

单词 一着不慎,满盘皆输

External sources (not reviewed)

一潜在的威胁笼着在职人员的心头,除此之外,工作人员现在还具 有不安全感不满情绪
The latent threat
[...] looming over the staff in post feeds the sense of insecurity and dissatisfaction that today characterizes the members of staff.
3) 在有效期內的任一年內 ,根據所有在任何時間存在並具 有效力的租約而應付的年租總皆不 得 超 逾每年上限總 額,獲九龍倉同意者則除外。
(3) the annual aggregate amount of
[...] the rents for any one year during the Term payable under all of the Tenancy Agreements subsisting at any time must not, unless otherwise [...]
agreed to by Wharf,
exceed the Aggregate Annual Cap Amount.
盘输 入一个新 的磁盘阵列名称,并按下ENTER确认。
Use the keyboard to input a new Array [...]
Name, and press the Enter key.
Simon 说:“IGEL 瘦客户机提供了 PS2 鼠标和盘端口,这意着我们不需 要 将所有这些配件连同 瘦客户机硬一起更新。
The IGEL thin clients
[...] were one of the few to have PS2 mouse and keyboard ports, which meant we did not have to replace all these accessories [...]
along with the thin client hardware,” said Simon.
20)、支持报警联动功能,支持视频丢失报警、视频移动侦测报警、视频遮挡报警、视频信号异常报警 输 入/ 输出视频制不匹配 报警、非法访问报警、网络断开报警、IP冲突报警、硬盘错误报警及 盘满 报 警  等。
20) Support the linkage function of the computer, support for video loss alarm, video motion detection alarm, video
tampering, video abnormal
[...] signal alarm ,input / output video format unmatched alarm, and illegal access alarm, disconnected from the network alarm, IP conflict alarm, hard disk error alarm and hard disk full alarm.
如果你想保一部分 磁盘空间做其他磁盘阵列或者是做其他用处,使用 盘输 入 你 想为这个 阵列设置的磁盘容量(单位:GB),并按下ENTER键。
If you wish to reserve disk space for additional arrays/single disks, use the keyboard to input the amount of space [...]
(in GB) you wish to
set aside for this particular array, and press ENTER.
如果霍诺瑞一天可以售完整整 满盘 面 包,面包店主会支付她600中非法郎(1.20美元),这是销售价格的10%。
If Honorine sells two full trays in a day, the baker will pay [...]
her 600 CFA (US$1.20), which is 10 per cent of the sale price.
香 港一 個 多 種 語皆 通 用 的 商 業 社 會 , 而 且 廣 泛 使 用 個 人 、 合 夥 以 及 刻 有 營 業 名 稱 的 圖 章 , 即 使 有 這 些 特 殊 情 況 , 但 我 們 並 無 得 悉 香 港 在 圖 章 的 使 用 方 面 有 任 何 值 得 關 注 的 獨 有 問 題 , 我 們不 察 覺 到 有 這 方 面 的 問 題 。
Notwithstanding the special circumstances of the multi-lingual community in Hong Kong, and the widespread use of individual, partnership and tradingname chops, we have neither been advised, nor can we see, any problems local to Hong Kong which merit special attention as far as the use of chops is concerned.
地鐵作為上市公司及九廣鐵路公司(“九鐵”)作為政府全資擁有的機 構皆以審慎的商業原則運作。
Both the MTRCL which is a listed company, and the KCRC which is solely owned by the
[...] Government, operate on prudent commercial principles.
诚然,艺术家在双年展上呈现的 满着 诗 情 画意的雕塑作品并非用来净化、制备 输 送 水 或引 一 次 全球人道主义行动的最为有效的方法,然而从它们具备实际功能这一点来看,它们作为艺术作品的感染力恰恰在于能够借此激发我们的意识与行动。
The poetic sculptures they present at the Biennale may not be the most efficient means to purify, prepare and transport water, or to launch a world-wide humanitarian effort, but in their ability to actually function, they gain power as works of art created to move us to awareness and action.
投身社區的區議員(不論是 民選還是委任的 ) , 皆 懷 着一 腔 熱 誠服務 社區,當中不少服務了十多年,甚至超過20年。
DC members serving the communities (whether they are elected or appointed) are all full of enthusiasm in serving the communities.
他們以個人身份出席這些 會議,提出不同的意見,全皆獲 得 審 慎 考 慮
They attended the meetings in their personal capacities and had expressed different views all of which were carefully considered.
表示注意到当代形式种族主义、种族歧视、仇外心理和相 不 容 忍 行为问题 特别报告员向人权理事会第四、六、九和十二届会议提交的报告,9 其中特别报告 员强调指出了诽谤任何宗教的严重性质以及强化法律战略的必要性;再次申明特 别报告员呼吁所有国家开展有系统的运动,打击煽动种族和宗教仇恨行为,在维 护世俗主义与尊重宗教自由之间维 一 种 谨 慎 的 平衡,并承认和尊重包括《公民 及政治权利国际公约》在内各项国际商定人权文书所列一切自由的互补性
Taking note of the reports of the Special Rapporteur on contemporary forms of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance submitted to the Human Rights Council at its fourth, sixth, ninth and twelfth sessions,9 in which the Special Rapporteur highlighted the serious nature of the defamation of all religions and the need to complement legal strategies, and reiterating the call of the Special Rapporteur to all States to wage a systematic campaign against incitement to racial and religious hatred by maintaining a careful balance between [...]
the defence of
secularism and respect for freedom of religion and by acknowledging and respecting the complementarity of all the freedoms embodied in internationally agreed human rights instruments, including the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights
中国政府 发现,他们长期倡导的、不干涉 主权国家内政” 的理念并非放之四海皆准,也并 一 直 符 合中 国的国家利益。
Chinese officials are finding that their long-cherished concept of non-interference in the domestic affairs of sovereign states is not always practical or in line with national interests.
最后,调查团收集的证据表明,以色列军 队采取一种审慎和系 统的政策以破坏基础设施,不是因 为目标构成了军事威胁,而是要使平民百 姓的日常生活更加困难。
Finally, the evidence gathered by the Mission showed that the Israeli military forces had adopted a deliberate and systematic policy to destroy infrastructure not because the targets constituted a military threat but in order to make the daily life of the civilian population difficult.
面对这个展览,我们需要着审慎的 姿 态,思考这 一 个 事实:资本政权所传播的重新发展的逻辑,已经阻碍了自然生态的改变,因此,除了发展与重新发展的二元对立逻辑,人们需要为社会的未来想出一个其他的办法。
Countered toward this exhibition, we need to gather head and chest depth view to ponder that the logic of redevelopment disseminated by the power of the state and capital obstruct these ecological changes and from the result people need to imagine an alternative of future society beyond the dichotomous logic of development and redevelopment.
如同Quattroporte总裁轿车那样,其盘 设 计围 绕 着一 个 坚 固和极为可靠的钢质“安全舱”展开,其中采用了多 不 同 的钢材和铝合金以实现理想的强度和最低的重量。
Like the
[...] Quattroporte, its chassis design is based around a rigid and extremely secure steel safety cell that employs an array of different [...]
steel and aluminium alloys to
deliver precise strengths and minimal weight.
一切可 行的手段运送人员和货物,以确保以最 经济、最快捷的方满足运输需求
Movement of personnel and cargo
[...] are carried out by all feasible means to ensure that transport requirements are met in the most economical and expeditious way.
着强劲的经济增长,满足交通 运 输 的 需 要,巴西在汽油和柴油燃料方面面临着更大的国内需求。
With its strong economic growth, the country faces greater domestic demand for gasoline and diesel fuels for transportation.
不慎松开 了棘爪弹簧, 则棘爪弹簧和止回球可能会飞入拆装人员的眼睛。
If detent spring is released without due care detent spring [...]
and balls could fly into the eyes of the disassembler.
我是着比較審慎的心 情,又或是沉重的 心情來說一番話的。
It is with great care or a heavy heart that I am making these remarks.
在九龍東醫院任職的每名醫護人員中,這 300 名醫生其實是有很大的抱 負,他不介意 在聯合醫院或將軍澳醫院 ─ 這些傳統上從來也被忽視的 醫院 ─ 工作,他皆是為病人着想, 是前赴後繼 一 個 一 個 的 這樣做, 可是,這樣做又有甚麼回報呢?
Every member of the health care
[...] personnel serving in the Kowloon East hospitals, that is, these 300 doctors, they have lofty ideals. They do not mind working in the United Christian Hospital or the Tseung Kwan O Hospital ― hospitals [...]
that have been neglected all along.
政府擁有鐵路公司 75%股 權,我不可以讓它說單單為了着 審 慎 商 業 原則運作, 便 不 聽 市 民的意見。
We cannot allow it to ignore public views only to uphold the principle of commercial prudence.
如果变压器在储存和输的过程中满了油而又没有安装储油柜,则 切换开关油室内部和变压器油箱之一定要装上旁通管,以平衡油膨 胀产生的压力。
If the transformer is filled with oil but stored or transported without oil conservator, a by-pass tube must be installed between the interior of the diverter [...]
switch oil compartment
and the transformer oil tank to equalize the pressure caused by the expansion of the oil.
凌力尔特公司电源产品部产品市场总监Tony Armstrong称,特别是在驱动HB (高亮度) LED的场合,通过运一种满足输入电压范围以及所需输出电压和电流要求的转换拓扑结构,凌力尔特的 LED 驱动器 IC 能够提供适合诸不同类型 LED 配置的足够电流和电压。
Tony Armstrong, Linear Technology Power Products Division director of product marketing, especially in driving HB (high brightness) LED occasions, to meet the input voltage range and the desired output voltage and current requirements through the use of a conversion topology, Ling Linear Technology's LED driver IC to provide for many different types of LED configurations with sufficient current and voltage.
通过与工发组织和牵头机构进行讨论,确定为该行业申请的 104,000 美元的供资属 于伊朗伊斯兰共和国一揽子供资的一部分, 一 供 资 将 满 足 伊朗 运 输 和 空调制造行业氟氯 烃淘汰管理计划第一阶段的所有要求 不 需 要 为该行业氟氯烃淘汰管理计划第一阶段提供 更多资金。
In discussions with UNIDO as well as the lead agency, they confirmed that the funding of US $104,000 requested for this sector which is part of a package for Islamic Republic of Iran will cover the full requirements for Stage 1 of the transport and air conditioning manufacturing sector in the country, and no further funds would be required for this sector for Stage 1.
运输和调度综合控制中一旦全 面投入运行,还将在战略层面提 一 个 理 想 平台,借此加强与联合国系统其他机构和组织的合作,优化利用各种资产和资源, 在实现大幅节余的同时,全满足激 增的 输 需 求
The Transport and Movements Integrated Control Centre will also provide, once
[...] fully developed, an ideal platform at the strategic level to enhance cooperation with other United Nations system agencies and organizations to optimize the utilization of assets and resources to cater for surge requirements for transportation in an integrated manner [...]
while achieving substantial savings.
Medline有一个不断发展的由50家制造及分销中心组成的全球网络,以 一 个 不 断 扩 大的拥有超过200台各类车辆的专业 输 车 队, 可 满 足 客 户的特殊交货需求。
Medline has a growing network of 50 manufacturing and distribution centers worldwide, as well as an expanding, dedicated transportation fleet with over 200 vehicles in a variety of sizes to fit customers' specific delivery needs.
工作人员细则和条例中对利益冲突的定义实质上来源于工作人员条例 1.1(b) 规定所有工作人员均需签署的书面宣言(亦称“就职宣誓”)(见 ST/SGB/2011/1): “我郑重声明并承诺:着忠诚谨慎 , 正心诚意执行联合国国际公务员的职 务;律己从公,只为联合国的利着 想 ;在执行职务时, 不 寻 求 或接受任 何政府或本组织以外任何来源的指示。
I solemnly declare and promise to exercise in all loyalty, discretion and conscience the functions entrusted to me as an international civil servant of the United Nations, to discharge these functions and regulate my conduct with the interests of the United Nations only in view, and not to seek or accept instructions in regard to the performance of my duties from any Government or other source external to the Organization.




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