单词 | 一氧 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 一氧 —carbon monoxideExamples:一氧化二氮—nitrous oxide N2O • laughing gas 一氧化氮—nitric oxide 一氧化碳—carbon monoxide CO See also:氧—oxygen (chemistry)
主席諮詢業界代表,應否在修訂建議中,修訂抗氧化劑的 定義,以禁止在食物中使用一氧化碳作為抗氧化劑。 cfs.gov.hk | The Chairman invited the trades’ comment on whether [...] the definition of antioxidant should be revised [...]to prohibit the use of carbon monoxide [...]as antioxidant in food in the proposed amendment. cfs.gov.hk |
為歐盟II期和歐盟III期的巴士加裝柴油粒子過濾器, 可減少粒子、碳氫化合物和一氧化碳排放約80%至 90%。 legco.gov.hk | Retrofitting Euro II and Euro III buses with DPF can reduce the emissions of particulates, [...] hydrocarbon and carbon monoxide by about 80% to 90%. legco.gov.hk |
这种减排的巨大潜力 [...] 的原因是对化石燃料的替代和牲畜粪肥产生的甲烷 和 一氧 化 二氮的温室气体排 放量减少的双重效果。 daccess-ods.un.org | This high reduction potential is the result of the [...] dual effect of the substitution of fossil fuels and reduced emissions of [...] methane and nitrous oxides from livestock manure. daccess-ods.un.org |
余下的1.5%为一氧化二 氮、氟代烃和其他温室气体。 reports.wacker.com | The remaining 1.5 percent is made [...] up of nitrous oxide, fluorocarbons [...]and other greenhouse gases. reports.wacker.com |
常見帶有此標誌的產品包括:家電、電腦設備、暖爐及暖氣設備、保險絲、電子控制儀、煙霧 及 一氧 化 碳 警報器、滅火器、自動灑水系統、救生衣及救生圈、防彈玻璃及其他數以千計的產品。 ul.com | This type of Mark is [...] seen commonly on appliances and computer equipment, furnaces and heaters, fuses, electrical panel boards, smoke and carbon monoxide alarms, fire extinguishers [...]and sprinkler [...]systems, personal flotation devices, bullet resistant glass, and thousands of other products. ul.com |
(d) 检测废气中的一氧化碳 浓度,并且该浓度不超过反映不完全燃烧条 件的预定水平。 ficem.org | (d) That concentrations of CO in exhaust gases are monitored and do not exceed preestablished levels reflecting poor combustion conditions. ficem.org |
再者, 此等催化器屬特別類型,可把有害的空氣污染物 ( 例如一氧化碳和碳氫化合物) 氧化為二氧化碳和 水,並把氮氧化物還原為氮氣和氧氣。 legco.gov.hk | Moreover, these were a special type of catalytic converters that could oxidize harmful air pollutants (such as carbon monoxide and hydrocarbons) into carbon dioxide and water, and reduce nitrogen oxides back to nitrogen and oxygen. legco.gov.hk |
空气中的一氧化碳(CO)和二氧化碳(CO2) 曾经导致无数死亡事故的发生。 bauergroup.com | Carbon monoxide (CO) and carbon dioxide (CO2) contained in breathing air have lead to several fatal accidents. bauergroup.com |
使用双冲程机油对减少机动车辆一氧 化 碳 、碳氢化合物和氮的 氧化物的影响——机动车辆与环境问题国际会议记录,德黑兰。 daccess-ods.un.org | Effects on use of two-stroke oils on reduction of carbon monoxide, hydrocarbon and nitrogen oxide emissions in motorcycles: Proceedings of the International Conference on Motor Vehicles and Environment, Tehran. daccess-ods.un.org |
(c) 第11 章关于土壤直接和间接排放一氧化二 氮的信息。 daccess-ods.un.org | (k) Information in chapter 11 relevant to direct and [...] indirect nitrous oxide emissions from soils. daccess-ods.un.org |
通过标签制度, [...] 消费者获悉气候认证的食品是采用最佳可行技术生产出来的,这些技术包括使用 可再生燃料为温室供暖、使用一氧化 二 氮排放量低的矿物肥料和限制使用来自高 [...]价值养护区的大豆等。 daccess-ods.un.org | Through the labelling system, consumers are informed that climate-certified food is produced using the best available techniques, including, for instance, the use of renewable fuels for heating greenhouses, the [...] use of mineral fertilizers with low [...] emissions of nitrous oxide, and a limited [...]use of soybeans in high-value conservation areas. daccess-ods.un.org |
(b) 在大气沉积的一氧化二氮(N 2O) 和氨的N2O 排放量,说明这些N2O排 放量是否需要报告 daccess-ods.un.org | (b) Nitrous oxide (N O) emissions from atmospheric deposition of nitrogen oxide and ammonia and clarity on where these N daccess-ods.un.org |
其他範例包括六座「氣象隧道」,座落於芬蘭赫爾辛基、英國倫敦、美國紐約、德國柏林、韓國首爾、美國亞歷桑納,收集多種資料,如二氧化碳 與 一氧 化 碳 濃度、濕度、光線亮度、噪音分貝、氣溫等,所有資料統合之後,建立一套即時空氣品質監控系統,開放大眾使用查看。 thisbigcity.net | Other examples include six ‘weather tunnels’, which gather data about carbon dioxide and monoxide levels, humidity, light, noise and temperature – from Helsinki, London, New York, Berlin, Seoul and Arizona. thisbigcity.net |
该项目每小时生产 11618 立方米合成气、22000 立方米一氧化碳和 56 吨甲醇,合成气用于供上海化学工业区使用;甲醇 和 一氧 化 碳 用于化学中间体,主要作为生产醋酸的原料。 emerson.com | The expansion project produces hourly 11618 cubic meters of synthesized gas, 22000 cubic meters of carbon monoxide, and 56 tons of methanol. emerson.com |
研究表明,植物对铀的吸收26 以及废气燃烧( [...] 有时用于消除原油中的废气) ,会向大气中释放一氧化二氮(N 25 35. 2O) 和二氧化硫(SO [...] 2) ,造成酸性降水,即“酸雨”,可对地表水和土壤造成污染。 daccess-ods.un.org | Studies have shown that plants uptake uranium,26 and gas flaring, which is sometimes [...] used to remove unwanted gas from crude oil, [...] releases nitrous oxide (N O) and sulphur [...]dioxide (SO ) into the atmosphere, resulting [...]in acidic precipitation, or “acid rain,” that can contaminate surface water and soil. daccess-ods.un.org |
与主流烟相比,测流烟的燃烧温度相对较低,当中包括尼古丁 和 一氧 化 碳 在内的有毒化合物浓度更高。 beijing.ufh.com.cn | Sidestream smoke, generated under the lower temperature conditions in the smoldering cigarette, has [...] higher concentrations of many of the toxic compounds found in mainstream smoke, [...] including nicotine and carbon monoxide. beijing.ufh.com.cn |
排出的废气中含有有毒的一氧化碳 ,它是一种无色、无嗅的气体。 graco.com | Exhaust contains [...] poisonous carbon monoxide, which is colorless [...]and odorless. graco.com |
以ISO/FTC目前方法为基础并在卷烟包装和广告中作为单一数值出现的焦油、尼古丁 和 一氧 化 碳 数字分级 有误导性,不应予以显示。 global.tobaccofreekids.org | Tar, nicotine, and CO numerical ratings based upon currentISO/FTC methods and presented on cigarette packages and in advertising as single numerical values are misleading and should not be displayed. global.tobaccofreekids.org |
后来,通过操纵原子和分子,Eigler 和 他的学生能够生成多种图像;例如“量子栅栏” (见图 4),在原子水平上生动地显示了电子的 波粒二象性;并通过使用排列精密可像多米诺 骨牌一样“倒下”的一氧化碳 原子来根据原子的 输入“门”的不同显示逻辑门的存在(如在计算 机中用来确定逻辑函数的“门” ,如“和”、“或”和“非” 等)。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Later, Eigler and his students were able to use the STM to create a wide variety of images based on the manipulations of atoms and molecules, such as the ‘quantum corral’ (Image 4) which visually demonstrates the wave/ particle duality of electrons at the atomic scale, and the creation of logic gates (gates like those used in computers to determine the logical functions AND, OR and NOT) using carbon monoxide atoms arranged precisely to ‘fall’ like dominoes, depending on the input to the gate.13 unesdoc.unesco.org |
研究人员说,一颗年轻的太阳系外行星环绕着被称作HR [...] 8799的恒星做轨道运行,在它的大气层中含有水 和 一氧 化 碳,但是没有甲烷。 chinese.eurekalert.org | A young exoplanet, orbiting a star known as HR 8799, has [...] water and carbon monoxide in its atmosphere [...]-- but not methane -- researchers say. chinese.eurekalert.org |
上海焦化有限公司以煤转化为合成气、制 备 一氧 化 碳 和合成甲醇。 emerson.com | The plant converts coal to synthesized [...] gas, methanol, and carbon monoxide. emerson.com |
气体过滤相关技术 以太网连接进行有效的远程访问 加强与一个按钮编程用户界面和大型显示屏幕 闪存可用于增加数据存储和用户下载的软件 增强电子设计优化 [...] 改进后的格式,便于访问的组件 利用气体滤波相关技术,示范48i - HL措施的一氧化碳的样品量。 china-environmental.com | Gas filter correlation technology Ethernet connectivity for efficient remote access Enhanced user interface with one button programming and large display screen Flash memory for increased data storage and user downloadable software Enhanced electronics design optimizes Improved layout for easier accessibility to [...] components Using gas filter correlation technology, the Model 48i-HL measures the [...] amount of carbon monoxide in the sample. china-environmental.com |
焚烧处理时会产生一氧化碳、氧化 氮等气体、应一点一点少量焚烧处理。 chemical.kao.com | Risk of producing harmful gases such as carbon monoxide and nitrogen oxides. chemical.kao.com |
這六種溫室氣體為二氧 化碳 (CO )、甲烷 (CH 4 )、一氧化二氮 (N O)、氫氟氯碳化物 (HFCs)、全氟碳化物 (PFCs) 及六氟化硫 (SF 6)。 swirepacific.com | These are carbon dioxide (CO ), methane (CH 4 ), nitrous oxide (N 2O), hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs), perfluorocarbons (PFCs), and sulphur hexafluoride (SF 6). swirepacific.com |
組裝完成後,蛋內多項被動感應器會分析通過的氣流,運用各種電磁、化學與光學技術,偵 測 一氧 化 碳、二氧化氮、溫度與濕度,另可附加其他裝置,感應臭氧、微粒與輻射,結果直接上傳至資料交換中心Cosm(前名Pachube),可做為個別讀數或納入區域地圖中。 thisbigcity.net | These will use a variety of electromagnetic, chemical and optical techniques to detect concentrations of carbon monoxide, nitrogen dioxide, temperature and humidity, with optional extra sensors for ozone, particulates and radiation. thisbigcity.net |
植物界含有豐富的環胺合脢抗化劑,例如由山楂果萃取出的化合物就具有抑 制 COX 酵素及生物檢定抗氧化劑的能力(17),白黎蘆醇中的 [...] alpha-viniferin 也對 COX-2 有抑制的效果,並可幫助一氧化氮的合成(18)。 herbalifenutritioninstitute.com | Compounds extracted from crabapple fruits have demonstrated activity in COX enzyme inhibitory and antioxidant [...] bioassays[17] and alpha-viniferin, a trimmer of reseveratrol, has an inhibitory effect of COX-2 [...] and inducible nitric oxide synthase. herbalifenutritioninstitute.com |
迈安科电力驱动型救生舱配备Neotronics Impact Pro™电子气体监测仪(DGM's),对各种气体 如 氧 气 ( O2) , 一氧 化 碳 (CO),二氧化碳(CO2)等含量进行实时监控;设定爆炸极限(LEL’s)。 ch.minearc.com.au | All MineARC Systems electrically powered refuge models are fitted with Neotronics Impact Pro™ Electronic Digital Gas Monitors (DGM's) providing real time gas monitoring for Oxygen (O2), Carbon Monoxide (CO), Carbon Dioxide (CO2) and optional Lower Explosive Limits (LEL’s). minearc.com.au |