

单词 一晃

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只要你把麵包在它們面晃一晃,它 們就會尾隨著你,非常好玩。
All you have to do is, show them your bread, and they will follow you.
增加綜援及“生果金”款項,是由黃毓民議員“擲蕉”開始的,“生果金” 的金額已有增加,一晃眼已 過了兩年 一晃 眼 已有更多老人跌入貧 困網一晃眼又 有更多老人要絡繹於內地和香港的路途。
The rates of "fruit grant" have been raised, but two years have swiftly passed, and more elderly persons have now fallen into the poverty net.
但只要一个人摇晃和跌 倒,所有人都会 倒下。
If just one falters and falls, they all will fall.
在 2005 年对 Nizamuddin Basti 观察期间我见到的唯一的游戏伤害是在当地政府小学前 面一块荒地上的晃的滑 梯上发生的。
The only play injury I had witnessed during my observation sessions in Nizamuddin Basti in2005 involved a rickety slide on a barren piece of land in front of the local government primary school.
晃一郎先生在这次特别会议 开幕式上的讲话见附件VIII。
Mr Matsuura’s address at the opening of that meeting is appended in Annex VIII.
总干事的这一观点与教科文组织职员工会(STU)在执行局和大会上的多次声明看 法一致,与松晃一郎先 生有所不同的是:教科文组织职员工会(STU)将人力资源管理局 (HRM)也包含在“全体员工”之内。
The Director-General’s assertion echoes many of STU’s statements before the Executive Board and the General Conference, except that, unlike Mr Matsuura, STU includes HRM in “the staff as a whole”.
正如教科文组织总干事松晃一郎所 说的:“应对全球危机需要 世界各国团结起来。
As UNESCO Director-General Koïchiro Matsuura stated: “The global crisis demands global solidarity.
龍之爪HYPERION電競耳機支架以鏡面拋光的亮眼靚潮外型搭配穩定的柱狀設計,提供了相當堅固的穩重感,而沈重且寬面積的防滑橡膠底座 一 點 都 不會有 晃 或 撐 不住的感覺;當然快速組裝和拆卸的設計,不需要任何的工具即可輕鬆兩步驟簡易上手。
The polished Battle Dragon red pillar and charcoal solid trapezoid-shape foundation base are superbly light and easy to assemble, but rock-solid like a Battle Dragon.
自动机芯供能型手表和机械机芯式手表的运转原理相似, 一 的 区别是:每当佩戴 晃 动 手 臂时,前者就能自动上发条。
Watches that are powered by automatic movements operate similar to a watch with mechanical movements, except that the winding of the spring occurs automatically, every time the wearer moves his or her arm.
在老特拉福德经历了所有的折磨,跌宕起伏和遭受嘲笑的日子后,他现在需要一个这样的球队,能使他舒服得打比赛,能使他不必介意那想讨厌的苍 一 样 围着 他 晃 来 晃 去 的 5000万英镑的压力。
After all the wear and tear, the ups and downs and jeers-outnumbering-cheers days at Old Trafford, he now needs to play for a team where he can move at a more comfortable level and where he won’t be minding anymore about the pressure of playing with a £50-million price tag dangling over his head like a pesky fly.
本文件载有候选人松晃一郎先生根据执行局的要求用法文和英文提 出的他对联合国教科文组织的展望一文。
The present document contains the text that, is accordance with the wishes of the Executive Board, the candidate, Mr Koïchiro Matsuura, has submitted in French and English on his vision for UNESCO.
然而,为取得实效,人们现 在普遍认为不能仅仅将工作停留在对对话的支持及其现有价值和潜在价值的一般原则上和认
[...] 同上,而应该采取具体步骤,开展有计划的活动,使“对话走出会议大厅,成为政策和实 践,体现在人民的共同生活中、相互沟通和相互理解中”(松 晃一 郎 )
In order to generate results, however, it is now widely felt that activities must move beyond general principles and agreements about support for, the value of, and the values underlying dialogue towards concrete approaches and programmatic activities that can transform “the dialogue from the conference hall into policies and practices
with consequences for how people live together, interact with each
[...] other and understand one another” (Koïchiro Matsuura).
晃一郎先生在这次 庆祝仪式上的讲话见附件 VI。
Mr Matsuura’s address at the ceremony is reproduced in Annex VI.
9月8日上午,教科文组织总干事松 晃一 郎 先生主持召开了一次特别会议, 专题为“民间社会参与促进全民教育(EPT)的工作”。
A special meeting, chaired by Mr Koïchiro Matsuura, Director-General of UNESCO, was held in the morning of 8 September on the theme of “the involvement of civil society in promoting education for all (EFA)”.
教科文组织总干事松晃一郎和 美国教育部长 Rod Paige 致开幕词的这次会议强调了三个主要问题:优质教育面临的挑战和窘境;扩大优质教育界定 的需要;变革和改进手段。
The meeting, opened by the Director-General of UNESCO, Mr Koïchiro Matsuura, and the Secretary of Education of the United States, Rod Paige, focused on three main issues: Challenges and Dilemmas facing the Quality of Education; The Need for an Expanded Definition of the Quality of Education; Tools for Change and Improvement.
大会主席请教科文组织总干事松 晃一 郎 先 生致闭幕词。
The President invited Mr Koïchiro Matsuura, Director-General of UNESCO, to deliver his closing address.
应联合国教科文组织总干事松晃一 郎 先 生的邀请,支持联合国教科文组织和非洲发 展新伙伴关系之间合作的非洲地区和分地区组织论坛(FOSRASUN)于 2004 年 9 月 13 日在 教科文组织总部巴黎召开会议。论坛由地区和分地区经济共同体(REC)、非洲联盟委员 会、非洲发展新伙伴关系以及教科文组织的秘书处组成。
On the invitation of the Director-General of UNESCO Mr Koïchiro Matsuura, the Forum (FOSRASUN) composed of the regional and subregional economic communities (RECs), the African Union Commission, the Secretariats of NEPAD and UNESCO, met on 13 September 2004 at the Headquarters of UNESCO in Paris.
我谨向总干事松晃一 郎先 生及其工作人员表示敬意,感谢他们对工作组给予了坚持不懈的支持。
And I pay tribute to Mr Koïchiro Matsuura, the Director-General, and his staff for their never-failing support to our group.
利用HDSLR相机或摄像机上的长焦镜头拍摄意味着使用镜头L型支架作为相机和平台操作系统之间的连接,由此创建 一 个 不 太理想的重量分布,并意味着相机或镜头的最轻微移动或触摸(例如按下“录制”按钮或镜头对焦)都会造成在后期制作中不得不编辑或删除的明显的相 晃 动 和 振动。
Filming with long telephoto lenses on HDSLR cameras or camcorders means using the lens L-bracket as the connection between camera and rig,
which creates a less
[...] than ideal weight distribution and means that the slightest movement or touch of the camera or lens (such as pressing "Rec", or focusing the lens) produces visible camera shake and vibration that has to be edited or removed in post-production.
由教科文组织总干事松晃一郎先生召集的这次特别会议,聚集了各个国家的八十名教育部长和十名副部长以 及政府间组织和非政府组织的四百名代表,他们聚会一堂,根据具体实例共同探讨如何 切实有效地开展合作。
Convened by the Director-General of UNESCO, Mr Koïchiro Matsuura, it brought 80 ministers and 10 deputy ministers of education and 400 governmental and non-governmental representatives together on the same platform to discuss on the basis of specific examples the manner in which their collaboration is put into practice.
教科文组织副总干事 M.巴尔博萨先生代表教科文组织总干事松 晃一 郎 先生对出席第一次会议的专家们1 表示欢 迎,同时强调执行作为教科文组织教育计划核心的受教育权利的重要性。
Welcoming the experts1 to its first meeting on behalf of Mr Koïchiro Matsuura, Director-General of UNESCO, Mr Marcio Barbosa, Deputy Director-General of UNESCO underlined the importance of giving effect to the right to education, which is at the heart of UNESCO’s education programme.
教科文组织总干事松晃一郎先生在会议开幕时指出,在海洋科学等科学领域的投入对于经济发展来说 至为重要。
The Director-General of UNESCO, Mr Koïchiro Matsuura, opened the session by noting that investment in the sciences, including the ocean sciences, is key to economic development.
这就是为什么我们要采取综合性的、跨学科、跨部门和全 面的方法的原因之所在,总干事松 晃一 郎 先 生在其开幕词中述及优质教育相关问题时就提 到了这种方法。
That is why we need to adopt comprehensive, interdisciplinary, intersectoral and holistic approaches as Mr Matsuura, the Director-General put it in his opening speech, in dealing with issues relevant to quality education.
总干事松晃一郎先 生在主旨发言中指出,世界正处于大动荡时期,各种错综复杂的危机时有发生,贫 困和不平等现象与日益俱增,使这些危机愈演愈烈,从而使过去十年取得的成果有可能因此而付之东流。
In his introductory statement, the Director-General, Mr Koïchiro Matsuura, noted that the world was traversing a period of great uncertainty characterized by multiple and complex crises, and further affected by the quiet growth in poverty and inequalities, which all put in danger the progress realized over the last decade.
来信全文如下: “尊敬的总干事松晃一郎先生: 根据联合国教育、科学及文化组织(教科文组织)《组织法》第 II 条第 3 段以及教科 文组织《大会议事规则》第 99 条第 2 段的规定,我谨代表法罗群岛申请接纳其以 “Faroes” (法罗群岛)之名成为准会员。
I have the honour, further to Article II.3 of the Constitution of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) and Rule 99.2 of UNESCO’s Rules of Procedure of the General Conference, to apply on behalf of the Faroe Islands for its admission as an Associate Member under the name “Faroes”.
在松晃一郎先生作为教科文组织总干事的任期即将结束之际,大多数会员国对十年来实行的改革政策 [...]
给予了积极评价,认为这一改革使教科文组织成为一个更具活力、更透明、更适应二十一世纪各种挑战的国际 组织。
As the term of office of Mr Koïchiro [...]
Matsuura as Director-General of UNESCO was drawing to a close, the vast majority of
States expressed their appreciation of the reform policy under way over the previous ten years, which had made UNESCO more effective, more transparent and better suited to the challenges of the twenty-first century.
晃一郎先生回顾了 Javier Pérez de Cuéllar 先生通过他所负责的世界文化与发 展委员会的报告对一种新的对文化遗产、物质遗产和非物质遗产负责的伦理观的出现 所做出的巨大贡献。
Mr Matsuura recalled the substantial contribution of Mr Javier Pérez de Cuéllar to the emergence of a new ethic of responsibility towards cultural heritage, both tangible and intangible, through the Report of the World Commission on Culture and Development that he chaired.
庆祝仪 式由教科文组织总干事松晃一郎先生主持,教育部门代理助理总干事 Aïcha Bah-Diallo 女 士发表了开场白;这一庆祝活动通过播放录像资料以及教师和学员的现身说法,为国际教育 大会的与会者提供了重新认识扫盲之重要性及其在世界上取得的进展情况的良机。
The ceremony, chaired by Mr Koïchiro Matsuura, Director-General, and introduced by Ms Aicha Bah Diallo, Assistant Director-General for Education, a.i., was the occasion for the ICE participants to be reminded once again of the importance of literacy and of its progress worldwide, through video documents and the testimony of trainers and pupils.
该“法典Vaticanus”是三个最纯洁的, 一 般 给 人的更古老的文字,而“法典颈”借用文字多大的hexaplar和更改根据massoretic文本(该“法典Vaticanus”是指由字母b;的“法典颈”的字母A,和“法典西奈抄本”由S)的首字母的希伯来文字母表麻原 晃 或。
The "Codex Vaticanus" is the purest of
[...] the three; it generally gives the more ancient text, while the "Codex Alexandrinus" borrows much from the hexaplar text and is changed according to the Massoretic text (The "Codex Vaticanus" is referred to by the letter B; the "Codex Alexandrinus" by the letter A, and the "Codex Sinaiticus" by the first letter of the Hebrew alphabet Aleph or by S).
于是,他斟了一杯酒,放在桌子上,移动了几个位置,终于看见那张雕弓的影子清晰地投映在酒杯中,随着酒液 晃 动 ,真 象 一 条 青 皮红花的小蛇在游动。
My friend, " Yur Guang said with the bow in his hand, "what you see is not a snake but a reflection of this bow which resembles a small snake especially when the wine is moving.




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