

单词 一组镜头

See also:

一组 n

first group n
set n


camera lens
camera shot (in a movie etc)


the first

External sources (not reviewed)

一组镜头 尤其令两位获奖者和公众激动不已。
This part of the ceremony was extremely moving, not only for the prizewinners but also for the audience.
一组镜头包含了复杂的形状或许需要动态屏蔽 (rotoscoping),它是藉由一个画面一个画面的调整屏蔽来完成。
Sequences containing complex shapes may require rotoscoping, which is accomplished by adjusting a mask frame by frame.
理光的独创技术,可使部镜头组像 钟 摆 一 般 滑 进相机,因而可在狭小空间中装下该镜头。
Original Ricoh technology in which the lens can fit in a small space because part of it swings in a pendulum-like movement.
您可以预设相机,以选择最大光圈值,或选择一个能够像快门速度与光圈 组合 一样实现最镜头分辨率的光圈值。
You can preset the maximum
[...] aperture or an aperture value that achieves the best lens resolution [...]
as a combination of shutter speed and aperture value.
组织制作了一些分析性的方案编制工具,例如“文化多样性方案编镜头”, 以帮助规划人员将有关文化多样性原则和知识纳入其可持续发展与和 平方案和战略。
A number of analytical programming tools, such as the “cultural diversity programming lens”, have also been produced [...]
to help planners
mainstream principles and knowledge regarding cultural diversity into their programmes and strategies for sustainable development and peace.
(d) 该局还收集和制定一系列 关注男女平等问题的方法:指导方针、资料,并在教 科组织手 册《关注男女平等资料》中收集了“男女平 镜头 ”。
(d) It assembled and developed a core set of gender-mainstreaming tools: guidelines, resources and “gender lenses” were collected in the Compendium of UNESCO’s Gender Mainstreaming Resources, available in printed form and accessible online.
但 T 光圈还要考虑由于玻镜头 组件所成进光量的损失。
T-stop factors in the loss of light through the glass lens elements.
免费软件基金会(FSF)与教科组织 的 一 个 合 作项 镜 象 免费软件目录已经完成,通过参 加针对政府计划关于开放标准/开放源的各种会议,本组织在这一领域的知名度日益提高。
The mirroring of the Free Software Directory, a joint project [...]
of the Free Software Foundation (FSF) and UNESCO, has been
completed and the Organization is becoming more visible in this field through participation in conferences on Open Standards/Open Source for Government programmes.
(c) 在市场开发司内设立 1 个高级市场分析师,负责头生成一步开发国贸中心的市场准入分析工具,其中包括扩大关于服务和非关 税措施的工作;与其他国际组织密切合作,开发基于网络的工具以及相 关增值服务;带一组分析师,进一步开发对企业和贸易谈判人员均属 至要的其他贸易情报工具。
( ) A Senior Market Analyst in the Division of
Market Development,
[...] responsible for spearheading the generation and further development of ITC’s market access analysis tools, including expanding work on services and non-tariff measures; developing web-based tools as well as related value added services in close cooperation with other international organizations; and leading [...]
a team of analysts in
further developing other trade intelligence tools of critical importance to both businesses and trade negotiators.
她正在勤奋工作,建立一个甄别法庭记录的系统;与档案和记录管 理科及联合法庭档案战略工作组一 道 制 订一项记录保留政策,用于整个法庭的 记录;开始全面审查法庭内几项不同的记录保存计划表建议;正在 头 开 展 审查 工作,以确保记录保留计划表保持内部一致。
She is working diligently to establish a system to identify records at the institution; is developing, in
conjunction with the
[...] Archives and Records Management Section and the Joint Tribunals Archival Strategy Working Group, a records retention policy for records throughout the Tribunal; has begun a comprehensive [...]
review of the several
different retention schedule recommendations within the Tribunal; and is leading a review to ensure that the records retention schedule represents an internally consistent system.
真实但可控的环境和交通噪声对于确保有效的基准至关重要,还有距离衰减、 镜头 效 果、多普勒频移、源衰减和方向性,所有这些特点都在合成声音中,如同在真实世 一 样。
Realistic but controllable ambient and traffic noise is vital to ensure effective benchmarking, as are
distance attenuation, pan
[...] effects, Doppler shift, source attenuation and directivity, all of which feature in the synthesised sound just as they would in the real world.
一特点 有助更安全地使用重型器材或长 镜头。
This feature also helps to make using heavy equipment or long lenses safer.
有两个事例表明,遵循标 准使一个机构能够“拯救”一个 机构的飞行任务:即联合王国的空间技术 研究飞行器任务和欧洲航天局(欧空局)的牛顿 X 射线镜头任务
There have been two incidents where compliance
[...] with standards allowed one agency to “rescue” another agency’s mission, involving the United Kingdom’s Space Technology Research Vehicle mission and the European Space Agency (ESA) X-ray Multi-Mirror Mission-Newton.
2009年11月10日,日本东京讯,理光公司(总裁兼首席执行官:近藤史朗)今日宣布成功开发并推出了 G X R 组 件 可 互换数码相机系统,堪称全世界最小巧轻便* 的可互镜头数码相机。
Ltd. (president and CEO: Shiro Kondo) today announced the
development and release of the
[...] GXR interchangeable unit camera system featuring the world's smallest and lightest* digital camera with the ability to change lenses.
该国当局使用中世纪的方法策划了对亚美尼亚人的屠杀和种族清洗;将杀害 睡梦中的人们的残暴刽子手吹捧为民族英雄;像人所共知的恐 组 织 那 样将俘虏镜头前进 行羞辱并随后杀死;像臭名昭著的恐怖分子那样将数世纪之久的文化 丰碑野蛮摧毁。
It is a peculiar expression of cynicism when vain accusations are voiced against Armenia by the leader of a country, the authorities of which masterminded massacres, ethnic cleansing against the
Armenians by medieval
[...] methods; a country where cruel butchers of sleeping people are glorified as national heroes; a country where a captive is humiliated in front of cameras and then killed, as it is done by well-known terrorist organizations; [...]
a country
where centuries-old cultural monuments are barbarously destroyed, as is done by infamous terrorists.
微小的昆虫的私人生活是一个法国制造的一系列的短视频动画,“鸟瞰视图昆虫 一 天 到 一 天 存 在,通过滑稽的扭曲,而又不失诗意 镜头 ”。
Minuscule—the private life of insects is a French-made series of short video
animations giving "a
[...] bird's eye view of insects' day to day existence, distorted through a burlesque, yet poetic lens".
秘书处一直在努力加强其在工作人员一级 组 织 一 级 的 执 行成果问责,例如公布高级主管契约以及就他们兑现契约内所订各项目标的实际 业绩而作的年度考评,在秘书处内联网上发表和公布 2008-2009 两年头一年的 临时方案执行情况报告。
The Secretariat has also been working constantly to increase its accountability for
delivering results, at both the
[...] staff and organizational levels, for example by publishing the compacts of senior managers and the annual assessments of their performance towards achieving the objectives contained therein, as well as issuing and publishing on the Secretariat Intranet an interim programme [...]
report covering the first year of the biennium 2008-2009.
IOC 较早就为 32 C/5 提出自 己的计划草案,这还头一回,目的是将委员会的管理工作和教科组织的 管理工作更好地结合起来,也就是说将列入 32 C/5 的 IOC 的计 划草案是经过 IOC 理事机构通过的,不再是秘书处单方面工作的结果 了。
This early production of the IOC draft input to
[...] the 32 C/5 is an innovation that seeks to align better the governance of the Commission with that of UNESCO i.e. the [...]
input is endorsed by
an IOC governing body and is no longer a product of the work of the secretariat alone.
最后,还开展了各项活动 :
[...] 散发《聆听非洲》简讯 ; 更新非洲门户网站并建立讨论论坛; 分发只读光盘 ; 出版《教科组织镜子中的非洲一 书 ,这些措施使得决策者、伙伴机构和 公民社会更多地了解本组织的活动。
Lastly, various activities have been carried out: the dissemination of the newsletter Listening to Africa, the updating of the Africa Portal and the establishment of
a discussion forum,
[...] the dissemination of a CD-ROM and the publication of L’Afrique au miroir de l’UNESCO, which [...]
have made it possible
to raise the visibility of the Organization’s action particularly among decisionmakers and institutional partners and within civil society.
2010年,《肝脏病学》杂志上刊登一 项 研 究发现,通过加强改变生活方式来减少7%~10%的体重,不仅能够改善转氨酶的水平,而且还能改善肝 组 织 在显 微 镜 下 的 外观。
A study published in the Journal of
[...] Hepatology in 2010 found that 7-10% weight reduction from intensive lifestyle changes can not only improve aminotransferase levels but also improve the way liver tissue looks under a microscope.
容提出相应的意见;如果会员国不能对这一关键项目的全面讨论提出意见,执行 局则很难履行组织法 》第 V.B 条赋予其的职责; d. 问题的根源在于实际上无法在现行双年度周期确定的最后期限内,对教科 组织 计 划和预算的执行情况进行监督,按双年度周期的安排无法在制定下一个 C/5 文 件中充分吸取过去的经验教训,为解决这个问题,我们不妨探讨是否可以采用三 年制的计划周期,这样,三年内可以举行两次大会 头一 次 会 议专门审批计划和 预算,第二次会议举办部长级会议和其他圆桌会议,形成新的思路和举措,从而 使大会发挥思考组织未 来发展之作用。
(d) the root of the problem lay in the practical impossibility to carry out the monitoring of the
implementation of the programme
[...] and budget of UNESCO within the deadlines flowing from the present biennial cycle which does not allow for sufficient feedback from lessons learned for the elaboration of a subsequent C/5 document; to remedy this problem, one could study the viability of a triennial programming cycle which would provide for the holding of two sessions of the General Conference during a three-year period, with the first being devoted to the approval of the programme and budget and the other to the holding of ministerial and other round table meetings resulting in new visions and initiatives, thereby allowing the General Conference to perform its role as an organ of reflection about the future of the Organization.
接受监察组约谈的一一名被 拘押者即 组头目 O mar Idriss Mohamed 似乎与在阿斯马拉的奥阵领导层经常保持联络。
Only one detainee interviewed by the Monitoring Group, team leader [...]
Omar Idriss Mohamed, appears to have been in regular
contact with the OLF leadership in Asmara.
利用HDSLR相机或摄像机上的长镜头 拍 摄 意味着使 镜头 L 型 支 架作为相机和平台操作系统之间的连接,由此创建 一 个 不 太理想的重量分布,并意味着相机 镜头 的 最 轻微移动或触摸(例如按下“录制”按钮或 头 对 焦 )都会造成在后期制作中不得不编辑或删除的明显的相机晃动和振动。
Filming with long telephoto lenses on HDSLR cameras or camcorders means using the lens L-bracket as the connection between camera and rig, which creates a less than ideal weight distribution and means that the slightest movement or touch of the camera or lens (such as pressing "Rec", or focusing the lens) produces visible camera shake and vibration that has to be edited or removed in post-production.
2010年7月6日,日本东京讯,理光公司(总裁兼首席执行官: 近藤史郎)今日宣布推出新款GXR+S10
[...] KIT,这款套装相机由GXR机身和RICOH LENS S10 24-72 mm F2.5-4.4 VC* GXR相机单元(具备高性能3倍广角变 镜头 ) 组 成。
(president and CEO: Shiro Kondo) today announced the release of the new GXR+S10 KIT, a camera kit that combines the GXR
body and the "RICOH LENS S10 24-72 mm F2.5-4.4 VC"*
[...] GXR camera unit featuring a high-performance 3x wide-angle zoom lens.
这种超凡的镜头配置将两个非球面镜头 一 个 特别的低色散镜头以及多个高折射 镜头组 合 在 一 起 , 即使在画面边缘也能获得强悍的分辨率和成像能力。
Incorporating two aspherical lenses, one special low-dispersion lens, and multiple high-refraction-ratio [...]
lenses, this extravagant lens configuration
achieves strong resolution and imaging power to the edge of the frame.
教科文组织的阿拉伯组要求在一八 一 届会 议的议程中列入以下项目:“促进加沙重建 与发展,以便发挥教科文组织在联合国系统 所承担的头组织的作用;以色列发起进攻 的负面后果;是否涉及侵犯人权或对关键的 教育基础设施造成影响,如教育和教师机构 (中小学、研究所、高等院校);对学生和 教师造成的不利社会影响和心理影响;加沙 地带建筑物的巨大破坏;教科文组织及其会 员国在处理以色列攻击行动的后果方面所面 对的重担”。
The Arab Group at UNESCO has
[...] requested that an item be placed on the agenda of the 181st session on "contribution to the reconstruction and development of Gaza, in view of the role assigned to UNESCO as a leading organization of the United [...]
Nations system; the
negative consequences of the Israeli aggression; whether in regard to human rights violations or repercussions on vital educational infrastructure such as educational and teaching institutions (schools-institutes-universities); adverse social and psychological effects on both students and teachers; great losses sustained at archaeological sites in the Gaza Strip; and the burden faced by UNESCO and the Member States in dealing with the consequences of Israeli aggression”.
组委员 会赞赏地注意到日本的官方发展援助方案捐赠了望 镜 设 施 和一 具天 象仪,日本国家天文台与日本国际合作署提供了技术援助,它们在过去 20 多年中为基础科学的发展,特别是在支持发展中国家的教育和研究方面,做出 了贡献。
The Subcommittee noted with appreciation the donation of telescope facilities and a planetarium by the official development assistance programme of Japan, as well as the provision [...]
of technical assistance
by the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan and the Japan International Cooperation Agency, which had contributed, for more than 20 years, to the development of basic science, especially in support of education and research in developing countries.
为了防止他们,厄里斯发一组警报 器,谁入口和勾引男人乘坐辛巴达的船与他们的迷人诱惑的,柔软的旋律歌唱的声音,但也没有影响 头 , 飞 行员的船舶安全;和后来的ROC,谁抓住 头 , 但 后来杀死了辛巴达。
To prevent
[...] them, Eris sends a group of sirens, who entrance and seduce the men aboard Sinbad’s ship with their enchantingly seductive, soft melodic singing voices, but do not affect Marina, who pilots the ship to safety; and later a Roc, who captures Marina, but is later [...]
killed by Sinbad.




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