

单词 一束

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梅蒂斯旗”是集不同国家形象于一体的万花筒。仿佛透过棱镜的过滤一般,这面旗帜将所有国家的颜色汇集成 一束 光 芒
The Metisse Flag is a kaleidoscope of different nations, as if through the filter of a prism, the flag concentrates all the national colours into the sum of light.
一束光線 會直接射在鏡片上,而反射的光線會受 電子儀器監察,以測出及控制露珠及霜的形成。
A beam of light is directed on to the mirror and the reflected beam is monitored [...]
electronically in order to detect and control
the formation of dew or frost.
它有一寸多长,并分为两束纤维体 一束 控 制 前后运动, 一束 控 制 扭动运动。
It is a little over an inch long, and
consists of two bundles of
[...] fibers, one which controls front to back movement and one which controls [...]
twisting movements.
這支香氛像一束綜合 了多種鮮花精煉而成的香味,選用的材料都是極度女性化,以及充份代表了Valentino女性的獨特氣質,因此便以Valentina而命名。
Synthesized in a refined bouquet of fragrances, [...]
the ingredients that define the femininity and uniqueness of the Valentino
woman have inspired a new perfume called Valentina that was conceived as couture style and a signature element of distinction that expresses a feminine ideal.
爸爸手上持着两束鲜花,粉红色的 一束 是 妈妈的情人节礼物。
The pink ones was dedicated for her [...]
Valentine’s present.
紅寶石紅透明玻璃,滿布細微氣泡;平唇、微凹斂底、突出平底圈足; 兩正面雕一雙相對的夔紋,側面各 一束 卷 枝 紋,頸雕垂葉紋一圈
Transparent ruby-red glass suffused with tiny air bubbles; with a flat lip and a recessed, slightly concave foot surrounded by a protruding flat footrim; carved on each main side with a pair of confronting kui dragons, the narrow sides with formalized vajra-shaped floral clusters, and the neck with a band of pendant leaf lappets
Puma这一新的营销活动展示了品牌在线游戏在中国的潜力,同时也为人人网投去 一束 光 , 这 一 社 交 网络虽然在近些日子被新浪微博抢去了风头,对于针对年轻受众的品牌来说却仍充满了耐人寻味的机遇。
Puma’s new campaign shows the potential of branded online games in China and also sheds light on RenRen, a social network that has somewhat been overshadowed by SinaWeibo recently but still presents very interesting opportunities for brands targeting a young audience.
在加沙,在最近一轮敌对行动束一 年 之后, 无论是引起冲突的问题,还是冲突造成的创伤,都 没有得到充分解决。
In Gaza, one year after the end of the most recent [...]
round of hostilities, neither the issues that had led to the conflict
nor its aftermath had been fully addressed.
在 第 四 宗 個 案 中 , 一 名 廉 署 人 員 及 其 上 司 於束 一 宗 調 查 個 案 前 應 徵 詢 法 律 意 見 , 但 他 們 未 有 這 樣 做 。
In the fourth case, an officer and his supervisor had concluded an investigation without seeking legal advice which should have been sought given the findings of the investigation.
所以,如果共產黨說自己是執政黨的話,一黨 專政便應該宣布束,因為一黨專政是馬克思主義的無產階級專政的臨 時階段,並非永久階段,既然共產黨是執政黨,便要 束一 黨 專 政。
For this reason, if the CPC calls itself the ruling party, it should be declared that one-party dictatorship has come to an end.
08.05 所以,如果希望提交的国际申请中一些指定受协定 束 , 一 些受 议定书约束,而基础商标尚未在原属局注册的,应当在向原属局提出国际申 请请求之前,权衡这两种做法的相对利弊。
08.05 A person who wishes to file an international application in which some designations will be governed by the Agreement and some by the Protocol, but whose basic mark has not yet been registered by the Office of origin, should therefore weigh up the relative advantages and disadvantages of these two courses before filing the request for an international application with the Office of origin.
埃 及 建议以色列结束对 1967 年以来占领的一切巴勒斯坦和阿拉伯领土的占领,包括耶 路撒冷和 叙 利亚戈 兰;尊重巴勒斯坦人民的自决权和以耶路撒冷为 首 都 建立自己 独 立国家的权利;尊重巴勒斯坦难民返 回家园 并为所遭 受的损 失 及 损害获得 赔偿 和收回财 产 的权利;充 分落实国 际 法 院 关于隔离墙的 咨 询意见; 废除关于兼并被 占 领的叙 利亚戈
兰的非 法决定,并结束 有关的一切 定 居活动;在被占领巴勒斯坦 领 土
[...] 上,特别是被占领的耶路撒冷及其周 边束 一 切 定 居活动;立即停止 在巴勒 斯 [...]
坦 被占领 土 上的军 事行动并结束 对 加沙地 带 的 封锁;立即释放一切 巴
勒斯坦、 叙利亚和其他阿拉伯囚犯和被拘留者。
Egypt recommended that Israel end its occupation of all Palestinian and Arab Territories occupied since 1967, including Jerusalem and the Syrian Golan; respect the right of Palestinians to self-determination and the establishment of their independent State, with Jerusalem as its capital; respect the right of Palestinian refugees to return to their homelands and be compensated for losses and damage incurred and to retrieve their properties; fully implement the advisory opinion of the International Court of Justice concerning the wall; annul its illegitimate decision to annex the occupied
Syrian Golan, and to end all settlement
[...] activities therein; end all settlement activities [...]
in the Occupied Palestinian Territories,
particularly in and around occupied Jerusalem; immediately cease its military operations in the Occupied Palestinian Territories and lift the closure imposed on the Gaza strip; and immediately release all Palestinian, Syrian and other Arab prisoners and detainees.
[...] 单方面声明,或一国在通知对条约的继承时提出单方面声明,从而使该国或该国 际组织同意受条约束一事取 决于对条约或对其某些规定的特定解释,此项声明 [...]
A conditional interpretative declaration is a unilateral statement formulated by a State or an international organization when signing, ratifying, formally confirming, accepting, approving or acceding to a treaty, or by a State when making a notification of succession to a treaty, whereby the State
or international organization subjects its
[...] consent to be bound by the treaty to [...]
a specific interpretation of the treaty
or of certain provisions thereof.
(b) 强调有必要对在所有部门束一切形 式的歧视和暴力侵害妇女和女孩 方面采取全面的办法,包括采取举措防止和打击基于性别的暴力行为;鼓励和支 [...]
持男子和男孩积极参与防止和消除暴力一切形式的暴力行为,特别是基于性别的 暴力行为,并提高其对结束暴力循环所负责任的认识
(b) Emphasize the need for a
[...] holistic approach to ending all forms of discrimination [...]
and violence against women and girls across all sectors, including through initiatives
designed to prevent and combat gender-based violence; to encourage and support efforts by men and boys to take an active part in the prevention and elimination of all forms of violence, especially gender-based violence; and to increase awareness of their responsibility in respect of ending the cycle of violence
[...] 性,主席团建议,下一届委员会主席团(即第四十四届会议选举产生的主席团)在 本届会议束一个月 之内与之会晤,以便新主席团了解本届主席团正在推行各项 [...]
In order to ensure continuity in the process of raising awareness about the contributions of the Commission’s work to the Millennium Development Goal process, the Bureau suggested that the next Bureau of the Commission
(i.e., that elected for the forty-fourth
[...] session) meet with it within a month [...]
after the closing of the session so that the
new Bureau could be briefed about the initiatives being pursued by the current Bureau.
在选举后危机束一年后 ,在利比里亚的许多科 特迪瓦难民还没有返回科特迪瓦。
A year after the end of the post-electoral [...]
crisis, many Ivorian refugees in Liberia have not returned to Côte d’Ivoire.
每份份额包括一股普通股和一份不可转让购股权证,购股权证在发行 束一 年 内可以每股0.10美元的价格再购买一股Hansa的普通股。
KMT would hold 36.2% of Hansa''s issued share capital following the proposed private placement and 53.1% of Hansa''s fully diluted share capital assuming exercise of the warrants which form part of the units.
回顾需要束一切暴 力行为,包括恐怖、挑衅、煽动和破坏行为
Recalling the need to end all acts of violence, [...]
including acts of terror, provocation, incitement and destruction
(a) 《憲法》中並無訂明任何國家機關的名稱是“中共政府”; 及 (b)
[...] 假設“中共政府”是指中央人民政府,擬議議案一旦獲得通 過,是要求中央人民政府應“束一 黨 專政,還政於民”。
(b) assuming that "Chinese Communist Government" means the CPG, the proposed motion, if passed, would
signify the making of a demand to the CPG
[...] that it should "end one-party dictatorship [...]
and return political power to the people".
卜拉希米报告(见 S/2000/809)中也进行了讨论 的这项进程本身的各种运作机制要求有序地 束一 项特派团任务。
The mechanics of the process itself, which are also discussed in the Brahimi report (see S/2000/809), necessitate the orderly closure of a mission.
等我返回到水面后,我的其中一位同伴便会即刻下潜,继续进行我未完的工作,然后我们以轮流替换的方式进行工作项目,直到约莫傍晚6点,才 束一 天 工 作时间。
Then we’ll take the work in
[...] turns until the end of our shift at [...]
around 6pm.
外汇交易时间从周日的22:05 GMT一直持续到周五的22:00 GMT,外汇市场从悉尼开始,然后转到香港、欧洲、美国并在美国 束一 天 的 交易。
Forex trading hours are continous from 22:05 GMT Sunday to 22:00 GMT Friday as the forex market travels from Sydney to Hong Kong and from Hong Kong to Europe and from their it closes a trading day in the US.
最后,由秘书长和总部外办事处主任组成的一个非正式小组起草了关于全 国委员会与总部外办事处关系的指南草本,将在 一 轮 全 国委员会磋商会议 束 时 最 后定 稿。
Lastly, a draft guide of relations between National Commissions and field offices has been elaborated by an informal group of secretaries-general
and directors of field
[...] offices and will be finalized at the end of the present cycle of National [...]
Commission consultations.
大会第六十四届会议请科学委员会继续进行其工作,包括进行重要的活动, 以增加对一切来源之电离辐射量、影响和危险的认识;请科学委员会下届会议继 续审查电离辐射领域的各项重要问题,并就此向大会第六十五届会议提出报告; 并决心资源分一旦确 定,便在科学委员会第五十七届会议后,但不迟于大会第 六十四届会议束前,就委员会的组成作出决定(第 64/85 号决议)。
At its sixty-fourth session, the General Assembly requested the Scientific Committee to continue its work, including its important activities to increase knowledge of the levels, effects and risks of ionizing radiation from all sources; requested the Scientific Committee to continue at its next session the review of the important questions in the field of ionizing radiation and to report thereon to the Assembly at its sixty-fifth session;
and resolved to take a decision on the membership of the Scientific Committee once a
[...] decision on resource allocation had been made and after the fifty-seventh session of the Scientific Committee but no later than the end of the sixty-fourth [...]
session of the General Assembly (resolution 64/85).
束一切形 式的暴力侵害 妇女现象的努力必须不仅考虑到暴力的直接后果如何影响到相关个人的生活,而 [...]
Efforts to end all forms of violence [...]
against women must consider not only how individual lives are affected by the immediate
impact of abuse, but how structures of discrimination and inequality perpetuate and exacerbate a victim’s experience.
马尔代夫人权委员会的目的,是在国家 束一 切 形式的人权侵犯,在整个 马尔代夫推广尊重人权的文化,以创造一个以民主、人权及法治为核心的社会。
The Human Rights Commission of the Maldives
[...] aims to bring an end to all forms of [...]
human rights abuses in the country and to
promote a culture of respect for human rights throughout the Maldives, with the view to creating a society centred on democracy, human rights and the rule of law.
他们要求采取紧急措施,包括联合国安全理事会第 1973 号决议执行 部分第 1 段所规定的,立即停火并彻底束一 切 针对平民的暴力、袭击和虐 待,并通过反映利比亚人民意愿的对话和谈判实现和平而持久的解决,同时考 [...]
They requested urgent measures, including, as stipulated in operative paragraph 1 of the UN Security Council’s
resolution 1973, the
[...] establishment of an immediate cease-fire and a complete end to violence and [...]
all attacks against, and
abuses of, civilians and to achieve peaceful and durable solution through dialogue and negotiations reflecting the will of the Libyan people, taking into consideration the decisions and recommendations of the African Union, the League of Arab States and the Organisation of Islamic Conference in this regard.
这将束一个时代的阿以痛苦冲突,条件是 按照具有国际合法性的有关决议和《阿拉伯和平 [...]
倡议》,以色列从所有阿拉伯被占领土完全撤出, 在巴勒斯坦、被占领的叙利亚阿拉伯戈兰高地和 黎巴嫩南部被占领土撤至 1967 年 6 月 4 日的边 界线。
That would put an end to an era of bitter [...]
Arab-Israeli conflict, contingent on a complete Israeli withdrawal from all occupied
Arab territories to the lines of 4 June 1967 in Palestine, the occupied Syrian Arab Golan and the occupied territories in southern Lebanon, in accordance with the relevant resolutions of international legitimacy and the Arab Peace Initiative”.
目前,至关重要的是,安全理事会及所有相关各方务必做出必要努力,有效 贯彻落实上述决议,束一切军 事行动和暴力,解决长久处于以色列不人道的围 [...]
困之下的加沙地带巴勒斯坦平民迫切的人道主义和经济需求,帮助各方摆脱目前 危机给我们带来的险境,重新回到和平之路。
At this stage, it is imperative that the Security Council and all concerned parties exert the necessary efforts and work to follow up
the effective implementation of this
[...] resolution to bring an end to all military activities [...]
and violence, to address the serious
humanitarian and economic needs of the Palestinian civilian population in the Gaza Strip, who have for too long been under Israel’s inhumane siege, and to help the parties return from the precipice to which this crisis has brought us and back to the path of peace.




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