单词 | 一点邻域 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 一点邻域 —(math.) neighborhood of a point一点一点 adverb —gradually adv一点一点 —little by little • bit by bit See also:一点—a little • one point • a bit • one dot 一点点—a little bit 邻域—(math.) neighborhood (in a topological space) 一点 adv—little adv
13 个职业类主管人员中的每个人都将继续负责审查申请,确定由专题专家 (即专家组)进一步评 估的候选人,担任其负责范围内的专家组的秘书并合并专家 组的结论和面试报告以提交外地中央审查机构,监测其分管的职业类职位在外地 行动中的在职率,管理其分管的名册,编制外地行动方案主管人短名单并确定何 时应进行外联活动,以处理名册中存在的差距,特别是性别均衡和 地 域 代 表 性方 面的差距,确定外地在职工作人员的流动机会,以便工作人员在相关工作 地 点之 间轮调。 daccess-ods.un.org | Each of the 13 Occupational Group Managers would continue the responsibilities for reviewing [...] applications, identifying candidates for further assessment by subject matter experts, that is, expert panels, serving as Secretary for the expert panel under his or her purview and consolidating findings and interview reports from the panel for [...] presentation to the Field Central Review Bodies, monitoring incumbency rates in the field operations for positions in his or her occupational group, managing his or her assigned roster, developing shortlists for programme managers in the field operations and determining when outreach activities should be conducted to address gaps in the roster, especially in gender and geographic representation, and determining the mobility opportunities for staff members currently serving in the field so as to rotate staff among relevant duty stations. daccess-ods.un.org |
通过加强次区域一级的合作,并加强 次区域内各相邻国家之间的合作和促进各国融入世界经济体系,这些 挑战将能得更好地处理。 daccess-ods.un.org | These challenges will be better addressed through strengthened [...] subregional [...] cooperation, stronger collaboration among neighbours within the subregion and increased [...]integration in the world economy. daccess-ods.un.org |
向邻国终点站运 输马里石油和天然气的活动在某些方面需要更详细研究, 即:不同国家的规章的一体化和统一 ; 与 马里共有沉积盆地的邻国达成的谅解和/ 或安排。 daccess-ods.un.org | Certain aspects of the transport of Malian oil and gas to terminals in neighbouring countries need more detailed study, namely: integration and harmonization of the regulations of the different countries; and understandings and/or arrangements with neighbouring countries with which Mali shares sedimentary basins. daccess-ods.un.org |
毋庸讳言,为打击跨国有组织犯罪而采取的任何 行动均需采取一致办法,以便处理使这一威胁得以发 展的根本原因,即薄弱的法治、缺乏 邻 国 之 间和跨境 的司法和警察合作以及缺乏能力,以及该 区 域一 些国 家面临的许多社会经济挑战。 daccess-ods.un.org | It goes without saying that any action undertaken to fight transnational organized crime requires a concerted approach in dealing with the root causes that allow for the development of that threat, which are weak rule of law, a lack [...] of judicial and police [...] cooperation among neighbouring countries and across borders and a lack of capacity, as well as the many socio-economic challenges facing some of the countries of the region. daccess-ods.un.org |
为尊重和促进人权提供实际保障,这 一点 体 现 在国家一级的各种计划和战 略中,比如:《2005-2009 年政府活动方案“国家的现代化――国家的福利”》、摩 尔多瓦共和国-欧盟《关于欧洲邻国 关 系的行动计划》、摩尔多瓦共和国-北约 《关于个别伙伴关系的行动计划》、《国家人权行动计划》、在《美国“千年挑 战” 方案》范围内形成的《摩尔多瓦共和国国家初步方案》等等。 daccess-ods.un.org | The guarantee and assurance of respect and promotion of human rights is reflected at national level in various plans and strategies, as for instance: The Programme of Activity of the Government for the years 2005–2009 “Modernisation of the country – welfare of the nation”, European Neighbourhood Action Plan Republic of Moldova — EU, Republic of Moldova — NATO Individual Partnership Action Plan (IPAP), National Human Rights Action Plan, Preliminary Country Programme of the Republic of Moldova within the USA Programme “Millennium Challenges” etc. daccess-ods.un.org |
关于预算外资源是否将通过粮农组织新的预算措施分配给食典的问题,粮农组织 的代表表示,食典工作已被列入一个 “ 影响 重 点 领 域 ” ,因而有资格获得预算外资金和非 专项基金,以实现更大的成果;但是,目前预算外资金的水平尚未确定。 codexalimentarius.org | Following a question on whether extra-budgetary resources would be allocated to Codex through the new FAO budgetary measures, the Representative of FAO [...] indicated that Codex work had been [...] included in the “impact focus areas” and as such would be eligible [...]to receive extra-budgetary, [...]non-earmarked funds, to achieve greater results but that for the time being, the level of extra-budgetary resources had not yet been defined. codexalimentarius.org |
政府间海洋学委员会 (IOC)继续协调印度洋、加勒比和地中海及大西洋东北部和 毗 邻 海 域 的 早 期危害和其他与海洋 相关的危害,包括在海啸危害评估、海啸预警培训、应急和准备中的持续辅助活动,作为全面减 少海啸问题的一部分 ,将海啸预警系统扩展为端对端系统。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC) continued to coordinate the establishment of early and other ocean-related hazards in the Indian Ocean, the Caribbean and the Mediterranean and Northeast Atlantic Ocean and connected Seas, including complementary and sustained activities in tsunami hazard risk assessment, tsunami warning training, emergency response, and preparedness as part of the comprehensive tsunami mitigation programmes that extend the tsunami warning systems as end-to-end systems. unesdoc.unesco.org |
在预算期间,特派团的重点是促 进科索沃所有族群间的和解, 以及科索沃与 贝尔格莱德、区域邻国和 国际组织的合作与对话。 daccess-ods.un.org | During the budget period, the [...] Mission will focus on the promotion of reconciliation among all communities in Kosovo and Kosovo’s cooperation and dialogue with Belgrade, regional neighbours and international organizations. daccess-ods.un.org |
只有 彻底停止一切定居点活动 和侵犯人权的举动,才能 营造一种有利于和平进程以及以色列和巴勒斯坦两 国在 1967 年边界内安全和平地毗邻共存这一终 极 目 标的环境,巴勒斯坦人民将作为一个自由、安全和 自立的民族,生活在以东耶路撒冷为首都的独立国 家中。 daccess-ods.un.org | Only a complete [...] cessation of all settlement activities and human rights violations would create an environment conducive to the peace process and its ultimate goal of two States, Palestine and Israel, living side-by-side in peace and security on the basis [...]of the pre-1967 borders, [...]with the Palestinian people living as a free, secure, self-reliant nation in an independent State with East Jerusalem as its capital. daccess-ods.un.org |
委员会还获悉,办事处提供了 一个重要的地域平台,可加强次区域 在 经 济和社会发展重大问题上的合作,确保 反映次区域的需求和观点,促 进扩大亚洲及太平洋的区域合作。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Committee was further informed that the [...] offices provide an important geographical platform for strengthening subregional cooperation on key economic and social development issues, ensuring a reflection of subregional needs and perspectives in the promotion [...]of broader regional [...]cooperation in Asia and the Pacific. daccess-ods.un.org |
然而,在南亚和东 南亚,建立以次区域业务课程为重点 的 次 区 域 培 训 机构短期而言可能更加有 益和有效,而且亦有助于克服一些财 政和能力上的短板。 daccess-ods.un.org | However, in South Asia and South-East Asia, subregional training institutions focusing on courses on subregional operations would be more helpful and effective in the short term and help overcome some of the financial and capacity constraints. daccess-ods.un.org |
巴黎公约》举措是超过 55 个国家和 国际组织的国际伙伴关系,该举措产生的一个结果是,毒品和犯罪问题办公室 得以为阿富汗及其邻国制定一个区域 性 的 合作战略。 daccess-ods.un.org | As a result of the Paris Pact Initiative, an international partnership of over 55 partnering countries and international [...] organizations, UNODC has been able [...] to devise a regional cooperation strategy for Afghanistan and neighbouring countries. daccess-ods.un.org |
(r) 由于迫切需要在刚果民主共和国打击自然资源的非法开采和贸易,因此 与国际伙伴和邻国一道支 持政府做出努力和加强政府能力,防止为武装团体提供 支助,特别是来自非法经济活动和自然资源非法贸易的支助,并与刚果民主共和 国政府一道巩固和评估为提高矿产品的可追踪性促使所有国家部门参加南北基 伍的五个交易柜台的有关试点项目 daccess-ods.un.org | (r) With respect to the urgent need to fight illegal exploitation and trade of, natural [...] resources in the [...] Democratic Republic of the Congo, support the Government’s efforts and enhance its capabilities, along with international partners and neighbouring countries, to prevent the provision of support to armed groups, in particular support derived from illicit economic activities and illicit trade in natural resources, and consolidate and assess, jointly with the Government of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, the pilot project of bringing together all State services in five trading counters in North and South Kivu in order to improve the traceability of mineral products daccess-ods.un.org |
我们赞扬科索沃人民展现了 [...] 决心,并且已采取具体行动,执行“阿赫蒂萨里计划”, 负责任地发挥作为一个区域邻国和 国际社会一员的 作用。 daccess-ods.un.org | We commend the people of Kosovo for the commitment they have demonstrated and the concrete actions they have taken to [...] implement the Ahtisaari Plan and to play a [...] responsible role as a regional neighbour and member of the [...]international community. daccess-ods.un.org |
以色列必须以言行证明,它真 正想要结束 1967 年以来对巴勒斯坦土地的非法占领 [...] 并达成全面和平,使巴勒斯坦人民能够在以东耶路撒 冷为其首都的自己的巴勒斯坦国自由生活,为包括巴 [...] 勒斯坦难民在内的人民伸张正义,让以色列和巴勒斯 坦能够毗邻和平共处,以及同区域所 有 邻 国 一 道 繁荣 昌盛,确保我们所有儿童的自由、尊严和安全的未来。 daccess-ods.un.org | In word and deed, Israel must prove that it is serious about ending its military occupation of Palestinian land since 1967 and reaching a comprehensive peace that will allow the Palestinian people to live in freedom in their State of Palestine, with East Jerusalem as its capital, achieve justice, including for the Palestine refugees, and allow Israel and Palestine to [...] peacefully coexist and thrive side by [...] side, as well as with all our neighbours in the region, [...]ensuring a future of freedom, [...]dignity and security for all of our children. daccess-ods.un.org |
展望未来,中非经共体在这个领域努 力的 重 点将 是:敲定一项法 律文书并由成员国予以通过;促进各 国的国家小武器和轻武器问题委员会积极参与;执行 [...] 边境方案,特别是在跨界安全领域;建立和执行警务 合作机制,以便解决六个无法治地区的问题;通过与 西非国家经济共同体,当然还有我们的国际伙伴协 [...] 调,使《几内亚湾安全战略》付诸实施;执行安全部 门改革政策,以便确保各国的军备可以被追查;提供 各种形式的支持,以确保解除武装、复员和重返社会 进程取得成功,到 2015 年达到约 90%的比率;以及在 信息、提高意识和社会网络方面加强民间社会组织。 daccess-ods.un.org | Looking to the future, the community’s efforts in this area will [...] be focused on finalizing the legal instrument and its adoption [...]by member States; boosting the active participation of national commissions on small arms and light weapons; implementing the border programme, especially in the area of cross-border security; drawing up and implementing a police cooperation mechanism to address the issue of the six lawless zones; operationalizing the Gulf of Guinea securitization strategy in coordination with the Economic Community of West African States and, of course, with our international partners; implementing the policy of security sector reform in order to ensure that State armaments are traceable; providing support of all types to ensure the success of disarmament, demobilization and reintegration processes at rates of around 90 per cent by 2015; and strengthening civil society organizations with regard to information, awareness-raising and social networking. daccess-ods.un.org |
本着这一精神,2011 年会议事务管理人员协调会议的重点 是 适 用 邻 近 规则获取的 实际经验和教训,以期提出政策建议,并提出改善做法的方式。 daccess-ods.un.org | In this vein, the 2011 coordination meeting of [...] conference services [...] managers focused on actual experiences and lessons learned from the application of the proximity rule, [...]with a view [...]to arriving at recommendations for policies and suggesting ways for improving practices. daccess-ods.un.org |
提交给执行局第一六六届会议的可行性研究所(文件 166 EX/15)尤其强调指出,国际 歌剧和诗歌研究所(IIOP)的目标和职能与教科文组织的目标是一致的, 这 一点 尤 其 体现在 以下几方面:促进保护和更好地宣传世界歌剧遗产方面的知识;促进从事歌剧和诗歌 领 域工 作 的艺术家的教育和培训,特别是年轻艺术人才的教育和培训;在国际、国家和地方推动繁 荣歌剧和诗歌的行动;促进当代歌剧和诗歌的新的创作,尤其是反映新型跨文化交流的歌剧 和诗歌的创作。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The feasibility study submitted to the Executive Board at its 166th session (166 EX/15), stressed, among other things, that the purposes and functions of the International Institute for Opera and Poetry (IIOP) are in [...] keeping with UNESCO’s [...] objectives, in particular regarding the promotion and dissemination of knowledge in the field of the world lyrical heritage; the promotion of education and training for artists working in the fields of opera and poetry, [...]and in particular [...]for young people of talent; the promotion of initiatives internationally, nationally and locally in these two key areas; and the promotion of new contemporary creative works, particularly those serving as media for new types of multicultural exchange. unesdoc.unesco.org |
鉴于最不发达国家面临的问题大多与 邻 国 相同,而区域合作对有效解决这些 问题至关重要,区域一体化 与南南合作也可发挥重要作用。 daccess-ods.un.org | Regional integration and South-South cooperation can also play an important role, taking into account that most of [...] the problems facing least developed [...] countries are shared by neighbouring countries and that regional cooperation is essential for effective solutions. daccess-ods.un.org |
由一些主要合作伙伴负责的 七个工作组还在继续对以下一些重点 领 域 的 行 动进行思 考:系统的革新;机构的领导和管理;培训问题;研 [...] 究;全球化,新技术的利用与职业界;国际流动;高等 教育对整个教育系统、包括对达喀尔后续活动的贡献 等。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Seven working groups, entrusted to a selection of the principal [...] partners, are focusing their reflection [...] and action in various key areas: systems renewal; [...]institutional governance and; teaching [...]and learning issues; research; globalization; the use of new technologies and the world of work; international mobility; and the contribution of higher education to the entire education system, including the Dakar follow-up. unesdoc.unesco.org |
仅举一例来说明这一点:有 关青少年培养与教育成功实践经验信息分享计划的开展就使得各国人民在 这 一 领 域 里 在 国家 和地方不同层次把握更多的机遇。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Thus, to take one example, information sharing about good practice in early childhood care and education is empowering people to provide better opportunities in this domain at national and [...] local levels. unesdoc.unesco.org |
这次会议的具体目的是:(a)审视 [...] 世界各地开发导航卫星系统明显趋势及其对卫星定位技术用户人数日益增多的 [...] 影响;(b)审视可有助于推广使用导航卫星系统技术及其应用的进行中和计划中 举措以及案例研究,包括举行一项或 多项国家、 区 域 和 国际 试 点 项 目的可能 性,相关机构可在这类项目中纳入对导航卫星系统技术的使用;(c)确定能够建 [...] 立的务实合作关系,推动由导航卫星系统促成的创新型应用,并就如何通过自 [...] 愿行动建立这种合作关系提出建议,其中可把政府、国际组织、研究和开发机 构、学术界及其他相关利益攸关方包括在内;以及(d)确定拟呈交导航卫星系统 国际委员会及其工作组审议的建议和结论。 daccess-ods.un.org | The specific objectives of the Meeting were: (a) to examine the trends that are apparent in the worldwide development of GNSS and how they will affect the growing population of users of satellite-positioning technologies; (b) to review ongoing and planned initiatives as well as case studies that could contribute to the wider use of GNSS technology and its applications, [...] including the possibility of [...] one or more national, regional and international pilot projects in which [...]interested institutions [...]could incorporate the use of GNSS technology; (c) identify a functional partnership that could be established to promote innovative GNSS-enabled applications, as well as recommend how such a partnership could be established through voluntary actions that could include Governments, international organizations, research and development institutions, academia and other relevant stakeholders; and (d) define recommendations and findings to be forwarded for consideration by ICG and its working groups. daccess-ods.un.org |
在各个区域或邻国的私人经营的回收和再循环中心,像沙特阿拉伯波斯湾沿岸附近 的 一个 现 代和设备精良的中心和在南非约翰内斯堡的另一个小型中心,或在美国的用于加勒比各 国的再循环设施,对其装机容量和合作意愿未做系统探索,既未处于初始规划中,也未处 于再定向阶段。 multilateralfund.org | The capacities and [...] willingness for cooperation of privately operated R&R centres in the regions or in neighbouring countries, like one modern and well [...]equipped centre near [...]the Gulf coast in Saudi Arabia and another modest one in Johannesburg/RSA or recycling facilities in the USA for Caribbean countries were not systematically explored, neither in the initial planning nor in the re-orientation phase. multilateralfund.org |
一间负压手术室通常包括一个通风系统,以便空气从走廊或者任意 相 邻 区 域 流 进 负压手术室,同时确保污染的空气无法从负压手术室逸出,流入医院和卫生机构的其它区域。 camfil.cn | A negative pressure room includes a ventilation [...] system designed so that air flows from the corridors, or any adjacent area, into the negative pressure [...]room, [...]ensuring that contaminated air cannot escape from the negative pressure room to other parts of the facility. camfil.pl |
占领国开展这一不道 德的非法行动的借口是保护 相 邻 的非 法定居点,然而事实上,真正迫切需要保护的是巴勒斯坦平民,他们的村庄长期 遭到定居者极端分子的袭击,同时,还遭受位于希布伦附近 Masafer Yatta 的非 法定居点和前哨的侵害。 daccess-ods.un.org | The occupying Power is using the pretext of protecting the adjacent illegal settlement as the basis for carrying out this unlawful, immoral action, while in reality it is the Palestinian civilian population that is in dire need of protection from the extremist settlers, who continue to attack the village, which at the same time is being encroached upon by the illegal settlements and outposts in Masafer Yatta near Al-Khalil. daccess-ods.un.org |
经社会指出,该次区域办事处的重点 优 先事项包括:(a) 通过包容性增 长、两性平等和利用区域知识网络进行政策宣传,加速实现千年发展目标; (b) 加强互联互通、贸易和交通运输便利化;(c) 促进区域经济一体化、区域 粮食 和能源安全合作和减少灾害风险;以及(d) 援助最不发达国家加强生产 能力。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Commission [...] noted that the key priorities of the Subregional Office included: (a) accelerating the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals through inclusive growth, gender equality and policy advocacy by means of regional knowledge networks; (b) strengthening connectivity, and trade and transport facilitation; (c) promoting regional economic integration, regional cooperation [...]for food and energy [...]security, and disaster risk reduction; and (d) assisting the least developed countries in building productive capacity. daccess-ods.un.org |
在这一框架范围 内,缔约方商定了一份活动清单,这些活动可以在国家和 区 域一 级 展 开,目的是 增强以气候为重点的教育和培训方案,并增强气候变化信息的提供和传播,从而 提高公众对解决气候变化问题的理解和参与。 daccess-ods.un.org | Within this framework, Parties have agreed on a list of [...] activities that [...] could be undertaken at the national and regional levels to enhance climate focused education [...]and training [...]programmes and to increase the availability and dissemination of information on climate change, thereby improving public understanding and participation in addressing climate change issues. daccess-ods.un.org |
治理机构批准在佛得角普拉亚建立西非研究所,以开展有关 区 域一 体 化和社会转型的 国际研究,以及在金沙萨建立一个大湖区妇女、性别及和平建设地区研究和文献中心,因 此,工作的重点集中在协助这些中心投入运行和制订其行动计划上。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Pursuant to the approval by the governing bodies of the establishment of the West Africa Institute in Praia, Cape [...] Verde, for international [...] research on regional integration and social transformation and of the Regional Research and Documentation Centre for women, gender and peace-building in the Great Lakes Region, in Kinshasa, efforts concentrated [...]on assisting these [...]centres to become operational and to develop their plan of action. unesdoc.unesco.org |
一 些中国人认为如果中国政府要将其在南苏丹的战略性接 触定位于获取经济利益之上,它就必须加强其他形式的 合作,包括一些已经由那些已经建立关系的合作伙伴所 施行的合作,比如美国。该区域一位 有经验的中国投资 者解释说中国政府必须继续多元化其接触模式:“看看 美国使馆的规模、地点和作用;再看看有多少苏丹学生 在美国求学,与那里的移民社群有着多么千丝万缕的联 系。 crisisgroup.org | Some Chinese argue that if Beijing is to root its strategic engagement in South Sudan beyond mutual economic gain, it must enhance other forms of cooperation, including those already exercised by established partners such as the U.S. A Chinese investor with experience in the region explained that Beijing must continue to diversify its modes of engagement: “Look at the size, location, and role of the American embassy; look at how many Sudanese students are educated in the U.S., look how many ties there are to established diaspora there”. crisisgroup.org |