

单词 一望而知

External sources (not reviewed)

没有多少艺术品会让一望而知忍俊不禁,Ken Kagami创造的却拥有这种能耐。
Not many art pieces
[...] process the abilityto make one burst with laughter, and Ken Kagami’s creation being oneof them.
He wanted to learn about metals from living and working with them on a daily basis, and some of his early work featuring his now instantly recognisable razoredge styling is among some of the most sought-after in the entire canon of contemporary design.
He wanted to learn about metals from living and working with them on a daily basis, and some of his earlywork featuring his now instantly recognisable razor edge styling is among some of the most sought-after in the entire canon of contemporary design.
他因此望 知国代表是否希望对答复第 3 条草案第 3 款(c) 至(g)项中述及的仲裁成部分都执 行严格的期限。
He therefore wonderedwhether the representative of France wished strict deadlines to apply to responses to every component of the noticeof arbitration [...]
described in draft
article 3, paragraphs 3 (c) to (g).
该支助必须充分考虑也门 人民的强烈须与也门人民建容、负责、民主和公正的国家 的努力统一起来。
Such support
[...] must take full account of the aspirations oftheYemeni people, and must [...]
be aligned with Yemen’s efforts to
build a State that is inclusive, accountable, democratic and equitable.
各代表团还望知采取什么步骤来解决客户满意度评分很差的问题, 秘书长的报告附件五提到了情况。
Delegations alsowished to know what steps had been taken to address the poor ratings observed in the client satisfaction e-survey referred to in annex [...]
of the report of the Secretary-General.
一名代表问道,如何消除这种紧张关系表则望知由谁 来评估公共利益,以及竞争政策是否是实现其他政府政策目标――例如发展当地 工业和确保就业率――的适当工具。
Onedelegate asked how to eliminate thattension, whileanother wishedto know whoserole [...]
it was to assess public interest
and whether competition policy was the appropriate tool to be used to achieve other government policy objectives, such as developing local industry and ensuring employment.
部分业界代表望知没有研究显示氯丙二醇主要來自食物加工程 序 (例如高温处理)因刻意在食品中使用料(例如加酸水解植 物蛋白)所致。
Some trade representatives wouldliketoknow whether there were any studies showing that food processing (e.g. heat treatment) ratherthan the intentional use of any particular [...]
ingredient (such as acid-hydrolysed vegetable protein) in food products, was a major source of3-MCPD.
将某人被剥夺自由通知外面某人的权利是防范虐待要保障措施; 那些可能采用虐待手段的人可能会因知道外面有人已得到知而望步,并可 能对被拘留者的福利保持警惕。
The right to notify someone on
the outside about
[...] the fact of one’sdeprivation of liberty is an important safeguard against ill-treatment; those who might otherwise resort to ill-treatment may be deterred by the knowledgethat someone outside has been notified andmay be [...]
vigilant about the detained person’s well-being.
(v) 董事向董事会发知指出彼为某家公司或企 业之成员,并被视为於与该公司或企业於该通知日期後可能订立之任何合约或安 排中拥有权益,或被视为於与彼或彼等有关连之人士於该通知日期後可能订立之 任何合约或安排中拥有权益,则该通知须被视为有关合约或安排之充分权益披露 声明,惟该通知须已在董事会会议上提呈,或董事已采取合理步骤确保该通知在 发出後下一次董事会会议上将获提呈及阅读,该通知方为有效。
(v) A general notice to the Board by a Director that he is a memberof a specified firm or corporation and is to be regarded as interested in any contract or arrangement which may be made with that firm or corporation after the date of such notice or that he is to be regarded as interested in any contract or arrangement which may be made with a specified person who is connected with him after the date of such notice shall be deemed to be a sufficient declaration of interest in relation to any contract or arrangement so made, provided that no such notice shall be of effect unless either it is given at a meeting of the Board or the Director takes reasonable steps to ensure that it is brought up and read at the next meeting of the Board after it is given.
所确立的原则是对条约的继承这个概念固有连续性的 逻辑后果,而不论继承是依照法律自动发生还是因继承知而
This guideline sets out this principle,
[...] [...] which follows logically from the idea of continuity inherent in the concept of succession to a treaty, whether it occurs ipso jure or by virtueof a notification of succession.
与此形成鲜明对比的是,似乎极少部分 的文献篇幅讨论或认识到发展中国家权持有者在诸如英国、美国或日本这样的国 家维护其权益所面临的难题,例如,诉讼费用也许高得令望而
By contrast, it seems to us that there is very little discussion or recognition of the problems which face IP rights holders from the developing world in enforcing their rights in countries like the UK, the US or Japan, for example, where the costs of litigation may be prohibitive.
(c) 董事(就本第(c)段而言包括替任董事)或秘书就董事(可能为签署证明文 件中士)於董事或任何董事委员会决议案之时离开总办事处所在 地区或不可或无法行事之其他情况或并未提供供其收取通知之於总办事处 所在地区内之地址、电话及传真号码而出具之证明文件将为所证明事项 (未明确发出反对知而所有人士)之最终定论。
(c) A certificate by a Director (including for the purpose of this paragraph (c) an alternate Director) or the
Secretary that a Director
[...] (who may betheone signing the certificate) was at the time of a resolution of the Directors or any committee thereof absent from the territory of the Head Office or otherwise not available or unable to act or has not supplied an address, telephone and facsimile number within the territory of the Head Office for the purposes of giving ofnotice tohim shall in favour of all persons without express notice to the contrary, [...]
be conclusive of the matter so certified.
委员会对最高法院法官人数的减少感到困惑,望知做出的原因,以及其对政府在法 官理事会成员任命方面的作用有何影响。
The Committee was puzzled by the
reduction in the number of judges in the
[...] Supreme Court, andwished toknow the reason for that [...]
decision, and what impact it had
had on the Government’s role in the appointment of members to the Council of the Magistrature.
行预咨委会查完成,将从长远着眼,解决工作 人员问题,以应对行预咨委会工作量确实的增加,行预咨委会秘书处人 手不够问题(另见 A/64/7,第一.19 段)。
The Committeeexpects that, once the review is completed, the issue of its staffing capacity, with a longer-term perspective, will be addressed in support of the documented increase in the workload of the Committee and with a view towards alleviating the strained capacity [...]
of its secretariat (see also A/64/7, para. I.19).
因此,尽 管有关深海海底采矿业早期先例的结果令人言采矿业的风险很 高,但是海洋采矿业最终有可能会名符其实地取代陆地采矿。
Thus,despitethe disappointing resultsof theearly [...]
precedents for a deep seabed mining industry, and the highly risk-averse nature of the mining sector in general, there is potential for
a marine mineral mining industry to emerge as a genuine alternative to land-based mining.
因此,如今参与计划能够汇报的是预算得到了充分实施,但是实施时是否加强了问责 制,以及是否注意为受益者提会,使他们的申请能根据参与计划的规则得到审议和 资金,还不而知
Consequently, what the programme is able to report on today is a fully implemented budget, but implementation with increased accountability as well as with a sensitivity to provide every opportunity to thebeneficiaries tohave their requests considered and funded within the rulesof the programme.
可以采取的纠正措施包括下列措 施:调整采购程序使之符合采购法、采购条例或其他适用规则;已作出接受某 一提交书的决定,而事实表明应当接受另一提交书的,不向最初选定的供应商 或承包商发出接受受该书;或者取消采购程序,启动新 的程序。
Possible corrective measures might include the following: rectifying the procurement proceedings so as to be in conformity with the procurement law, the procurement regulations or other applicable rules; if a decision has been made to accept a particular submission and it is shown that another should be
accepted, refraining from
[...] issuingthenotice of acceptance to the initially chosen supplier or contractor, but insteadtoaccept that other submission; [...]
or cancelling the procurement
proceedings and commencing new proceedings.
主席望知第 11 条草案当前的措辞与 1976 年版《规则》中的第 9 条的措辞相同,在 实践中是否引发了任何问题。
wishedto knowwhetherthe present wording of draft article 11, which was the same as that of article 9 of the 1976 version of the Rules, [...]
had given rise to any problems in practice.
於就任何股款催缴之行动或其他程序的审讯或聆讯中,根据此等细则,仅需 证明被起诉之股东姓名为有关应计欠款所涉及股份的登记持有人或多名登记持 有人之其提出催缴股款的决议案妥为记錄於会议纪錄簿;及已向被起诉 股东发出催缴股款证明提出催缴的董事会已获委任或任何其他事 项,惟上述事项的证明将为债务的最终证明。
On the trial or hearing of any action or other proceedings for the recovery of any money due for any call, it shall be sufficient to prove that the name of the member sued is entered in the register as the holder, or one of the holders, of the shares in respect of which such debt
accrued; that the resolution making the call is duly recorded in the minute
[...] book; and that notice of such call was duly given to the member sued, in pursuanceof these Articles; and it shall not be necessary to prove the appointment [...]
of the Board who made such call, nor any other matters whatsoever, but the proof of the matters aforesaid shall be conclusive evidence of the debt.
在联名股份持有人的情况下,在股东名册排名最先的其名持有人应获发所有发出的通知视为向所有联名持有人充分送达 或交付。
In the case of joint holders of a
share all Notices shall be
[...] given to that oneofthe joint holders whose name stands first in the Register and Notice so given [...]
shall be deemed a sufficient
service on or delivery to all the joint holders.
最近,也就是在上 个月,以色列决定在东耶路撒冷建造 1 300
[...] 多套住房 单元,目的是破坏所有阿拉伯地区、各区域乃至全世 界在中东实现公正和全面和平的在这个 时刻,全世界都在努力实现,宣称和平是实 现区域和国际安全与稳定的一个绝对先决条件。
Most recently, last month Israel decided to build more than 1,300 housing units in East Jerusalem with a view to
[...] [...] undermining all Arab, regional andworldwidehopes for achieving a just and comprehensive peace [...]
in the Middle East at the very moment when the entire world is working to achieve that peace, declaring that peace isan absolute prerequisite for achieving
regional and international security and stability.
中东和平进程特别协调员罗伯特·塞里呼吁全 面迅速执行阿拉伯工作计划,停力,以便开展由叙利亚人领导的全面政 治变革进程;该进程将满足叙利亚人民的民主其政治、宗教或族裔 背景如何。
The Special Coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process, Robert Serry, called for the Arab workplan to be implemented fully and expeditiously, and for all violence to stop
for a Syrian-led process of
[...] comprehensive political change to take place that would address the democraticaspirations of the Syrian people regardless of their political, religious or ethnic background.
国际地球年 (2007--2009 年)旨在确保全社会更广泛和更有效地利用世界 400,000 名地球学家积累表达了国际地球年主题“地球科学为社会服务”的IGCP 计划的主题 “IGCP 为社会服务”十分相近。
The IYPE (2007-2009) aimed at ensuring greater
and more effective
[...] use by society, ofthe knowledgeaccumulated by the world’s 400,000 Earth scientists, a hope expressed inthe Year’s [...]
subtitle, Earth Science
for Society, very similar to the subtitle of IGCP “in the service of society”.
应提及的是,所有这些标准与战略的核心望而须使究机构和中心成为 本组织的组成部分,由各助理总干事全面负责,全力协助制订教科文组织政策、计划和预 算,以及实现理事机构制定的各项目标。
It should be recalled that at the core of those criteria and the strategy as a whole lie the need and the will to ensure thatcategory 1 institutes and centres act as integral parts of the Organization, contributing fully, under the overall responsibility of the respective ADGs, to the preparation of UNESCO’s policies, programme and budget and to the achievement of objectives and goals set by its governing bodies.
我/我们明白,根据《房屋条例》(第 283
[...] 章) 第 26(1)(c) 条的规定,任何人於申请公共房屋时知而虚假陈述,即属违法罪,可判《刑 事诉讼程序条例》(第 221 章)附表 [...]
8 所订第 5 级罚款及监禁 6 个月(在修订本申请表当日,第 5 级的最高罚款为港币 50,000 元)。
I/ We understand that by virtue of Section 26(1)(c) of the
[...] Ordinance (Cap. 283), any personwhoknowingly makes any false statement to HA [...]
in respectof an application for a public housing flat shall be guilty ofan offence and shall be liable on
conviction to a fine at Level 5 as specified in Schedule 8 to the Criminal Procedure Ordinance (Cap. 221) and to imprisonment for 6 months (as at the date of the revision of this Application Form, the maximum fine at Level 5 is HK$50,000).
大会还敦促各国确保在努力颁布和实施立法以禁止童婚和逼婚的工作中争 取各利益攸关方和各种变革力量的参与,并确保与消除的立法相关的信 息广为知而成广大社会支持执行此类法律和立法;大会吁请各国支持社区 举办讲习班和讨论会以使社区能够共同探讨如何预防和应对童婚和逼婚,通过诸 如医务人员及地方、社区和宗教领导人等对社区而言具有公信力的利益攸关方提 供信息,揭露童婚和逼婚的害处,并且给予女孩更大的发言权,同时确保全社会 有关信息的一致性,并鼓励男子和男孩做出非常需要的大力参与。
States were urged to support community workshops and discussion sessions to enable communities to collectively explore ways to prevent and address child and forced marriages, provide information through stakeholders credible to the community, such as medical personnel and local, community and religious leaders, regarding the harm associated with those marriages, give greater voice to girls and ensure consistence of message throughout the entire community, and encourage the much-needed strong engagement of men and boys.
84 倘委任代表文书与知一出,因意外遗任何有权接收通知的人 士发出委任代表文书或该人士未收到委任代表文书,於该大会上通过的任何 决议或任何程序不得因此而无效。
84 In cases where instruments of proxy are sent out with notices, the accidental omission to send such instrument of proxy to, or the non-receipt of such instrument of proxy by, any person entitled to receive notice shall not invalidate any resolution passed or any proceeding at any such meeting.




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