

单词 一衣带水

See also:

一带 n

district n

一水 n

monohydrate n

衣带 n

belt n

External sources (not reviewed)

农村发展 友谊慈善会积极争取资金,开展太阳能、自 水 、衣 物、灌溉和假期的培训项目,从而减轻民众由极度贫带 来的生活困难。
FCA seeks funds to do solar energy, running water, clothing, irrigation, and vocational training projects to alleviate [...]
everyday difficulties caused by extreme poverty.
萨杜女带了换洗衣物、一个塑 料垫和一条毛毯。
Ms. Sadou packed a change of clothes, a plastic mat and a [...]
一股海浪穿窗而过,浪花四溅,Siedenburg先生 一 位 乘 客)的 衣 已 经被 海 水 浸 透
Splish-splash, an inquisitive wave slips through the window and Mr. Siedenburg's (a passenger) garments are pickled.
佩戴方式Jabra CLIPPER 设计独特带有一个衣夹。
[...] CLIPPER is designed as a clothing clip.
在此方面,很有必要回顾的是,《世界人权宣言》 申明,人人有权享受为维持他本人和家属的健康和福利所需的生 水 准 , 包括 食物衣着、 住房、医疗和必要的社会服务(第二十五条);人人有权要 一种 社 会的和国际的秩序,在这种秩序中,本宣言载的权利和自由能获得充分实现 (第二十八条)。
In this regard, it is important to recall that the Universal Declaration of Human Rights states that everyone has the
right to a standard of living adequate for
[...] the health and well being of himself and his family, including food, clothing, housing and medical care and necessary social services (art. 25) [...]
and that everyone is entitled to a social and international order in which the rights and freedoms set forth
in the Declaration can be fully realized (art. 28).
Always carry a spare tyre, tools and water.
国际水文计划阿拉伯地区干谷水文地区网出版了有关干旱和半干旱 带水 资 源 项目区 的几份《国家实例研究》一套《水 资 源 研究和开发最佳方案系列》。
The IHP regional network on wadi hydrology in the Arab region produced several publications on national case studies and a collection of series of best
procedures in
[...] research and development of water resources in the region within the project on water resources in arid and [...]
semiarid zones.
常見帶有此標誌的產品包括:家電、電腦設備、暖爐及暖氣設備、保險絲、電子控制儀、煙霧 一 氧 化 碳警報器、滅火器、自動 水 系 統 、救 衣 及 救 生圈、防彈玻璃及其他數以千計的產品。
This type of Mark is
[...] seen commonly on appliances and computer equipment, furnaces and heaters, fuses, electrical panel boards, smoke and carbon monoxide alarms, fire extinguishers and sprinkler systems, [...]
personal flotation devices,
bullet resistant glass, and thousands of other products.
当 用衣 清 洁衣时,表面活性剂粘住污垢和油渍, 并水一起被冲去。
When a shirt
[...] is washed in laundry detergent, surfactants cling to dirt and oil and are flushed away from the garment with water.
16.C. 航运造成的威胁:地点、规模和发展趋势——航运产生的污染(包括《国 际防止船舶造成污染公约》附一至 六管制的各类污染、防污处理和噪声)—— 航运对海洋生物的声波影响——航运灾害,包括其较长期的影响——通过压水 带来的 入侵物种和其他生物安全风险——待拆船舶的运输——航运相对于贸易 给沿岸国带来的风险。
C. Threats from shipping: locations, scale and trends — pollution from shipping (covering all forms
of pollution regulated
[...] by annexes I to VI to the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships, anti-fouling treatments and noise) — the acoustic impact of shipping on marine organisms — shipping disasters, including their longer-term effects — invasive species through ballast water and other biosecurity [...]
risks — transport of
ships for ship-breaking — risks to coastal States from shipping compared to their trade.
安德瑞纳.皮埃尔提水,辗 转地绕过地面上残破的直升机 一 道 道 晾 衣 绳 ,回到居住的帐篷。
Andremene Pierre carries water to her family’s tent, meandering around grounded helicopters and clothes lines strung up between [...]
the wings of airplanes and shelters.
此外,国际水文计划第六阶段(IHP-VI)“旱地”重点领域的活动以及干旱 带水 资 源 管理的相关活动与最近建立的国际水文 计划(IHP)“干旱区水资源信息与发展”全球网络(G--WADI)的许多活动 一 致。
In addition, the activities of the “drylands” focal area
[...] IHP-VI, as well as related activities in water resources management of arid zones, meets with many of the activities of the newly established IHP global network on “water information and development [...]
in arid zones” (G-WADI).
有五家公司正在检验有关公司申诉机制的框架原则:Carbones del Cerrejon 与哥伦比亚邻近土著社区;总部位于中国香港 一 家 制 衣 厂 在越南的工厂;俄罗 斯萨哈林能源投资公司;南水果供 应链中的零售商乐购集团;惠普公司与其在 中国的两家供应商。
Five companies are testing the framework’s principles for company-based grievance mechanisms: Carbones del Cerrejon with neighbouring indigenous
communities in Colombia; Esquel
[...] Group, a garment manufacturer based in Hong Kong, China, in its Vietnamese facility; Sakhalin Energy Investment Corporation in Russia; the retailer Tesco in its South African fruit supply chain; [...]
and Hewlett-Packard
with two of its suppliers in China.
且这一片只有10度左右水温的海洋,实在非常冰冷刺骨,幸 一 直 有 温 水 持 续 打入我们的 水衣 里 ,取得适度保暖。
The sea is really cold here – only
[...] around 10 degrees but we have warm water pumped into our suits constantly to [...]
keep us warm.
哈娜及其家人坐车抵达黎巴嫩,带 了 些 衣 服 和 坚果。
Hanaa and her family arrived in Lebanon by bus
[...] with nothing but some clothes and nuts.
巴西代表团支持委员会提出的修正案,指出取消“相关产品 一 词 可 能限制委员 会就目前已经或今后可能出现在市场上的产品开展的工作,例如 带水 果 的 提取物, 以果肉/汁为主成分的饮料等等。
The Delegation of Brazil supported the amendment as proposed by the Committee and indicated that the removal of the term “related
products” might limit the work of the Committee
[...] on products that were currently or might be available in future on the market e.g. extracts of tropical fruits, pulpy/juice-based beverages, etc.
公众教育项目可以采取多种交流与沟 通渠道,比如水费账单上带一些 宣传页、通过自 水 公 司 或其他网站、电视、广 播、大字报、海报或报纸上公告等等。
A public education programme can use various
[...] channels, such as leaflets distributed with water bills, WSC and other web sites, TV and [...]
radio messages, posters
or public notices in newspapers.
许多渔业,特别是带水域的多鱼种渔业,大量的兼捕渔获物已经上 岸并被利用。
In many fisheries, particularly
[...] multispecies fishing in tropical waters, substantial quantities [...]
of bycatch are already being landed and used.
建在当地的石头和罕见的丝柏木材的房子有6间卧室,其中3是连接浴室的:1个主套 带 卫 生 间和 衣 室 , 壁炉,1双间客房与卫生间的连接​​套房,1所述2床间客房共用套房的浴室, 1 进 一 步 的双人卧室,1个夹层画廊中的“塔”目前配备有4张病床的孙子,家庭淋浴间,1间套房自包含的开放式壁炉/烧烤,员工卧室设有淋浴和厕所巨大的客厅(约50平方米6米高教堂的天花板和大壁炉,巨大的观景窗,可俯瞰湖泊和山脉,单独的用餐区,开放式的厨房,在一个通道直接沟通与生活区).
Built in local stone and rare cypress wood
[...] the house has 6 bedrooms of which 3 are en suite: 1 master suite with bathroom and dressing room, fireplace, 1 double guestroom with bathroom en suite, 1 x 2 bed guestroom sharing the suite's bathroom, 1 further [...]
double bedroom in the
"tower", 1 mezzanine gallery currently equipped with 4 beds for grandchildren, family shower room, 1 self contained guest suite with open fireplace/barbecue, Staff bedroom with en suite shower and toilet Enormous living room (approx 50 m2) with 6m high cathedral ceiling and large fireplace with huge picture windows overlooking lake and mountains, separate dining area, Open plan kitchen communicating directly across a passageway with the living area.
Imperial,是哥斯达黎加最受欢迎的啤酒的名称,这款皇家级啤酒即将在12月初登陆中国,与Florida Bebidas的带水果酒类饮一起销售。
In turn Imperial, the popular name for Costa Rica's
favorite beer, will be sold in China from the beginning of December along
[...] with Florida Bebidas brand of Tropical fruit drinks.
带水果如 香蕉,柑桔,菠萝等在波兰不适宜 生长。
Conditions in Poland are not
[...] appropriate for tropical fruits such as bananas, [...]
oranges and pineapples.
经过一阵吱吱作响之后,女士们遮上眼睛,此时三位勇敢、有声望的男士Daimler、来自斯图加特的建筑师和我的父 一 起 脱去 外 衣 走 入 水 中 , 试图从外面拖拽游艇 - 可惜没有成功。
After a little humming and hawing, the ladies were asked to cover their eyes, while the three stout, distinguished gentlemen Daimler, the court architect
from Stuttgart and my
[...] father got into the water in their underpants, trying to pull and drag the ship from the outside [...]
- sadly without success.
水衣加长 表链是隐藏在折叠式表扣内 一 个 附 加金属部件。
A wetsuit extension is an extra piece of metal that is hidden inside the [...]
fold-over clasp.
除上述机构之外,评估团被告知便衣( 被称为 baltaji/baltajiyah)7 也参与了安 全部队开展的行动,用警棍或枪支袭击抗议者。据称被抗议者俘虏 一 些 便 衣随 身携带证明其与安全机构关系的文件。
This reserve force is said to have been mobilized to fight the Huthis in the past, and to have participated in recent demonstrations in support of President Saleh.
STRAPOCKET是一款采用高级水衣料制造的多用途袋, 一 大 一小的袋子组成。
STRAPOCKET is a versatile gadget holder that is made out of
[...] Neoprene material which is more commonly used for wetsuits and is very light and durable.
不管怎么说,许可都应带一些有 关如何 水 的 条 件:一些地区用 这种方法来依照许可将水资源分配给各个用水户协会,并且在水管站和用水户协会间 达成供水协议。
However, there should be conditions
[...] regarding how the water is used: the approach adopted for this in some places [...]
is to allocate water, within the permit, to the
various WUAs and agree water supply contracts between the water management divisions (WMDs) and WUAs.
西非的三个特派团(联科行动、联利特派团和联合国塞拉利昂建设和平综合 办事处(联塞建和办))以及联合国西非办事处(西非办)继续 一 些 领域开展合 作,其中包括:与联利特派团开展联合边境巡逻,以防止非正规的武装集团和武 器跨界移动;联科行动和联利特派团之间组织联合培训方案,其他特派团也参加; 除了通过租赁线路建立与科特迪瓦三个大城市的链接以外,还保持与联利特派团 的地面微波链接,以提高服务质量和速度,利用尚未使用的卫 带 宽 实 现节余; 以及各特派团之间共享航空资产。
The three missions in West Africa, UNOCI, UNMIL and the United Nations Integrated Peacebuilding Support
Office in Sierra Leone
[...] (UNIPSIL) as well as the United Nations Office for West Africa (UNOWA), continue to work together and cooperate in a number of areas, including: joint border patrols with UNMIL to prevent cross-border movement of irregular armed groups and weapons; organizing joint training programmes between UNOCI and UNMIL, which are also attended by other missions; maintaining a terrestrial microwave connectivity with UNMIL in addition to establishing leased line connectivity to three major cities in Côte d’Ivoire to enhance service quality and speed and achieve savings from unused satellite bandwidth; and the sharing [...]
of air assets among the missions.
新举措的一个方 向可能在对公众进行提高认识的宣传 活动中发现,宣传的主题是我们的星球对未来几代人的潜力,并鼓励青年人更多地了解我们 的地球家园、地球的力量、地球的美丽 带 来 的 挑战。
A second direction for new initiatives will probably be found in outreach for raising awareness among the general public on the potential of our planet for future generations and to encourage young people to learn more about our home planet, its powers, its beauty and its challenges.
讨价还价现象在澳大利亚并不普遍,除非在二手市场或在一家店铺购 一衣 柜 的 全新衣服,在这种情况下,问店家要一个小小的折扣可能不会被认为不妥。
Bargaining is not the norm in Australia,
unless you're at a second-hand market or buy
[...] a whole new wardrobe from one store, [...]
in which case it probably wouldn't hurt to ask for a small discount.
此 外 ,政府當局亦 會就《立法會條例》提出相應修訂,以反 映《 進 出 口 條例》(第 60章 )下的發牌 制 度 的變更和《進出口 (一 般 )規例》 (第 60A章 )下的登記制 度 的變更,以便分別界定進出口 界界別分組的選 民 範圍(條例草案第27條 )和紡織及衣界界 別分組的選民範圍(條例草 案第28條 )。
In addition, consequential amendments to LCO will also be made to reflect changes to the licensing system under the Import and Export Ordinance (Cap. 60) and changes to the
registration system under the Import and
[...] Export (General) Regulations (Cap. 60A) for the purpose of delineating the electorate of the Import and Export subsector (cause 27) and the Textiles and Garment subsector respectively (clause 28).




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