

单词 一水儿

See also:


son n

retroflex final
non-syllabic diminutive suffix

External sources (not reviewed)

有时限制食品 的流通可能会影响到特别儿童的营 养 水 平。
Occasionally, restrictions on the circulation of food could have
[...] affected the levels of malnutrition, in particular of children.
如果 十岁以儿童的发育水平许 可,也必须考虑这 儿 童 的 愿望。
The wishes of a child younger than ten years of age must also be considered if the development level of the child so permits.
[...] 目和协议,从而建立了教科文组织/非政府组织的伙伴 关系,面向更广泛的听众;印制了水资源及其历史的 系列出版物;支持成立国际水资源历史协会(有 300 人参加);组织并支持开展各种重要活动,包括以下 活动,如伊朗的儿井、中非水资 源 与和平以及跨 边水资源管理等;与世水资源评估计划合作实施一项从 潜在冲突到合作潜力(PCC)的重要计划。
Signed joint project agreement with Green Cross International (international NGO), thus establishing a UNESCO/NGO partnership that targets a broader audience; Water and history of publications series launched; The launching of the International Water History Association (300 participants) supported; Major
events organized and
[...] supported, including one on Qanats in the Islamic Republic of Iran, on Water and Peace in Central Asia, and on Transboundary Water Management; Launched a [...]
major programme on PCCP
(from Potential Conflict to Cooperation Potential) jointly with WWAP.
为了一步加 大对公众健康指标的积极干预力度,新的 2006-2010 年国家 预防和抗击糖尿病计划“MoldDiab”中包含相关的补充方案(即向糖尿病人供应人 胰岛素;对儿童进行血糖检测以确定动态条件 儿 童 的血 糖 水 平 )。
In order to further improve the positive impact over the public health indicators, supplementary proposals have been included in the new Prophylaxis and Diabetes fight Programme “MoldDiab” for years 2006–2010 (supply of diabetes patients with human insulin; supplying children with glucose-meters and tests [...]
to identify the glycaemia under ambulatory conditions).
因此,在伊朗伊斯兰共和国建一个 专 门研究 儿 井 和历 代 水 力 结 构的国际中心,符 合教科文组织在下一双年度及中期规划内在淡水问题方面确定的目标和预期计划。
The creation of an international centre focusing on qanats and historic [...]
hydraulic structures in the Islamic Republic of
Iran thus complies with the objectives set and with the foreseen programmes of UNESCO in fresh water for the coming biennium and the medium-term.
为了说明剥夺的模式,本报告论及针对西岸和东耶路撒冷儿童的逮捕和拘留 程序以及加沙不安全水对儿童的 健康所产生的破坏性影响。
To illustrate patterns of deprivation, this report discusses arrest and
detention procedures
[...] relating to children in the West Bank and East Jerusalem and the damaging impact on children’s health arising from unsafe water in Gaza.
本起点配方提供了可替代常规儿洗 发 水 的 无酰胺选择,内含Sulfochem™ TD-3和Chembetaine™ C表面活性剂,能够产生对婴儿无刺激性的皂沫及独特的发泡性能,从而为清洗 儿 头 发 提供 一 款 温 和、轻柔的清洁剂。
This starting formulation offers an
[...] amide-free alternative to typical baby shampoos, and contains Sulfochem™ TD-3 and Chembetaine™ C Surfactants which provide baby-friendly lather and unique foaming properties for a mild and gentle detergency when cleaning baby’s hair.
一般規 例 內 12部涵蓋的事宜包括規管本地船隻到達和駛離有關的程序規定、本 地船隻在香水域內 航行、停泊和使用浮標及碼頭、乘客登船和離船、 處理貨物的安全規定、使用及展示燈光及訊號、對某些在中國內地或 澳門註冊的船隻的規管及管制、可透過高頻無線電話通訊運作的報告 系統的船隻航行監察服務及對香港水域內某些活動(例如賽事、滑水、 捕魚及供給燃料活動)施加管制,以及提升本地船隻航行安全的雜項規 定。
The 12 Parts of the General Regulation cover matters from the procedural requirements governing the arrival and departure of local vessels, the navigation in the waters of Hong Kong, the [...]
berthing of, and use
of buoys and piers by local vessels, the embarkation and debarkation of passengers, the safety requirements for handling of cargo, the use and display of lights and signals, the regulation and control of certain vessel registered in Mainland or Macau, the vessel traffic service permitting a report system operated through high frequency radiotelephone communication, and the imposition of control over some activities (such as racing events, water-skiing, fishing and bunkering activities) in waters of Hong Kong, and miscellaneous requirements enhancing the navigation safety of local vessels.
这个问题有时因在一水域作 业(往往 是非法的)的本国和外国大型工业化船舶不加控制的产量而恶化。
This problem was sometimes aggravated by uncontrolled catches by larger industrial vessels, both domestic and foreign, operating (often illegally) in the same waters.
为了进一步与开发署和人口基金一 , 儿 基 会还将探讨是否需要根据这一分类 设立其他全球/区域和(或)其他方案安排。
In order to further harmonize with
[...] UNDP and UNFPA, UNICEF will also explore [...]
the need to establish other global/regional
and/or other programming arrangements resulting from this classification.
It also recommends that the State party raise public awareness of the very
[...] harmful effect on children’s health of carrying heavy jugs of water.
女性囚犯的囚所应具备满足妇女特殊卫生需要所要求的设施和物品,包括免 费提供卫生巾和正常水以供儿童和 妇女个人护理之用,尤其是对烹制食品的妇 女和怀孕、哺乳或者例假时的妇女。
The accommodation of women prisoners shall have facilities and materials required to meet women’s specific hygiene needs, including sanitary towels
provided free of charge and
[...] a regular supply of water to be made available for the personal care of children and women, [...]
in particular women involved
in cooking and those who are pregnant, breastfeeding or menstruating.
美国、意大利和匈牙利儿童健康水 平 最差的三个国家。
USA, Italy and Hungary have
[...] the highest levels of bottom-end inequality in children’s health.
因此,赤贫、粮食不安全 和几乎完全依赖援助的现状现在影响到加沙 75%以上的人口,失业率达到
[...] 惊人程度;营养不良、发育迟缓、贫血和其他疾病上升到空 水 平 , 儿童 的 问题尤其严重;绝望情绪蔓延,给现在和未来的巴勒斯坦人民和社会带 [...]
As a result, abject poverty, food insecurity, and near-total aid dependency now affect more than 75 per cent of the population in Gaza, where unemployment has reached dramatic levels; malnutrition, stunted growth, anaemia and
other diseases have risen to
[...] unprecedented levels, especially among children; and hopelessness [...]
is widespread, with far-reaching
consequences for the Palestinian people and society at present and in the future.
例如,巴布亚新几内亚的五岁以下死亡率仅缓慢下降,保持在每 1 000 名活产儿中 93 人死亡水平。
For example, the under-five mortality rate in Papua New Guinea has decreased only
[...] slowly and remains at 93 per 1,000 live births.
但是,尽早获得外聘审计人的反馈至关重要, 可借以确定新出现的政策问题,并确认政策框架的有效性,以此作为 VISION一儿童基 金会符合《公共部门会计准则》的企业资源规划系统的设计基础。
However, obtaining early feedback from the external auditors is critical both to identify emerging policy issues and to confirm the validity of the policy framework as the basis for the design of VISION, the IPSAS-compliant ERP system of UNICEF.
在美国,有相关的法律强制要求给儿童使用汽车安全座椅,必须使用安全座椅的儿童年龄范围从新 儿一 直 到 当安全带跨过胸部和大腿时可以被固定住的年龄,通常在5岁左右。
In the US, car seats are required by law from newborn until the shoulder belt can be positioned across the chest and snug across the thighs, which usually happens at about 5 years of age.
该国家委员会由马其顿共和国监察 员 负责儿童权利的代 表、儿童基 金 会的代 表和其他公民协会――一儿童大 使馆 “Megjashi”和马其顿儿童议会――的代表组成。
The National Commission comprises representatives of the Ombudsman of the Republic of Macedonia competent for the rights of the child, the UNICEF and of the citizens’ associations - the First Children’s Embassy “Megjashi” and the Children’s Parliament of Macedonia.
因此,一水域應 被視為對幼海豚較重要的區域。
West Lantau should
[...] thus be viewed as one of the more important [...]
areas for young calves.
制定《联合国发展集团关于 土著人民问题的准则》,是这次会议的建议 一 , 儿 基 会 共同主持了负责起草该 准则的机构间工作组。
Elaboration of the United Nations Development Group Guidelines
on Indigenous Peoples’
[...] Issues was one of the recommendations of the meeting, and UNICEF co-chaired the [...]
inter-agency team in charge of drafting the guidelines.
在叙利亚国内,联合国儿童基金会及其合作伙伴为130万名儿童接种了麻疹疫苗,为400万人提供了安全饮 水 , 并 为逾42.17万 儿 童 和 妇女提供了基本医疗服务。
Within the Syrian Arab Republic, UNICEF and its partners have vaccinated 1.3 million children against measles,
four million people have been
[...] provided with safe water, and over 421,700 children and women have [...]
access to basic health services.
第三章详述对产出所作的方案执行情况分析,其中表明,产出完成率达到 89%, 与前一个两年期保持一水平。
The analysis of programme performance in regard to the outputs, as detailed in chapter III, indicates that the production of outputs was maintained at the same level of the previous biennium when it reached 89 per cent.
您可以选择以下设施(根据您所在的邮轮)来度过您的上午时光,例如游泳池(分成人 儿 童 泳 ) 、 水 上 公 园、健身房、保龄球、迷你高尔夫、游戏厅、4D电影院、图书馆阅览、咖啡馆上网,在MSC水疗中心享受,或者参与到我们为大众开放的常规免费项目。
Choose to spend your morning in one of the many onboard facilities, such as
(depending on your ship)
[...] swimming (adults-only and kids-only pools available), aqua park, gym, bowling, mini-golf, the [...]
games arcade, 4D cinema,
browsing in the library, catching up in the Internet café, a moment in the MSC Aurea Spa, or joining in one of our general activities which are free and open to all.
相反,与 以往任何时候相比,今天发达国家更应实现和提高已 有的双边和多边官方发展援助和援助目标,特别是实 现到 2015 年把国民生产总值的 0.7%用于对发展中国 家的官方发展援助的目标,达到在 2010 年前把国民 生产总值的至少 0.5%用于官方发展援助一水平,同 时实现把国民生产总值的 0.15%至 0.2%用于对最不发 达国家发展援助的目标。
On the contrary, today more than ever, developed countries must meet and scale up their existing bilateral and multilateral official development assistance and aid targets, in particular, the commitment to reach the target of 0.7 per cent of gross national product for official development assistance to developing countries by 2015, and to reach the level of at least 0.5 per cent of gross national product for official development assistance by 2010, along with the target of 0.15 to 0.2 per cent of gross national product for development assistance to the least developed countries.
而亚美尼亚、白俄罗斯、爱沙尼亚和摩尔多瓦共和国超过了其1988年产量 水平,立陶宛和俄罗斯联邦的产量是其1998年水平的80%多,其他国家依然是其 1988产量水平的三分之一或低于一水 平。
While Armenia, Belarus, Estonia and Republic of Moldova have exceeded their 1988 production levels, and output in Lithuania and the Russian Federation is at more
than 80 percent of its original 1998 level, other
[...] countries remain at one-third or less of their 1988 production levels.
[...] 措施,以提高农村地区的生活水平,特别着重于获得安全的饮 水 、 一 般 基 础设 施和获得优质保健服务。
The Committee recommends that the State party implement measures to facilitate the return of internally displaced persons to their areas of origin, including by taking steps to increase the standard of
living in rural areas, focusing in particular on access
[...] to safe drinking water, general infrastructure [...]
and access to quality health-care services.




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