单词 | 一无所获 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 一无所获 —gain nothingless common: end up empty-handed
因为大多数发展中国家现在还不能 发展这些手段,所以如果不这样做的话,它们 将 一无所获。 iprcommission.org | Since most developing countries are not in a position to develop such methods, they will have nothing to gain by not exploiting this flexibility. iprcommission.org |
14 年来,我们一直努力弥补 在形成平衡工作方案方面存在的不足,但 却 一无所 获,因 此,这一办法看起来不太有望成功。 daccess-ods.un.org | After 14 years of trying in vain to bridge the gaps on a balanced programme of work, this does not look very promising. daccess-ods.un.org |
这样得到的 数据可能太晚,也可能一无所获,或者更本就是不适 当的。 daccess-ods.un.org | The data culled may be too late, not available at all, or inappropriate. daccess-ods.un.org |
如果一方得到所有一切,而另一 方——塞尔维亚——却一无所获,那不算妥协办法。 daccess-ods.un.org | It is not a compromise solution when one side gets everything and the other side — Serbia — loses everything. daccess-ods.un.org |
此外,这也涉及另外一个事实:零和结果——一 方获得一切,另一方一无所获——也具有内在的不稳 定性。 daccess-ods.un.org | Moreover, it is also about the fact that zero-sum outcomes — where one side gets everything, while the other gets nothing — are intrinsically unstable. daccess-ods.un.org |
对话如果不能带来基层的合作,就会一 无所获。 daccess-ods.un.org | Dialogue will amount to nothing if it does not lead to cooperation at the grass-roots level. daccess-ods.un.org |
他补充说:“不亏不盈”的调整似乎是专业工作人员得到的唯一加薪,且 获得的金额总是从工作地点差价调整数中扣除,所以实 际 一无所获。 daccess-ods.un.org | He added that the “no loss/no gain” adjustment seemed to be the only salary increase the [...] Professional staff received and that the amount gained was always [...] deducted from the post adjustment so there was no gain. daccess-ods.un.org |
为此 ,塞尔维 亚在编撰 普遍定期审查报告时 , 曾 向 [...] 科索沃特 派 团 索取相关资料,然而, 却遗憾 地 一 无 所 获 。 daccess-ods.un.org | In that context, Serbia had requested relevant information from [...] UNMIK in the process of elaborating its report for the universal periodic review but [...] had, regrettably, not received any. daccess-ods.un.org |
其后的历届阿根廷政府继续向联合王国提出抗议, 但 一无所获 , 它们在每一 个适当的场合发表声明,表示防卫方面的保留,并坚持阿根廷对有争议的群岛拥 [...] 有主权。 daccess-ods.un.org | Subsequent Argentine Governments have [...] continued to make protests to the [...] United Kingdom, without success, and on every suitable [...]occasion they have made statements [...]and expressed reservations in defence and preservation of Argentine sovereignty over the disputed archipelagos. daccess-ods.un.org |
它进一步指出,“由于当局单方面的制止和消灭, 这些努力一无所获”。 daccess-ods.un.org | It further noted that “all these efforts were [...] to no avail as a result of one-sided suppression [...]and annihilation by the authorities”. daccess-ods.un.org |
此外,无论 他的家人采取何种步骤,都一无所获 , 毫 无结果。 daccess-ods.un.org | Moreover, none of the steps taken by his family produced any results. daccess-ods.un.org |
我期待有一天能够站在这一讲台上,报告我们已 经解决了该问题,并且找到了相互接受的妥协办法, 而非一方如愿以偿地得到了一切而另一方 却 一无所 获的强加结果。 daccess-ods.un.org | I look forward to the day when I can stand at this rostrum and report that we have resolved that issue and that we have found a mutually acceptable compromise, not an imposed outcome where one side gets everything that it has ever wanted and the other side gets nothing. daccess-ods.un.org |
殖民统治者在殖民地国家强行招募数十万居民参加战争,这些人战死疆场却 一无所获。 daccess-ods.un.org | The colonizer forcibly enlisted [...] hundreds of thousands of inhabitants of colonized countries, who lost their lives in wars [...] from which they had nothing to gain. daccess-ods.un.org |
在 70 年来处理这项挑 战的努力一无所获之后,别的不谈,至少可以说国际 社会似乎正在形成和平的共识。 daccess-ods.un.org | After seven [...] decades of futility in addressing this challenge, one has to say that, [...]if nothing else, at least a consensus [...]for peace seems to be emerging in the international community. daccess-ods.un.org |
葡萄牙的 法律保障所有移徙工人及其家庭成员的基本人权, 如 获 得 卫 生服务和教育等等, 无论他们的身份地位如何。 daccess-ods.un.org | Portuguese law [...] guaranteed the basic human rights of all migrant workers and members of their families, regardless of their status, such as access [...]to health services and education. daccess-ods.un.org |
鉴于情报机构能够以国家安 全利益为由要求保密,公众无法获得 关 于 所 雇 佣的公司、合同规定所开展的活动 或部署区域方面的信息。 daccess-ods.un.org | Given the agencies’ power to invoke [...] confidentiality in the interest of [...] national security, the public does not have access to information [...]on the company hired, the [...]activities it has been contracted to carry out or the area of deployment. daccess-ods.un.org |
因此,德国关于印度 维修行业的呈件是在为氟氯烃淘汰管理计划的编制工作 第 一 部 分 议定的金额之内,即作为 牵头机构的开发计划署所申请的 173,750 美元之内,因此无资格获得供资。 multilateralfund.org | The submission from Germany for the servicing sector in India would therefore [...] fall within the amount [...] agreed for the first part of the HPMP preparation funding of US $173,750, that was being requested by UNDP as lead agency and was therefore not eligible. multilateralfund.org |
在艾滋病毒/艾滋病和儿童领域,注意到了重要的进展以及若干挑战:15 岁 以下儿童的感染率增加,需要向更多的人提供抗逆转录病毒治疗和相关资金,事 实上太多的年轻人对预防知之甚少或 一无所 知 , 全球经济危机对新诊断个 人 获得 治疗带来影响。 daccess-ods.un.org | In the area of HIV/AIDS and children, important advances were noted, as well as several challenges: the increase in infections among children under 15, the need for more coverage of antiretroviral treatment and associated funding, the fact that too many young people have little or no knowledge about prevention, and the effect of the global economic crisis on the access of newly diagnosed individuals to treatment. daccess-ods.un.org |
它也将要求提出进一步的资料,说明在建立以网络为 基础的后续行动系统方面所获进展 ,并说明 有 无所需 的追加资源确保该系统在 2011 年底之前开展业务。 daccess-ods.un.org | It would also request further information on the progress made in the establishment of the web-based follow-up system and on the availability of the additional resources required to ensure that the system was operational by the end of 2011. daccess-ods.un.org |
那些自始至终保持儆醒的人,虽然他 们没有看到所有他们所守候期望的,但这 [...] 样做,他们就仍然是非常有福的,而且能 与世俗保持分离;当他们生活在“所定的 日期”并顺从地“守望”,他们就将会 了解、明白,“将会理解”,而且不会对处在 这个时代美妙的“收获”事件中 一无所 知。 thestudiesinthescriptures.com | Those who watched all down the age, though they did not see all they watched for, were nevertheless greatly blessed and kept separate from the world, by so doing; while those who will be living in the “due time” and shall obediently “watch,” shall know, [...] shall see, “shall [...] understand,” and not be in ignorance, in the midst of the wonderful events of the “harvest” of [...]this age. thestudiesinthescriptures.com |
一些亚洲国家还新增了贩运可卡因 的初步迹象,这使得对可卡因几乎 一无所 知 的 国家开始出现消费可卡因的现 象。 daccess-ods.un.org | There are also initial signs of new cocaine trafficking in some Asian countries, which could potentially start cocaine consumption in countries where cocaine has been virtually unknown. daccess-ods.un.org |
为各地区的专家、专业人士、非政府组织的代表、政府和管理部门的 代表提供了一个机会,从全球角度探讨言论自由问题,如电子空间行使言论自由的新的机 遇、挑战和障碍,包括直接的(新闻审查)或间接 的 ( 无 法 获 得 信 息与传播技术或信息)障碍; 以及对内容的管理等问题。 unesdoc.unesco.org | It provided experts, professionals, [...] representatives of non-governmental organizations, governmental and regulatory agencies from all regions with an opportunity to identify freedom of expression issues on a global basis such as new possibilities, challenges [...]and obstacles [...]of the exercise of freedom of expression in cyberspace, whether direct (censorship) or indirect (lack of access to ICTs or information); and the regulation of its contents. unesdoc.unesco.org |
教科文组织在这一进程中所获得的 成功,以及在有效地促进政策规划和实施成员 国国家发展方案中的成功完全取决于其专门知识,即工作人员的技术能力,因为预算 [...] 资源太有限,不能在足以支持复杂的实施进程所需时期内开展协商。 unesdoc.unesco.org | UNESCO’s success in this [...] process, as well as in making a meaningful contribution [...]to the policy, planning and implementation [...]of the national development programmes of the Member States rests entirely on its expertise, i.e. the technical competence of its staff, as budgetary resources are far too limited to employ consultants for a duration required to support the often complex implementation process. unesdoc.unesco.org |
虽然这些受害者和证人在“铸铅军 [...] 事行动”中受到了严重伤害,并与调查者进行了充分合作,但是在两年后,他们 对案子的处理情况仍一无所知,只有一个家庭从一份官方政府报告中得知,对其 幼子遇害案件进行的刑事调查已结案,但对导致这一悲剧的情节却未作任何说 明。 daccess-ods.un.org | Although these victims and witnesses had suffered serious injuries during Operation Cast Lead and had cooperated fully with investigators, after two years they have heard absolutely nothing with [...] respect to the status of their cases – [...] apart from one family that had learned in an official [...]government report that the criminal [...]investigation into the killing of their young children had been closed without elucidation of the circumstances that led to such a tragedy. daccess-ods.un.org |
开展目标明确的活动,侧重于冲突后局势中妇女和女孩,包括寡妇、女户 主、女性难民和国内流离失所者面 临的特别制约,如没有土地和产权以 及 无 法获 取和控制经济资源。 un.org | Develop targeted activities focused on the specific constraints facing women and girls, including widows, female heads of households, refugees and IDPs, in post-conflict situations, such as lack of land, property rights and access to and control over economic resources. un.org |
这些程序应根据第 37 条[**超级链接**]在投标邀请书中列明 , 所 涉及 的事项可以包括诸如获取招标文件的方式、地点、对招标文件收取的费用、付 款方式和币种,以及第 37 条(d)项[**超级链接**]所提及 的更为实质性的事项, 即可以根据第 8 条对参加特定采购程序加以限制(其后果是,被排除在外而无 法参加采购程序的供应商或承包商将 无 法 获 取 招 标文件)。 daccess-ods.un.org | These procedures are to be set out in the invitation to tender in accordance with article 37 [**hyperlink**] and may concern such matters as the means of obtaining the solicitation documents, the place where they may be obtained, the price to be paid for the [...] solicitation [...] documents, the means and currency of payment as well as the more substantive matter referred to in subparagraph (d) of article 37 that the participation in the given procurement proceedings may be limited in accordance with article 8 [**hyperlink**] (with the consequence that suppliers or contractors excluded from participation in the procurement proceedings will not be able to obtain the solicitation documents). daccess-ods.un.org |
在该决议同一节第12 段,大会欢迎大会和会议管理部努力征求会员国 对所 获会议 服务的质量的评价意见,请秘书长继续探讨创新途径,以便系统收集和分 析来自会员国及各委员会主席和秘书关于会议服务质量的反馈,并就此通过会议 委员会向大会报告。 daccess-ods.un.org | In paragraph 12 of the same section of the resolution, the General Assembly welcomed the efforts made by the Department for General Assembly and Conference Management to seek the evaluation by Member States of the quality of the conference services provided to them, and requested the Secretary-General to continue to explore innovative ways to systematically capture and analyse feedback from Member States and committee Chairs and Secretaries on the quality of conference services and to report thereon to the Assembly through the Committee on Conferences. daccess-ods.un.org |
在起草过程中接受咨询的所有行为者 无一 例 外 地表示,在抗击坏 疽性口炎方面还需要做更多工作,应以旨在消除贫困和减少营养不良状况的政策 为出发点,各国与相关专门机构也应承担起责任。 daccess-ods.un.org | Across the board, the actors consulted during the drafting process agreed that more needs to be done in the fight against noma – starting with policies aimed at eliminating poverty and reducing malnutrition – and that States and relevant specialized agencies ought to assume responsibility. daccess-ods.un.org |
更换项目监理公司时,顺理成章地认为 Bertrand 先生在教科文组织翻新工程方面的 经验(预编计划方面,后来又成为 Coteba 公司的分包商)能让其标书的报价比其 他竞争者低,因为后者对该工程 一无所 知。 unesdoc.unesco.org | With regard to the replacement of the ACA, it is logical to think that the experience already acquired by Mr Bertrand on the renovation of UNESCO (on the design brief, then as subcontractor to Coteba) enabled him to make a less costly bid than his competitors who knew nothing of the project. unesdoc.unesco.org |