单词 | 一改故辙 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 一改故辙 —change old practicesless common: complete change from the old rut (idiom); dramatic change of • direction a volte-face See also:故辙—old rut • stuck in old conventions • former track
2.2 閣下確認閣下指示一經作 出,便可能無法 更 改 或 取消 , 故 此 閣下在輸入買賣盤時,應謹慎行事。 tanrich.com | 2.2 You acknowledge that it may not be possible to change or cancel an instruction given through [...] Electronic Trading Service [...]and agrees to exercise caution before placing orders. tanrich.com |
這項功能可以用來管 理主機故障以及資料路徑故障,以改 善 資 料可用性。 seagate.com | This feature can be used to manage host failures, as well as data [...] path failures, for improved data availability. seagate.com |
特别报告员同意其前任 的观点,即应当承认冲突具有种族或族裔性质,并在冲突后国家的重建工作中应 对这一问题,以避免重蹈覆辙。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Special Rapporteur shares the view of his predecessor that the ethnic or racial dimension of a conflict should be acknowledged and addressed as part of the post-conflict reconstruction of countries emerging from armed conflict to avoid its resurgence. daccess-ods.un.org |
同出一辙的是, 能够确认与知识产权相关的技术援助的“最佳实践”文献少而又少。 iprcommission.org | In the same vein, we have been struck by the paucity of literature which identifies ‘best practice’ for IP-related technical assistance. iprcommission.org |
對於上屆渣打香港馬拉松賽事發生參賽者不幸 身 故一 事 , 當 局深表遺憾,並於事發後即時主動聯絡主辦機構(即田總)進行 檢討和商議如何改善日後賽事的安排。 legco.gov.hk | Immediately after the incident, we [...] took the initiative to contact the organizer (that is, the HKAAA) to conduct a review and to discuss ways to improve the arrangements for future events. legco.gov.hk |
由于和平表达异议和抗议行为所遭到这种暴力 [...] 镇压,阿拉伯联盟启动了空前的外交干预措施,向被 围困的叙利亚城镇派出了观察员,并为阿萨德总统提 供了改弦易辙的很多机会。 daccess-ods.un.org | In response to this violent crackdown on peaceful dissent and protest, the Arab League launched an unprecedented diplomatic intervention, [...] sending monitors into Syria’s beleaguered cities and towns and offering President [...] Al-Assad many chances to change course. daccess-ods.un.org |
在巴西,“非正常”入境可视为“非 故 意 ”, 这一 改变的 后果是外国人应离开领土的时限比犯某些违法行为的外国人获准离开的时限较短(巴 [...] 西,1981 年法令,第 98 条)。 daccess-ods.un.org | In Brazil, an “irregular” entry may be deemed “unintentional”, [...] with the result that the alien has a shorter period in which [...]to vacate the territory than would be the case if the alien had committed certain infractions (Brazil, 1981 Decree, art. 98). daccess-ods.un.org |
安全理事会一些成 员作出双边努力,同阿萨德总 统接触,并规劝叙利亚政府改弦易辙 和 实 行 改 革。 daccess-ods.un.org | Some members of the Security Council have made bilateral attempts to engage President Assad and to persuade the Syrian Government to change course and implement reform. daccess-ods.un.org |
吾 等 注 意 到 , 鑑 於 貴 集 團 之 財 [...] 務 表 現 自 二 零零九 年 起 有 所 改 善 , 故 自 二 零 一一年 一 月 起 , 周 先 生 之 薪 酬 已 [...]根 據 現 有服務 協 議 回 復 至 每 月 150,000 港 元 。 cigyangtzeports.com | We note that in view of the improvement of the Group’s financial [...] performance since 2009, Mr. Chow’s remuneration has been [...]restored to HK$150,000 per month since January 2011 in accordance with the terms of the Existing Service Agreement. cigyangtzeports.com |
这种行动也是以色列对巴勒斯坦人民内部事务的蓄 意干涉。占领国此时所使用的借口和作出的威胁与其多年来一直企图破坏两国解 决方案所使用的借口和威胁如出一辙 , 目 的是维持非法占领、定居和压迫巴勒斯 坦人民的现状,压制其自决和独立的权利。 daccess-ods.un.org | Such an action also constitutes deliberate Israeli interference in the internal affairs of the Palestinian people, and the pretexts and threats being used by the occupying Power are similar to those used over the years in its long-standing attempts to thwart the two-State solution for the benefit of perpetuating the status quo of its illegitimate occupation, settlements and oppression of the Palestinian people and suppression of their right to selfdetermination and independence. daccess-ods.un.org |
由於我們正積極預備在二零一二年 推出新的四年制課程,目前大學 中央和學院均集中注意力於本科課程 改 革 , 故 留 待 第二階段實施,較為穩當。 ugc.edu.hk | Given that we are gearing up to launch the new [...] 4-year curriculum in 2012, it would be prudent at present to concentrate central and Faculty attention and effort on the Ug curriculum reform. ugc.edu.hk |
继各位社区领导人就法律责任调查结果发表 了 一 项 公开声明之后, 紧锣密鼓地开展了提高认识的运动,力促认清有关冲突期间被征募充当交战者的 受害儿童不应承担法律或道德责任的判决与声明,是避免重蹈 覆 辙 的 最 佳保障。 daccess-ods.un.org | A public statement by community leaders on the legal findings of responsibility, followed by an intensive awareness-raising campaign on the judgement and a declaration to the effect that child victims of recruitment should not be held legally or morally responsible for their actions as combatants during the conflict, would be the best guarantee of non-repetition. daccess-ods.un.org |
我们无法预测大规模抗议风潮会在何时何地爆发,但迟早难 逃 一 劫 , 或者是以暴力骚乱的形式,或者是以有组织政治运动的形式——支持主张彻 底 改 弦 易 辙 的 政 党。 project-syndicate.org | We cannot predict when or where, but [...] sooner or later there [...] will be an explosion of protest, whether violent or taking the form of organized support for political parties espousing radically different policies. project-syndicate.org |
科学委员会的工作必将促进缓解事故后 果并改善对未来事件的防护措施。 daccess-ods.un.org | The work of the Scientific Committee would [...] certainly contribute to mitigating the consequences of [...] the accident and improving protection measures [...]against future incidents. daccess-ods.un.org |
钳制新闻出版的法 律已成往事;它们的下场与数十年来制定并利用这些法律限制利比亚人民自 由的人的下场如出一辙。 daccess-ods.un.org | The laws that muzzled the press are now a thing of the past; they have gone the same way as those who created them and used them to curb the freedom of the Libyan people for decades. daccess-ods.un.org |
联合国环境规划署(环境署)2010 年《排 放差距报告》中得出结论说,目前预测的 2020 年排放量将重蹈 21 世纪终了时 的覆辙,使 气温上升 2.5 到 5 摄氏度,使数以百万计人的生命受到因热浪及气 候灾害所导致越来越多营养不良、疾病或伤患的威胁,并可能 使 一 些 传 染病病 媒的地理范围发生变化。 daccess-ods.un.org | In its 2010 Emissions Gap Report, the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) concluded that the currently forecast 2020 emission levels were consistent with pathways that would lead to a likely temperature increase of between 2.5 and 5 [...] degrees Celsius by the end of the [...] twenty-first century, putting millions of lives at risk from increased malnutrition, disease or injury in heatwaves and weather-related disasters, and changes in the geographic range of some infectious disease vectors. daccess-ods.un.org |
但是,如果缅甸能够处理这个复杂的 过程,它有可能最终发挥其巨大的经济潜力,赶上 周边国家,并在这个过程中避免重蹈周边国家的覆 辙。 crisisgroup.org | But if it is able to manage this complex process, Myanmar has the possibility to finally realise its enormous economic potential, catching up with its neighbours while avoiding some of their mistakes. crisisgroup.org |
关于这个问题为年计算的新的一年的实际效用,由Pappa回答如 出 一辙 方 式 Ḥisda已经解决的问题有关的新的一年里的国王;解决方案的差异和原则的进一步阐发提斯利1是新一年的年票。 mb-soft.com | The question regarding the practical utility of the new year for [...] the counting of the years, answered by [...] Pappa in exactly the same way as Ḥisda had [...]solved the question concerning the new [...]year of the kings; solution of the discrepancy and further elucidations of the principle that Tishri 1 was the new year for the counting of the years. mb-soft.com |
显然,非洲大陆的和平与安全挑战远非如 出一 辙。 daccess-ods.un.org | Clearly, challenges to peace and security on the African continent are far from being homogenous. daccess-ods.un.org |
衣物样板会交由不同生产商制作,其处理的方式与Stella和其他索罗梅奥员工如 出 一辙。 iwc.com | The prototypes are destined for the various manufacturers, who prepare the garments in the same way as Stella and her colleagues do in Solomeo. iwc.com |
荷兰道路安全研究所与柬埔寨国家道路安全委员会 始于 2010 [...] 年的结对行动得到了人人享有道路安全组织(荷兰)和国际残疾协会(比 利时)的支持,重点在于改善道路事故 受 害人信息系统和拟订 2011-2020 年行动 计划的绩效指标。 daccess-ods.un.org | A twinning between the SWOV Institute for Road Safety (the Netherlands) and the National Road Safety Committee of Cambodia, with support from Road Safety for All (the Netherlands) and Handicap [...] International (Belgium), started in 2010, [...] focusing on the improvement of the Road Crash Victim Information [...]System and the development [...]of performance indicators for the 2011-2020 Action Plan. daccess-ods.un.org |
使用Polybilt™改性剂树脂增强沥青路面的抗 车 辙 性 能 (沥 青 改 性 )。 exxonmobilchemical.com | Enhance rutting [...] resistance (bitumen modification) on asphalt road [...]surfaces by using Polybilt™ modifier resins. exxonmobilchemical.com |
除了IWC 万国表自制 51113 型机芯提供的非凡动力外,其所展现的精湛工艺,也与球星齐达的天才技巧如 出 一辙。 iwc.com | The IWC-manufactured 51113-calibre movement similarly possesses exceptional stamina and exhibits the sophisticated technical approach that also characterized the footballer Zidane. iwc.com |
本质量保证内也不包括那些因正常磨损和拉扯或者意外 [...] 事故(不正确组装或安装、恶劣储存条件、不正常使用等), 或者由于厂商未曾预见或指定的产品 更 改 造 成 的 故 障和 退化。 flexelec.com | Faults and deterioration due to normal wear and tear or an external accident (incorrect assembly or installation, poor [...] storage conditions, abnormal use, [...] etc.), or due to a modification of the goods which [...]was neither foreseen or specified [...]by the vendor shall also be excluded. flexelec.com |
但见 D.N. Hylton, 他认为“保留仅在一些具体规定方 面修改条约”(“默认的故障: 《维也纳条约法公约》:关于保留的不适足框架”,《范德比尔特 国际法杂志》,第 [...] 27 卷,1994 年,第 2 期,第 422 页)。 daccess-ods.un.org | See, however, D.N. [...] Hylton, who maintains that “[r]eservations modify a treaty only in regard to specific provisions” [...](“Default [...]breakdown: the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties: inadequate framework on reservations”, Vanderbilt Journal of International Law, vol. 27 (1994), No. 2, p. 422). daccess-ods.un.org |
经过五周的试验中,佛罗里达州的一 个 陪审团审理此案的决定,福克斯“ 是 故 意 的 , 故 意 伪 造或 篡 改 原 告 的新闻报道BGH。 zh-cn.mccarrisonsociety.org.uk | After a five-week trial, a Florida jury hearing the case decided that Fox had "acted intentionally and deliberately to falsify or distort the plaintiffs' news reporting on BGH. mccarrisonsociety.org.uk |
由於財務委員會或獲授權方面不時會將預算草案 修 改 , 故 按各 個百分率計算出來的撥款額亦會有所更改。 legco.gov.hk | As the draft Estimates are changed from time to time, [...] by the Finance Committee or under delegated powers, the provision [...]to which the percentages are applied will also change. legco.gov.hk |
国际社会一再尝试维护国际法和联合国所坚持 的各项原则,那种声称此类决议无关紧要的说法是 对国际社会意愿的一种侮辱,这与以色列总理在大 会上的行径如出一辙。 daccess-ods.un.org | Claiming that such resolutions were irrelevant was yet another assault, similar to the one carried out by the Prime Minister of Israel in the General Assembly, against the will of the international community, which had repeatedly tried to uphold international law and the principles for which the United Nations stood. daccess-ods.un.org |
此外,它还提供改良的故障转移能力。 infoq.com | It also provides enhanced fail-over scenarios. infoq.com |
此外,對於恒生指數或其任何一個指數的在期權合約方面的行使和/或交易,或恒生指數服務有限公司編制和計算任 何恒生指數時的任何不準確、疏漏、過失、錯誤、延遲、中斷、暫停、 更 改 或 故 障 (包括但不限於疏忽所致)或交易所交易 會員或任何按恒生指數從事期貨和期權合約的第三方因此直接或間接遭受的任何經濟或其他損失,香港交易所、恒生資料服 務有限公司或恒生指數服務有限公司不承擔任何責任或義務。 pt123.com | Further, no responsibility or liability [...] whatsoever is accepted by the Exchange, Hang Seng Data Services Limited or HSI Services Limited in respect of the use of the Hang Seng Index and/or any of the Hang Seng Sub-indices for the purposes of and in connection with the Futures Contracts and/or dealings therein, or for any inaccuracies, [...]omissions, [...]mistakes, errors, delays, interruptions, suspension, changes or failures (including but not limited to those resulting from negligence) of HSI Services Limited in the compilation and computation of the Hang Seng Index and/or any of the Hang Seng Sub-indices or for any economic or other losses which may be directly or indirectly sustained as a result thereof by any Member or any third party dealing with the Futures Contracts. pt123.com |