

单词 一更


更一致 adj

more consistent adj


take it up a notch
bring it up a level


continue to further successes
lit. hundred foot pole, progress still further (idiom); fig. much accomplished, still some work do
not rest on one's laurels

External sources (not reviewed)

董事會於二零一一年七月二十七日宣佈,股東週年大會之舉行日期由二零一一年八月 十五日(星一)更改為 二零一一年九月二日(星期五)。
The Board announced on 27 July 2011 that the date for holding of the AGM is changed from Monday, 15 August 2011 to Friday, 2 September 2011.
第四,责任追究和实况调查的机制应当在加强保护人权的目标 一更 广 的背 景下看待。
Fourth, accountability and fact-finding mechanisms should
[...] be seen in the broader context of the [...]
aim to enhance human rights protection.
然而,關東軍沒有事前知會首相田中 一 , 更 打 亂 了田中義一希望在華北建立 親日政權的計劃。
However, the Kwantung Army never notified prime minister Tanaka Giichi beforehand and they even disrupt Tanaka’s plan to establish a pro-Japanese authority in north China.
同 月,政府 核 准 了一个 特设工作组所编写的一份 探 讨性文件,题目是 “劳动过程中的残疾人问题” ,该工作组的任务就是 分
[...] 析 列 支敦士 登 目 前 在一 更 为 具 体的方面 的情况。
In the same month, the Government approved a concept paper entitled “Persons with Disabilities in the Working Process”, which had been
prepared by a working group set up to analyse the current situation in Liechtenstein with
[...] regard to this more specific area.
一更广泛 的疑问从严格意义上说也许不属于作为特定主题 [...]
的授权范围之内,但解决这个问题会直接影响到对违反国际人道主义法和人权法 的指控的解释,而反过来这又是关于是战争罪还是反人类罪的争论的基础,以及 对问责和个人的刑事责任所涉及的问题产生直接影响。
This broader inquiry is perhaps [...]
not strictly within the ambit of the mandate as a distinct subject matter, but its resolution
bears directly on the interpretation of alleged violations of international humanitarian and human rights law, which in turn underpin contentions of war crimes and crimes against humanity, as well as implications for accountability and individual criminal responsibility.
在“和平网络力 量”(PPN)一更为广 泛的框架下,发出了全球性的“提案呼吁”,要求以青年为对象的 [...]
各个项目创新性地利用社会媒体或信息和传播技术,努力实现“和平网络力量”的各项目 标,如建设和平、解决冲突和开展对话。
Under the broader framework of the [...]
Power of Peace Network (PPN), a global “Call for Proposals” was issued calling for projects
which target youth, apply social media or ICTs innovatively, and work toward the PPN goals of peace building, conflict resolution and dialogue.
[...] 议报告该事项,查明相关缔约国并要求就该事项和未答复国被选为审议国一 更为一般的问题提供指导。
It was decided that the Group had the responsibility to report on the matter to the Conference, identifying the State
party concerned and seeking guidance
[...] on this matter and, more generally, on the [...]
issue of unresponsive States being selected as reviewing States.
在文化和睦方面,教科文组织的作用是发展及增进各国人民之间的交往手段,并借此 种手段之运用促成相互了解,达到对彼此之生活 一更 真 实 、更全面认识之目的,并继续促 进相关行动以展示“每一种文化和每一种文明都是相互依存的,因此多样性是人类相互丰富 和创新的源泉”的理念。
In the context of the rapprochement of cultures, UNESCO’s role is to develop and to increase the means of communication between peoples and to employ these means for the purposes of mutual understanding and a truer and more perfect knowledge of each other’s lives and to continue to promote action showing that “all cultures and civilizations derive from and feed into each other, and hence diversity constitutes a source of enrichment and innovation for humanity”.
我已讨论过多数委员的解读,允许 性一更为困 难的问题留待有朝一日收到真正有需要的来文时再作分析。
Having responded to the majority’s interpretation, I would postpone analysis of the more difficult question of the permissibility of the reservation until a communication is presented that genuinely requires it.
她同意提议对“其他”一词 的删除,并说需要解决个人资料保护 一更 广 泛的 问题。
She agreed with the proposal to remove the word “other” and said that the broader issue of personal data protection needed to be tackled.
所需资源减少总额被部分抵消,原因是建制警察部队标准费用偿还所需资 源增加,而且根据目前的部署模式适用了 10%这一更低的延迟部署系数,而 2010/11 年期间的延迟部署系数为 16%,使得进驻、轮调和返国旅费增加,以及 由于在东非区域内缺乏专门用于建制警察部队轮调的飞机,造成若干建制警察部 队的差旅费用增加。
The overall reduced requirements are offset in part by increased requirements for standard formed police units cost reimbursement, and travel on emplacement, rotation and repatriation costs, owing to the application of a lower delayed deployment factor of 10 per cent, based on current deployment patterns, compared with a 16 per cent delayed deployment factor for the 2010/11 period, and higher travel costs with respect to a number of formed police units owing to the lack of a dedicated aircraft to be used for the rotation of formed police units within East Africa.
宏观经济和结构性政策 以及在非洲制定并实施的机构改革,应服从于 一更 广 泛 的发展目标。
Macroeconomic and structural policies as well as institutional reforms formulated and implemented in Africa should be secondary to this broader developmental goal.
开展与《条约》有关的工作时,必须考虑到全 球和平与安全一更为广泛的背景。
As the Treaty process moved
[...] forward, the broader context of global [...]
peace and security must be taken into consideration.
若干发言者指出,应从治理 和发展援助框架一更广泛 的方面审议为实施《公约》提供的技术援助。
Several speakers noted that technical assistance for the
implementation of the Convention should be
[...] considered in the broader context of governance [...]
and development assistance frameworks.
[...] 1559(2004)号决议中所载的目标,在实现巩固黎 巴嫩国家一更广泛 目标的道路上,对黎巴嫩有影响的所有各方均应支持建设性 [...]
For the purpose of achieving the goals
set out in resolution 1559 (2004), on the
[...] path towards the greater objective of [...]
consolidating the Lebanese State, it is indispensable
that all parties that have influence in Lebanon support a constructive political process.
关注的重点也从青少年司法积极转向儿童司法 一更 广 泛的领域,确认必 须保护犯罪受害儿童和儿童目击者。
There has also been a positive
shift of emphasis from a focus on juvenile
[...] justice to the broader area of justice [...]
for children, which recognizes the need
to protect children who are victims and witnesses of crime.
当前金融危机 爆发后,八国集团领导人召开了一次二十国集团首脑会议,讨论政策反应的协调
[...] 问题,并于 2009 年 9 月宣布一更大的 集团将取代它们自己的集团作为国际经 [...]
After the onset of the current financial crisis, leaders of the Group of Eight convened a G20 summit to discuss the coordination of policy responses and
in September 2009 announced that the
[...] larger group would replace their own as [...]
the premier forum for international economic coordination.
柔性电极针更加耐用,且更易于校 准,有利于达更均一、更优质的 涂层效果。
Flexible electrode lasts longer and provides better alignment for a consistent, high-quality finish.
确认每种文化都有值得推崇、尊重和维护的尊严和价值,并深信文化是丰富 多彩、多样、相互影响的,所有文化都是全人类共同遗产的一部分,并意识到如
[...] 果发展中国家继续处于贫穷和边缘化的境地,则全球文化趋于 一更 有 可 能是一 个威胁
Recognizing in each culture a dignity and value that deserve recognition, respect and preservation, convinced that, in their rich variety and diversity and in the reciprocal influences that they exert on one another, all cultures form part of the common heritage belonging to all
humankind, and aware that the risk of a global
[...] monoculture poses more of a threat if [...]
the developing world remains poor and marginalized
气候变化的各个方面都必须在可持续发展 一更 广 泛 的范围内加以处理, 后者的内容包括经济发展、消除贫穷和保护环境,这些都是在实现人权以及实 [...]
Climate change in all its dimensions must be
[...] addressed within the broader context of sustainable [...]
development, which includes economic
advancement, poverty eradication and environmental protection, elements that are essential to the realization of human rights and the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals and other internationally and nationally agreed goals and aspirations.
如果用户在上次访问后又在设定的超时时间段内再次访问摄像机,则此次访问将添加到 Web 服务器日志文件的已有条目中(将访问计数 一 , 更 新 上 次访问的日期和时间)。
If a user accesses the camera again within the time span specified in Timeout after the last access, this additional access will be added to
the existing entry in the Web Server Logfile (increase
[...] access counter by one, update date and time of [...]
the last access).
本职能确保妇女署有能力支持联合国系统依据机构间常设委员 会(机构间常委会)制定的注重两性平等的现行准则,就人道主义危机和紧急状况 中的两性平等和妇女权利问题采 更一 致 、 更 强 有 力的对策。
This function ensures that UN-Women has the capacity to support a more consistent and stronger United Nations system response to the gender equality and women’s rights dimensions of humanitarian crises and emergencies, in line with existing gender-responsive guidelines produced by the Inter-Agency Standing Committee (IASC).
更一般的 意 义上说,应该审议《条约》的运作和程序,以提高 [...]
其效力,允许对事件做出更迅速的反应,使各缔约 国能够更好地表达其政治意愿。
In a more general sense, [...]
the operations and procedures of the Treaty should be reviewed in order to enhance its effectiveness,
allow a swifter response to events and enable States parties to better demonstrate their political will.
加强我们伙伴关系的第一步是一起建设性地作出努 力,以便对联合国维和今天的情况和明天可能出现的 情况更一致的认识。
The first step in strengthening our partnership is to work together constructively to develop a more shared appreciation of what United Nations peacekeeping is today and can be tomorrow.
尽管与国际社会采取的法律对策有关的事项包含在法律对策标题下,但就 国际社会的对策单列一个标题将便利分 更一 般 的 方面,如区域办法和国际办 法之间的关系。
While matters relating to the legal responses undertaken by the international community are covered under the heading of legal responses, a separate heading for responses of the international community will facilitate the analysis of more general aspects, such as the relation between regional and international approaches.
此外,公眾使 用 電 視頻道亦屬 於 電 視 廣播的 一 環 , 由廣管 局 掌 管 有關的 監 管 工 作 , 可以令電 視 廣播行業的監更 一 致,監 管 架 構 更 精 簡 。
In addition, as public access TV channels are also part of TV broadcasting, if the BA is tasked with regulation, that will enable uniform sector-wide regulation under a streamlined regulatory framework.
在 2007 年 1 月推出的统一审计评级制度实施 3
[...] 后,开发署、人口基金、项 目厅、联合国儿童基金会(儿童基金会)和世界粮食计划署(粮食计划署)的内部审 计事务部门重新审议现有定义,并就一个版本取得一致,预计这将有助 更一致 地实施审计评级应,包括更明确地重视被审计单位。
After three years of implementing the harmonized audit rating system, which was introduced in January 2007, the internal audit services of UNDP, UNFPA, UNOPS, United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), and World Food Programme (WFP) revisited the existing definitions and agreed on a revision, which
is expected to
[...] contribute to more consistency in the application of the audit ratings, including a clearer focus on the audited entity.
一.26 广而言之,咨询委员会回顾,其关于 2010-2011 两年期拟议方案预算的
第一次报告曾质疑将联合国日内瓦办事处主任办公室、维也纳办事处主任办公室 和内罗毕办事处主任办公室置于第 1
[...] 款内的逻辑,并表示以下看法:为 更一致 地 列报本组织各种活动所需的资源,秘书长应将这些办事处所需资源列入专门讨 [...]
论这些办事处的具体预算款次中(A/64/7,第一.26 段)。
I.26 On a more general note, the Advisory Committee recalls that, in its first report on the proposed programme budget for the biennium 2010-2011, it questioned the logic behind the placement of the Offices of the Directors-General of the United Nations Offices at Geneva, Vienna and Nairobi in
section 1, expressing the view that, in
[...] order to present a more coherent overview [...]
of the resources required for the various
activities of the Organization, the Secretary-General should include the resource requirements of those Offices in the specific sections of the budget dedicated to them (A/64/7, para. I.26).
统一服务条件还将便利于更一体化 的办法管理 工作人员,便于将其才能同相应的工作匹配起来,同 [...]
时培养有效力、有经验和具有多种技能的个人,让他 们感到自己的贡献有了回报。
The harmonization of conditions of service would
[...] also facilitate a more integrated approach [...]
to managing staff and would make it easier
to match their talents with the corresponding tasks while developing effective, experienced, multi-skilled individuals who felt that their contributions were rewarded.
虽然 支持外国直接投资作为一个发展途径,但实行《联合国示范公约》的依据是,对 许多国家而言,实现生产性投资的方式是充分发挥税 务 ( 更一 般 而言税收)条约的 发展作用,并平衡根据条约保留的更多来源国征税权。
While supporting foreign direct investment (FDI) as a route to development, the United Nations Model Convention operates on the basis that for many States, productive investment can be achieved in a way that best fulfils the developmental role of taxation treaties (and taxation more generally) with a balance of more source-State taxation rights being preserved under the treaty.




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