单词 | 一日千里 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 一日千里—lit. one day, a thousand miles (idiom); rapid progressSee also:一日adv—one dayadv 日里—during the day daytime 千里n—a thousand milesn 千里—a long distance a thousand li (i.e. 500 kilometers)
鉴於科技发展一日千里,委员认为适时更换救护车实属至为重要,兼且是有 可能做到的事情。 legco.gov.hk | Members considered that timely replacement of ambulances was essential and possible given the rapid developments in technology. legco.gov.hk |
在国家发展一日千里的形势下,我们必须认 真探讨如何维持本港的优势,以免被边缘化。 legco.gov.hk | In ordernot tobe marginalized, we have got to earnestly explore ways to maintain our competitive edge at a time when the country is developing at a tremendous pace. legco.gov.hk |
政府当局回应时重申,监於资讯科技的发展一日千里,与邻近国 家的竞争非常激烈,香港必须及早推行数码港计划。 legco.gov.hk | In response, the Administration reiterated the importance of early implementation of the Cyberport project in the face of rapid changes in IT and keen competition from neighbouring countries. legco.gov.hk |
(d) 在发展一日千里的国际 电子商 贸 环 境 下 促进消费 的权益。 legco.gov.hk | (d) promoting consumers' interests in the rapidly developing international world of e-commerce. legco.gov.hk |
黄毓民议员认为规管广播及电讯界别的相关法例及规 例不合时宜,为了应付一日千里的科技汇流所带来的种种挑 战,在成立新的通讯局的同时,当局应对该等条例及规例进行 全面检讨。 legco.gov.hk | To meet the challenges brought about by rapid technological convergence, Hon WONG Yuk-man is of the view that a comprehensive review of the relevant outdated ordinances and regulations governing the broadcasting and telecommunications sectors should be conducted in parallel with the setting up of the CA. legco.gov.hk |
由於资讯科技的发展一日千里,而此类网 站星罗棋布,这些委员质疑,援用《选举(舞弊及非法行为)条例》 下的现行法定监管制度处理经这些方式传送的电子选举广告, 是否可行。 legco.gov.hk | In view of the advance in information technology ("IT")and the prevalence of these websites, these members have queried the feasibility of applying the current statutory control regime under ECICO to eEAs transmitted through these means. legco.gov.hk |
由於现今的年青人多 才多艺,社会文化亦见多元,而且科技发展一日千里,全球愈趋一体 化,对工作人口的要求亦趋复杂多变,我们实有需要建立更多元化的 学校体系,以便家长为子女挑选学校和课程时有更多选择。 legco.gov.hk | There is a need to inject more diversity into our school system and give parents more choices in the selection of schools and curricula, given the multiple talents of our young people and cultural diversity in the community, and the multi-faceted demands on our work force in the face of fast changing technology and increasing globalisation. legco.gov.hk |
单议员询问,由於科技发展一日千里,网上罪行亦随之转变, 律政司会否为应付此情况,在针对网上罪行的执法行动方面加 强对警方的支援,并提供更多资源。 legco.gov.hk | To cope with the changes in cyber crimes alongside rapid technological development, Mr SIN enquired whether D of J would strengthen its support to the Hong Kong Police Force in relation to enforcement actions against cyber crimes, and provide more resources for this purpose. legco.gov.hk |
我相信在回归後, 有一个政党的政治发展是一日千里,这便是中国共产党在香港所发挥的影 响。 legco.gov.hk | I believe there is one party which has progressed very rapidlysince the [...] reunification, and that is the Communist Party [...]of China and its ability to exert influence on Hong Kong. legco.gov.hk |
尽 管政府当局解释, 资讯科技业的发展一 日 千里,与邻 近地区的竞争也相当激烈, 因此为 [...] 求取得“ 先拔头筹” 的 优势,香港必 须 迅速行动,但 部分委员仍然关注 到,政府当局与商界勾结,以权宜 及 急切为 藉口绕过 必 要的程序 ,立 下 了不良的 先 例。 legco.gov.hk | Notwithstanding the Administration's [...] explanation that there was an urgency for Hong Kong [...]to secure the first-mover advantage in the rapid development of ITand keen competition from neighbouring [...]territories, some members maintained their concern that the Administration had set a bad precedent of collusion with the business sector, and of using expediency as an excuse for circumventing the necessary procedures. legco.gov.hk |
过去 8 年中,联合国维和行动的规模一日千里,每年的 财政支出由 20 亿美元飙升至近 80 亿美元,同时 世界对维和行动的需求还在继续增长。 crisisgroup.org | UN peacekeeping has expanded significantly in the last eight years, with expenditures ballooning from $2 billion to nearly $8 billion per year. crisisgroup.org |
在过去数年,入境处的资讯科技发 展 迅速, 所 涉 的 投 资 亦 相 当庞大,加上 要面对 不断转变的业务需求 和 发展一日千里的技术,入境处有需要把 现 时 的总系统经理编外职位改 为常额职位,以便充 分应用资讯科技,进一步提升部门的生产力及服 务效率,以满足市民不断提高的期望 。 legco.gov.hk | With the substantial IT development and investment in ImmD over the past years, and in view of continuous changes in business requirements and rapid pace of technological advancement, there is a need to make permanent the existing supernumerary CSM post so that ImmD can capitalise on IT to further enhance its productivity and efficiency of service delivery to meet the rising expectation from members of the public. legco.gov.hk |
能成为一位成功的全职艺术摄影师、印刷商、出品人及艺廊老板,Carmel 归功於数码技术一日千里的发展。 mammals.org | Carmel credits fast advances in digital technology with ultimately enabling her career as a successful full time fine arts photographer, print maker, publisher, and gallery owner. mammals.org |
因此,我相信大家要合作 ─ 消费者要小 心,执法机构也要经常与时并进,因为科技发展一日千里,所以要更清楚科 技的转变,知道怎样防止这些罪案发生。 legco.gov.hk | So, I believe we have to co-operate ― the consumers have to be vigilant and the law-enforcement agencies have to keep abreast of the time along with the advance of technology. legco.gov.hk |
科技发展一日千里,飞行员要在飞行期间兼顾日益增多的显示设备。 iwc.com | The breakneck pace of technical progress meant that pilots had [...] to keep trackof an increasing number [...]of displays in the course of a flight. iwc.com |
当资讯科技发展一日千里之际, 社会上对资讯科技人才的需求亦不断增加,政府必须及早制订一项长远的资 讯科技人力发展计划,以应付目前及未来的需求。 legco.gov.hk | As theIT isdeveloping with giant strides and the need for IT talents is increasingly growing, the Government [...] should draw up a [...]long-term IT manpower development programme as soon as possible, so as to meet the present and future demands. legco.gov.hk |
LED照明技术的研发一直稳步进行,但最近发生的大东日本地震刺激了这方面的研发,使其进展一日千里。 furukawa.co.jp | Year after year, there has been [...] progress in the development of LED [...] lighting, butin Japan therecent Great East Japan Earthquake has triggered rapidgrowth. furukawa.co.jp |
监於资讯科技发展一日千里,加上学校地方 有所限制,政府接纳事务委员会的建议,让学校灵活购置资讯科技设 施。 legco.gov.hk | The Government accepted the panel’s suggestion that some flexibility should be allowed for schools in the acquisition of IT facilities, in view of the rapid development of IT and space constraints in schools. legco.gov.hk |
另外我们的财经新闻一向备受香港高级商务人士重视,而最新扩充的中国版将更精辟细致的探索这个一日千里的国家。 tipschina.gov.cn | Our newly expanded China section enables us provide our readers with more nuanced and detailed insights into this fascinating part of the world. tipschina.gov.cn |
至於黄毓民议员的修正案,当 中提到要将辛亥革命相关的历史发展资料,列入通识科的内容,我们 认为身为中国人,多些认识祖国的发展,包括祖国近年一日千里的发展,也是理所当然的。 legco.gov.hk | As for Mr WONG Yuk-man's amendment, which mentions the incorporation of relevant information on the historical development of the Xinhai Revolution into the curriculum of the subject of [...] Liberal Studies, we [...] opine thatas Chinese people, we should certainly learn more about the Motherland's development, including the rapid advancement the Motherlandhas madein recent years. legco.gov.hk |
财经事务及库务局局长:主席女士,金 融 服 务业是香港 经济的重 要支柱 之 一,在过去 二 十 多 年 以来,发展一日 千 里,股票 市场的 总 市 值 由 七十年 代 末 约 1,100 亿 元 增加至现时的 65,000 亿 元 以上, 上 升 接 近 六 十 倍 , 而本地的 中 小型经 纪 一 直 是香港证券业的中 流 砥 柱,对金融 业 作出了不少 贡献。 legco.gov.hk | SECRETARY FOR FINANCIAL SERVICES AND THE TREASURY (in Cantonese): Madam President, the financial industry is an importance pillar of the Hong Kong economy and it has achieved very remarkable results in development over the past two decades. legco.gov.hk |
(a) 汽车零部件:多个行业认为,内地汽车业发展一日千里,为香港的汽车零部件业带来巨大商机。 legco.gov.hk | (a) Automotive Parts and Accessory Systems – Various industry sectors are of the view that the rapid growth of the Mainland automotive industry has presented enormous opportunities for the Hong Kong industry. legco.gov.hk |
(a) 教资会资助院校的研究设备大多购於上世纪九十年代,即使 [...] 这些设备得到妥善保养,但由於科技进展一日千里,这些设 备已不合时宜,未能支援崭新的研究模式 legco.gov.hk | With the rapid advancement in technology, [...] such equipment, despite proper [...] maintenance, has become out-dated and isnot able to [...]support latest research methodologies legco.gov.hk |
不过,电脑及通讯一日千里,十年间社交网 络、云端运算、流动网络等新科技层出不穷,由此衍生林林总总的有关网上保安 与罪行的问题,其中包括「黑客」有组织入侵电脑网络、跨境网络犯罪、针对大 型资讯基建网络的境外网络攻击等。 procommons.org.hk | However, new technologies (such as social networking, cloud computing, mobile network) and new security threats (such as organized hackers’ community, cross border cybercrime and sophisticated attacks towards critical information infrastructure) have emerged in the past 10 years. procommons.org.hk |
尤其在进入新市场的时候,阁下往往可能会忽略减轻税项负担的新机会;阁下的税务人员亦可能因事务繁忙,未能及时留意有关的税制改动;阁下的税务顾问或许认为阁下的公司太小,不值得提供贴身的税务服务—又或者,他们的规模根本不能满足阁下一日千里的业务发展。 crowehorwath.net | Your current tax advisor may think your company is too smallfor personal attention – or your advisor may be too small to serve you. crowehorwath.net |
王月魂博士补充:「据我们的观察所得,高科技所带来的连系不但没有减低人与人之间面对面 接触的需要,相反,随着科技发展的一日千里,商务旅游亦随之增长。 mastercard.com | We have observed for some time that better IT connectivity seems to create more, not less, need for direct face-to-face contacts in business development in Asia; hence the growth in business travel has risen hand-in-hand with the expanding power of IT,” added Dr. Hedrick-Wong. mastercard.com |
於二零零五年六月三十日,本集团之资本承诺总额为港币二千九百万元(二零零四年十二月三十一日:港币二千一百万元),其中港币八百万元(二零零四年十二月三十一日:港币一千六百万元) 已签订合约,但尚未於财务报表作出准备;其余港币二千一百万元(二 零零四年十二月三十一日: 港币五百万元)已得到董事局授权,但尚未签订合约。 asiasat.com | As at30June 2005, the Group had total capital commitments of HK$29 million(31 December 2004: HK$21million), of which HK$8 million (31 December [...] 2004: HK$16 million) was contracted for [...]but not provided in the financial statements, and the remaining HK$21 million (31 December 2004: HK$5 million) was authorised by the Board but not yet contracted. asiasat.com |
过 往在储备冲销的商誉於二零零五年一月一日结算总计港币三十二亿七千四百万元,并不会在资产负债表中 重列或包括在出售附属公司、共同控制公司及联属公司的盈亏计算中。 swirepacific.com | Goodwill previously eliminated against reserves, totalling HK$3,274 million as at 1st January 2005, is not reinstated on the balance sheet or included in the calculation of the profit or loss on disposal of subsidiary, jointly controlled and associated company. swirepacific.com |
通过高等院校新的合作关系,高等教育与研究的国际化得到了加强,同时全民教育姊 妹大学/教科文组织教席计划继续取得进展,2003 年 5 月在 113 个成员国的大学里共设立了 大约 536 个已落实的教科文组织教席和 UNITWIN 网络,共涉及到一千多个作为主办方和合 作方的高等院校。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The internationalization of higher education and research through new partnerships across the academic community was reinforced as the UNITWIN/UNESCO Chairs Programme continued to expand with some 536 established UNESCO Chairs and UNITWIN Networks in May 2003 established at universities in113 Member States, involving over 1,000 host and partner institutions of higher education. unesdoc.unesco.org |
由於这类业务发展㆒日千里,我们要求政府当局承诺:政府当局对香港会计师公 会日後提交的任何提议或建议,均应即时而认真加以考虑,并就此改善法例,因为 我们对这个市场会如你发展方向了解较多。 legco.gov.hk | Given that this is a rapidly developing business we believe it is fair to request an undertaking from the Administration that any subsequent proposal or recommendation which the Society put forward should be given immediate and genuine hearing from the Administration and refinement to the legislation should be put in place, as we know more about how the market will develop. legco.gov.hk |