

单词 一脸茫然

See also:


vast and obscure

External sources (not reviewed)

然后来珍妮体重长一斤多 ,但是瘦削 脸 上 的 一 双 眼 睛还是显得很大,她需要继续食用营养糊。
Even though the little girl had gained over half a kilo since, her eyes were still huge in her too-thin face and she needed [...]
to continue being fed with the nut paste.
阿德南的父亲看着孩子们围在屋外的火堆旁 一脸 的 迷 茫 与 悲 伤,感叹道,“除了叙利亚儿童,没有人会吃这样的东西!这是他们的命啊
Adnan’s father observes the children gathered outside
around the fire and exclaims, with a look of
[...] perplexity and sadness, “No one would ever eat this [...]
except Syrian children!
一些难民确实通过这样的移 徙成功地改善了他们的命运然而等 待那些移徙到城市的人们的情境往往是艰难 和冷漠的,而出路的寻找往往扑朔 茫。
While some refugees indeed succeed in improving their lot by such movement, the situation awaiting those who move to cities is, however, frequently harsh and unwelcoming, and the search for solutions often [...]
商家已经被上涨的营运成本,如运输费和租金压 脸 青 唇 白, 然 不 可 能漠视 一 波 新 涨幅。
Already blistering from a host of other cost increases like transportation and rentals, business entities can no longer shrug off inflation with this latest development.
从技术和风格上看,Xavier的滑雪板玩得大气、准确,完美无瑕,就如他要冲刺的冰封的大山 脸 庞 及 白 茫茫 的 雪 景 一 样。
In terms of technique and style,
Xavier’s snowboarding is majestic, precise, and
[...] flawless, like the icy mountain faces and snowscapes [...]
he lives to charge.
許多學校都有校訓,但合作式學校的價值與原則不只如此」,以曼徹斯特合作學院為例,「這個案例十分辛苦,校方相 茫然 , 明 確傳達價值之後,對改制後的學校大有幫助,包括為何採取某項作為、為何不對他人吼叫、為何教師彼此尊重等,影響相當深遠,因為我們相信這些價值, 一 同 合 作」。
The one thing that has really helped the [new] Academy is a clear articulation of values: why you do something, why you don’t shout at people, why teachers treat other teachers with respect.
30 号一般性 建议 中,消除种族歧视委员会呼吁国家采取步骤处理对非公民的仇外态度和行为,特 别是仇恨言论和种族暴力,还要采取果断措施对付把这类群体当成目标、加以丑 化、公式化脸谱化的任何趋势。
In its general recommendation No. 30 on discrimination against non-citizens, the Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination called on States to take steps to address xenophobic attitudes and behaviour towards non-citizens, in particular hate speech and racial violence, and also to take resolute action to counter any tendency to target, stigmatize, stereotype or profile such groups.
我國寬宏大量的首任總統曾說過,我們建立學校,讓人民能夠掌握權力,但如各位先生、各位女士所見,今日是權力掌握我們,人們討論教育時,都會注意到一件極為重要且具體的事,國內各中學的圖書館內,皆無教程內所列教材,導致國家未 一 片 茫然 , 不知道這些作家如何描述世界,我們希望圖書館內有新教材(Polana中學)。
The magnanimous 1st President of the Republic said that: We make school a place for the people to take the power but, if we notice, ladies and gentlemen, nowadays the power is taking the people, we see something extremely important when we speak about education in a concrete manner none of the secondary schools in this country have the new curriculum books in their libraries, and with all this the future of this country is unfocused and without knowing what these writers say about the world.
现代医疗机构的腐化及在昂贵医疗费用面前的无助使病患感到无助 茫然 , 这 也是病患联合会的代表提请大 会注意一点。
Representatives of Patient Associations also called to the meeting's attention the helpless confusion of patients faced with corruption in the framework of conventional medicine.
但是,据许 多非政府组织报告,它们遇到一些官僚主义障碍和腐败问题,使那些本来就很难 获得体面的生活和生计的脆弱人群本已 茫 的 机 会受到 一 步 影 响。
Yet many NGOs reported encountering bureaucratic hurdles and corruption, which are thus affecting the already poor chances of the most vulnerable to a decent life and livelihood.
一方面,一些发展中国 家谨慎地表示,在缺乏国家森林政策、方案、足够的立法、机构和信息,甚至缺 乏所有这些要素的情况下,成功执行森林文书的希望十分 茫。
On the other hand, some developing countries cautioned that, in the absence of national forest policies, programmes, adequate legislation, institutions and information, or the combination of these, there was little hope for successful implementation.
因此,当相机拍一张脸,将重现更 然 的 皮 肤色调为更生动的风景,一个华丽的色彩更饱和更表现力的影像和晚上日落红色或蓝色的天空汽车。
So when the camera
[...] is photographing a face it will reproduce more natural skin tones or [...]
blue skies for more vivid landscapes,
a flashy red car for more saturated color and evening sunsets for more expressive images.
天堂是居留权的祝福,其中(后与荣耀机构复活),他们享有在基督和天使公司,神的眼光来面对眼前 脸 , 被超 自 然 的 荣 耀之光这样才能提升能够这样的远景。
Heaven is the abode of the blessed, where (after the resurrection with glorified bodies) they enjoy, in the company of Christ
and the angels, the immediate
[...] vision of God face to face, being supernaturally elevated [...]
by the light of glory so as to be capable of such a vision.
提交一家获得保释,提交人称, 由于这次攻击,她几处受伤脸部、下巴和牙齿挫伤。
The author alleges
[...] that as a result of the assault she suffered several injuries and contusions to her face, jaw and teeth.
比较特别的是,他脸上有一道长 长的伤疤,任何人都应该看到恐惧​​。
A special feature is his face has a long scar that [...]
anyone should see fear.
关于 掩脸部衣 物的法案,政府认为,该法案确实限制了宗教或信仰自由。不过,按 照有关宗教或信仰自由的限制条款,该法案有其理由,因为这并非 一 项 绝 对的 权利。
Concerning the bill on face-covering garments, the Government was of the opinion that the bill would indeed limit the freedom of religion or belief; however, there were reasons for the bill in line with the limitation clauses of the freedom of religion or belief, which was not an absolute right.
患者被随机安排在白天和晚上脸部 随 机选定 一 侧 使用elure高级皮肤美白产品 脸 部 另 一 侧 则 使用2%氢醌霜或安慰剂。
Patients were randomized to receive day and night applications of elure
Advanced Skin Lightening
[...] products on one randomly selected side of their face, and either 2% hydroquinone cream or placebo on the other side of their face.
我既不希望見到㆗方做出愚不可及,傷害香港的事情, 以至雨過㆝晴之日,仿如如夢初醒般後悔莫及;我更不希望見到本局的同事,特別是
[...] 過往長期為香港爭取民主的同事,因為㆒時想錯,以為現在採取妥協忍讓的做法,就 能解決當前的問題,結果兩面不討好,到了雨過㆝晴 茫然 不 知 身在何處。
I would not wish to see China doing stupid things to damage Hong Kong; that would only bring, when the sunny days do return, long lingering regrets the way one would feel upon waking up to realities from a dream. Nor would I wish to see colleagues of this Council, especially those who have been fighting long and hard in the past for democracy for Hong Kong, driven by a momentary lapse to adopt a tolerant and accommodating attitude now with the hope that it could solve the present
problems, but only to find in
[...] the end that they have pleased neither side and that they are adrift when [...]
the storm is over.
仅几日后,缅甸高层领导 人会见泰国总理沙马·顺达卫(Samak Sundaravej),令 联 合脸 上进一步“无光”。
Myanmar’s senior leadership further snubbed the UN by meeting with Thai Prime Minister Samak Sundaravej just a few days later.
通过融入这名陌生人的角色,韦英将她看到的转化为个人体验,把她自己放在伦敦白金汉地区的购物商场里,放在过路人 茫然 的 凝 视中。
Gillian Wearing transformed what she saw into a personal experience by slipping into the role of the stranger, exposing herself to the blank stares of passers-by in a shopping mall in the London borough of Peckham.
尽管女王公园巡游者继续留在英超联赛中的希望比较 茫 , 但在 上 一 赛 季,他们就顺利逃生,这应该会给他们本赛季带 一 些 希 望,他们 然 有 机会再次创造奇迹。
Though Queens Park Rangers’ hopes for surviving the cut in the Premier League are relatively slim, their great escape last season should give them some hope that they still have a chance to recreate that magic this time.
与此同时,与清除废墟、住房、就业以及享有高 质量教育和保健服务相关的持续不断的问题(仅举几 例),海地人仍感茫然失措
In the meantime, Haitians continue to be perplexed by ongoing problems related to debris removal, housing, employment and access to quality education and health care, to mention but a few issues.
Ghosts From The Past》不單是Barði Jóhannsson自己對往昔鬼魂的告白,也是為了如鬼 一 樣 住 在往昔, 茫茫然 不 知 所終的人演奏安魂曲。
Ghost From The Past’ is Jóhannsson’ s melodic proclamation to the ghost of his past, but also a comfort for those who helplessly live and indulge in nostalgia.
當香港人坐在電視機前,看到趙連海孩 茫然 無 助 的眼光,在風 中舉着“爸爸回家”的薄紙,看到趙連海年紀老邁的母親或哭得肝腸寸 斷的妻子,在法庭外高呼趙連海無罪,甚至還看到攝影機鏡頭所及的 那位無耻的法院官員,帶着權力的囂張和冷笑,欣賞趙連海家人的悲 [...]
When the people of Hong Kong saw on television ZHAO Lianhai's son staring around aimlessly and hopelessly while holding up [...]
a thin paper reading "Daddy,
come home" in the wind; when we saw ZHAO's elderly mother and wailing wife shouting out loudly his innocence outside the court; and furthermore, when we saw the arrogant and sneering face of that shameless court official who was enjoying the suffering of ZHAO's family members, how could we not feel outraged and sad.
脸谱网、Twitter微博 客和YouTube视频网站上建立一个“社交媒体”,以简化公众查阅——教科文组织 内容的受众人数和其他组织和个人对新闻和活动的交叉参照的数量因此大大增 加。
A “social media” presence was established on Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube to simplify [...]
public access – viewership of UNESCO
content and cross-referencing to news and events by other organizations and individuals has greatly increased as a result.
因此,當總督提出政府當局必須與行政局及立法局建立夥伴關係時,並非如某些議 員所謂,是示弱的表現,更非由此可見政府已無心管治或 茫然 不 知 所措。
So when the Governor referred to the need for partnership between the Administration, the Executive Council and the Legislative Council it was not a sign of weakness, not a signal that this Government has lost the will to govern or that it does not know where it is going, as some Members have suggested.
當訂立目標後,我們才會知道能做到多少,如果 做不到,我們可以檢討、改進,否則我們便 一 艘 在 茫茫 大 海 飄流的 船,不知道往哪方向走。
Once a target is set, we will know what we can do, and if we fail, then reviews and improvement can be made. Otherwise, just like a boat drifting in the big ocean, we will never know in what direction we are sailing.




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