

单词 一组



Organization of African Unity

一组(乐曲) n

set n

一组镜头 n

shot n

External sources (not reviewed)

尽管各国处于消耗臭氧层物质废物管理工作的不同阶段,但所选择 一组 项 目 代表 了地理上和规模上的多样性,能够提供该决定所寻求的信息。
Although each one of the countries is in a different stage of
advance in the work related to ODS waste
[...] management, the group of projects selected [...]
represents the geographical and size
diversity that will provide the information searched by the decision.
联合主席依据收到的意向及与感兴趣的代表团进行的磋商, 提议一组共五个新的缔约国,它们在缔约国第十一届会议上当选。
On the basis of interest expressed to the Co-Chairs and consultations with interested delegations, the Co-Chairs proposed a set of five new States Parties which were elected at the 11MSP.
它提一组在开 发Web应用程序时经常用到的服务,并通过提供一个模块化的应用程序架构来改善复用能力。
It provides a set of Web applications in the development of frequently used services and by providing a modular application architecture to improve the multiplexing capabilities.
(c) 在市场开发司内设立 1
个高级市场分析师,负责带头生成和进 一步开发国贸中心的市场准入分析工具,其中包括扩大关于服务和非关
[...] 税措施的工作;与其他国际组织密切合作,开发基于网络的工具以及相 关增值服务;带一组分析师,进一步开发对企业和贸易谈判人员均属 [...]
( ) A Senior Market Analyst in the Division of Market Development, responsible for spearheading the generation and further development of ITC’s market access analysis tools, including expanding work on services and non-tariff measures; developing web-based tools as well as related value added
services in close cooperation with other
[...] international organizations; and leading [...]
a team of analysts in further developing
other trade intelligence tools of critical importance to both businesses and trade negotiators.
伯尔尼公约》– 一部关于版权的国际协定,它为《公约》所有成员国 的作者规定了至少应享有一组权利
Assignment – A way of transferring one or more of the author’s economic rights so that the person who buys the right(s) becomes the new owner of the copyright.
一组关于 因环境问题导致人 口实际迁移的研究始于亚太地区和非洲,而编写第一个关于气候变化对移徙影响的出版物是 [...]
A first set of studies on actual displacements [...]
of populations due to environmental issues was started in Asia-Pacific and
Africa, and a first publication on the impact of climate change on migration was prepared to serve as background material for an agenda-setting exercise within the United Nations to draw attention to this theme for future policies.
因此,委员会第十九届会议主席团经与成员国磋商,决定围绕运输、化学品、 废物管理、采矿、可持续消费和生产模式 10 年方案框架一组主题 ,集中讨论 加速执行工作的各种政策选择和可以采取的行动。
Accordingly, the Bureau of the nineteenth session of the Commission, through consultations with member States, decided that the Meeting would focus on the discussions of policy options and possible actions to expedite implementation in the thematic cluster of transport, chemicals, waste management, mining and a 10-year framework of programmes on sustainable consumption and production patterns.
同样,如果您决定更改 格式,可能还会希望一组单位 切换至 一组 , 那 么您可以一次完成这些 操作,而无需轮流编辑每个显示页面。
Similarly, if you decide to change the formatting, and perhaps switch from one set of units to another, you can do this in one place, without having to edit each display page in turn.
[...] 只批准正式供应商进入先前由一些小型供应商提供服务的区域时,政府尤其要确 保运营服务网络的实际上是贫困人民负担得起的 一组 备 选 设施,而且在正式供 应商准备好接手之前,不会让人面临服务供应青黄不接的局面。
In particular when granting exclusivity to formal providers extending into areas that have previously
been served by
[...] small-scale providers, States have to ensure that the network actually constitutes an affordable alternative [...]
for poor people
and that they are not lacking service provision until the formal provider is ready to fill the gap.
[...] 况,无论是否出于“私刑”原因,可能是为了利益,也可能因为他是 一组 织完 善的自卫队或商业企业中的一员。
In some countries, police also carry out killings
while off duty, whether for “vigilante” reasons, for profit, or as
[...] part of a well-organized militia or business [...]
关于在项目完成后提供其他资金处置消耗臭氧层物质,工发组织的代表说, 全环基金是一个可能的合作伙伴,还有法 一组 织 , 但只能在该项目被批准后与之联系。
With regard to further funding for disposal of ODS after project completion, the representative of
UNIDO mentioned that
[...] the GEF was one potential partner, as well as a French organization that could only [...]
be contacted once
this project had been approved.
要写 入一组件, 要再次启动可启动媒体生成器。
To write another component, start Bootable [...]
Media Builder again.
非洲经济委员会(非洲经委会)进行了一项研究,通过分析人口与健康调查情 况调查一组非洲 国家(乍得、喀麦隆、埃及、埃塞俄比亚、加纳,肯尼亚、马 [...]
拉维、摩洛哥、塞内加尔和赞比亚)在获得保健方面的不平等程度,研究结论表 明,由于收入差距、远离医生或保健提供者以及城乡分布,所有被研究的国家均
在获得保健方面存在显著不平等问题(联合国、非洲经济委员会,2008 年)。
The findings of an Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) study that
investigated the extent of inequities in access to
[...] health care in a group of African countries [...]
— Chad, Cameroon, Egypt, Ethiopia,
Ghana, Kenya, Malawi, Morocco, Senegal and Zambia — through analysis of demographic and health surveys show significant inequities in access to health care stemming from income differences, distance to a health-care provider, and rural/urban locations in all countries studied (United Nations, Economic Commission for Africa, 2008).
另外,2006 年 7 月 27 日关于农业和粮食市场管理与运行的第 257-XVI 号 法律,将有助于改进农产品和食品的生产和分配方法,该法规定成立旨在确保产 品关系(将使用同一种产品一组产品的农业生产者、仓储企业、配送商、零售 商结合在一起)的产品委员会,负责供应本国消费的食品和减少食品贸易方面的 赤字。
Also, the Law No. 257-XVI from 27.07.2006 on management and functioning of the agricultural and food markets contributes to the improvement of the methods of production, distribution of agricultural and food products, which regulates the supply for internal consumption and decrease of the trade balance deficit by creating product councils that ensure product affiliation, i.e. the system of functional relations which bind agricultural producers, the depositary, distributors, retailers that trade with the same product or a group of products with the purpose of their usage.
在1972年2月于亚的斯亚贝巴举行的安理会会议期间,非洲 一组 织 (非统组织)请求安全理事会采取行动,执行其涉及纳米比亚、南罗得西亚局势、南非种族隔离问题、葡萄牙统治下殖民地问题的相关决议以及大会关于自决权问题的第1514(XV)号决议。
During Council meetings held in Addis Ababa in February
[...] 1972, the Organization of African [...]
Unity (OAU) requested the Security Council
to take action to implement its relevant resolutions as well as General Assembly resolution 1514 (XV) on the right to self-determination with regards to the situations in Namibia, Southern Rhodesia, the question of the apartheid in South Africa, and the territories under Portuguese administration.
Web 服务的客户机视图是代表客户机执行业务逻 一组 方 法
The client view of a Web service is a set of methods that perform business logic on behalf of the client.
It provides a collaborative team to help your development tools such as forums, mailing lists and so on.
因此,鉴于叙利亚局势升级,受害者数以千计, 对抗日益扩大和各方之间缺乏对话的情况,阿拉伯国 家联盟主动采取行动制止流血,派 一组 观 察 员监测 叙利亚政府执行其承诺的情况,并保护手无寸铁的叙 利亚平民。
Thus, in view of the escalating situation in Syria and the thousands of victims felled, the widening confrontations and the absence of dialogue between the parties, the League of Arab States took the initiative to stop the bloodshed by sending a team of observers to monitor the Syrian Government’s implementation of its commitments and to protect unarmed Syrian civilians.
一国的机关或国际组织的机关或代理人在交由 一 国 际 组 织 支 配之后,其行 为若受一组织的 有效控制,则依国际法应视为 一 国 际 组 织 的 行为。
The conduct of an organ of a State or an organ
or agent of an international organization that is placed at the disposal of
[...] another international organization shall be considered under international law an act of the latter organization if the organization exercises effective [...]
control over that conduct.
为了防止他们,厄里斯发一组警报 器,谁入口和勾引男人乘坐辛巴达的船与他们的迷人诱惑的,柔软的旋律歌唱的声音,但也没有影响码头,飞行员的船舶安全;和后来的ROC,谁抓住码头,但后来杀死了辛巴达。
To prevent
[...] them, Eris sends a group of sirens, who [...]
entrance and seduce the men aboard Sinbad’s ship with their enchantingly
seductive, soft melodic singing voices, but do not affect Marina, who pilots the ship to safety; and later a Roc, who captures Marina, but is later killed by Sinbad.
使一组诸如 关键路径的内置可视化选项,或者自定义外观来实现任务及感兴趣区域的可视化。
Use a set of built-in visualization options like Critical Paths or customize the look to visualize tasks and regions of interest.
Recent work
[...] has shown that a group of dementia disorders [...]
and a muscle disease called amyotrophic lateral sclerosis or ALS
share similar genetic characteristics, including the repeat and expansion of a specific protein sequence.
受害国或受害国际组织以外的国家或国际组织有权在下列情况下按照第 4 款 援引一国际组织的 责任:被违反的义务是向包括援引责任的国家或组织在内一组国家 或国际组织承担的,并且是为保护该组合的集体利益而确立的。
A State or an international organization other than an injured State or international organization is entitled to invoke the responsibility of another international organization in accordance with paragraph 4 if the obligation breached is owed to a group of States or international organizations, including the State or organization that invokes responsibility, and is established for the protection of a collective interest of the group.
[...] 为了更好地描述这些关系中的记录,以及对记录详细分析形成词汇表,发挥为 一组 实 体 提 供信息的作用,借鉴其它与书目关系相关的观点也许会有帮助。
Thus for better mapping of records on these relations and also detailed analysis of records for
identifying vocabularies act as clues in attributing
[...] an entity to a group, other views on [...]
bibliographic relationships might be of help.
此外,行政争议诉讼可以由一个国家机构、自治省和地方自 治单位机构、组织、有行政事务管理权力的公司的一部分、定居点 一组 人 等 等 提出,如果它们是在行政诉讼中需要裁决的权利和义务的持有者,它们就不具备 法人资格。
Moreover, an administrative dispute may be initiated by a State body, a body of an autonomous province
and local
[...] self-government units, an organization, a part of the company having powers in administrative affairs, a settlement, a group of persons, etc., [...]
which do not possess
the capacity of a legal entity, if they may be the holders of rights and obligations decided on in administrative proceedings.
此外,缔约国还进一步了解了心理支持包括同伴支援的重要性和跨领域性质,认 为有必要更加重视一组成部 分,以协助地雷幸存者和遇难者或受伤者家属弥合 地雷爆炸造成的心理创伤,并促进其社会福利。
However, the States Parties have increased their understanding of the importance and cross-cutting nature of psychological support, including peer support, and the need to raise the profile of this component to assist mine survivors and the families of those killed or injured to overcome the psychological trauma of a landmine explosion and promote their social well-being.
借助他的失配机械的朋友 -
[...] [...] 卡比(哈莉·贝瑞),一个美丽的,充满活力和精明的机器人与人罗德尼瞬间击打Bigweld(梅尔·布鲁克斯),主已经失去了他的发明者是谁,以 一组 失 配“机器人作​​为的的Rusties,挡泥板(罗宾·威廉姆斯)和Piper [...]
With the help of his misfit mechanical friends–Cappy (Halle Berry), a beautiful, dynamic and savvy bot with whom Rodney is instantly smitten; Bigweld
(Mel Brooks), a master inventor who has lost
[...] his way; and a group of misfit ‘bots [...]
known as the Rusties, led by Fender (Robin
Williams) and Piper Pinwheeler (Amanda Bynes).
美国是金融行动特别工组一个工 作小组的成员,该工作小组正在进行类型 学研究,以查明资助大规模毁灭性武器扩散持续带来的威胁;分析现有打击资助 大规模毁灭性武器扩散的措施的有效性;并确定在第 1540(2004)号决议等现有安 理会决议框架内,在打击资助大规模毁灭性武器扩散方面,可以考虑采取什么措 施。
The United States is a member of a FATF working group that is conducting a typology exercise to identify the ongoing threat of the financing of WMD proliferation; to analyse the effectiveness of existing measures to counter the threat of the financing of WMD proliferation; and, to identify measures that could be considered in combating WMD proliferation finance within the framework of existing Security Council resolutions, such as resolution 1540 (2004).
她正在勤奋工作,建立一个甄别法庭记录的系统;与档案和记录管 理科及联合法庭档案战略工作组一 道 制 订一项记录保留政策,用于整个法庭的 [...]
记录;开始全面审查法庭内几项不同的记录保存计划表建议;正在牵头开展审查 工作,以确保记录保留计划表保持内部一致。
She is working diligently to establish a system to identify records at the institution; is developing, in conjunction with the Archives and Records Management
Section and the Joint Tribunals Archival
[...] Strategy Working Group, a records retention [...]
policy for records throughout the Tribunal;
has begun a comprehensive review of the several different retention schedule recommendations within the Tribunal; and is leading a review to ensure that the records retention schedule represents an internally consistent system.




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