单词 | 一筹莫展 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 一筹莫展 —be unable to find a solutionless common: be at wits' end
我们深感关切的是,解决中东危机的努 力 一筹莫 展。 daccess-ods.un.org | We are deeply concerned by the standstill in crisis resolution in the Middle East. daccess-ods.un.org |
尽管迄今为止所采用方法取得了进展,但我们在 按专题汇编各方所表达的各种立场时,有可能 会 一筹 莫展。 daccess-ods.un.org | In spite of the progress made with the methodology used up to now, we run the risk of becoming mired in the thematic compilation of the various positions expressed. daccess-ods.un.org |
看到钱财和能源通过您的真空泵源源不断地流失 而 一筹莫展 吗? delaval.cn | Tired of watching money and energy drain out through your vacuum system? delaval.com.au |
此处每个人都知道,在中东局势和巴勒斯坦 事业方面,谈判一筹莫展,加 沙地带的人道主义局 势也日益恶化。 daccess-ods.un.org | Germany has been following with [...] concern recent decisions on [...] settlement expansion and Government subsidies for developing settlements, [...]as well as the discussion [...]of the status of certain settlement outposts. daccess-ods.un.org |
总部委员会在许多重要而有时又很敏感的问题上向总干事提出具体和明确的建议,如 在解决多年以来反复审议却一筹莫展 的 拖 欠办公用房租金问题、修订办公用房、会议用房和 展览场地租金标准问题等方面提出的建议,与秘书处合作,为更好地保护本组织的固定资 产、更严谨和更有效地管理总部大楼并改进总部使用条件开辟新的前景作出了自己微薄贡 献,委员会为此感到欣慰。 unesdoc.unesco.org | By submitting precise and decisive recommendations to the Director-General on a number of sometimes sensitive subjects, such as the recurring problem of rental arrears which was repeatedly examined for many years without results and the revision of the rental scales for offices, conference rooms and exhibition areas to name a few examples, the Headquarters Committee is delighted to have made a modest contribution, in cooperation with the Secretariat, to opening up new perspectives with regard to safeguarding the Organization’s immovable heritage, achieving more rigorous and efficient management of the Headquarters buildings and improving the working conditions of those using Headquarters. unesdoc.unesco.org |
我们中许多人会承认,安理会卓有成效,如在处 [...] 理非洲问题和冲突方面;但面对一系列相互排斥的利 益时却一筹莫展,这 样的相互排斥的利益使阿以冲突 成为安理会议程上长期得不到解决的问题。 daccess-ods.un.org | Many of us would recognize that the Council has shown great effectiveness regarding, for example, [...] African issues and conflicts, but it has [...] remained paralyzed by an array of mutually [...]exclusive interests that have made the Arab-Israeli [...]conflict a permanent, unsolved issue on its agenda. daccess-ods.un.org |
另一方面,特派团保护危在旦夕 的平民,但在帮助解决冲突根源或完成建设和平任务 方面却一筹莫展,也 不会带来持久和平。 daccess-ods.un.org | On the other hand, a mission that protects civilians under imminent threat but makes no progress in helping address the underlying causes of the conflict or in peacebuilding tasks will not lead to a sustainable peace. daccess-ods.un.org |
在日常办公的慌忙之间,我们通常都会一不小心而错误的删除一些所需或重要的文件文档,现在我们再也无需对 此 一筹莫展 了 , 只需拥有这款名为Recuva的应用程序就可以恢复那些被误删的文件了。 recuva.cn.uptodown.com | If you have erased some files and you realize that you need them, take it easy, now and thanks to Recuva you'll be able to recover them. recuva.en.uptodown.com |
在此之前,作为一名营销人员,有些基本信息诸如用户的性别、地理位置、年龄、婚姻状况以及购买力,等等。听起来似乎很简单,但设想一下大规模的人群,比如我国有10,000,000消费者,是否觉得更仆难数 而 一筹莫展? infomorrow.com | But before that there are the fundamental simple things that you as a marketer absolutely have to obtain, things such gender, location, age, marriage status and purchasing power, etc. Things that sounded simple yet treacherously difficult to obtain on the mass level, say 10,000,000 consumers in China? infomorrow.com |
一般来说,辩护律师及其各小组会开 展筹 备 工 作,进行事实调查,并采取 一切必要步骤保护被告人权利。 daccess-ods.un.org | Generally speaking, the defence counsel and their teams will undertake preparatory work, conduct factual investigations and [...] take all necessary [...]steps to protect the rights of the individual accused. daccess-ods.un.org |
开发署 比较早表示了在莫桑比克开展这一项 目 的兴趣。 daccess-ods.un.org | An early interest from UNDP was received to implement the project in Mozambique. daccess-ods.un.org |
序言部分第七段的最后一部分,即“ 发 展筹资 问题多哈宣言”应该改为:“忆及审查多哈共识执 行情况的发展筹资问题后续国际会议”。 daccess-ods.un.org | In the seventh preambular paragraph, the phrase “the Doha [...] Declaration on Financing for Development” should be replaced [...]with the phrase “recalling the [...]Follow-up International Conference on Financing for Development to Review the Implementation of the Monterrey Consensus, held in Doha”. daccess-ods.un.org |
一个会员国指出,未来几个月可能要对战略目标重点 做进一步调整,其中将考虑到联合国大会审查《千年 发 展 目 标》 的 筹 备 工作以及总干事对全 民教育计划进行的战略审查的结果。 unesdoc.unesco.org | One Member State pointed out that further shifts in emphasis may be required in the coming months, particularly in the light of preparatory work for the MDG review by the United Nations General Assembly and the results of the EFA Strategic Review undertaken by the Director-General. unesdoc.unesco.org |
在下游层面,教科文组织在五个“统 一 行 动 ”试点国家 开 展 了 研 究, 即 莫 桑 比克、巴基斯 坦、卢旺达、坦桑尼亚和乌拉圭,探索在联合国发展援助框架(UNDAF)内列出传播促进 [...] 发展的办法和做法的可能性,并且向联合国国家工作队提供建议。 unesdoc.unesco.org | At downstream level, UNESCO conducted five [...] studies in “Delivering as One” pilot countries, namely in Mozambique, Pakistan, [...]Rwanda, the United [...]Republic of Tanzania and Uruguay, to explore the possibilities of integrating communication for development approaches and practice within the context of the United Nations Development Assistance Framework (UNDAF) and provided recommendations to the United Nations Country Teams. unesdoc.unesco.org |
第二,俄罗斯联邦特别是莫 斯科市拥有一些开拓性的理论家和学者,其中最著名的是 Lev Vygotsky 和 Boris Nikitin,他们创建并引领全世界幼儿保育和教育理论及创新方法的 发 展。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Second, the Russian Federation, and [...] particularly the City of Moscow, hosts some of the ground-breaking theorists and scholars, such as most notably Lev Vygotsky and Boris Nikitin, who have shaped and guided the development of ECCE theory and innovative [...]approaches worldwide. unesdoc.unesco.org |
如果 政 府對就 業仍是一籌 莫展, 也 許 這兩幅 圖 畫 真 的 可以聯 繫 起 來 ,明天是我們 城 市美麗的一面, 但今天 我 們 卻仍過 困 苦 的生活 。 legco.gov.hk | If the Government is still unable to do anything in employment, even the two pictures can be linked and we shall have a beautiful city tomorrow, we remain in our difficult straits today. legco.gov.hk |
在这方面,值得忆及 《蒙特雷共识》 承认旨在满足发展筹资需 求和培育富有成效的投资的资本市场 的有序发展需要“一个健 全的金融中介体系、透明的监管框架和有效的监督机 制”(第 17 段)。 daccess-ods.un.org | In this regard, it is worth recalling that the [...] Monterrey Consensus [...] recognizes that the orderly development of capital markets aimed at addressing development financing needs and nurturing productive [...]investments [...]requires “a sound system of financial intermediation, transparent regulatory frameworks and effective supervisory mechanisms” (para. 17). daccess-ods.un.org |
莫扎特一生中最後的傑作--《安魂曲 》 展 示 了 莫 扎 特 面對死亡之際,對心靈安慰和生存意義深邃的尋求。 hkphil.org | The concert features Mozart’s Requiem, the composer’s final and valedictory [...] masterpiece and his profound search for meaning [...]and solace in the face of mortality. hkphil.org |
本次危机除了暴露了主要宏观经济框架的各种限制外,还提供了若干重要的 经验教训:(a) 必须制订连贯一致的反周期政策;(b) [...] 必须具备财政空间,以便 在需要时扩大财政赤字;(c) [...] 由于政治决策和实施相机抉择的财政措施需要时 间,因此必须加强和改善保持财政稳定的自动机制,如资金转移,在宏观经济变 量超过阈值时自行启动;(d) 必须开展社会对话,以确定发展和宏观经济方面的 优先目标,确保基础广泛的包容性增长和 发 展 ; (e) 各国还必须进行政策协调, 统筹一致地应对金融危机和经济衰退。 daccess-ods.un.org | In addition to exposing the limitations of the dominant macroeconomic framework, the crisis offers a number of key lessons: (a) the importance of consistent countercyclical policies; (b) the necessity of having the fiscal space to run larger fiscal deficits when needed; (c) the need to increase and improve automatic fiscal stabilizers, such as transfers, which are triggered by a macroeconomic variable crossing a threshold level, because of the time required for political decision-making and the implementation of discretionary fiscal measures; (d) the importance of social dialogue for identifying developmental and macroeconomic priorities and for [...] ensuring broad-based, [...] inclusive growth and development; and (e) the importance of policy coordination and consistency among countries to combat financial crises and economic [...]downturns. daccess-ods.un.org |
专家们谈到《援助有效性巴黎宣言》,在提供用于森林的官方 发 展 援 助 时, 尚未充分执行其统筹和协调的原则,尽管国家森林方案和相关的财务战略是 统筹 一致的有益例证。 daccess-ods.un.org | Experts, referring to the Paris Declaration on Aid Effectiveness, noted that its principles of harmonization and coordination had yet to be [...] fully implemented in the [...] provision of ODA to forests, although national forest programmes and associated financial strategies were a positive example of harmonization and alignment. daccess-ods.un.org |
本课程一定有助于将阿布鲁佐地区确定为意大 利和欧洲联盟经济发展合作倡议的中心;经合发协会举办 了 一 次 研 讨会,题为 “发展筹资和 削弱发展中国家债务的战略”。 daccess-ods.un.org | This course should help establish the Abruzzo region as a centre for initiatives on cooperation in economic development between Italy and the European Union; ICEPS [...] organized a workshop [...] entitled “Finance for Development and Strategies of Reduction of the Debt of Developing Countries”. daccess-ods.un.org |
自 2010 年 7 月以来,政府、粮食 署和巴西合作署在莫桑比克支助一项 以 当地物产为学校膳食的可持续战略,帮助 将这一战略纳入政府机构框架,并开 展 学 校 膳食模式试验项目。 daccess-ods.un.org | In Mozambique, since July 2010, the Government, WFP and the Brazilian Cooperation Agency are supporting a sustainable strategy for home-grown school meals, integration [...] of this strategy into government [...]institutional frameworks, and pilot projects for testing school meal modalities. daccess-ods.un.org |
亚洲及太平洋发展 筹资机构协会成员之一的菲 律宾发展银行 (DBP) 是 亚洲绿色银行业务的领先者,它在 1997 年就开始 [...] 执行一项环保管理体系。 banktrack.org | The Development Bank of the Philippines (DBP), an ADFIAP member, [...] is an early leader in green banking in Asia, having started [...]implementing an environmental management system in 1997. banktrack.org |
投资促进发展最佳做法系列为各国提供投资政策制订 的现成指导,贸发会议在“冲突后国家如何吸引和利用外国直接投资 ” 一 书 中分 析了莫桑比克的经验。 daccess-ods.un.org | In the context of the series on [...] best practices in investment for development, which provide countries with an “off-the-shelfguide” to investment policy making UNCTAD analyzed the experience of Mozambique in “How Post-Conflict Countries [...]can [...]Attract and Benefit from FDI”. daccess-ods.un.org |
1996年,事务所受邀与科尔诺娱乐中心(贝 加 莫 省 ) 一 起 参 加威尼斯第六届国际建 筑 展 的 意 大利部分;2002年,事务所受邀参加国际石材建 筑 展 , 同时与House in Leffe一起参加了在日本东京举行的题为“从未来主义到可能的未来”的意大利建筑展;2008年,Nembro图书馆的设计被选用于伦敦设计博物馆中展览,2010年,在第七届威尼斯国际建筑展的背景下,事务所参加了“AILATI未来的思考”展。 archea.it | In 1996 it was invited to participate in the Italian section of the VI International Architecture Exhibition of Venice with the Amusement Centre of Curno (BG); in 2002 it was invited to participate in the International Stone Architecture Exhibition and in the exhibition of Italian architecture in Tokyo titled “From futurism to a possible future” with the House in Leffe; in 2008 the design of the Nembro Library was selected for the exhibition of the Design Museum of London, and in 2010 it participated in the show “AILATI Riflessi dal futuro” within the context of the XII International Architecture Exhibition of the Venice Biennial. archea.it |
确保在经济重建中重视性别观点,以 便从性别观点分析经济决策和经济规划 以及提高妇女参与经济决策;按照发 展筹 资 问 题国际会议(2002 年),将性 别观点纳入对国家预算进程的一切支 助中。 un.org | Ensure that attention to gender perspectives in economic reconstruction entails analysis of economic [...] policy-making [...] and planning from a gender perspective, as well as the increased participation of women in economic decisionmaking; and [...]incorporate [...]gender perspectives into all support for national budget processes, in line with the outcome of the International Conference on Financing for Development (2002). un.org |
缔约国在意见中指出,开展筹备工 作时 , 一 些 缔 约国对第十四条第6 款目标 的解释是:对被判有罪而实际无辜的人应给予赔偿,此外,为适用第十四条第 [...] 6 款,必须满足证明事实上无罪这一要求。 daccess-ods.un.org | In its observations, the State notes [...] that according to the preparatory work, some States interpret [...]the objective of article 14, [...]paragraph 6, to be the compensation of people who are innocent of the crimes for which they have been convicted and that proof of factual innocence is a requirement that must be met for article 14, paragraph 6, to be applicable. daccess-ods.un.org |
亚洲及太平洋发展筹资机构协会一直 为 其成员 机构和其他机构提供关于环境检测系统和绿色信贷 的实践研讨会,已在北京、马尼拉、河内、吉隆 坡、孟买和科伦坡举办过区域性或全国性的专题 研讨会,超过 200 名开发银行和其他金融机构的高 级行政人员和中层管理人员对其环保管理措施和其 他与信贷有关的环境问题有了更深的认识。 banktrack.org | Through regional and national seminarworkshops conducted in Beijing, Manila, Hanoi, Kuala Lumpur, Mumbai and Colombo, over 200 senior executives and middle managers of development banks and other participating financial institutions have gained deeper insight into their environmental management practices and other environmental issues of their lending operations. banktrack.org |