

单词 一群


一小群 n

clutch n

See also:

classifier for groups of people, herds of animals, flocks of birds, schools of fish
flock, herd, pack etc

External sources (not reviewed)

社区 可以是一个街区或整个村庄,或者 一群 人 ,诸如 农民、母亲或者参加同一教会的人们,他们分享共 同的利益,有共同的需求和问题。
A community may be a
[...] neighborhood or an entire village, or it can be a group of people, [...]
such as farmers, mothers, or people
who attend the same church, who share common interests, common needs, and common problems.
因此,一名股東一群一致行 動之股東,視乎有關股東之權 益增加水平而定,可能取得或鞏固本公司之控制權,並因而須根據收購守則第26條提出強 [...]
As a result, a
[...] Shareholder or a group of Shareholders [...]
acting in concert could, depending on the level of increase of his
or their interest, obtain or consolidate control of the Company and become obliged to make a mandatory offer in accordance with Rule 26 of the Takeovers Code.
一群在鑽 石山火葬場附近學校村就讀學生的家長要求當局加 快進行重置工程計劃,以及在工程竣工前改善現有的火化爐,立法會 [...]
曾在 2003 年 1 月召開個案會議,會上議員促請政府盡早進行重置工程 計劃,以改善區內的環境質素。
In January 2003, in response to the
[...] requests from a group of parents of [...]
students studying in the school village near the
DHC to expedite the reprovisioning project and make improvements to the existing cremators in the interim, a Legislative Council case conference was held and Members urged the Government to implement the reprovisioning project as soon as possible so as to improve the local environmental quality.
[...] DICOM 预设模式 的真正价值在于能一群人显 示医疗影像,例如 放射性案例讨论,或医科学生培训。
Therefore, the true value of a projector with a DICOM
Preset mode lies in the ability to display
[...] medical images to a group of people, for [...]
example during radiological case discussions,
or the training of medical students.
据几名证人所述,这起仇恨犯罪为未遂私刑,当时被占领的东耶路撒冷 Ras Al-Am 居民区的一名 17 岁居民 Jamal Julani
[...] 和他的四个朋友正走在西耶路撒冷 的锡安广场,突然他们发一群年轻 人在追赶自己,这些年轻人叫嚷着“阿拉伯 [...]
The hate crime — described by several witnesses as an attempted lynching — occurred as Jamal Julani, 17 years old, a resident of the Occupied East Jerusalem neighbourhood of Ras Al-Amud, and his four friends were walking in West
Jerusalem’s Zion Square, when they suddenly found themselves
[...] being chased by a group of youths shouting [...]
“Arabs, death to Arabs”.
第九届上海双年展伊斯坦布尔展馆的主题为“突变”(A Twist in the Untimely),我们决定选择能够折射出土耳其与西方的联系中断和延续的三个主题, 一群 知 名 艺术家合作,透过他们的作品走进历史,勾勒伊斯坦布尔在西化过程中多次与西方中断联系的历史真相。
For A Twist in the Untimely, the Istanbul City pavilion of the 9th Shanghai Biennale, we decided to make a selection of three propositions that allude to the various ruptures and continuations that resulted within both contexts and work with a group of strong artists whose work traces several histories and delineates several fault lines inherent in the Westernization process.
此外,应采取专门措施防止未成年人无家 可归,并为一群体提 供社会支持和教育。
Furthermore, specific measures should be put in place to prevent homelessness and to provide social
[...] support and education to this group.
任何决定或作法都不能由于试图侵犯或事实上会侵犯人的尊严、人权或个人基本自由而对任何人造成歧视,也 不能由此损坏个人、家庭、一群体 或者社区的名声。
In any decision or practice, no one shall be subjected to discrimination based on any grounds intended to infringe, or having the effect of infringing, the human dignity, human
rights or fundamental
[...] freedoms of an individual, nor shall such grounds be used to stigmatize an individual, a family, a group or a community.
在距离维诺妮卡卖农产品的市场不远的地方 一群 女 孩儿在属于她们的俱乐部唱歌跳舞。
Not far from the market where Veronica sells her produce, a group of girls dance and sing in their club quarters.
為穩居營養補充品業界的領先地位,賀寶芙營養諮詢委員會 (NAB)由一群世界 知名的健康管理專家組成,負責教育和訓練我們的獨立直銷商營養觀念和健康生活型態。
As an extension of our commitment to quality and scientific integrity, Herbalife has established a Nutrition Advisory Board (NAB) comprised of leading experts in the fields of nutrition and health who help educate and train our independent Distributors on the principles of nutrition, physical activity and healthy lifestyle.
因此,一名股東一群一致行 動之股東 可能取得或鞏固在本公司之控制權,而須根據收購守則提出強制性收購建議。
Accordingly, a
[...] shareholder, or group of shareholders [...]
acting in concert, could obtain or consolidate control of the Company
and become obliged to make a mandatory offer in accordance with the Takeovers Code.
奉我国政府指示,谨随函附上一封信,控诉以色列部队今天向聚集在黎巴嫩 南部马伦拉斯镇一群手无 寸铁的平民开火,打死 10 人,打伤 112 人,其中一 些人伤势严重(见附件)。
On instructions from my Government, I attach herewith a letter containing a complaint against the enemy Israeli forces, which opened fire today on a group of unarmed civilians who were gathering in the town of Maroun Al Ras in south Lebanon, killing 10 civilians and wounding 112, some of whom are in critical condition (see annex).
考虑到一群体的 组成,在 GNSO 流程 中为政府间组织取得协商一致的积极前景可能有限,但为了通过政府咨询委员会给董事会提建议这一 渠道分享 ICANN 内政府间组织保护方面的任何更大的成果,政府间组织的继续参与仍很重要。
Prospects for positive consensus gains for IGOs within the GNSO process may be limited given the overall composition of the group, but continuing IGO engagement remains important for sharing any broader gains made on IGO protection within ICANN via GAC advice to the Board.
肯尼亚北部,2013年1月2日 —— 来自美国国家篮球协会一群职业 篮球运动员们访问了肯尼亚,以了解有关根除脊髓灰质炎工作的第一手资料。
[...] January 2013 – A group of professional [...]
basketball players from the United States National Basketball Association
visited Kenya and learned first-hand about eradicating polio.
為雙待 青少年專設計劃的主辦機構應特別注意有關青少年的動機水平,並應 致力接觸及招募那些動機較低或缺乏動機,而又有最有服務需要一 群。
For projects and programmes catering for NEY, it is important that the organizers should be highly aware of the motivation level of NEY and invest more efforts to reach and recruit those with low or no motivation who are most in need.
近年来,过退休年龄的教职员工呈上升 趋势,本学年一群体所占比例与 2000-2001 学年相比上升了 [...]
8.8%,目前占教 职员工总人数的 15.6%,从教经验在 3 年以内的员工所占比例与上学年相比没有 未发生任何变化。
The ratio of this group has increased [...]
compared to the school year 2000–2001 with 8.8% and presently is of 15.6% out of the
total number of the teaching staff, whilst the ratio of the staff with an experience of up to 3 years remained the same, if compared to the previous year.
尽管黎巴嫩陆军针对位于黎巴嫩南部的马伦拉斯镇纪念大灾难的活动采取 了强化措施,但敌方以色列的部队向聚集在上述地点参加这一纪念活动 一群手 无寸铁的平民开火,打死 10 人,打伤 112 人,其中一些人伤势严重。
Despite the heightened measures taken by the Lebanese Army in relation to the commemoration of the Nakbah in Marun al-Ra’s, which is located in southern Lebanon, Israeli enemy forces fired at a group of unarmed civilians who had gathered at the above-mentioned location to observe the occasion, killing 10 persons and wounding 112 others, some critically.
对提供优质的减轻病痛护理方面所存在的障碍并非仅针对老年人 一群体 而 存在,但是,由于老年人中慢性病和不治之症的发生率更高,因此对他们的影 响就超过其他群体。
These barriers to availability of good quality palliative care are not unique to older persons as a group, but older persons are disproportionately affected due to the increased incidence of chronic and terminal illness amongst them.
然而,必须估算吸毒成瘾者的 人数,因为一群体很 可能与公共卫生和执法机构打交道,并因此从适当戒毒 治疗和护理干预中大大受益。
However, it is important to estimate the number of drug-dependent persons, as this group is likely to come into contact with public health and law enforcement agencies and would thus benefit greatly from appropriate drug treatment and care interventions.
當然,願意接受邀請的巿民應該是屬於比較積極和願意表達自己 一群 , 這 種偏差在任何類似抽樣機制都會出現。
Certainly, those who accepted the invitation should be considered as more aggressive and willing to express themselves. This deviation is common in all selection methods of similar kinds.
1 月4日一群科索 沃塞族人在 Kroi i Vitakut/Brdjani 以石头猛击未经事先通知进入 该地区的科索沃阿族建筑工人,因为他们误以为这些工人正在从事的工程超出了 [...]
On 4 January, in Kroi i Vitakut/Brdjani, a group of Kosovo [...]
Serbs pelted with stones Kosovo Albanian construction workers
who had come without prior notice, mistakenly suspecting that the workers were engaging in additional construction beyond what had been agreed in UNMIK-facilitated negotiations.
抗议活动”指一个一群公民( 不举行游行) ,通过包括绝食在内的手 段,使用或不使用海报、标语或其他材料,就任何问题公开表达其公共或政 治、集体或个人以及其他利益或举行抗议的行为。
a “picket” is a public expression by a citizen or by a group of citizens of public and political, group or individual and other interests or the protest (without a procession), including by hunger strike, on any issues, with or without the use of posters, banners and other materials.
此外,全新的飞行团队,是由2008年Blue Eagles团队队员,再搭配一群具有 飞行天份的新成员们所组合而成,且新飞官们皆招募培训自位于英国北安普顿Wallop中部,皇家空军训练中心。
The new team has a line up of Blue Eagles’ team members from 2008, plus gifted new recruits from the Army Air Corps training centre in Middle Wallop, Northamptonshire in the UK.
在这个方面,中 产阶级的平均收入相比 G7 而言还是比较低,但是一些 EAGLEs 经济体(特别是巴西,墨西哥,土 耳其还有中国台湾)收入不平等的情况暗示月收入超过 800 美元的一群体的人均收入会达到现在 领先新兴市场的水平,比如以色列。
In this regard, the income of the average middle class consumer will remain comparatively low versus the G7, but in some EAGLEs (particularly Brazil, Mexico, Turkey and Taiwan) income inequality implies that per capita incomes of those who exceed the 800 USD monthly mark will reach levels close to those in today’s advanced EMs, like Israel.
那些活着的和死掉的、生病的或打盹的、套牢的或者生闷气的或者再次被套牢的人,进来得正是时候,他们的关联是在墨西哥城的多洛雷斯街吃炒杂碎,在自助餐馆塞甜腻的蛋糕,在交易所 一群 喧 闹 的人追查。
The living and the dead, in sickness or on the nod, hooked or kicked or hooked again, come in on the junk beam and the Connection is eating Chop Suey in Dolores Street, Mexico D.F., dunking pound cake in the automat, chased up Exchange Place by a baying pack of People.
或共同分担经济状况一群人的 意思,即事实婚姻及其所生的子女,单亲父母及其子女等。
However, the same term can also mean a group of people who live under the same roof and/or share the same economic environment, de facto unions and respective children, as well as single parents and their children.
[...] 民过度使用武力,本周在“Ofer”拘留中心附近用催泪瓦斯霰弹和橡皮子弹袭一群示威的学生,造成至少 20 名巴勒斯坦人受伤。
The Israeli occupying forces also continue to use excessive force against the
Palestinian people protesting this inhumane
[...] policy, attacking one group of student demonstrators [...]
this week near the “Ofer”
detention centre with tear gas canisters and rubber bullets, injuring at least 20 Palestinians.
1984年Oris指针式日历表在市场上全面反攻:在日本 一群 引 领 时尚潮流的先鋒者,特別钟爱Oris的腕表特色和机械功能,远胜于原本裝置有LED和LCD的电子小玩意儿。
In 1984 the Oris Pointer Calendar makes a come back: the Japanese trendsetters favour its characteristics and mechanical workings over the electronic gimmicks with LED and LCD displays they have been used to.
这次会议汇聚了本区一群各不 相同的利益攸关者、来自联合国系统和其他 [...]
国际组织、非政府组织、学术界和私营部门的专家,讨论各种新颖的办法、政策 和针对性干预行动如何能够帮助妇女、女孩和边缘化群体。
The meeting brought
[...] together a diverse group of regional stakeholders, [...]
experts from the United Nations system and other
international organizations, non-governmental organizations, academia and the private sector to discuss how innovative approaches, policies and targeted interventions can help to reach women, girls and the marginalized.




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