It also recommends that Parliament approve the draft national policy on child participation, and that it take into account
article 12 of the Convention, and the
[...] Committee’s general comment No. 12 (2009) on the right of the child [...]
to be heard (2009).
2009 年支持儿童参与方面的全球重大成绩还包括:儿童权利委员会通过第 12 条(倾诉权)的一般性意见以及 联合国大会通过有关儿童参与的总括决议。
Also among the significant achievements at the global level in support of child participation in 2009 were the adoption of the General comment on Article 12 (Right to be Heard) by the Committee on the Rights of the Child and the adoption of an Omnibus Resolution by the United Nations General Assembly on child participation.
意味茶客坐下来,面对面心见诚倾 谈 过 饱的话题。
Representing the topics that may come up as patrons sit down for face-to-face, free, leisurely, long chats.
在公司研发主管兼兰博基尼赛车主管 Maurizio Reggiani 的陪同下,两人对该赛事在参赛队伍方面的显著增长、其亚洲赛事的成功举办、赛事 倾心 兰 博 基尼品牌的嘉宾和 VIP 所提供的丰富娱乐活动、以及通过传统及快速发展的社会媒体所累积的追随 一一 作 出了总结性概述。
Flanked by the company's Research & Development Director and Head of Lamborghini
[...] Maurizio Reggiani, the pair outlined how the series has significantly expanded its grid, inaugurated a successful championship in Asia, provided a fertile environment for guest and VIP [...]
immersion in the
Lamborghini brand, and had built a significant following through traditional and burgeoning social media.
一种更睿智的见倾向摒弃了裁量权,只接受为保护司法完整性而不予 受理。
A more enlightened trend of opinion discards discretion, accepting only inadmissibility to protect judicial integrity27 .
会上表达的不同意见可以分为三类:一种意见赞成列入一条其大意是不 能以对现行投资条约的动态解释而使透明度规则适用于现行条约的条文;一 种意见倾向于 在投资条约的动态解释允许适用的情况下允许对现行投资条约适 用透明度规则;最后一种意见支持不就这一事项提供任何规则的意见。
Diverging views were expressed, that fell into three categories: those in favour of including a provision to the effect that the transparency rules would not apply to existing treaties by a dynamic interpretation of those investment treaties; those expressing preference for permitting application of the rules on transparency to existing investment treaties, where so permitted, by a dynamic interpretation of the investment treaties; and lastly, those in support of not providing any rules on that matter.
一个正在筹备中的新项目是亚太经社会向生计与粮食安全信托 基金提出的一项在缅甸计划进行的 3 年举措,由次级作物减贫心作为带 头执行机构一(见上文第 5 段)。
A new project is in the pipeline: ESCAP has submitted a proposal to the Livelihoods and Food Security Trust Fund for
a three-year initiative in
[...] Myanmar, where CAPSA is one of the lead institutions for implementation (see para. 5 above).
每一款崭新的精密时计巨作都须经 一 位 专 责的制表大师(Master Watchmaker)倾心投入 长达数个月的宝贵时光,安装配置、调校、倒角处理及抛光等数以百计的精密零件,务求达到品牌所坚持不懈的精准尺寸与完美厚度。
Each new grande complication requires a Master Watchmaker to spend several months fitting, adjusting, beveling, and polishing the hundreds of components needed to the exact size and thickness required.
此外,他还与专家机制成员讨论了有关 采掘业问题的工作,他正倾心研究 这 一 专 题,专家机制在过去几年中也审查了 这一问题。
In addition, he discussed with members of the Expert Mechanism work on the issue of extractive industries, a thematic issue to which he is devoting attention and that the Expert Mechanism also examined over the past year.
很久以前,曾一种意见倾向, 支持海牙 法院具有决定是否提供咨询意见的广泛裁量权;随后产生了 一 种 意 见倾 向, 接受仅在例外情况下或在面对“令人信服的理由”(必要理由)时,法院有这种 裁量权。
In the more distant past,
[...] there was a trend of opinion that favoured wide discretion on the part of the Hague Court to deliver an Advisory Opinion or not; it was followed by another trend of opinion which [...]
accepted that discretion,
but only exceptionally and in face of “compelling reasons” (raisons décisives).




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