

单词 一箍节儿的零吃

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External sources (not reviewed)

具有铰链-箍作用的后卡套设计不仅一步增 强了传统卡套设计所具有的坚固性能、而且还提 供了
The hinging-colleting back ferrule design expands on the already robust performance of the traditional ferrule design and provides
注塑成型进气管可热板焊接到聚丙烯谐振器和管道, 一 工 艺 无需 箍 , 从 而减少了所 的零 件 数 和人工。
The injection molded air ducts are heat welded to the polypropylene resonator and pipe.
作为提高音像产品的创造性和知名度 一 个 手 段,教科文组织为来自孟加拉国、不 丹、柬埔寨、伊朗、哈萨克斯坦、蒙古、巴基斯坦、斯里兰卡、泰国和越 的 代 表参 加 儿童 电视节目交 流和由亚洲及太平洋地区广播发展研究所(AIBD)在马来西吉隆坡举办的培训 讲习班(2003 年 7 月)提供了援助。
As a means to improve creativity and visibility of audio-visual productions, UNESCO provided support to representatives
from Bangladesh,
[...] Bhutan, Cambodia, Iran, Kazakhstan, Mongolia, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Thailand and Viet Nam to attend the Children’s Television Programme Exchange and Workshop held by the Asia-Pacific Broadcasting Union (AIBD) in Kuala Lumpur, [...]
Malaysia (July 2003).
在“粮食安全、营养与可持续农业 一节 , 多民族玻利维亚国把“粮食安全一词解释为在吃得好,生活得好”运动范围内实现粮食安全;它确认 2001 年 在古巴哈瓦那举的世界 粮食主权论坛所使用的定义,该定义将粮食安全解释为 “各国人民有权制订自己的粮食可持续生产、分配和消费政策和战略,在中小型 生产的基础上保障所有人口的食物权,尊重他们的文化和农民的多样性,捕鱼和 土著人民进行农业生产、推销和农村地区管理的形式,妇女在其中发挥关键的作 用。
In the section entitled “Food security and nutrition and sustainable agriculture”, the Plurinational State of Bolivia interprets the term “food security” to mean the attainment of food sovereignty in the context of the campaign Eat Well to Live Well; it thereby [...]
reiterates the definition
used by the Global Forum on Food Sovereignty held in Havana, Cuba, in 2001, which interpreted food sovereignty as “peoples’ right to define their own policies and strategies for the sustainable production, distribution and consumption of food that guarantee the right to food of the entire population, on the basis of small and medium-scale production, respecting their own cultures and the diversity of peasant, fishing and indigenous forms of agricultural production, marketing and management of rural areas, in which women play a fundamental role”.
零备件包应包含 — 但不限于 — 必的维修工具以及气相色谱零备 件 (如滤管、垫片、 箍 等 ) 和质 谱仪备件(如灯丝、保险丝等)。
The kit shall include, but not be limited to, the tools needed for repairs and spare parts for the GC (such as liners, septa, ferrules, and so on) and spare parts for the MS (such as, filaments, fuses, and so on).
一挑战的五 个主要目标是:确保所有人全年 100%有粮吃;消除未满 2 岁儿童因 怀孕期间和 生命早期缺乏营养所引起的发育迟缓问题;确保粮食系统具有可持续性;小农生 产力和收入翻一番;减少粮食浪费,其中既包括农民因缺乏适当存储方式导致的 浪费,也包括消费者浪费。
The five main objectives of the challenge are to ensure 100 per cent access to food for all throughout the year; to end stunting among children under 2 years [...]
of age stemming from
a lack of nutrients during pregnancy and in the early days of life; to ensure that food systems are sustainable; to double smallholder productivity and income; and to reduce food waste, both at the farmer level resulting from a lack of suitable storage and among consumers.
单套 IPS 靠贝灵/卡箍连接的方式可能较节省 初投资和空间,但仍有必要通过其他方式确保 膜壳的固定和配管连接有柔性可缓冲余地。
Even though a single IPS grooved coupling arrangement may be the choice for low cost and compactness, it brings with it the necessity to provide the required amount of flexibility in some other way.
以居住在日本的外国人为对象举办制作日本传统活动 一的 "ひなまつり(女儿节)" 时吃的 "ちらし寿司(什锦寿司饭)" 和 "お吸い物(日式汤)" 的料理教室。
Participants will learn how to cook the
chirashi sushi and suimono (Japanese soup)
[...] which are traditional foods that are served during the Hinamatsuri festival.
喝酒期間不吃鹹的零食, 例如薯片和果仁,因為這些東西 會令你更口渴。
Avoid salty snacks such as potato chips [...]
and nuts while drinking alcohol because these make you thirstier.
鍾庭耀博士稱,受訪者進食多餐,特別對在職人士而言,進食宵夜 零 食 的 其 中 一 個 原因可能是因工作時間長及壓力大,需要透過不 吃 零 食 減壓。
According to Dr. Robert Chung, one of the reasons people taking
multiple meals a day is
[...] the long working hours and high pressure, so that many workers are snacking all the time to release pressure from work.
食典委同意在新鲜水果和蔬菜食典标准全文中删除第 1 节—产品定义和 7.2 节—非零售容器关于通知接的脚注 ,以便与其关于在程序手册中取消接受程的 先前决定一致(见第 32-36 段)。
The Commission agreed to delete the footnotes to Sections 1 - Definition of produce and 7.2 - Nonretail containers on the notification of acceptance throughout Codex standards for fresh fruits and vegetables, for consistency with its previous decision to abolish the Acceptance Procedure in the Procedural Manual (see paras. 32-36).
主席,在晚上的時候,我不會像某些人般,喜歡吸煙飲酒,但我有一個 很的習慣,便是喜吃零食,我還 吃一 些 對 健康有不良影響的薯片。
President, I do not smoke or drink in the
[...] evening as some people do, but I have a very bad habit, that is, I enjoy snacking.
政府与非索特派一起必 须尽可能经常地、广 泛地宣传对在武装冲突中使儿童 所执 行 的零 容 忍政策,并确保这项政策在儿童 基金会的帮助下、在多方委员会的监督下得到严格遵守。
The Government,
[...] together with AMISOM, must publicize its policy of zero tolerance on the use of children in armed conflict as often and as widely [...]
as possible, and
ensure its strict observance with the support of UNICEF, under the oversight of a multipartite commission.
该组织要求 说明为什么拒 绝接受 报告第 37(c)段的建议,并提到了“当一 日 节 目 ” 和 儿 童 权 利委员会要 求 制止儿童参与 军 事 训 练 活 动的建议。
It requested clarification on the rejection of the recommendation in paragraph 37 (c) of the
report, referring to
[...] the soldiers for a day program and to CRC recommendations calling for an end to the children’s [...]
participation in military training activities.
(e) 在大会第六十四届会议题为“促进和保护儿童权利”的项目下继续审议 这一问题,重点讨论关于儿童权的 决 议第 三 节 : “ 儿 童 有权对影响到本 的一 切事项自由表达自己的意见”。
(e) To continue its consideration of the question at its sixty-fourth session under the item entitled “Promotion and protection of
the rights of
[...] children”, focusing section III of the resolution on the rights of the child on “The right of the child to express [...]
his or her views freely
in all matters affecting him or her”.
到了 2017 年,所謂的特首普選也只是一個假選舉,因為必然 會一個極為嚴的“箍選”機制,令香港市民選擇投票等於不投票。
The so-called Chief Executive Election in 2017 will just be a bogus election because there will certainly be a very stringent "screening" mechanism that renders the choices and votes of Hong Kong entirely meaningless.
没错,在历史上希腊一些方 面跟当地的经济有很多共同之处,即失败——近期的欧洲杯上他 的 表 现 让我们有 儿吃 惊 , 我没什么可 的 但 我 认为这有利于让我们团结 一 起 , 我想这样我们更能取得进展。
OK historically some of the Greek sides have had much in common with the local economy ie, failing – but we surprised a few in the recent Euro’s and I can’t help but think it will stand us in better stead going into a group I think we’re more than capable of progressing from.
后 卡套的几何形状有助于产生先的工 程 铰链 - 夹 箍 作 用 、这 种作用可把轴向运动转化为卡套管上的径向挤压作用、操作 [...]
The back ferrule geometry allows for an improved engineering [...]
hinging-colleting™ action that translates axial motion into
radial swaging action on the tube, yet operates with a low assembly torque requirement.
但是我们对行政部门突然匆匆忙忙向执行局通报该系统初步试 的 情 况 感到有 儿吃 惊, 因为行政部门尚未与我们的代表讨论该系统的教益,而该部门还迟迟不向我们提供数月 以来即将进行“分析”的这些数据。
We are somewhat surprised, however, by the Administration’s seemingly sudden haste to inform the Executive Board about the initial trial of the system, when it has not yet discussed the lessons learnt with our representatives and has delayed in providing us with data that have been “ under analysis” for months.
近年,即使是特首辦向建制派進的 “ 箍 票 ” 活動,也 一 部 分 被 中聯辦所取代,例如在2010年討論政改方案時,中聯辦官員已把半邊 [...]
In recent years, the LOCPG has sometimes stepped in
and taken the place of the
[...] Chief Executive's Office in securing votes of the establishment [...]
camp. For example, when we discussed
the political reform package in 2010, officials of the LOCPG were somewhat on the front line.
我得告诉你们,中国人民知道我乘坐经济舱,或我来到这里之前,我在星巴克买咖啡和为我 儿 买 零 食 , 或我们拿着我们自 的 行 李 ,以及像这 的 事 情 ,这让我们惊呆了 吃 惊 、 震惊。
Or that before we came here I was at a Starbucks buying coffee and buying snacks for my daughter.
主席,自1997年回歸後的十數年以來,政治“金 箍 ” 的 操 控 一直 不 斷收窄:臨立會、人大釋法、重新引入區議會委任制度、第二十三 條嘗試立法、強行通過截聽條例、選擇性檢控所謂的非法廣播、曾德 成局長干預志願機構,使一名社工被解聘、警方沒收民主女神像,打 [...]
壓言論自由,以及在最近一連串遊行活動中,警方的操控越來越嚴苛 等。
President, for more than 10 years since the
reunification in 1997, the
[...] political "golden hoop" has been tightened constantly: the Provisional Legislative Council; the interpretation of the Basic [...]
Law by the National People's
Congress; the re-introduction of the District Council appointment system; the proposed enactment of legislation to implement Article 23 of the Basic Law; forcing through the Interception Bill; selective prosecution of the so-called illegal broadcasting; Secretary TSANG Tak-sing's intervention in voluntary agencies, resulting in the dismissal of a social worker; confiscation of the Goddess of Democracy statutes by the police; clamping down on the freedom of expression; as well as stricter police control in recent processions.
中国农历新年是人们回老家,与家人团聚,与亲朋好友聚 一 起 吃节 日 大 餐 的 日 子
The Chinese Lunar New Year is a time
for people to return to their laojia, reunite with family, and
[...] gather around a holiday meal with loved ones and friends.
常设论坛欢迎负责暴力侵害儿童问题秘书长特别代表表示有意参加机构间 支助组,呼吁特别代表与论坛成员密切合作,编写特别代表提交大会和人权理事 会的年度报告中关于土儿童状况 的一节。
The Permanent Forum also welcomes the interest of the Special Representative of the Secretary-General on Violence against Children in joining the Inter-Agency Support Group and calls upon the Special Representative to work closely with the members of the Forum in preparing a
section on the
[...] situation of indigenous children in the Special Representative’s annual reports to the General Assembly and the Human Rights [...]
其實,說到底仍是“適齡人口18%可以入讀大學 的 金 剛 箍 , 李慧 琼議員剛才提到14 500個資助學額,這亦是一個金剛箍 , 這 些金箍 限制了我的大學教育。
Actually, the restrictive cap of "18% of the relevant age cohort may enrol in publicly-funded undergraduate programmes" is still there, and "14 500 first-year undergraduate places" as just mentioned by Ms Starry LEE is another restrictive cap.
我又發覺,當議 員似乎沒有甚麼滿足感,踢足球贏了政府卻有滿足感,於是,我在最 一段 中 說,“我覺得政府在很多問題上真的要放權,因為加在我們頭 的 ‘ 金剛 箍’實 在太緊了”,以致我們做不到甚麼。
I also found that it seemed there was little satisfaction in being a Member but it was gratifying to have defeated the government team in a football match, so I said in the last paragraph that on many issues, the Government really had to devolve its powers because the fetters binding us were really too tight, so much so that we could achieve little.
但是,香港政府礙於“大政府、小巿場 的 “ 緊 箍 咒 ” ,礙 於既得利益者的反對,不肯為這些“家庭友善”政策進行立法,以及制訂適 切的措施。
Restrained by the principle of "big market, small government" and owing to the opposition from people with vested interests, the Government is reluctant to enact legislation on family-friendly policies and formulate timely and appropriate measures.
此类基金会为支持儿童联合开展的活动主要包括:成立儿童艺术与体育免费 中心,在普通学校教育制度中引入“国家包容性教育模式”以帮助残疾儿童适应 社会环境,为需要社会支持的多子家庭和抚养残疾儿童的家庭提供物质援助,为 发现、鼓励(奖励)和进一步支持天才儿童举行全国范 的 竞 赛 和 节 日, 如“一代”儿童艺 术节、“甜蜜宝贝”儿童时尚节、“宝贝”儿童艺术体操国际锦标赛、 “现代舞和柔软体操”国际竞赛、“雪花”体操锦标赛等。
Central to their joint activity to support children are the establishment of free arts and sports facilities for children; the introduction into the general education system of a national inclusive education model to mainstream disabled children; the
provision of material
[...] assistance to children from large families, families lacking social support and families with disabled children; and the organization of national competitions and festivals to identify, [...]
encourage (through grants)
and then support gifted children.
然而,令委员会关注的是,该国立法似乎并未将 为以下目的的买卖儿童行为定为刑事犯罪,包括非法收养、强迫劳动、以及通过 移植器官谋取利益,这被定为是节 严 重 的 贩 运 儿 童 行 为,但并未被作为单的 一项罪行来加以惩处。
However, the Committee is concerned that the legislation does not seem to criminalize the sale of children for the purpose of illegal adoption, the sale of children for the engagement of the child in
forced labour and
[...] the sale for the transfer of organs of the child for profit, which is punished as an aggravated [...]
form of trafficking,
but not as a separate offence.
在扶轮会议的开幕式、歌剧的首届 儿 童 电 影 节 开 幕 式以及英国大使馆的招待会上,Dina 还在一夫人 Suzanne Mubarak 阁下面前表演了钢琴独奏。
Dina also played a recital on the piano in front of Her Excellency the First Lady, Mrs. Suzanne Mubarak, during the opening of the Rotary Conference, and during the opening of the first Festival for Children’s Cinema at the opera house, and during a reception at the British embassy.




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