

单词 一概而论

一概而论 ()

lump different matters together [idiom.]

See also:

一概 adj

all adj


without any exceptions


general discussion

External sources (not reviewed)

不幸 的是,那些孤立地看待保护平民问题,不顾具体情一概而论的人 ,不了解或不考虑当地现实。
Unfortunately, ground realities are not understood or considered
by those who look at civilian protection in
[...] isolation and apply generalizations regardless of the specific [...]
这种批评有时 正确;有时一概而论而有失公允,因而是错误的。
Sometimes the critics are right; sometimes they are wrong and unfair in their sweeping judgments.
如果一概而论,Po werPoint中的动画背景的使用更加有用当观众是谁拥有足够的注意力青壮年组成。
If one was to generalize, the use of animated PowerPoint [...]
background is more helpful when the audience consists of young
adults who have adequate attention spans.
腕表的保养频率取决于型号,您所居住地的气候,以及您个人对腕表的养护情况,不 一概而论。
The frequency of the maintenance
[...] service depends on the type of watch, the climate and the care taken by the watch wearer.
[...] 的国际法并不存在武装冲突局势的国家并对其局一概而论是不 必要、误导视听和适得其反的作法。
Reference to countries where there is no situation of armed conflict, in
accordance with applicable international
[...] law, and sweeping generalizations about their situations [...]
are unwarranted, misleading and counterproductive.
因此,应考虑设立一个优先标准,根据最适当的地点确定管辖归属 标准;(b) 为了避免对普遍管辖权的适 一概而论 , 应 研究有关的单个罪行,以评
Accordingly, consideration should be given to setting an order of preference for the criteria for the attribution of jurisdiction based on the most appropriate venue
即使在许多情况下似乎需要就此作出肯定的答复,但难 一概而论 ,因 为一切都取决于通过条约的会议授予筹备委员会的确切任务。
Even if in many cases an affirmative reply again appears necessary, it is difficult to generalize, since everything depends on the exact mandate that the conference that adopted the treaty gives to the preparatory committee.
我 们主张,在制定保护平民授权时,应根据实际需要, 并综合考虑当地局势及维和特派团的资源、能力,不一概而论。
In our view, in designing the mandate for civilian protection, it is necessary that we base our work on actual needs and take
into full consideration the
[...] situation on the ground and the resources and capacities of the peacekeeping mission concerned.
很难对一概而论,但 总 体上可以说,更加迅速的对策和更大规模的一揽子措施(相对于经济体规模而言) [...]
It is difficult to generalize, but broadly [...]
it can be said that swifter responses and larger packages (relative to the size
of the economy), as was the case for several major developing countries, accelerated recovery.
但是,这种笼统一概而论忽视了个别国家在实现目标 方面正在取得的显著成就以及因此而提供的更好机遇。
However, this broad brush ignores the significant [...]
achievements individual countries are making towards the goals and the
scale-up opportunities that this provides.
这是由于在负载装置和基座的机械固有振动频率较低(虽不 一概而论 , 但 大致在 200~300Hz 以下) 的情况下,ABSODEX 和负载装置或基座会产生共振的缘故。
This rigidity requirement bases on that relatively low number of mechanical natural frequency (approximately 200 to 300Hz) of a load machine, and deck will cause ABSODEX to resonate with the machine and its deck.
值得注意的 是,联合国系统的监督机构并没有宣称在实地部署的联合国医疗设施不足或业绩 欠佳,因此对上述一概而论之的 说法的合理性提出质疑。
It is worth noting that oversight bodies of the United Nations system have not pronounced any insufficiency or sub-optimal performance of the United Nations medical facilities deployed in the field and therefore question the validity of such a broad statement.
因此基因改造食物安全与否,不 一概而论 , 应 按个别情况来进行评估。目前在国际市场上出售的基因改造食物都已通过风险评估,因此不大可能对人类健康带来风险。
GM foods currently available on the international market have passed risk assessments and are not likely to present risks for human health.
同样重要的是,强力维和要一个特 定冲 突地区进行而不是用政概论来笼统地对待这个概 念。
Equally important is applying robust
peacekeeping with reference to a particular
[...] conflict zone and not treating the concept with the broad brush of political generalizations.
本摘要概述了文件“透明度和问责制:2002-2009 年提交《不扩散条约》报 告的情况”的内容,该文件汇编了迄今提交的报告,介绍了各国承诺提交报告的 背景,说明就报告的适当范围和格式不断进行的 论 , 概 述 所 提交报告的内容, 并提出有关建议,说明可如何改进报告, 而 更 好 地实施问责制原则,强调该原 则是 1995 年无限期延长《条约》一部分
This summary provides an overview of the paper entitled “Transparency and accountability: NPT reporting 2002-2009”, which compiles the reporting to date, provides background to the reporting commitment,
reviews the continuing discussion of the appropriate scope and format of reports,
[...] broadly surveys the content of reports submitted and recommends ways in which reporting can be strengthened and thus better meet the principle of accountability that was emphasized as part of the 1995 indefinite extension of [...]
the Treaty.
另一个普遍的看法是,可持续发展背景下的绿色经济这一概念对所有国家都 有用,论其发 展水平和资源禀赋如何, 一概 念 必 须是十分广 而 灵 活 的,而 不是基于严格的国际规则或标准。
Another widely shared view was that the concept of a green economy in the context of sustainable development
and poverty eradication
[...] was a useful one for all countries, irrespective of the level of development and resource endowment, and that it must be sufficiently broad and flexible [...]
and not based on rigid
international rules or standards.
我还要同其他发言一道, 对贵国代表团召集本次恰 当而有好处的辩论会表示赞赏,这次辩论会是为了讨 论对于今后开展维和行动而言极其重要的问题,我们 还感谢为便利本次论而散发 的内容翔实 概 念文 件(S/2010/67)。
I should also like to join others in commending your delegation for having convened this apt and propitious debate on an issue of critical importance to the future conduct of peacekeeping operations and for the instructive concept paper (S/2010/67) circulated to facilitate this discussion.
为协助 各国对付针对粮食生产的恐怖主而 开 展 的活动包括:(a) 进行关于食品安全、 动植物健康问题的能力建设(培训班、各种项目),包括促进风险分析和加强基层 能力,以确保国家能够监测、诊断、报告和应对病虫害和疾病的爆发;(b) 食品 标准法典委员会和国际植物保护公约制定有关标准;(c) 设一个食物链管理框 架以便对跨界动植物病虫害和疾病造成的食物链危机、粮食安全威胁和紧急情 况,以及对核放射性威胁级紧急情况,进行预防、预警、防备和应对工作;组织 国论坛讨论与粮食和农业相关的生物风险管理问题。
Specific activities that assisted countries in relation to terrorism targeted at food products included: (a) capacity-building (training courses, projects) concerning food safety, animal and plant health, including promotion of risk analyses and developing base-level capacity to ensure
[...] national ability to monitor, diagnose, report and respond to pest and disease outbreaks; (b) the standard setting work of the Codex Alimentarius Commission and the International Plant Protection Convention; (c) the establishment of a Food Chain Crisis Management Framework for prevention, early warning, preparedness and response to food chain crises caused by transboundary animal and plant pests and diseases, food safety threats and emergencies, as well as nuclear and radiological threats and emergencies; and the organization of international forums to discuss biological risk management in relation to food and agriculture.
一位委 员(德国)的要求,委员会就与非政府组织的部门合作战略的 论概 要将列入文件 32C/31(“本组织与非政府组织的部门和跨部门合作战略”)增补件,其内容将 包括文件 167EX/40 中更新的战略和执行局就此问题将在本届会议通过的决定。
At the request of one member (Germany), a summary of the Committee’s discussion on sectoral strategies for cooperation [...]
with NGOs will be included
in the addendum to document 32 C/31 (entitled “Sectoral and intersectoral strategies for the Organization’s cooperation with nongovernmental organizations”), which will comprise the updated strategies contained in document 167 EX/40 and the decision the Executive Board adopts on the subject at the present session.
在该背景下,有人建议,缔约国 和更广泛的执行群体应确保满足上述要求,不应局限于如何确保女孩、男孩、妇 女和男子平等获得为执行《公约》提供的资源 一 般 性 讨 论 , 而 应 询 问为什么这 方面的进展一直如此缓慢。
In this context, it was suggested that both States Parties and the broader implementation community need to make sure that this actually happens, including moving beyond the general discussions of how to ensure that girls, boys, women and men have equal access to the resources generated through implementation of the Convention, and, by asking why progress has been so slow.
218 儘管任何股東其時已去世,且不論本公司是否知悉其已去世,任何依據本章 程細則遞送或寄送予有關股東的任何通知或文件 一概 被 視 為已就該股東單 獨或與其他人士聯名持有的任何登記股份妥為送達,直至其他人士取代其登 記為有關股份的持有人或聯名持有人為止,且就本章程細 而 言 , 有關送達 將被視為已向其遺產代理人及所有與其聯名持有任何該等股份權益的人士 (如有)充份送達有關通知或文件。
218 Any notice or document delivered or sent to any member in pursuance of these Articles, shall notwithstanding that such member be then deceased and whether or not
the Company has notice
[...] of his death be deemed to have been duly served in respect of any registered shares whether held solely or jointly with other persons by such member until some other person be registered in his stead as the holder or joint holder thereof, and such service shall for all purposes [...]
of these Articles
be deemed a sufficient service of such notice or document on his personal representatives and all persons (if any) jointly interested with him in any such shares.
从介绍非集中化战略实施问题的点击信息上一下便能清楚地看出,非集中化不应被理 解为一个中央集权的整体的解体而 应 当 被看作 一 个 以系 统 概 念 为 基础的新机制的建立。
It was immediately clear from the information on the implementation of the decentralization strategy that it should not be seen as
the dismantling of a
[...] centralized bloc, but rather as the establishment of new arrangements based on the system concept.
大会第六十四届会议重申确定,占领国以色列为将其法律、司法管辖和行政 强加于耶路撒冷圣城而采取的任何行动都是非法的, 而一概 无 效 ,不具任何效 力,并吁请以色列停止所有这种非法的单方面措施;并请秘书长向大会第六十五 [...]
届会议报告该决议的执行情况(第 64/20 号决议)。
At its sixty-fourth session, the General Assembly reiterated its determination that any actions taken by Israel, the occupying Power, to impose its
laws, jurisdiction and
[...] administration on the Holy City of Jerusalem were illegal and therefore null and void, [...]
and called upon
Israel to cease all such illegal and unilateral measures; and requested the Secretary-General to report to the Assembly at its sixty-fifth session on the implementation of the resolution (resolution 64/20).
在围绕善治概念的规范属性开展辩论的同时,出现 一 种 理 论概 念 ,认为(新 式)治理是当前(国内和世界范围内)社会和经济发展所产生的效应,并把政治上 正当、高效和有效以及对公而言具 有公信力和值得信赖列为治理方面必要的体 制和技术条件。
Alongside the debate around the normative attributes of the good governance concept, a theoretical concept emerged, which stated that (new) governance is the effect of current (domestic and worldwide) social [...]
and economic developments and listed
the necessary institutional and technical conditions of governance to be politically legitimate, efficient, effective, as well as credible and trustworthy for citizens.
我們除了原則上反對聲請人無需理而 一概可以得到90天填交 聲請表格,亦擔心吳議員的修正案會影響審核進度、 [...]
削弱入境管制, 以及增加公帑支出。
We object in principle to categorically granting a
[...] 90-day timeframe without reason to all claimants [...]
for submitting the form; and we
are concerned that Dr NG's amendment will affect the screening progress, undermine immigration control and increase public expenditures.
在本届国际教育大会所采取的创新措施方面,应当指出是,大量使用了视听 手段和信息传播技术:在开幕式和闭幕式上播放介绍情况的录像资料;分别在六个专题 讨论小组开始讨论之前,播放在国际教育局的青年专业人员项目(BRIDGE)范围内制作 的“成功作法”录像资料;在当地“兰色莱芒湖”电视台的协助下,录制了一期(部长 圆桌会议)电视节目;在国际教育大会因特网址上介绍了百项“成功作法”;次日即可 在因特网上查询一天的会议论概 要 等
Among the innovations marking this session of the Conference was the substantial use of audiovisual and information and communication technology: an introductory video at the opening and closing meetings; videos on good practices produced under IBE’s BRIDGE project (young professionals) to introduce each of the six workshops; the recording of a television programme (round table of ministers) with the assistance of the local television station “Léman bleu”; the presentation of some 100 good practices on the Conference’s website; summaries of the proceedings accessible on the Internet the following day, and so on.
一代表团支持执委会有关合并 CCFH 和 CCMH,以及将天然干果转由 CCFFV 处理的论,而其他 代表团反对将天然干果转给 CCFFV。
Another delegation supported the conclusions of the Executive Committee and the proposals to merge CCFH with CCMH and to transfer the mandate to deal with natural dry fruit to CCFFV, while other delegations were opposed to the transfer of this mandate to CCFFV.
就方论而言, 有人建议,应考虑将条款草案重组为五个部分的可能性:一部分 应确定该条款草案的范围和规定“驱逐”的含义;第二部分提出如果要 在国际范围内以合法方式进行驱逐所必须符合的实质性条件;第三部分应该包括 程序事项;第四部分可能包含涉及遭受驱逐者财产的有关规定;第五部分则专门 [...] [...]
As far as methodology was concerned, it was suggested that consideration should be given to the possibility of reorganizing [...]
the draft articles
in five parts: a first part should determine the scope of the draft articles and define “expulsion”; the second might set forth the substantive conditions that had to be met if expulsion were to be internationally lawful; a third part should cover procedural matters; a fourth part might contain provisions concerning the property of the expelled person; and a fifth part might be devoted to the legal obligations of the States of transit and destination.
不过,主席女士,无论如何,我们赞 赏贵国代表团为充实我们的论而散 发 的 概 念 文件 (S/2012/194,附件),其本身的优点就是把重点放在 安理会成员在该问题上持续存在的分歧上。
At any rate, we
[...] appreciate the concept paper (S/2012/194, annex) circulated by your delegation to substantiate our debate, Madam President, [...]
which by itself has
the merit of focusing on the differences that persist on the matter between the members of the Council.
因此,我们不能局限于举行会议和进行 论 ,而 应努 力找到按照我们各自能力和责任来兑现承诺的 政治意愿,这样我们才能更好地确保大多数发展中国 家能够实现千年发展目标,并一步 制 定处理各层面 发展问题的 2015 年后发展框架。
We must therefore go beyond meetings and discussions and endeavour to find the political will to act on our commitments and in keeping with our respective capabilities and responsibilities, so that we will be in a better [...]
position to ensure that the majority of
developing countries are able to achieve the MDGs and, furthermore, to create a post-2015 development framework that addresses development in all its dimensions.




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