

单词 一枝独秀

See also:


stand above the crowd

External sources (not reviewed)

尽管并列享誉盛名的亚洲“四小龙”,新加坡却力排群雄,宛 一枝独秀 , 堪 称世界商业以及多元文化的繁华中心。
Known as one of the continent's “Four Tigers,” [...]
Singapore stands apart as a bustling center of world commerce and diverse culture.
[...] Compact 24数字调音台在同等价位一枝独秀, 尤其 是它的用户界面非常人性化,能满足我所有的需要和功能。
I felt the Si Compact 24 outshines its competitors [...]
in many areas, especially when it came to user friendliness, and it had
all the features and power one could ask for, especially considering its affordability.
这种聚合物具有强力稳固的定型效果,不会产生剥落,并且它还具有优秀的防潮性能,在普通大众市场定型产品 一枝独秀。
This polymer provides a strong, hard hold without flaking and also provides superior high humidity resistance that is not seen in typical mass market styling products.
本季度,作为高端消费产品的别墅成 一枝独秀 , 成交 面积达 131,349.73 平方米,环比上涨 24.61%,平均售价 每平米 30,461.09 元(4,873.77 美元),环比下降 0.93%。
The total villa transaction volume reached 131,349.73 sq m, an increase of 24.61% q-o-q. The average price was RMB 30,461.09 (US$4,873.77) per sq m, down 0.93% q-o-q.
从最早担任客户服务总监,带领整个研究团队负责百事可乐、耐克等跨国企业的网络口碑研究和咨询项目,规划设计公司产品线,健全公司品牌管理体系,到分别设立市场及业务拓展团队,知识管理团队,再到担任公司的 首席运营官,她不但负责公司每天的正常运转,督导公司各部门的工作,同时负责制定公司未来发展战略和运营规划,使CIC的销售业绩逐年倍增,作为行业先锋和思想领袖始 一枝独秀。
In addition, as COO, she led the strategic planning for all future company development which aimed to double CIC’s revenue and maintain CIC’s position as the pioneer and thought leader in the social media industry.
Vegi-Vera 粉状小麦草汁的 33:1
[...] 浓度比率保存了小麦草所有营养精华的粉状小麦草汁,超越其它只提供磨成粉末的小麦草产品,因此 Vegi-Vera 粉状小麦草汁在小麦草汁产品市场显 一枝独秀。
Vegi-Vera Wheat Grass Juice Powdered Beverage is unlike other common wheat grass products because it offers an amazing concentration ratio of 33:1 while others
offer only dry Wheat Grass powder and not Wheat Grass juice
[...] powder, which holds the best nutritive qualities [...]
of wheat grass.
以最新調查為例,7名非官守成員中3人認知率未及五成,另外3人的支持度未及50分,只有周梁淑 一枝 獨 秀。
In our latest survey, for example, out of the 7 non-official members, 3 did not reach our benchmark recognition rate of 50%, another 3 failed to reach the popularity benchmark of 50.
但是,我们可以毫无疑问地肯定,它为使人们认识这一人类悲惨的历史提供 独一 无 二 的机 会。
Nevertheless, it can certainly be affirmed
[...] that it afforded a unique opportunity to raise [...]
awareness of this sad chapter of human history.
地產界一直以來成為整個經濟發展的 最大贏家,即使在經濟不景、百業艱難的日子,很多時候地產界仍然一枝獨秀。
The real estate sector has all along been the biggest winner as a result of our overall economic development; even when there was an economic downturn where various sectors encountered difficulties, the real estate sector frequently remained outstanding in performance.
其他新興經濟體的就業狀況 或惡化或改善,但幅度普遍輕微;惟印度、墨西哥、土耳一枝獨秀,後 兩者的職位增幅尤為顯著(雖然土耳其的 增幅為一年來最小)。
The employment picture either worsened or improved only marginally in most emerging economies, with notable exceptions being India, Mexico and Turkey.
主席女士,環顧世界的發展情況,美國經濟正處於調整期,歐洲經濟表 現疲弱,加上日本經濟嚴重衰弱,唯獨中國的經濟發展在可見的將來依然一枝獨秀。
Madam President, looking at the worldwide development, the United States economy is now in a phase of adjustment; the European economy is poor; and the Japanese economy is very fragile.
头发比身体更能吸收香味,Venus Spa 秀发专用香独有的天然草本香味突显个性,令人留下深刻所象。
The long
[...] lasting formula with unique Ayurveda Herb scent of [...]
Venus Spa Hair Fragrance (Ayurveda Herb) deeply impresses others!
另外与现代的内肛动物不同的是,石莲桦属 枝 花 柱 被 一 种 独 特 的 、名为骨片的鳞片状特征所覆盖——科学家们说,这是一个暗示,即这种“铠甲”的存在可能在内肛动物的祖先中比之前所认为的更为普遍。
Also unlike modern-day entoprocts, C. tylodes was covered with distinctive, scalelike features called sclerites—a hint, the scientists say, that such armor may have been more common among ancestral entoprocts than has been previously recognized.
The United Nations Decade of Education for Sustainable Development was
[...] highlighted as a unique opportunity for [...]
increased intersectoral cooperation, and
the connectivity of World Heritage actions with the work of all UNESCO’s programme sectors was equally underscored.
内部审计办公室的产出重点是评价和改进治理、风险管理和管控工作,为此 目的,将确保:(a)
[...] 办公室具有明确的与机构目标相关的任务规定,并受助一 个独立、 客观和能妥善发挥作用的管理结构,还具有核可的年度工作计划;(b) [...]
办 公室能够及时得到并保持数量和质量合适的人力资源,以执行其年度工作计划并
完成任务;(c) 办公室高效实施㈠ 审计和调查方法,包括使用支助工具、技术 和知识管理方法;㈡ 业务管理办法,包括各司的管理和业务活动管理以及业绩 监测;㈢ 质量保证和持续改进。
The Office of Internal Audit will focus its outputs on evaluating and improving governance, risk management and control processes by ensuring that (a) it has a clear mandate
linked to organizational objectives and is
[...] supported by an independent, objective and [...]
well-functioning management structure
with approved annual work plans; (b) it secures and retains the right quantity and quality of human resources in a timely manner to execute its annual work plans and fulfil its mandate; and (c) it is effective and efficient in applying (i) audit and investigation methodologies, including the use of supporting tools, technology and knowledge management approaches; (ii) operational management practices, including divisional and engagement management and performance monitoring; and (iii) quality assurance and continuous improvement.
在 20 年前,香港的轉口貿一枝獨秀,但 今天香港的轉口貿易卻面對 激烈的競爭。
Two decades ago, Hong Kong was unparalleled in its re-export trade but today, re-export trade in Hong Kong faces fierce competition.
(h) 如果设保人是前述规则未予涉及的其他实体的参与方,设保人的身份 识别特征即为创设文件中所载实体的名称 [;根据建议 22,为确定设保人独一 特征 而需要提供登记相关交易中代表该实体的每个自然人的姓名之类必要补充 信息]。
(h) If the grantor is a participant in an entity other than one already referred to in the preceding rules, the grantor identifier is the name of the entity as stated in the document creating it[; necessary, additional information, such as the names of each natural person representing the entity in the transaction to which the registration relates, should be required to uniquely identify the grantor in accordance with recommendation 22].
除了在文藝領一枝獨秀外, 緊跟時代步伐和國家民族發展之需,為推動中國教育國際化和現代化,促進國際教育理念的共用和資源的融通,新苗國際文化交流中心在唐潔女士的睿智引領下,應各界需求強力推出“內地與香港小學校長交流論壇”、“華夏菁英”國情教育系列活動(包括:香港回歸、北京奧運、上海世博、廣州亞運和深圳大運等“時代TIME”系列主題活動)等極具時代氣息和教育意義的品牌交流活動。
In addition to outshine others in art field outside, keep pace [...]
with the pace and national development need, and to promote
Chinese education internationalization and modernization, to promote the international education idea of sharing and resource assistance, eds TangJie international cultural exchange centre in the wise woman, led by strong demand should be the from all walks of life to launch "between mainland China and Hong Kong primary school principals exchange BBS", "Chinese elite" national education series activities (including: the return of Hong Kong, the Beijing Olympics, and the Shanghai world expo, guangzhou and shenzhen large Asian games such as "TIME TIME" series of theme activities), and other highly period flavor and education significance brand exchange activities.
在联合国各机构中,近东救济工程处堪独一无二 ,因为它直接为难民提供多种服务,其性质类似于公共服务组织。
Among United Nations
[...] agencies, UNRWA is unique in delivering services [...]
directly to refugees, and is similar in character
to a public service organization.
面對世 界 性 的經濟衰 退 和 中 國經一 枝獨秀的持 續 發 展 , 全 世 界 都 在 覬 覦 即 將 全 面 開 放 的 中 國 市 場 。
While other parts of the world are caught in an economic recession, the Chinese economy is enjoying phenomenal growth. Thus, the whole world has trained its eyes on the imminent full liberalization of the China market.
以香港這個以商業為重、經濟主導及金 一枝 獨 秀 的 所 謂國際都會來 說,這是一個突破。
Hong Kong, being a so-called international metropolis which is business-oriented, economy-led and finance-dominated, this is a breakthrough.
現時全球 經濟放 緩 , 歐 、美、日的經濟均 陷 入 衰 退 , 惟 有中國經濟發一 枝 獨 秀,今 年經濟增 長 估 計 為 7.3%,國 內 生 產 總 值 將 突 破 9 萬 億 元 人 民 幣 。
Thanks to its spectacular economic growth, China has succeeded to outshine all its rivals, with its economic growth for this year reaching 7.3% and its Gross National Product expected to break through RMB9,000 billion yuan.
達特茅斯塔克管理學院在雲雲國際商學院 一枝 獨 秀, 特別 着重人性化和全球視野的融合、要求團隊精神強化學習過程以及專重傳統的創新方向。
Tuck remains distinctive among the world's great business schools by combining human scale with global reach, rigorous coursework with experiences requiring teamwork, and valued traditions with innovation. www.tuck.dartmouth.edu
在 1 個月前,外國報章的社評大字標題說明香港港一枝獨秀的情 況已經成為舊夢,當中清楚列出 2001 年至 2005 年的增長數 據,很多華南地區每年增長的升幅由 25%至 55%不等,這是每年的升幅,而 香港卻停留在-4.6%至+5.4%之間。
A month ago, the editorial of a foreign newspaper said under headlines in bold type that those days when the Hong Kong port was unparalleled are bygones now and clearly listed the growth figures from 2001 to 2005.
然而,具有讽刺意味的是,这番针对伊朗和平核计划的煽动性言论和毫无根 据的指控出自以色列官员之口,而以色列政权在遵守安全理事会决议方面记录是
[...] 最差的,记录在案的该政权种种罪行和暴行已构成危害人类罪,它秘密开发和非 法拥有核武器是对该地区以及国际和平与安 独一 无 二 的威胁。
It is ironic, however, that such inflammatory remarks and baseless allegations against Iran’s peaceful nuclear programme are uttered by officials of a regime that has an unparalleled record of crimes and atrocities amounting to crimes against humanity and whose clandestine development
and unlawful possession of nuclear
[...] weapons are the unique threat to regional as well as [...]
international peace and security.
[...] 索和利用外层空间有关的国家立法的建议(A/AC.105/1003,附件三,附录)为 编拟独一项大 会决议草案或供提交大会的关于和平利用外层空间国际合作的 [...]
The Committee agreed that the recommendations developed by the Working Group and endorsed by the Legal Subcommittee on national legislation relevant to the peaceful exploration and use of outer space (A/AC.105/1003, annex III, appendix)
constituted a sound basis
[...] for a separate draft General Assembly resolution or an annex to the [...]
draft resolution on international
cooperation in the peaceful uses of outer space to be submitted to the Assembly.
土耳其則依一枝獨秀,在 創造就業方面領先其他新興經濟體。服務業的就業相對較為理想,但相對於金融危機前就業市場的一片興旺,情況已相去甚遠。
Employment conditions in services are relatively better, but a far cry from the pre-crisis healthy jobs market.
然而,一些 公 營 機構或 法定機構的 高 級 行 政人員一 枝 獨 秀,依 然得享 高 薪 厚祿, 完全與巿 場 脫 節 , 與 現 實 脫 節 。
Nevertheless, the senior executives of certain public organizations or statutory bodies are enjoying the exclusive privilege of huge salaries and extraordinary benefits completely out of line with the market situation or reality.
一時間 ,我們亦正推行其他重要的工 程項目,以改善城市的環境質素,例如港島西、荃灣和 枝 角 的雨水排放隧道工 程計劃,以及更換和修復水管工程計劃第 3 及第 4 期工程。
At the same time we are also implementing other important projects to improve the quality of city environment, for
[...] example the drainage tunnel projects in Hong Kong West, Tsuen Wan and Lai Chi Kok; and the stages 3 and 4 of the watermains replacement and rehabilitation [...]
我們在 2002 年 3 月把 108CD 號工程計劃一部分提升為甲級,編 定為 123CD 號工程計劃,稱為「枝角雨 水轉運計劃-初步設計及勘 測」;按付款當日價格計算,估計所需費用為 3,330 萬元,用以為擬議 [...]
In March 2002, we
[...] upgraded part of 108CD to Category A as 123CD “Lai Chi Kok Transfer Scheme – preliminary design and investigations” [...]
at an estimated
cost of $33.3 million in MOD prices for carrying out the site investigation and preliminary design for the proposed LCKTS.




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