

单词 一朝被蛇咬,十年怕井绳

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主席,在這個階段,民意強烈要求興建居屋,但施政報告仍未敢果 斷處理這個問題,我覺得我們的特首或政府便是所謂 一朝被蛇咬 ,十 年驚怕繩。
President, at this very stage, there is a strong public [...]
demand for the production of HOS flats.
可是,我們一想, 井是水的來源,古人看井繩便很害 怕 會 看 到 蛇。
When people of ancient times saw
[...] a rope in the well, they would be very afraid and think that they might have seen a snake.
但是,自由黨亦反對一朝見蛇就怕 了 草繩” 的做法,即對所有退休轉職的申請,一律不問情由,全都不批准。
The Liberal Party is also against adopting the "once bitten, twice shy" approach so that all applications from retired civil servants for further employment would be rejected outright.
一」召喚 (例如被蛇咬 傷而不醒人事) y 我會與你保持通話,直至救護員到 場。
Response 1 Calls (e.g. snake bite victim who is not alert) [...]
․ I’ll stay on the line until help arrives.
去 年 SARS 的 慘 痛 經 歷 , 我們是永遠 無 法 磨 滅 的,所 謂一朝 被 蛇咬, 十 年 怕草繩 " , 香 港正是 內 地 通 報 機 制 透 明 度 低 的 最 大 受 害 者 。
Hong Kong has suffered the most as a result of the low transparency of the Mainland's notification mechanism.
可能 由於政府過去處理很多科技項目均“損手爛腳”,以致 一 天 被蛇咬 ,三 年怕草繩”,所以政府去年甚至把工商及科技局除名,以致一些內地官 [...]
Such terrible experience has caused permanent fear, and [...]
the Government has gone so far as to remove the Commerce, Industry
and Technology Bureau last year.
正在进行的联合国改革十年被认 为是 进 一 步 加 强与教科文组织在环 境教育领域的合作的好机会。
The ongoing United
[...] Nations-reform and the Decade were seen as a welcome [...]
opportunity to further strengthen cooperation with
UNESCO in the field of environmental education.
它曾经一个地下矿井,但2002 年以来一直进 行露天开采,其重要性已经非常 低。
It used to be an underground mine, but since 2002 it has also been an open-cast mine, the importance of which is very low.
出土的朝(公元前206年–公元225年)古 代中国陶器上可见到稻 田养鱼的设计十三世 纪泰国国王的题字,以及例如越南 的“稻和鱼就象母亲和孩子”的传统歌曲,这些均实际证明 稻鱼组合在传统被认为 是财富和稳定的指标。
Designs of rice fields with fish on ancient Chinese pottery from tombs of the Han Dynasty (206
[...] BC–225 AD), inscriptions from a thirteenth century king of Thailand, and traditional sayings, such as one from Viet Nam – “rice and fish are like mother and children”, are all testament that the combination of rice and fish has traditionally been regarded as an indicator of wealth and stability.
同樣可笑的是,像香港這樣㆒個快將進入 十 ㆒ 世 紀的現代國際都市,仍要受清朝(㆒ 個在新界條例制訂後年被推翻的朝 代 ) 流行的習俗所束縛。
It is equally ridiculous that a modern and international city like Hong Kong preparing to enter the next millenium should be bound by customs which prevailed during the Qing Dynasty, a dynasty that was overthrown the year after the New Territories Ordinance was enacted.
以色列的确查明在大院 195 米以外一个水井,并 采取了预防措施,确 保井不被击中或破坏。
The IDF did
[...] identify a water well 195 metres from the compound and took precautionary measures, which ensured that the well was not hit or damaged.
在世界各地的冲突中,将犯下违反人道主义法和 侵犯人权等往往非常怕的罪行者绳 之 以 法,为其受害者多少伸 一 些 正 义,一些赔偿,这只属例外而并非常规。
In conflicts throughout the world, holding accountable those who commit often horrific violations of humanitarian law and human rights — and offering some semblance of justice and redress for their victims — is the exception rather than the rule.
除上文所披露者外,於二一零年三 月 三 十一 日 , 本公司董事或主要行政人員或彼等各自的聯繫人概無於本 公司或其任何相聯法團(定義見證券及期貨條例第XV部)之股份、股本衍生工具的相關股份及債權證中擁有任 何須根據證券及期貨條例第XV部第7及8分部通知本公司及聯交所的權益或淡倉(包括根據證券及期貨條例彼被當作 或視作擁有的權益或淡倉);或根據證券及期貨條例第352條須存置在登記冊中的權益或淡倉;或根 據創業板上市規則第5.46條所述上市發行人董事進行交易的最低標準規定而須通知本公司及聯交所的權益或 淡倉。
Save as disclosed above, as at 31 March 2010, none of the Directors or chief executive of the Company or their respective associates had any interests or short positions in the shares, underlying shares of equity derivatives and debentures of the Company or any of its associated corporations (within the
[...] meaning of Part XV of the SFO) which would have to be notified to the Company and the Stock Exchange pursuant to Divisions 7 and 8 of Part XV of the SFO (including interests or short positions which they are taken or deemed to have under such provisions of the SFO), or which were required to be kept under Section 352 of the SFO, or as otherwise notified to the Company and the Stock Exchange pursuant to the minimum standards [...]
of dealing by the Directors of listed issuers as referred to in Rule 5.46 of the GEM Listing Rules.
The terrible toll of those days was tens of thousands of persons executed and hundreds interned.
六十多年来,大屠杀、房屋拆毁、粮食和药物禁 运、绑架和监禁;以各种方式威胁其邻邦,包括使用 核武器;对巴勒斯坦和黎巴嫩发动无数次战争;暗杀
政治和宗教人士和精英;公开或隐蔽地干涉他国的政 治、经济和文化事务;违反国际法和国际人道主义法 以及肆意侵犯人权,包括杀害儿童和妇女——所有这
[...] 一切已构成充足的理由,要求国际社会采取果断措施 来制止这些暴行,并给予巴勒斯坦人民 十年 来 一直 被剥夺的合法权利。
More than six decades of massacre, home demolitions, food and medicine embargos, abduction and imprisonment; the threatening of its neighbours in various ways, including with nuclear weapons; the waging of numerous wars against Palestine and Lebanon; the assassination of people, political and religious figures and elites; overt and covert interference in the political, economic and cultural affairs of other States; violations of international law and international humanitarian law and all-out violations of human rights, including the killing of children and women — all of this should be reason enough for the international community to take decisive measures to stop
these brutalities and grant the people of Palestine the legitimate
[...] rights of which they have been deprived for decades.
尽管距离这么近,但古巴进行海上 井 的 机会 将 被 剥 夺 , 因为无法进行知识交流,且可用技术距离古巴水域只有几英里,这可能 被 视为 一种环境风险。
Despite this proximity, any
[...] offshore drilling potentially undertaken by Cuba would be deprived of the exchange of knowledge and technology available a few miles away from Cuban waters, which may also be considered an environmental risk.
冲突各方,主要是政府,不 仅有责任帮被迫背井离乡 的人口,而且有责任寻求 永久解决办法,这同波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那、克罗地 亚、黑山和塞尔维亚为结束西巴尔干半岛难民历史付 出的值得称道的努一样。
Those parties, primarily
[...] Governments, had a responsibility not only to aid the uprooted populations but also to work towards a durable solution, as Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Montenegro and Serbia had done in their commendable initiative to close the refugee chapter [...]
in the Western Balkans.
斯洛伐克认为,这一系列建议所涉问十分复 杂,需要有大量的资金及有关各方的努力与合作,并指出,处理好这些问 题不一朝一夕的 事,但这些问题将会得到解决。
Slovakia considered this set of recommendations very complex and requiring huge financial resources, effort and cooperation of all involved, and noted that solutions were not imminent but would materialize in the future.
但是, 朝鲜民主主义人民共和国的人权局势例外,而且当 前的决议草案对于帮助朝鲜人民和受困于朝鲜的别 国人口来十分必要,包被朝鲜民 主主义人民共 和国绑架的日本公民。
The human rights situation in the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea was, however, an exceptional case and the current draft resolution was
necessary to help its
[...] people and others detained there, including the Japanese citizens abducted by the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea.
由于中国怕朝鲜 政 权崩塌,担心成千上万朝鲜难民蜂拥入境,忧虑 韩朝迅速一可能 带来的战略后果,中国仍然会继 续保护朝鲜免受更严厉的惩罚,包括更强硬的经济 制裁。
Given its fear of regime implosion, or hundreds of thousands of North Korean refugees streaming across the border, or the strategic [...]
of a precipitous reunification with South Korea, Beijing continues to act in ways that shield the DPRK from more punitive measures, including stronger economic sanctions.
的不同呈现出显著差异 例如 俄罗斯 的拉普人对北方极地的严寒与黑暗具有良 好的适应能力
[...] [...] 他们懂得如何防御数月之 久-40 的严寒 因为北极圈的植物生长 周期太短而无法种植作物 拉普人几乎完 全以鱼类和肉类为生 与此相反 中国海 南省的黎族人对这种寒一无所知因为 他们生活在炎热的热带地区 他们需要懂 得如何预防诸如疟疾等疾病及其病原体 或被蛇咬伤以后应该采取何种措施 黎 族人大量食用野生蔬菜 这些野生蔬菜遍 布村庄周围 并且味道鲜美 营养丰富 与北极地区的狩猎民族不同 热带地区 的人们通常都是农民 [...] [...]
他们栽培蔬菜 谷物 香料植物以及咖啡树和茶树 但 是 同是热带地区 例如 亚马逊河流 域 也有很多以打猎和采集为生的土著 群体在热带和极地这两类极端地区之间有
So that traditional knowledge does not get lost, the agrobiodiversity project staff speak with people on the ground – they document, for example, what traditional clothing is still available ...
这本 《曾我物语》 讲述了立志为父报仇的兄弟在经历 18 年苦难后成功报仇的故事,同时还讲述曽 十 郎 佑 成被杀,曽我五郎时致被抓 被 源 赖 朝 ( 11 4 7- 99 年)处 死,源赖朝是镰仓幕府(1192-1333 年)的建立者。
The Soga Monogatari (Tale of the Soga brothers) tells how, after 18 years of hardships, the brothers fulfill their quest, but
also how Sukenari is killed
[...] and Tokimune captured and executed by Minamoto Yoritomo (1147-99), the founder of the Kamakura shogunate [...]
公民社会―― 公民参 与世界联 盟欢迎新 通过的关于非政府组织和非盈利 组织的法律, 请 政 府 公开、准 确 和全面 地
报告这些法律的执行情况,以及为 改善 对公民社会空 间 的保护,即确保言论、集
[...] 会、结社自由和 参 与公共生 活 和政治生 活 的权利、通过国家 行动计划改善人权状况、执行条约 机构关于和平集会 自由一 些 建议、调 查 所有关于侵犯人权维护者的报告、将 肇 事绳 之 以 法 的各项建议 做了些 什么 。
Civicus - World Alliance For Citizen Participation welcomed new laws adopted on nongovernmental and non-profit organizations asking the Government to report publicly, accurately and comprehensively how these laws had been implemented and what had been done in relation to various recommendations to improve the protection of civil society space, namely to ensure freedom of expression, assembly, association and the right to participate in public and political life, to adopt a National Plans of Action to improve the human rights situation and to implement some of the recommendations of
the Treaty Bodies on freedom of peaceful
[...] assembly, to investigate all reports of assaults on human rights defenders and bring to justice those responsible.
虽然完全基于这项原则而与该国没有任何其他联 系的情十分罕见,如果审慎适用,而且提供适当的 保障措施并充分考虑到其他国家的管辖范围,普遍管 辖权可以成为确保将最严重罪行的肇事 绳 之 以一项重要手段。
Although prosecutions based solely on that principle, without any other connection to the country, were
rare, universal
[...] jurisdiction when applied prudently, with appropriate safeguards and with due consideration for the jurisdiction of other States, could be an important tool to ensure that perpetrators of the most serious crimes were brought to justice.
2002 年 10 月在日本绳 举行了“亚太合作促进生物圈保留地和类似的受保护区的可再生自然资源的可持续利用” (ASPACO)会议,第三次在该地区的生物圈保留地开展了几个具有实地能力培养内容的 ASPACO 项目。
The third meeting of the Asia-Pacific Cooperation for the Sustainable Use of Renewable Resources in Biosphere Reserves and Similarly Managed Areas (ASPACO) was held in Okinawa, Japan in October 2002, and several ASPACO projects with field capacity-building components were carried out in biosphere reserves of the region.
而底层绳钓可 能接触和损害海洋底层动物,使底层物体位置 不规范,绳钓渔 业的确有潜力在捕鱼时不对生境造成严重损害,并按照相对节 省能源的方式进行。
While bottom-set longlines may snag and damage benthic epifauna and irregular objects on the bottom, longline fisheries do offer the potential to conduct fishing without severe habitat damage and to do so in a relatively energy-conscious manner.




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