单词 | 一眼望去 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 一眼望去—as far as the eye can seeSee also:一眼—a glance a glimpse a quick look
杨孝华议员: 主席,如果参看局长主体答覆有关每天最低净有效温度平均值 的附表的第二行,不用精於计算,一眼望去已很明显觉得 ─ 我觉得是很 明显 ─ 冬天的温度是在上升。理论上,根据这个趋势,所发出的寒冷警 告应该是越来越少,局长有否统计过? legco.gov.hk | SECRETARY FOR ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AND LABOUR (in Cantonese): President, this is an interesting question. legco.gov.hk |
放眼望去,这如诗如画的福州景点就像一个巨大的海龟。 shangri-la.com | This picturesque tourist sight of Fuzhou resembles a gigantic turtle. shangri-la.com |
工厂希望强调的另一个优势:即使是穿自己的新资产,这两个新车型的计时码表,与轻微的倾向断言,经典的品牌,第一眼识别。 zh.horloger-paris.com | Thefactory wishes to emphasize another advantage: even wearing their new assets, the two new models are chronograph, with their slight tendency to assert, classic brand, recognizable at first glance. en.horloger-paris.com |
我们可以提出去探望一些或许可以从我们的帮助中受益的病人。 thewpca.org | We can offer to see patients who might benefit from our help. thewpca.org |
这座第一眼看上去并不惊艳的别墅,是加拿大蒙特利尔第一所旨在摘取LEED铂金奖的私宅。 vantageshanghai.com | While this house might not appear [...] beautiful at first sight, it is the first [...]single dwelling home in Montreal, Canada, aiming [...]for a Platinum LEED Certification. vantageshanghai.com |
刚果民主共和国是人们长期关注,我们实现持久 和平的希望去年再度遭受质疑的另一个冲突地区。 daccess-ods.un.org | Another conflict area that has long [...] been a source of concern [...] and where our hopesoflasting peace were once again called into questionin thepast year isthe Democratic [...]Republic of the Congo. daccess-ods.un.org |
行预咨委会期望,一旦审查完成,将从长远着眼,解决工作 人员问题,以应对行预咨委会工作量确实的增加,从而缓解行预咨委会秘书处人 手不够问题(另见 A/64/7,第一.19 段)。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Committeeexpects that, once the review is completed, the issue of its [...] staffing capacity, with a longer-term perspective, [...]will be addressed in support of the documented increase in the workload of the Committee and with a view towards alleviating the strained capacity of its secretariat (see also A/64/7, para. I.19). daccess-ods.un.org |
两部分建筑通过一个3层高的中庭相连接,自然光照射进来,形成宽敞明亮的空间,向外望去,绿树成荫,水波荡漾,景色优美。 nikken.jp | The two sections are connected through a 3-floor high atrium, bringing in natural light creating a bright space with views of green and water outside. nikken.jp |
藉此,本人对全体员工及专业人士在过去一年所作出的努力及贡献致以衷心的感谢。本人希望在不久的将来 把公司恢复到盈利状态,而且令公司的股票恢复在香港联交所的买卖,为股东带来应有的利益。 equitynet.com.hk | For the efforts and dedication [...] duringthe past year, I would like to thank all staff members of the Company and our professional advisers and I am hopeful that theCompany [...]will be restored into [...]a profitable condition and that the trading of our Company’s shares in the Hong Kong Stock Exchange will soon be resumed to be benefit of all our shareholders. equitynet.com.hk |
不管是去发现笼罩在神话和民间传说的自然美景,还是参加各种节日盛会,参观博物馆与美术馆,带孩子来爱尔兰岛旅游,您永远不愁找不到事情做,而且全程花费也绝对物超所值!您既可以在海岸线边一望无垠的金色沙滩上无限时嬉戏玩闹,也可以漫步在爱尔兰的国家公园,尽情欣赏绝色景致。 discoverireland.com | Whether it’s to discover a landscape drenched in myth and folklore or to visit some fantastic festivals, museums and galleries, a trip with the kids to the island of Ireland means you’ll never be short of something to do – and all without spending a fortune! discoverireland.com |
旅舍的所有房间都舒适、整洁且安静,从共用休息室向外望去,瓦卡蒂普湖到卓越山的美景可尽收眼底。 cn.yha.co.nz | All the accommodation is comfortable, clean and quiet and the views over Lake Wakatipu out to the Remarkables from the common rooms are stunning. yha.co.nz |
另外,如果过渡时期档案中心不是由专业人员管 [...] 理的,档案监管链可能会中断,这可能会导致档案在法院失去作为证据的可接受 性,在公众的眼中失去可靠性。 daccess-ods.un.org | In addition, if the transitional centres are not professionally managed by archivists, the chain of custody of the records can be lost and this can lead [...] to the loss of acceptability of the records as evidence by courts and [...] the loss of credibility inthe eyes of the public. daccess-ods.un.org |
因此,我 们敦促所有索马里人,无论持何观点和信念,给和平一个机会,在重建国家的过程中忘记过去,放眼未来。 daccess-ods.un.org | We therefore urge all Somalis, of all [...] shades of opinion and [...] belief, to give peace a chance, to forget the past and tolook to the future in rebuilding [...]the country. daccess-ods.un.org |
你们在亚洲以外的地方有很多歌 迷,下一站你们希望去哪里? nipponproject.com | You have many fans [...] outside of Asia, where would you liketo gonext? nipponproject.com |
使用方法:彻底洁面後,平躺并闭上双目,在每只眼睛上覆盖一块强效眼膜,静待5-10分钟後,丢去眼膜,并将眼部附近过多的营养素抹去,让眼部自然吸收养份。 aster.com.hk | Remove after 5-10 minutes, keeping eyes closed, removing excess gel around eye area. aster.com.hk |
剧情 首播日期: 2012.03.08 本片改编自真人真事,讲述一位生长於大家庭的少爷Roger与自幼照顾自己长大的妈姐家佣桃姐之间所发生的一段温暖人心的主仆情故事:锺春桃(桃姐)自13岁就到梁家当佣人,转眼60年过去,她已伺候了梁家老少五代人。 justlatte.com | Synopsis Release Date: 2012.03.08 Inspired by a true story of the producer, Roger Lee, and his servant, the film tells about a heartwarming relationship between a young master of a big family, Roger (Lau) and the servant of the family who raised him, Sister Peach (Ip). justlatte.com |
但是,我们一眼就可以看出,实际上往往都是对所有改革问题的 系统对抗和歪曲事实的情况。 unesdoc.unesco.org | But what we have seen, without becoming involved, are in many cases systematic confrontation and disinformation about virtually all reform issues. unesdoc.unesco.org |
联合王国工程学理事会指出,最新研究发现,62%的教 [...] 育从业人员、35%的公众以及 30%的 11-16 岁的人在过去一年曾眼见、听说或访问过在提及 工程学时令人感到积极或鼓舞的事情,85%的公众建议将工程学作为职业(2008 [...]年为 66%),62%的父母建议其子女将工程学作为职业(2008 [...]年为 56%),57%的公众认为工程 学是一个令人羡慕的职业(2008 年为 49%),45%的 16-24 岁年轻人认为工程学是一个令人 羡慕的职业(2008 年为 40%),40%的 7-11 岁儿童称他们愿意做工程师(2008 年为 30%)。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The Engineering Council in the United Kingdom reported that recent research indicated that 62% of [...] education professionals, 35% of the public and [...] 30% of 11to 16 year-olds have seen,heard [...]of or visited something in the past year [...]that presented engineering in a positive or inspiring way, 85% of the public would recommend engineering as a career (66% in 2008), 62% of parents would recommend engineering as a career to their children (56% in 2008), 57% of the public view engineering as a desirable career (49% in 2008), 45% of 16 to 24 year-olds think of engineering as 185 EX/12 Add. unesdoc.unesco.org |
因为宝座中的羔羊必牧养他们,领他们到生命水的泉源;神也必擦去他们一切的眼泪”(启示录7:9-17)。 conversation.lausanne.org | For the Lamb at the center of the throne will be their shepherd; he will lead them to springs of living water. conversation.lausanne.org |
这是会登上威利斯大厦(在1974年到1998年间曾是世界最高的办公楼)的好机会,欣赏无数美丽的建筑和一眼望不到头的密歇根湖。 abgcorp.com | This one-of-a-kind opportunity offers the chance to ascend the Willis Tower (formerly Sears Tower ) the tallest office building [...] in the world from 1974 until 1998, and see the beautiful [...] architecture of the city andan endlessview of Lake [...]Michigan . abgcorp.com |
举目望去的每条蜿蜒小径,每座葱葱山头,每片开阔海景都是让人精神为之一振的视觉盛宴,让您回味无穷。 discoverireland.com | Dive headlong into a wealth of adrenalin-boosting activities from fast-paced watersports to rock climbing all complemented by the panoramic backdrops of some of the world’s most beautiful landscapes. discoverireland.com |
最终会 搞到一个地步 ,是香港人 完 全 害 怕 , 觉 得 自 己 的 前 途 没有希望, 去到心死 的 地 步 。 legco.gov.hk | Atthe end of [...] the day, the people of Hong Kong will be thrown into complete terror anddesperation,seeing noprospects at all in their future. legco.gov.hk |
除欧洲足球俱乐部赞助商外,“阿联酋航空”还是“FIFA世界杯TM”官方合作伙伴,以及数个国际高尔夫锦标赛的官方航空公司,赞助了全球一系列具有较高知名度的赛马、望去、橄榄球、帆船和板球活动。 csm.com | Aside from European football club sponsorships, Emirates is also an Official Partner of the FIFA World Cup™, the Official Airline of a number of golf tournaments internationally and supports a range of high-profile horse racing, tennis, rugby, sailing and cricket events across the globe. csm.com |
Merliah希望去澳大利亚,以证明她比凯莉的竞争,而竞争是在同一天的仪式。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | Merliah wanted to go to Australia for the competition to prove she was better than Kylie, and the competition was on the same [...] dayas the ceremony. seekcartoon.com |
由于早年的独到眼光与远见,如今,在着名的沈阳金廊的青年大道上,放眼望去都有许多出自华新国际之手的优质房地产项目。 wearnes.com | Due to its [...] foresight in the early years, HuaxinInternational [...]has a big presence at Youth Avenue today in what is popularly [...]known as the Golden Corridor of Shenyang. wearnes.com |
执 行秘书向经社会通报了为加强技术合作工作着眼于实际成果的关注重心秘 书处所启动的步骤,其中包括:(a) 更大、更长和更协调一致的能力开发项 目,把重点放在通过加强基于成果的管理来改进绩效;(b) 资源动员战略为 对伙伴关系和捐助方关系采取更加积极主动的做法提供一个框架,并设立一 [...] 个伙伴关系和资源调集科;(c) 通过与一些成员国和捐助机构的会议继续努 力加强与合作伙伴的关系;(d) [...]加强与作为促进和交付能力开发合作伙伴的 一些私营部门对口单位的接触。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Executive Secretary informed the Commission about the [...] steps the [...] secretariat had initiated to strengthen the resultsoriented focus of its technical cooperation work, which included: (a) larger, longerterm and better [...]aligned capacity development [...]projects, with emphasis on improved performance through strengthened results-based management; (b) a resource mobilization strategy that provides a framework for a more proactive approach to partnerships and donor relations, and the establishment of a Partnerships and Resource Mobilization Section; (c) continued efforts to strengthen relations with partners through meetings with a number of member States and donor agencies; and (d) enhanced engagement with some private sector counterparts as partners in promoting and delivering capacity development. daccess-ods.un.org |
该命令亦规定,商店须在供应地点显眼位置展示 210 毫米 x 297 毫米的告示,让顾客知道使用“钻石”一词的定义,同时让他们知道供应商在完成交易时有责任向顾客 发出载列制品详情的发票或收据,并保存副本。 legco.gov.hk | The Order will also require traders to display prominently a notice measuring 210 mm x 297 mm at the point of supply to inform [...] customers of the [...] definition “diamond” and the supplier’s duty to produce aninvoice or receipt when a transaction is concluded, to retain [...]a copy of the invoice [...]or receipt, as well as the details to be included in the invoice or receipt. legco.gov.hk |
充足的光照条件、银装素裹的森林、积雪覆盖的树林,以及白茫茫一片一眼望不到边的荒原,正是这些构成了芬兰人所谓的“Lapin [...] taika”的独特氛围,即“拉普兰的魔力”。 visitfinland.com | Remarkable light conditions, silvery forests with [...] snow-laden trees and a white wilderness [...] stretching asfar asthe eyecan see arekey contributors [...]to the unique atmosphere referred [...]to by Finns with the term “Lapin taika”, “the Magic of Lapland”. visitfinland.com |
在这里,您可以欣赏到美妙的自然风景和本土动物;也可以在一望无垠的海滩尽情散步;在大型市场上观看来来往往的人流;在一流的免费艺术馆和博物馆了 解澳大利亚的艺术和遗产(参见“文化”部分);您还可以参加充满浓郁的澳大利亚气息的节日,如每年夏季在全国各地海滨举行的冲浪救生比赛等。 studyinaustralia.gov.au | Enjoy endless walks along endless beaches; go people watching at fantastic markets; learn about Australia's art and heritage at excellent free galleries and museums (see the Culture section); or attend some typically Australian festivals, like the surf life-saving competitions on beaches all around the country during summer. studyinaustralia.gov.au |
这 项 条 例草案在通过 後 , 原 先的考虑是过往 的 市区重建 局 (“市 建 局 ”)或前 土 ㆞发展 公司所订定的法定赔 偿 便 会 被取消 , 这 点 引 起 了我们极大关注, 因 为我们 看 到有关 重建区 的 居 民其实已 经 因 等 待 重建及 法定赔 偿而望眼欲穿了 , 如果再 取 消 既 定的安排 , 其实是 非 常 不 公平的,因 此 我 们 感到十分 关注, 并 在 会 ㆖ 强 烈 要求市 建 局 须继续保 留 为 20 个 已 经 宣 布 重建的 旧 区 的 居 民订定的赔 偿 办 法,即“7-5-3-1” 的 计 算方式 。 legco.gov.hk | If the original arrangement were cancelled, it would be grossly unfair. We felt therefore very concerned and made repeated requests at the meetings, urging the URA to retain the existing compensation formula in calculating ex gratia compensation for tenants affected by 20 projects announced for redevelopment, that is, the formula of "7-5-3-1". legco.gov.hk |