

单词 一笔抹杀

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为了使调解努力带来持久和平,绝不 抹杀 负 责 执行和平协定者与必须支持一责任履行者之间的区别。
In order that mediation efforts bring lasting peace, it is important not to blur the distinction between those who have the
responsibility to implement a peace
[...] agreement and those who have to be supportive in the discharge of that responsibility.
在线培训课程需一 笔初始 启动费,但没有持续的人均费用。
Online training courses entailed an initial start-up cost but had no ongoing cost per head.
一故事 的后果是剥夺了人的尊严抹杀了相互之间的差异, 并嘲笑大家的相似之处。
The consequence of the single story is that it robs a people of their dignity, robs them of their differences and ridicules their similarities.
塞尔维亚指控,这些行为是从塞尔维亚 和梅托希抹杀基督教文化特性一 种 方 式。
Serbia alleges that those acts were a way to blot out Christian cultural identity from Kosovo and Metohija.
咨询委员会在其关于基本建设总计划的报告中,曾对请求追加资源 来支付连带费用的方式感到关切,特别是注意到报告中列出 一 些 需 求并 不直接涉及到基本建设总计划,而是涉及到持续进行中的基建改造,因此 虽然不抹杀这些 请求本身的相对合理性,但不能将这些资源视为连带费 用(A/63/736,第 34 段)。
In its report on the capital master plan, the Advisory Committee expressed its concern about the way in which the request for additional resources to meet the associated costs has been presented, noting in particular, that a number of the requirements listed in the report did not relate directly to the capital master plan but rather to ongoing capital improvements, which, without prejudice to the relative merits of the requests themselves, should not be considered as associated costs (A/63/736, para. 34).
笔会还对“亵渎”法的存在表 示关注,依据这类法律一些作 家和出版人被起诉、监禁和判处死刑,国 笔会 指 出,它将继续要求释放根据此类法律监禁的人。
International Pen was also concerned about the existence of “blasphemy” laws, under which a number of writers and publishers had been charged and imprisoned and sentenced [...]
to death, and
indicated that it would continue to call for the release of those imprisoned under such legislation.
这是一次蓄意否定抹杀犹太人 3 000 多年的历史的企图。
It was yet another deliberate attempt to deny and erase more than 3,000 years of Jewish history.
显示,有一个冻结来中,皇后号角告诉大家节省仙尘树的冻结 杀 了 树,永远停止流动 一抹 灰 尘
Showing that there’s a freeze coming, Queen Clarion
tells everyone to save the Pixie
[...] Dust Tree for the freeze will kill the tree, eternally stopping [...]
the flow of pixie dust.
一悲剧也是以色列建立定居点政策 及其当前将耶路撒冷犹太化抹杀其 伊 斯兰特性的 企图造成的,穆罕默德六世国王陛下曾经呼吁结束一政策
That tragedy has also been subject to Israel’s policy of establishing settlements and its ongoing attempts to Judaize Jerusalem and eradicate its Islamic character, to which His Majesty King Mohammed VI has called for an end.
东耶路撒冷是以色列当局定居政策的主要目标,一 政策旨在抹杀东耶路撒冷的特点,改变其人口、宗教 和文化组成。
East Jerusalem is the main target of the Israeli authorities’ settlement policy of obliterating its features and altering its demographic, religious and cultural composition.
一种形 式的歧视而言,证人提及以色列当局的政策是 正式路牌上不标示巴勒斯坦居民区,从而暗中拒绝承认 抹杀 他 们 的存在。
In the first instance, witnesses referred to the Israeli authorities’ policy of not identifying Palestinian neighbourhoods on official street signs, thereby implicitly denying or erasing knowledge of [...]
their existence.
它被当 作战争武器,旨抹杀人性和引起冲突局势中平民的 恐惧。
It is being used as a weapon of war, aimed at dehumanizing and instilling fear in civilians in situations of armed conflict.
由于分类方法的不同一味抹杀不同 类型信托基金之间的区别将 给会计工作造成困难,书面答复中的数据不具备充分可比性,不能用来评估和比 较各类信托基金的比例。
Due to the different classifications and the accounting difficulties associated with blurring lines between the various types of trust funds, the data in the written responses were not fully comparable and did not enable assessing and comparing the proportions between the different kinds of trust funds.
关于可否为今后进行的多国磋商提供资金的问题,与会者认为,这本应是正常预算一笔开销 ,应在每个多国办事处的间接费用中作出具体规定。
With regard to the possible funding of future cluster consultations, participants felt that this should be a charge against the regular budget and that specific provisions should be included among the indirect costs for each cluster office.
对于最不发达国家而言,大量的青年人口 一笔 重 要的财富,他们应 有机会充分参与经济、社会和政治生活。
Large youth
[...] populations are an asset for least [...]
developed countries, and should have the opportunity to participate fully
in economic, social and political life.
经常预算项下的企业资源规 划所需资源在拟议方案预算第 28A 款(主管管理事务副秘书长办公室)方 案支助部分赠款和捐款项下一笔一 次 性经费的形式列示。
Under the regular budget, the resources for ERP are reflected in the form of a lumpsum provision under grants and contributions in the programme support component under section 28A (Office of the Under-Secretary-General for Management) of the proposed programme budget.
其 中最一笔资金 将用于加强非洲缔约国的能力建设。不过,该项工作还将推广至 各个地区,并为受益国制定为期多年的干预规划,以便为构建保护非物质文化遗 产的理念和方法打下坚实基础。
The largest share will go to strengthening capacities in African States, but activities will extend to every region, with carefully planned multi-year interventions in beneficiary States so that a solid foundation related to the concepts and methodologies of safeguarding ICH can be constructed.
权利因为歧视遭到了侵犯的人, 也可以要求支一笔金额合理的钱,以补偿给他们造成的非专门损害。
Persons whose rights have been violated by discriminating may also request payment of a reasonable amount of money as compensation for nonproprietary damage caused to them.
但由于在大多数发展中国家的绝大多 数专利申请人来自国外,因此可以采用分阶层收费制度获 一笔 不 小 的收入。
But because the overwhelming majority of patent applications in most developing countries are from abroad, a comparable income may be generated with a tiered system.
抹杀以色 列的合法性并使以色列看起来更像一个不 仁不义的愚蠢国家的最有效做法莫过 于封锁加沙”。
t]here is nearly nothing which more effectively delegitimizes Israel — and makes Israel look more like an uncaring blockhead state — than does the siege of Gaza”.
我们今天在这里是要突出不为人知的故 事——3 000
万个不为人知的故事所构成的“活遗产”; 受到非人对待的非洲人及其后裔的故事;他们中途所经 历的恐怖的记忆;他们遭受压制、很少能够甚至无法得
[...] 到表达的文化和图腾;他们在历经磨难之时从中寻求安 慰和支撑的信仰;以及他们被彻 抹杀 的 历 史和特性。
We are here today to focus on the untold stories — the living legacy of 30 million untold stories; the stories of the Africans and their descendants who were treated as less than human; the memories brought with them through the terror of the middle passage; their culture and totems suppressed and given little or no room for expression; their beliefs, to which they
turned for solace and sustenance during a harrowing ordeal; and their history and their
[...] very identity, systematically erased.
抹 杀他人 的人性,仇恨言论可在冲突时成 一 个 煽动人们对特定个人或群体采取杀 戮等暴力行为的有效工具。
Relying on
[...] the dehumanization of the other, hate speech may become an effective tool in times [...]
of conflict to incite people
to commit acts of violence, including killings, against specific individuals or groups of individuals.
(h)由三个多国方案(东加勒比、太平洋岛屿和巴勒斯坦儿童和妇女地区方案) 涵盖的国家将继续获一笔综合 总付款项,足以用于开展切实可行的有效方案; (i) 此外,应预留方案年度经常资源的 7%,供执行局灵活分配,支持国家方 案,特别是:鼓励在儿基会一个或多个工作领域和优先事项中取得优异业绩;灵 活应对正在出现的机会;避免突然改变对各个国家的经常资源分配水平。
(i) In addition, 7 per cent of the annual regular resources for programmes should be set aside for flexible allocation by the Executive Director in support of country programmes to, inter alia, encourage excellence in the quality of performance in one or more of the areas of work and priorities of UNICEF; provide flexibility to respond to emerging opportunities; and avoid sudden changes in the level of regular resources allocation to individual countries.
但是,这 不应抹杀联合 国现在和今后在这么多领域中发挥 的独特和不可替代的作用。
This should
[...] not, however, efface the unique and irreplaceable role the United Nations [...]
plays and will continue to play in so many domains.
北方和南方讲英语和讲法语的国家有必要在专门讨论两性平等问题的交流 与合作空间,例如经合组织发展援助委员会两性平等网络,或者通过专家网络, 就两性平等问题进行交流,这一笔 真 正 的财富。
Exchanges on gender between anglophone and francophone countries of the North and South, particularly in gender-specific exchange and cooperation venues such as the Network on Gender Equality (GENDERNET) of the Development Assistance Committee (DAC) within the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) and through networks of experts, are necessary and represent a rich resource.
其语法形式为:PMT(rate,nper,pv,fv,type) 其中,rate为各期利率,是一固定值,nper为总投资(或贷款)期,即该项投资(或贷款)的付款期总数,pv为现值,或一系列未来付款当前值的累积和,也称为本金,fv为未来值,或在最后一次付款后希望得到的现金余额,如果省略fv,则假设其值为零(例如 一笔 贷 款 的未来值即为零),type为0或1,用以指定各期的付款时间是在期初还是期末。
The form of its syntax: PMT (rate, nper, pv, fv, type) which, rate for the period of interest rate is a fixed value, nper for a total investment (or loan), that the investment (or loan) the payment of the total period shall, pv is the present value, or a series of future payments and the current cumulative value, also known as the principal, fv values for the future, or the last payment in the hope that the cash balance, if omitted fv, the the assumption that its value is zero (for example, a loan that is the future value of zero), type is 0 or 1, for the designated time period for payment in the beginning or end.
最后未达成交易是因为 Mat Aviation 公司(设在法国)拒绝继续进行 交易;然而专家组有文件证明,乌阿兹-CI 公司于 2008 年 11 月 27 日向 Atlantis 公司(设在突尼斯,由拉丰和蒙托亚所有)划拨 一笔 占 总额 50%的定金,即 180 000 欧元给 Mat Aviation 公司。
The transaction was never finalized, as the company Mat Aviation (based in France) refused to proceed with the sale; nevertheless the Group documented a transfer of EUR 180,000 from UAZ-CI as a deposit of 50 per cent of the total amount, dated 27 November 2008, to the company Atlantis (based in Tunisia and owned by Mr. Lafont and Mr. Montoya) for Mat Aviation.
加沙平民岌岌可危的状况沉痛地提醒人们,由于 以色列的非法占领、非法的定居政策、不人道的封锁 及抹杀巴勒 斯坦身份和惩罚巴勒斯坦平民的努力, 整个被占巴勒斯坦领土上的巴勒斯坦人民都在受苦 受难。
The catastrophic situation of civilians in Gaza is a painful reminder of what the Palestinian people are suffering every day throughout the occupied Palestinian territories as a result of Israel’s illegitimate occupation, its illegal settlement policies, its inhuman siege and its efforts to annihilate the Palestinian identity and punish Palestinian civilians.




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